gcloud beta builds triggers run - why specify branch name - google-cloud-platform

gcloud beta builds triggers run <trigger_id> --branch=dev
Why do I need to specify branch name?
My cloud build trigger with <trigger_id> already knows which branch to read from for source_to_build and which branch has the git_gile_source
Docs say I have to specify branch or sha or tag in this command. Is branch needed?

When we create a trigger from a repository, we have to specify the REGEX_PATTERN :
gcloud beta builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories
This REGEX_PATTERN can include multiple branches.
I am not sure but I think the branch param is required in the builds triggers run command to give the possibilty to rerun the trigger in other branches if needed.
In my opinion it is better with this behaviour and it gives more flexibility.


Google Cloud Build Reject build failed with error: Build {build-id} might not have been rejected: Precondition check failed

I would like to reject old builds from the Google Cloud Build console. When I use the console following the instructions from the documentation, I receive an error:
Build {build-id} might not have been rejected: Precondition check failed.
I have tried to cancel the build. It gives me a generic error response:
The attempted action failed, please try again.
Tracking number: {tracking number}
I have tried using the gcloud command:
NOT_FOUND: Requested entity was not found
However, the build is still in the Cloud Build console.
I reproduced your case, I was able to reject/cancel builds which were pending approval.
Steps I followed,
First you have to create trigger builds, by providing all the
information as mentioned in this documentation .
I selected, Event as push to branch, source as USERNAME/cloud-build-samples(GitHub App), branch : ^main$,
configuration : Cloud Build configuration file (yaml or json),
location: Repository, Cloudbuild configuration file location: quickstart-automate/cloudbuild.yaml
Check the box of Approval to configure build triggers which require
approval before the build executes.
After your build trigger is ready, commit a change to your cloned
cloud-build-samples repository on your own GitHub account by updating
your source code and then Commit your changes to GitHub by running
the following commands:
git add quickstart-automate/main.go
git commit -m "update text"
git push
You may be prompted to enter your credentials when pushing code to your repository. If prompted, enter your username and authentication token that you generated from your GitHub account. You have now pushed a change to your repository. Your push will result in an automatic build by your trigger.
Now provide the gcloud commands to reject this pending approval
trigger build.
gcloud alpha builds reject BUILD_ID --project=PROJECT_ID \
Note : BUILD_ID is present in the Execution details of that particular build. Click on the specific trigger with build number, check the build details, you will find Build id. Use this build id in the gcloud command for rejecting pending builds.
After running the command, the build was rejected and the console UI
showed the same.
Also I tried rejecting the pending builds using the console/UI that
worked too.
Check this documentation when you see 4xx errors.

How to increase the cloud build timeout when using ```gcloud run deploy```?

When attempting to deploy to Cloud Run using the gcloud run deploy I am hitting the 10m Cloud Build timeout limit. gcloud run deploy is working well as long as the build step does not exceed 10m. When the build step exceeds 10m, the build fails with the "Timed out" status as shown in below screenshot. AFAIK there are no arguments to gcloud run deploy that can set the Cloud Build timeout limit. gcloud run deploy docs are here: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/run/deploy
I've attempted to increase the Cloud Build timeout limit using gcloud config set builds/timeout 20m and gcloud config set container/build_timeout 20m, but these settings are not reflected in the execution details of the cloud build process when using gcloud run deploy.
In the GUI, this is the setting I want to change:
Is it possible to increase the Cloud Build timeout limit using gcloud run deploy?
How about splitting the command into (more easily configured) constituents?
[I've not tried this]
Build the container image specifying the timeout
gcloud builds submit --source=.... --timeout=...
Then reference the image that results when you gcloud run deploy:
gcloud run deploy ... --image=...
I know this is answered and confirmed, but #DazWikin's solution was the harder way to solve this problem than #SimonKarman's solution.
For those who do not have the cloudbuild.yml file like myself, this solution still is a valid one, you just need to edit the one created by google itself. You can find it under builds > triggers > Desired Trigger (Edit)
Then when you open the editor you can apply the timeout. If you want other changes to the yaml file you can also checkout the schema here:
Note: I am using cloudrun and this worked for me and therefore I am not 100% if it works with all builds generated by google
Hope it will be helpful for someone else in future :)
If you're using a --source such as the cloudbuild.yaml you can add the following property to alter the timeout in seconds:
timeout: "1800s"
You can find this in the documentation

CommitID as a variable throughout CodePipeline - AWS

I have a pipeline which creates docker images and pushes it to ECR. Since I want to use the AWS provided build environments, I am using 2 build stages.
The pipeline has a total of 3 stages
Get the source code from GitHub : Source
Install dependencies and create a .war file : Build : aws/codebuild/java:openjdk-9
Build the docker image and push it to ECR : Build : aws/codebuild/docker:17.09.0
I would like to tag the docker images with the commit ID which is usually CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION. However, I have noticed that this variable is only available in my second stage which is immediately after the source.
The worst case work around I found is to write this variable into a file in the second stage and include that file in the artifacts which is the input for the third stage.
Is there a better way to use this in my third stage or overall the pipeline?
Can you write the commit ID to a file that sits alongside the WAR file in the CodePipeline artifact?
And a couple related thoughts:
CodeBuild can be configured in CodePipeline to have multiple input
artifacts, so I assume CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION refers to
the primary artifact. I'm not sure how to generalize getting the
commit ID into the third action (publish to ECR) because fan-in
(multiple sources with a distinct commit id) can occur at both
CodeBuild actions.
Tagging by commit ID means that multiple pipeline executions may produce an image with the same tag. Ideally I'd like each pipeline execution to be isolated so I don't have to worry about the tag being changed by concurrent pipeline executions or later to use a different dependency closure.
I have managed to do something with jq and sponge as shown in this file buildspec.yaml
I modify my config.json file upon each commit and pass it on to the next stage.
I am using a combination of codepipeline + jq. It's not the best approach, but it's the best I have so far.
commit=$(aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name PIPELINE_NAME | jq '.stageStates[0].actionStates[0].currentRevision.revisionId' | tr -d '"'))
and then push the docker image with the new tag. You need to install jq first, if you don't like jq, you can parse the response by yourself.
This 'may' be a duplicate of this other question

GitHub Cloud Build Integration with multiple cloudbuild.yamls in monorepo

GitHub's Google Cloud Build integration does not detect a cloudbuild.yaml or Dockerfile if it is not in the root of the repository.
When using a monorepo that contains multiple cloudbuild.yamls, how can GitHub's Google Cloud Build integration be configured to detect the correct cloudbuild.yaml?
File paths:
Cloud Build integration output:
You can do this by adding a cloudbuild.yaml in the root of your repository with a single gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud step. This step should:
Traverse each subdirectory or use find to locate additional cloudbuild.yaml files.
For each found cloudbuild.yaml, fork and submit a build by running gcloud builds submit.
Wait for all the forked gcloud commands to complete.
There's a good example of one way to do this in the root cloudbuild.yaml within the GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders-community repo.
If we strip out the non-essential parts, basically you have something like this:
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
for d in */; do
if [[ ! -f "${config}" ]]; then
echo "Building $d ... "
gcloud builds submit $d --config=${config}
) &
We are migrating to a mono-repo right now, and I haven't found any CI/CD solution that handles this well.
The key is to not only detect changes, but also any services that depend on that change. Here is what we are doing:
Requiring every service to have a MAKEFILE with a build command.
Putting a cloudbuild.yaml at the root of the mono repo
We then run a custom build step with this little tool (old but still seems to work) https://github.com/jharlap/affected which lists out all packages have changed and all packages that depend on those packages, etc.
then the shell script will run make build on any service that is affected by the change.
So far it is working well, but I totally understand if this doesn't fit your workflow.
Another option many people use is Bazel. Not the most simple tool, but especially great if you have many different languages or build processes across your mono repo.
You can create a build trigger for your repository. When setting up a trigger with cloudbuild.yaml for build configuration, you need to provide the path to the cloudbuild.yaml within the repository.

AWS Deploy ECS with Updated Image

It appears that one must provide a new full task definition for each service update. Even though most of the time new deployments exclusively consists of updates to one of the underlying docker images
While this is understandable as a core architectural choice. It is quite cumbersome. Is there a command-line option that makes this easier as the full JSON spec for task definitions are quite complex?
Right now the developers needs to provide complex scripts and deployment orchestrations to achieve this relatively routine task in their CI/CD processes
I see attempts at this Here and Here. These solutions do not appear to work in all cases (for example, for Fargate launches)
I know that if the updated image uses the re-use the same tag this problem is made easier, however in dev cultures that values reproducibility and audibility that is simply not an reasonable option
Is there no other option than to leverage both the AWS API & JSON manipulation libraries?
EDIT It appears this project does a fairly good job https://github.com/fabfuel/ecs-deploy
I found a few approaches
As mentioned in my comment, use ecs-deploy script per the Github link
Create a task definition via the --generate-cli-skeleton option on awscli.
Fill out all details except for execution-rule-arn, task-role-arn, image
These cannot be filled out because they will change per commit or per environment you want to deploy to
Commit this skeleton to git, so it is part of your workspace on the CI
Then use a JSON traversing/parsing library or utility such as https://jqplay.org/ to replace at build time on the CI the roleArn and image name
Use https://github.com/fabfuel/ecs-deploy.
If you want to update only the tag of an existent task:
ecs deploy <CLUSTER NAME> <SERVICE NAME> --region <REGION NAME> --tag <NEW TAG>
e.g. ecs deploy default web-service --region us-east-1 --tag v2.0
In your ci/cd you use git hash:
Using git rev-parse HEAD, will return a hash like: d63c16cd4d0c9a30524c682fe4e7d417faae98c9
docker build -t image-name:$(git rev-parse HEAD) .
docker push image-name:$(git rev-parse HEAD)
And use the same tag on task:
ecs deploy default web-service --region us-east-1 --tag $(git rev-parse HEAD)