Difference between linking libfdisk.a directly and through -lfdisk - c++

I've made program, which formats storage devices. However, when I've created library (for python GUI) based on this program it starts to show the error:
/usr/bin/ld: fdisk/libfdisk.a(la-label.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
libfdisk.a, which I use, has been built from source util-linux-2.35.
And when -lfdisk is used instead of libfdisk.a, it compiles with no errors.
Compiles with errors:
g++ file1.cpp file2.cpp ... -o package.name ... libfdisk.a
Compiles correctly:
g++ file1.cpp file2.cpp ... -o package.name ... -lfdisk
What the difference between these 2 ways?
But there is another, optional, question about fdisk. When I compile my program (not library) with -lfdisk, program can not create 2 partitions due to error 28 (returns from fdisk_add_partition(...)).
I'll share the code if it needs.

With -lfdisk the linker is asked to figure out which library file exactly to use.
The usual linkers on Linux will prefix lib and then search for files with .so or .a ending in the library path, which because you didn't specify any, will be the system library path (probably /usr/lib/ or similar). If a .so is found, it will be preferred for linking if a static link wasn't requested.
Your other method will explicitly add in the file named libfdisk.a in the current directory. That is a static library, not a shared one, and if you try to build a shared library from it, then you need to have compiled libfdisk.a with -fPIC or if you try to build a PIE executable at least with -fPIE. If you are trying to build a non-PIE executable, then neither flag is required. GCC may be configured to build PIE by default (as a hardening measure).
So you are probably linking two completely different files.


Linking to shared and static libraries with c++ on a Linux system

I am messing around with a test project, lets call it mytest, it has a .cpp and a .h file, the contents are not really important - imagine it contains a few simple hello_world() type functions...
So, I was making a generic makefile to compile this into the various library outputs where an ls -l on my output folder gives:
libmytest.so -> libmytest.so.1.0
libmytest.so.1 -> libmytest.so.1.0
All good so far, my shared / static libraries are created.
Now I have a make install target in my make file, which basically copies the header to /usr/local/include and all of these library files to /usr/local/lib
Then I made another test cpp file called usertest.cpp (sorry for the not-very-imaginative/descriptive names), which links to the library files.
I compiled in various ways:
g++ -Wall -Werror -I. -lmytest
g++ -Wall -Werror -I. -lmytest -static
Then I deleted the libmytest.so* files so I only had the libmytest.a library file in /usr/local/lib Then I did the same test:
g++ -Wall -Werror -I. -lmytest
g++ -Wall -Werror -I. -lmytest -static
Finally I deleted the libmytest.a file and copied back the .so files so I only had the libmytest.so* library files in /usr/local/lib Then I did the same test:
g++ -Wall -Werror -I. -lmytest
g++ -Wall -Werror -I. -lmytest -static
The file size results(in bytes) are:
1. 7736 - Makes sense, all libs dynamically linked
2. 19674488 - Makes sense, all libs statically linked
3. 64908 - hmm... not really sure why
4. 19674488 - Makes sense, same as 2.
5. 7736 - Makes sense, same as 1.
6. failed - Makes sense, no .so files!
I have three files sizes, the small (7736) is fully dynamically linked. The large is statically linked.... what is this medium one (64908)? So I have questions:
for 1. I assume the system looks for .so libraries first and .a libraries second?
For 3. What happened here? - is it dynamically linking the system libs but when it sees my .a lib it dynamically links it?
Note all outputs run fine and call functions from the library.
For 1. I assume the system looks for .so libraries first and .a libraries second?
That's roughly right, but read on.
For 3. What happened here? - is it dynamically linking the system libs but when it sees my .a lib it dynamically links it?
A static library cannot be dynamically linked: it is statically linked. The shared ( = dynamic) system libraries are linked,
assuming that the system libraries that the linker finds and prefers are in fact shared libraries.
By default, the linkage option -lmytest directs the linker to search for an input file called libmytest.so (shared library)
or libmytest.a (static library), first in the search directories you have specified in the commandline with
the -Ldirname option, in the order specified, and then in its default search directories, in the configured order.
It stops searching when it finds either of those files in one of those directories. If it finds both of them in
the same directory then it selects the shared library, libmytest.so. The selected file, if any, is input to the linkage.
If the search is unsuccessful the linker gives an error: cannot find -lmytest.
This default behaviour can be changed by the option -static. If it appears anywhere in the commandline, the linker
ignores all shared libraries: then -lmytest can only be satisfied by finding libmytest.a, and static system libraries must also be found.
/usr/local/lib is one of the linker's default search directories. So when you execute:
g++ -Wall -Werror -I. -lmytest
in the scenario (3) where, /usr/local/lib/libmytest.a is found by the linker and /usr/local/lib/libmytest.so is not,
libmytest.a satisfies -lmytest and is input to the linkage. The linker's default preference for shared libraries is unaffected.
The contribution that the linkage of libmytest.a makes to the size of the executable is not obvious.
A static library - quite unlike a shared library - is not an ELF binary that the linker has produced. It is
ar archive of object files, produced by ar: it is a bag of files just that
happen to be object files.
By default, when an ar archive is input to the linker, it looks in the bag to find any object files that
provide definitions for any undefined symbol references that have accrued from object files already
linked into the output file (program or shared library) when the archive was inspected. If it finds any
such object files, it extracts them from the archive and links them into the output file, exactly as if they
had been individually listed in the commandline and the archive not mentioned at all. Except as a bag from which
object files may be selected, the archive contributes nothing to the linkage.
Thus, if there are N object files in libmytest.a, inputting that archive to a linkage might
contribute between 0 and N object files to the output file, depending on what undefined references into members of
that set of object files accrue earlier in the linkage, and which object files provide definitions for those
And even if you know exactly which object files in libmytest.a will be required in your linkage, you cannot
conclude that the sum of their sizes will be added to the size of the output file. An object file is
partitioned into sections by the compiler, a section being the smallest unit of input and output that the linker
recognizes. By default the linker will retain an input section for output only if that section provides the linker's selected definition of some symbol that the linkage must define. If an input section is of no such use, the
linker will just discard it. So, even if an object file is linked, the linker might omit redundant sections
within it from the output file.
The behaviour of the -l | --library linker option is documented in 2.1 Command Line Options
of the GNU ld manual
Most probably libmytest.a is not the one, who plays major role in the binary size increase, but bigger standard libraries (that explains why the size didn't grow much in 3.).
You can investigate all the dynamic dependencies of your binary using ldd:
ldd a.out
(and which of them are disappearing after using -static).

Static and Dynamic/Shared Linking with MinGW

I want to start with a simple linking usage to explain my problem. Lets assume that there is a library z which could be compiled to shared library libz.dll(D:/libs/z/shared/libz.dll) or to static library libz.a (D:/libs/z/static/libz.a).
Let I want to link against it, then I do this:
gcc -o main.exe main.o -LD:/libs/z/static -lz
According to this documentation, gcc would search for libz.a, which is
archive files whose members are object files
I also can do the following:
gcc -o main.exe main.o -LD:/libs/z/shared -lz
It is not mentioned in the documentation above that -l flag will search for lib<name>.so.
What will happen if I libz.a and libz.dll will be in the same directory? How the library will be linked with a program? Why I need the flags -Wl,-Bstatic and -Wl,-Bdynamic if -l searches both for shared and static libraries?
Why some developers provide .a files with .dll files for the same modules, if I compile a shared library distribution?
For example, Qt provides .dll files in bin directory with .a files in lib directory. Is it the same library, but built like shared and static, respectively? Or .a files are some kind of dummy libraries which provide linking with shared libraries, where there are real library implementations?
Another example is OpenGL library on Windows. Why every compiler must provide the static OpenGL lib like libopengl32.a in MingW?
What are files with .dll.a and .la extensions used for?
P.S. There are a lot of questions here, but I think each one depends on the previous one and there is no need to split them into several questions.
Please, have a look at ld and WIN32 (cygwin/mingw). Especially, the direct linking to a dll section for more information on the behavior of -l flag on Windows ports of LD. Extract:
For instance, when ld is called with the argument -lxxx it will attempt to find, in the first directory of its search path,
cygxxx.dll (*)
before moving on to the next directory in the search path.
(*) Actually, this is not cygxxx.dll but in fact is <prefix>xxx.dll, where <prefix> is set by the ld option -dll-search-prefix=<prefix>. In the case of cygwin, the standard gcc spec file includes -dll-search-prefix=cyg, so in effect we actually search for cygxxx.dll.
NOTE: If you have ever built Boost with MinGW, you probably recall that the naming of Boost libraries exactly obeys the pattern described in the link above.
In the past there were issues in MinGW with direct linking to *.dll, so it was advised to create a static library lib*.a with exported symbols from *.dll and link against it instead. The link to this MinGW wiki page is now dead, so I assume that it should be fine to link directly against *.dll now. Furthermore, I did it myself several times with the latest MinGW-w64 distribution, and had no issues, yet.
You need link flags -Wl,-Bstatic and -Wl,-Bdynamic because sometimes you want to force static linking, for example, when the dynamic library with the same name is also present in a search path:
gcc object1.o object2.o -lMyLib2 -Wl,-Bstatic -lMyLib1 -Wl,-Bdynamic -o output
The above snippet guarantees that the default linking priority of -l flag is overridden for MyLib1, i.e. even if MyLib1.dll is present in the search path, LD will choose libMyLib1.a to link against. Notice that for MyLib2 LD will again prefer the dynamic version.
NOTE: If MyLib2 depends on MyLib1, then MyLib1 is dynamically linked too, regardless of -Wl,-Bstatic (i.e. it is ignored in this case). To prevent this you would have to link MyLib2 statically too.

Error when static linking g++

I have a problem, i want to compile my application with static linking of mysql connector.
My command line:
g++ -o newserver stdafx.cpp ... -lboost_system -lboost_thread
-lpthread -lmysqlcppconn -static /usr/lib/libmysqlcppconn-static.a -std=c++0x
But i have error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlcppconn
/tmp/ccxpOfdZ.o: In function `IsEqualsDns(unsigned long, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)':
Server.cpp:(.text+0x356e): warning: Using 'gethostbyname' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
How can i fix this?
Where is the library libsqlcppconn.a or libsqucppconn.so
(static or dynamic)? The compiler is looking for it, and
doesn't find it.
Presumably, this is the same library as
/usr/lib/mysqlcppconn-static.a. If so, just drop the
-lmysqlcppconn. Or just use -lmysqlcppconn-static (no
spaces), and forget about the /usr/lib/libmysqlconn-static.a.
With a name like that, there shouldn't be a corresponding .so,
which means that g++ will link it statically, even without the
-static. You only need the -static if there is both
a libmysqlconn-static.so and a libmysqlconn-static.a in the
same directory.
With regards to the second error (which is just a warning, but
will cause problems if you try to run the linked program on
other machines, or even after an upgrade of your machine): if
you use -static anywhere in your command line (as you
currently do), then it applies to all files linked afterwards.
Including the system libraries, which you don't want to link
statically. My guess is that the -static isn't necessary (see
above); if it is, place it immediately before the library you
want to link statically, and place a -dynamic immediately
after (so that any following libraries, including the system
libraries, will be dynamically linked).
You could try g++ -static YOUR ARGUMENTS.
If you are coming from a Windows platform, linking against Boost can give a few surprises. The typicall Boost installation (e.g. after ./b2 install) will make both dynamic and static libraries and put them in the same directory. Typically, the two library forms only differ in their extension (.so or .a).
Windows supports auto-linking, which basically means that library files contain some flags in their first few bytes indicating whether they are for dynamic or for static linking. On Linux platforms, this is not the case and the linker gets confused which file to load (since you don't provide the extension of the library name). Therefore, you need to tell your linker which form of linking you want.

How do I correctly link in static libraries with g++?

I have a rather complex build I'm trying to do, but I'll simplify it a little bit for this question. I have three c++ files (main.cpp file2.cpp and file3.cpp) that I am trying to compile and link against 3 static libs (libx.a liby.z libz.a) to produce an executable.
There are many dependencies involved.
All three c files are dependent on all 3 libs. libx is dependent on liby and libz. And finally, libx is also dependent on several callback functions contained in file2.cpp.
What command line would build this correctly? I have tried dozens of variations and nothing has satisfied the linker yet.
If it matters, the libs are pure c code compiled with gcc. Sources are c++ and I'm compiling/linking with g++. I have this working correctly as a visual studio project, and am trying to port to linux.
From your post:
g++ main.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp -lx -ly -lz
However, if static linking is causing you problems, or you need to distribute any of the libs, then you may consider making them shared objects (.so files, commonly called DSOs). In that case, when you build libx.a, for example, compile all the sources to object files, and then combine them with
g++ -shared *.o -o libx.so -ly -lz
(this version assumes that liby.a and libz.a are stills static, and will be combined into libx.so
You may need to use extern "C" { } in your .cpp files to include the header for the C libs.
See Including C Headers in C++ in How To Mix C and C++.

g++ trying (failing) to link statically to libstdc++ for shared object

I'm trying to create a shared object using a number of .O files created with the -fPIC command. When I run g++ with the -shared argument it appears to be trying to statically link to the libstdc++.a library, which of course fails. I'm trying to figure out why it's automatically trying to link statically when I'm not using the -static-stdc++ argument.
when I try creating the shared object I get the error ...libstdc++.a(ios) relocate R_x86_64_325 against 'vtable for std::ios_base': cannot be used when making a shared object
I ran G++ with the -V argument and received and can see LD receives the argument -lstdc++.
When linking together a single shared object, you need to do this from existing .o files. You can not do this from existing .so files; this would link those .so files to your .so file, but not into your .so file. So gcc seeks out and finds an archive of .o files (.a) and tries to link them. But since those are not compiled for relocation (no -fPIC), these can not be used to create .so files.
Your options are:
dynamically link your .so to the libstdc++ (and thus make it depending on the .so file that is installed in the system)
build .o files for libstdc++ and compile them with -fPIC then compile from those your .so file (here it does not matter if you use the .o files directly or an ar archive)
For the first (that I would recommend) option the following will suffice (it is from a makefile that I use for creating malloc/free intercepting .so files)
gcc -shared -lstdc++ -o your.so yourfiles.o
I'll bet it's finding the static library first in its library search path, or ONLY finding the static library. Make sure that the appropriate version of the shared version is installed and can be found. You can probably truss your g++ run to hunt down the order in which it's opening libraries.