Replicating conditional formatting Google Sheets - if-statement

I am trying to create a simple table that I can just replicate over and over when needed. Although in my sheet, I have the first range, B3:D12 working exactly as I want, I am finding it a challenge to then copy the formatting across to E3:G12 and for it to work subsequently.
Is the formula wrong? Is there an easier way that I can do this to make it simple each time I copy + paste the table across?
Google Sheet Conditional Formatting

apply this:
to B3:12, C3:12 and D3:12 as green
then as red use:
on B3:12


Extract list from range Google Sheets

I have some data from workplaces with some different work areas, I need to extract a list for each workplace with their corresponding availables working areas, I have an example of some kind of attempt really close what I wanted. I use this formula but with more data will be long time to do it =IF(D2=$G$1, "Yes", "No"). I want to do it more automatic with some formulas but I don't know where to start.
Give a try on below formula. Put the formula to G1 cell then drag down as needed.

AWS Quicksight calculated fields gives incorrect result for simple division

I have a dataset with fields targeted and opens and I need to add calculated field opens per targeted which essentially means doing simple devision of those 2 values.
My calculated field is as follows
but then displaying simple table with values they are completely incorrect
If I try any other operator like + * etc calculations are correct.
I'm completely out of ideas on how to debug this. I've simplified the dataset to just columns of targeted and opens, can't get any simpler.
Had the same problem, I fixed it by wrapping the columns with the sum() function. Like this:
I think you need to make AWS understand that you are working with float numbers.
if still not working try also
it should give you the desired output (not tested, let me know if it doesnt work)

Getting ticked header values using formula in Google sheets or excel

I have a table where I need to get the values of the ticked headers as shown. The ALL takes precedence and it will include all headers when ticked.
Here is the working copy of the sheet.,
The expected values are shown in the image below.
The purple cells will have formula, H2, H3 and so for for each row.
I have tried with
=TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Config!A$1:A$16,(INDEX(Config!A$1:G$16,,MATCH(2,Config!$A$1:$1,0) ))=TRUE))
delete H:K range and use in H2:
IF(C2:F=TRUE, C1:F1&"♦", ))),,9^9)), "♦")))
Code Guy, see if this formula (need to drag down) does what you want:
"Brute-forcing" the solution with IFs kinda works, even though it's inelegant and not scalable to larger number of columns. Might be interesting to re-ask the question with an arbitrary number of columns. Pure formula solution might not be possible.

Having issues with Google Sheets formula combing ArrayFormula with IF

This works the way I want it to but I want to use the ArrayFormula to add the formula to the whole column starting at Cell J2:
This doesn't work:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(E2:E="Closed","",,J2:J), MINUS(TODAY(),I2))
I have tried multiple ways to add the ArrayFormula into it and reorganized it multiple ways but it failed.
Any ideas where I am going wrong?
Any help appreciated!
Please use the following formula
=ArrayFormula(IF(I2:I<>"", IF(E2:E="Closed","CL",MINUS(TODAY(),I2:I)),""))
(where today is May 20th. Adjust ranges and notifications to your liking)

Excel VBA help - run a series of regex find and replaces

I have a worksheet that has become very complex. On it, there is a sheet in which a user will paste data about once every other day. The data will always be in the same format, and is provided to us in an exact way only. Once pasted in, I need a way for a very average user of excel to be able to press a button (or key combo, or whatever) and excel will run a series of about 8-10 regex find and replaces. All of these will be on column A of the data. Once those are all run, a simple formula would be run on every cell C2 and below in column C. Those columns should be reduced by 80% - =C2*.8
This should all be done with minimal user input if possible.
Would anybody much more versed in regex or excel know a better direction for me to look for a proper start? What resources would be recommended to best accomplish this?
If you're multiplying by some factor, then regexp substitution will be overkill. Excel is very good at multiplying an array of numbers by 0.8.
Search for "Excel paste factor" and you'll get an easy explanation, such as this one.
I might record a macro for your less-experienced users and hope that the previous user pasted the numbers in with absolute perfection.