how to count the value of multiple elements in xslt - xslt

I have this xslt code to count the abstract length of type main:
<xsl:variable name="mainAbstract">
<xsl:value-of select="string-length(normalize-space(abstract[#type = 'main']))"/>
and I had an issue where I had multiple xml tags that matches the same pattern and it's not working.
How should I count the number of characters in multiple elements from this select statement?

If you have multiple abstract elements of type main, then you need to select which one you want to process.
If - as it seems - you want the sum of their individual string-lenghts, then do:
<xsl:value-of select="sum(abstract[#type = 'main']/string-length(normalize-space()))"/>


fetch value from the input message (this message doesn't have any space)

I have a input string like this,without any space
Here, number before = is key and after is value. From this string I have to fetch value of 17= (basically fetch the value MG127AJ4015AG1A)
I used <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(substring-after(.,'17='), '=')"/> which is giving me result: MG127AJ4015AG1A20, now I am stuck with removing these last 2 numeric values (20). totally confused how this an be achieved.
Final output string should be - MG127AJ4015AG1A
If it is the case that the number at the end will always be two digits, you put your current expression in a variable, and use substring to remove the last two characters, like so:
<xsl:variable name="match" select="substring-before(substring-after(.,'17='), '=')" />
<xsl:value-of select="substring($match, 1, string-length($match) - 2)"/>

string length of a xml structure

I have a large XSD I process using several templates to get a new XSD.
In one of the last steps I would like to determine the length of the xml (actually an XSD) that was captured in a variable xsdresult.
Using the string-length function I see a strange length not matching the variable length of xsdresult. Size of string/xsd is over 52000 chars but I see Length: 9862 What am I doing wrong?
<!-- Catch output in variable -->
<xsl:variable name="xsdresult">
<xsl:call-template name="start"/>
<xsl:template name="start">
<!-- Build required doc parts -->
<xsl:variable name="docparts">
<xsl:call-template name="builddocparts"/>
<xsl:template name="builddocparts">
Length: <xsl:value-of select="string-length(normalize-unicode($xsdresult))"/>
A call to string-length() is equivalent to a call to string-length(.), which in turn coerces the current node to a string, so it's equivalent to string-length(string(.)). The value of the string() function is the string value of the node, which for an element node is the string formed by the concatenation of all descendant text nodes.
If you want to know how the minimum amount of space the serialized XML document will take on disk, given a simple serialization, then you must add:
For each non-empty element, the length of its start-tag: the length of the element type name, plus 2 for the start-tag delimiters < ... >, plus the sum of the lengths of the attribute-value specifications.
For each attribute-value specification, you will need one character for leading whitespace, plus the length of the attribute name, plus the string length of the attribute's value, plus three for the equal sign and quotation marks, plus five characters for each time a quotation mark is replaced by &apos; or ".
For each non-empty element, the length of its end-tag (length of its element type name plus 3).
For each empty element, the length of its sole tag (length of its element type name, plus length of its attribute-value specifications, plus 3).
For each occurrence of < in the data or in attribute values, three characters for the escaping as <.
For each occurrence of ampersand in the data or in attribute values, four characters for escaping as &.
Not part of the minimum amount, but possibly part of the space you'll need on disk:
The total width of any whitespace added, if you indent the XML structurally.
The number of CDATA marked sections you serialize, times 12 (for <![CDATA[ + ]]>).
The number of characters saved by using CDATA marked sections instead of < and &.

Copy an element and truncate it with xslt

I am trying to select all the table cells in a particular column and truncate them down to 10 characters.
I really can't fault this syntax.
<xsl:template match="table[contains(#class, 'listing')]//tr/td[contains(#class, 'listing-body-start')]">
<xsl:value-of select="substring(./text(), 1, 10)"/>
I can replace the contents of the cell with static text, or replicate the same text by using select=".", but as soon as I try this substring method, the cells dissappear.
Try to avoid using text(). It's generally bad practice.
<xsl:value-of select="substring(., 1, 10)"/>
This works on the string value of the td element, rather than on its child text nodes. In many content models it would be normal for a td element to contain other elements as children, e.g. a p or para element, and in that case looking for the child text nodes will fail.
This answer is a guess. If you don't tell us what's in your input, we have no choice but to guess.

xslt choosing between select="1" or select="'1'"

What is the difference between <xsl:variable name="test" select="1"/>
and <xsl:variable name="test" select="'1'"/> ?
if both results are result tre fragments.. so basically the two lines of code above are identical?
If so. how do we decide which to use?
The first sample creates a variable of type number with the number value 1, the second a variable of type string with the string value "1". Result tree fragments are not created with your code samples, that would be done with <xsl:variable name="test">1</xsl:variable>.
As #Martin pointed out, the first one binds the variable to a number and the second one to a string.
how do we decide which to use?
Think of the use you will do with that variable. For example, in the first case you will be able to do:
This won't be possible in the second case, unless you use number() function.
As per the comments below, string or number will not make any difference when using any of the comparison operators. Even when comparing against nodes sets or rtfs. You can read this on the specs (a bit verbose) or try some silly test.
What still is evident is the different behavior you can obtain when dealing with node positions. For example, if you have:
<xsl:variable name="number2" select="2"/>
<xsl:variable name="string2" select="'2'"/>
<xsl:variable name="rtf2">2</xsl:variable>
and you have the input like this:
By using:
<xsl:value-of select="/root/test[$rtf2]"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/root/test[$string2]"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/root/test[$number2]"/>
You will get:
while this:
<xsl:value-of select="/root/test[position()=$rtf2]"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/root/test[position()=$string2]"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/root/test[$number2]"/>
will return:
due to implicit conversion caused by comparison operators.
XPath 1.0 and XSLT 1.0 treat numbers and strings as pretty much interchangeable, with very few exceptions. A notable exception is item[$test]. But "=" behaves slightly differently too: as numbers 4 and 04 are equal, but as strings they are not.
In XPath 2.0 and XSLT 2.0 the type system is much richer and the difference between strings and numbers is much more noticeable: many operations defined on numbers won't work on strings, and vice-versa.
How to decide? If it's all-numeric, you would normally want to use a number, unless it's something like a phone number, where leading zeros are significant, and it's therefore not really a number but a string of digits.

Check how many characters are in a variable XSL

Hi there basically I need to find how many characters are in a variable using XSL
if characters($Title == 12) {
execute code;
Basically something like above obviously this is incorrect can any one help?
Alternatively you can do the equivalent to and if/else statement in XSL:
<xsl:when test="string-length($Title) = 12">
<!-- code when the check is true -->
<!-- code when it's false -->
In XPath 1.0:
string-length($title) = 12
Take notice that diacritical marks also would be counted.
In XPath 2.0 you cuold use:
string-length(normalize-unicode($title)) = 12
basically I need to find how many
characters are in a variable using XSL
if characters($Title == 12) { execute code; }
<xsl:if test="string-length($Title) = 12">
<!-- Your code here -->
string-length($varname) will tell you the length of a variable containing data that can be interpreted as a string.