Simple API and UseAngularCliServer - asp-net-core-spa-services

I'm finding that UseAngularCliServer handles all requests and therefore my simple API endpoints return 404s.
app.MapGet("/health", () => "health");
//app.MapFallbackToFile("index.html"); // New SPA thing doesn't work in production therefore use the old way.
app.UseSpa(spa =>
spa.Options.SourcePath = "client";
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: "start");
// In this case /health retuns 404.
// In this case /health works.
Any ideas?
As a workaround I'm doing
app.Use(async (HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next) =>
if (context.Request.Path == "/health")


Apollo Gateway: Forward Subgraph `set-cookie` Header to Gateway to Client

I have a subgraph microservice that handles sessions. We store our sessions via cookies that the subgraph creates, and should set it via the set-cookie header. Only issue is my gateway does not seem to be forwarding the set-cookie header from the subgraph to the client.
Here is the code for my gateway
const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server');
const { ApolloGateway, RemoteGraphQLDataSource } = require('#apollo/gateway');
const { readFileSync } = require('fs');
const supergraphSdl = readFileSync('./gateway/supergraph.graphql').toString();
class CookieDataSource extends RemoteGraphQLDataSource {
didReceiveResponse({ response, request, context }) {
const cookie = response.http.headers.get('set-cookie');
console.log("Cookie:", cookie)
return response;
const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
buildService({url}) {
return new CookieDataSource({url});
const server = new ApolloServer({
cors: {
origin: ["http://localhost:3000", ""],
credentials: true
csrfPrevention: true,
server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`🚀 Gateway ready at ${url}`);
}).catch(err => {console.error(err)});
version info
“#apollo/gateway”: “^2.1.2”,
“apollo-server”: “^3.10.2”,
I can confirm that the subgraph is sending back a set-cookie header, however, it is not being passed through to the client.
Thank you!
I ended up resolving the issue by creating both a gateway datasource that added context value. Then, pass the header from the subgraph context value to the response header.
import { GatewayGraphQLResponse, GatewayGraphQLRequestContext } from '#apollo/server-gateway-interface';
import { RemoteGraphQLDataSource } from '#apollo/gateway';
import { ApolloServerPlugin, GraphQLRequestContext, GraphQLRequestListener } from '#apollo/server';
interface ServerContext {
passthrough_cookies?: string
export class CookieProcessorDataSource extends RemoteGraphQLDataSource {
didReceiveResponse({response, context}: Required<Pick<GatewayGraphQLRequestContext<Record<string, any>>, 'request' | 'response' | 'context'>>): GatewayGraphQLResponse | Promise<GatewayGraphQLResponse> {
context.passthrough_cookies = response.http?.headers.get('set-cookie');
return response;
export class CookieServerListener implements GraphQLRequestListener<ServerContext> {
public willSendResponse({contextValue, response}: GraphQLRequestContext<ServerContext>): Promise<void> {
if (contextValue.passthrough_cookies !== undefined) {
response.http.headers.set('set-cookie', contextValue.passthrough_cookies);
return Promise.resolve()
export class CookieServerPlugin implements ApolloServerPlugin<ServerContext> {
async requestDidStart() {
return new CookieServerListener();

How to return error response in apollo link?

I'm using apollo link in schema stitching as an access control layer. I'm not quite sure how to make the link return error response if a user does not have permissions to access a particular operation. I know about such packages as graphql-shield and graphql-middleware but I'm curious whether it's possible to achieve basic access control using apollo link.
Here's what my link looks like:
const link = setContext((request, previousContext) => merge({
headers: {
context: `${JSON.stringify(previousContext.graphqlContext ? _.omit(previousContext.graphqlContext, ['logger', 'models']) : {})}`,
})).concat(middlewareLink).concat(new HttpLink({ uri, fetch }));
The middlewareLink has checkPermissions that returns true of false depending on user's role
const middlewareLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
const { operationName } = operation;
if (operationName !== 'IntrospectionQuery') {
const { variables } = operation;
const context = operation.getContext().graphqlContext;
const hasAccess = checkPermissions({ operationName, context, variables });
if (!hasAccess) {
// ...
return forward(operation);
What should I do if hasAccess is false. I guess I don't need to forward the operation as at this point it's clear that a user does not have access to it
I guess what I need to do is to extend the ApolloLink class, but so far I didn't manage to return error
Don't know if anyone else needs this, but I was trying to get a NetworkError specifically in the onError callback using Typescript and React. Finally got this working:
const testLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
let fetchResult: FetchResult = {
errors: [] // put GraphQL errors here
let linkResult = Observable.of(fetchResult).map(_ => {
throw new Error('This is a network error in ApolloClient'); // throw Network errors here
return linkResult;
Return GraphQL errors in the observable FetchResult response, while throwing an error in the observable callback will produce a NetworkError
After some digging I've actually figured it out. But I'm not quite sure if my approach is correct.
Basically, I've called forward with a subsequent map where I return an object containing errors and data fields. Again, I guess there's a better way of doing this (maybe by extending the ApolloLink class)
const middlewareLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
const { operationName } = operation;
if (operationName !== 'IntrospectionQuery') {
const { variables } = operation;
const context = operation.getContext().graphqlContext;
try {
checkPermissions({ operationName, context, variables });
} catch (err) {
return forward(operation).map(() => {
const error = new ForbiddenError('Access denied');
return { errors: [error], data: null };
return forward(operation);

AWS Amplify, how to check if user is logged in?

I've been using the aws-amplify library with ionic and was wondering how I would check if a user is logged in? I'm coming from a firebase background so this is quite different. This is so that I can grant access to certain pages based on the user's log in status. In my auth provider I import Amplify {Auth}. I can see that it's possible to get several pieces of data but I'm not sure what to use. There's currentUserPoolUser, getCurrentUser(), getSyncedUser(), currentAuthenticatedUser, currentSession, getCurrentUser(), userSession, currentUserCredentials, currentCredentials and currentUserInfo. I can't seem to find any documentation on any of this either. Everything I've read and watched covers up until the user signs in... Is this all supposed to be done on the client? Thanks.
I'm using the ionViewCanEnter() function in every page to allow/deny access. The return value of this function determines if the page can be loaded or not (and it is executed before running the costructor). Inside this function you have to implement you logic.
In my case, using Amplify, I'm doing this:
async function ionViewCanEnter() {
try {
await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();
return true;
} catch {
return false;
Since amplify currentAuthenticatedUser() return a promise I use async await to wait for the response to know if the user is logged in or not.
Hey I think for now you can only use Auth.currentUserInfo(); to detect whether logged in or not. It will return undefined if you are not logged in or an object if you are.
This can be achieved using the fetchAuthSession() method of Auth.
final CognitoAuthSession res = await Amplify.Auth.fetchAuthSession();
if (res.isSignedIn) {
// do your thang
if you are using angular with ionic then you can do somthing like this in your authenticator service
import {AmplifyService} from 'aws-amplify-angular';
constructor(private amplifyService:AmplifyService)
this.amplifyService.authStateChange$.subscribe(auth => {
switch (auth.state) {
case 'signedIn':
this.signedIn = true;
case 'signedOut':
this.signedIn = false;
this.signedIn = false;
then you can use this.signedIn in your router with canActivate guard.
Angular router guard:
You can make it a custom hook by listening to the hub (ionViewCanEnter from the above answers is for bootup of the app):
Hook tsx:
import {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import {Hub, Auth} from 'aws-amplify';
export default function AuthenticatedStatus(): Boolean {
const [isAuthenticated, setIsAuthenticated] = useState<boolean>(false);
async function ionViewCanEnter() {
try {
const authenticatedUser = await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();
if (authenticatedUser !== undefined) {
} else {
} catch {
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
const listener = data => {
switch (data.payload.event) {
case 'signIn' || 'autoSignIn' || 'tokenRefresh':
console.log('is authenticated');
case 'signOut' || 'signIn_failure' || 'tokenRefresh_failure' || 'autoSignIn_failure':
console.log('is not authenticated');
Hub.listen('auth', listener);
return isAuthenticated;
how to use:
const isAuthenticated = AuthenticatedStatus();
An example that's worked with me, careful for flow control, both
event-loop style and async/await style:
import { Auth } from "aws-amplify";
exampleIsLoggedIn() {
const notLoggedInStringThrown = "The user is not authenticated";
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
(_currentAuthenticatedUser) => {
this.$log.debug("Yes, user is logged in.");
(error) => {
if (error === notLoggedInStringThrown) {
this.$log.debug("No, user is not yet logged in.");
} else {
async exampleIsLoggedInAsync() {
const notLoggedInStringThrown = "The user is not authenticated";
try {
/* currentAuthenticatedUser = */ await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();
this.$log.debug("Yes, user is logged in.");
} catch (error) {
if (error === notLoggedInStringThrown) {
this.$log.debug("No, user is not yet logged in.");
} else {
import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
// Optional, By default is false. If set to true,
// this call will send a request to Cognito to get the latest user data
bypassCache: false
.then((user) => console.log(user))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
This method can be used to check if a user is logged in when the page is loaded. It will throw an error if there is no user logged in. This method should be called after the Auth module is configured or the user is logged in. To ensure that you can listen on the auth events configured or signIn.

How to signal the caller about the state of a promise

I have Ember code where the backend API calls are abstracted into a
separate service. This service uses ember-ajax library for making
backend calls.
This service sets up the common headers, handles the
timeout errors, and 4xx/5xx errors. And anything else like 422
(validation errors) are left to be handled by the calling code.
getCustomerProfile (authenticationToken) {
const backendService = this.get('callBackendService');
return backendService.callEndpoint(GET_METHOD,
{'X-Auth-Token': authenticationToken}).then((customerProfileData) => {
if (!backendService.get('didAnybodyWin') && customerProfileData) {
backendService.set('didAnybodyWin', true);
return customerProfileData.profiles[0];
}).catch((error) => {
if (isInvalidError(error)) {
if (!backendService.get('didAnybodyWin')) {
backendService.set('didAnybodyWin', true);
and the call-backend-service looks like this
callEndpoint (httpVerb, endPoint, headersParameter, data = {},
timeoutInMillisecs = backendCallTimeoutInMilliseconds) {
const headersConst = {
'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.api+json',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.api+json',
'Brand': 'abc'
var headers = Ember.assign(headersParameter, headersConst);
var promiseFunctionWrapper;
this.set('didAnybodyWin', false);
if (httpVerb.toUpperCase() === GET_METHOD) {
Ember.Logger.warn('hit GET Method');
promiseFunctionWrapper = () => {
return this.get('ajax').request(endPoint, {headers});
} else if (httpVerb.toUpperCase() === POST_METHOD) {
Ember.Logger.warn('hit POST Method');
promiseFunctionWrapper = () => {
return this.get('ajax').post(endPoint, {data: data, headers: headers});
return RSVP.Promise.race([promiseFunctionWrapper(), this.delay(timeoutInMillisecs).then(() => {
if (!this.get('didAnybodyWin')) {
this.set('didAnybodyWin', true);
Ember.Logger.error('timeout of %s happened when calling the endpoint %s', backendCallTimeoutInMilliseconds, endPoint);
})]).catch((error) => {
if (!this.get('didAnybodyWin')) {
if (isTimeoutError(error)) {
this.set('didAnybodyWin', true);
Ember.Logger.warn('callBackEndService: isTimeoutError(error) condition is true');
} else if (isAjaxError(error) && !isInvalidError(error)) { //handles all errors except http 422 (inValid request)
this.set('didAnybodyWin', true);
Ember.Logger.warn('callBackEndService: isAjaxError(error) && !isInvalidError(error) [[ non timeout error]] condition is true');
} else {
throw error; // to be caught by the caller
The callEndpoint does a RSVP.Promise.race call to make sure the called backend API comes back before a timeout happens. It runs two promises and whichever resolves first is the one that wins. didAnybodyWin is the flag that guards both the promises from getting executed.
Up to this part is all fine.
But this didAnybodyWin becomes the shared state of this call-backend-service because it has to convey back to the caller whether it ran the default set of then or catch blocks or does it expect the caller to run its then/catch blocks.
The problem is when model() hook is run, I am doing
RSVP.all {
This RSVP.all is going to execute all 3 calls one after another, so they will hit the call-backend-service in an interleaved fashion and hence run the risk of stepping over each other (when it comes to the didAnybodyWin shared state).
How can this situation be avoided ?
Is there any other better way for the callee to signal to the caller whether or not its supposed to do something with the returned promise.

How do I mock an Angular service using jasmine?

This may be a duplicate but I have looked at a lot of other questions here and they usually miss what I am looking for in some way. They mostly talk about a service they created themselves. That I can do and have done. I am trying to override what angular is injecting with my mock. I thought it would be the same but for some reason when I step through the code it is always the angular $cookieStore and not my mock.
I have very limited experience with jasmine and angularjs. I come from a C# background. I usually write unit tests moq (mocking framework for C#). I am use to seeing something like this
public PageControllerTests
private Mock<ICookieStore> mockCookieStore;
private PageController controller;
public void SetUp()
mockCookieStore = new Mock<ICookieStore>();
controller = new PageController(mockCookieStore.Object);
public void GetsCarsFromCookieStore()
// Arrange
mockCookieStore.Setup(cs => cs.Get("cars"))
// Act
// Assert
I want mock the $cookieStore service which I use in one of my controllers.
app.controller('PageController', ['$scope', '$cookieStore', function($scope, $cookieStore) {
$ = $cookieStore.get('cars');
if($ == 0) {
// Do other logic here
$ = function() {
I want to make sure that the $cookieStore.get method is invoked with a 'garage' argument. I also want to be able to control what it gives back. I want it to give back 0 and then my controller must do some other logic.
Here is my test.
describe('Controller: PageController', function () {
var controller,
beforeEach(function () {
cookieStoreSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('CookieStore', ['get']);
cookieStoreSpy.get.andReturn(function(key) {
switch (key) {
case 'cars':
return 0;
case 'bikes':
return 1;
case 'garage':
return { cars: 0, bikes: 1 };
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('$cookieStore', cookieStoreSpy);
beforeEach(inject(function(_$httpBackend_, $rootScope, $controller) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
controller = $controller;
it('Gets car from cookie', function () {
controller('PageController', { $scope: scope });
This is a solution for the discussion we had in my previous answer.
In my controller I'm using $location.path and $ So to overwrite the $location with my mock I did:
locationMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('location', ['path', 'search']);
locationMock.location = "";
locationMock.path.andCallFake(function(path) {
console.log("### Using location set");
if (typeof path != "undefined") {
console.log("### Setting location: " + path);
this.location = path;
return this.location;
}); {
console.log("### Using location search mock");
if (typeof query != "undefined") {
console.log("### Setting search location: " + JSON.stringify(query));
this.location = JSON.stringify(query);
return this.location;
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('$location', locationMock);
I didn't have to inject anything in the $controller. It just worked. Look at the logs:
LOG: '### Using location set'
LOG: '### Setting location: /test'
LOG: '### Using location search mock'
LOG: '### Setting search location: {"limit":"50","q":"ani","tags":[1,2],"category_id":5}'
If you want to check the arguments, spy on the method
// declare the cookieStoreMock globally
var cookieStoreMock;
beforeEach(function() {
cookieStoreMock = {};
cookieStoreMock.get = jasmine.createSpy("cookieStore.get() spy").andCallFake(function(key) {
switch (key) {
case 'cars':
return 0;
case 'bikes':
return 1;
case 'garage':
return {
cars: 0,
bikes: 1
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('cookieStore', cookieStoreMock);
And then to test the argument do
Here is an example it's coffeescript code with mocha + sinon.js but the idea is the same.
Basically with the following code snippet you could load a module and substitute its services:
beforeEach(module("myModule", function($provide) {
var stub = xxx; //... create a stub here
$provide.value("myService", stub);
Later in the spec you could inject this stubbed service and do assertions:
it("does something magical", inject(function(myService) {;
More details and tips about mocking and testing you could find in this excellent blog post:
Why mock cookieStore when you may use it directly without modification? The code below is a partial unit test for a controller which uses $cookieStore to put and get cookies. If your controller has a method known as "setACookie" that uses $cookieStore.put('cookieName', cookieValue) ... then the test should be able to read the value that was set.
describe('My controller', function() {
var $cookieStore;
describe('MySpecificController', function() {
beforeEach(inject(function(_$httpBackend_, $controller, _$cookieStore_) {
$cookieStore = _$cookieStore_;
// [...] unrelated to cookieStore
it('should be able to reference cookies now', function () {