Don't be confused. I am not asking how to drop column in Django. My question is what Django actually does to drop a column from a SQLite database.
Recently i came across an article that says you can't drop columns in SQLite database. So you have to drop the table and recreate it. And its quite strange that if SQLite doesn't support that then how Django is doing that?
Is it doing this?
To drop a column in an SQLite database Django follows the procedure described here:
Which in simple words is create a new table, copy data from old table, delete old table and then rename new table.
from the source code [GitHub] We can see that the schema editor for SQLite calls self._remake_table(model, delete_field=field) in the method remove_field which is what is used to drop a column. The method _remake_table has the following docstring in it's code which describes how exactly the process is performed:
Shortcut to transform a model from old_model into new_model This
follows the correct procedure to perform non-rename or column addition
operations based on SQLite's documentation The essential
steps are:
Create a table with the updated definition called "new__app_model"
Copy the data from the existing "app_model" table to the new table
Drop the "app_model" table
Rename the "new__app_model" table to "app_model"
Restore any index of the previous "app_model" table.
Is there any way to store the output of BigQuery merge in a new data table? If not, is it possible to view the results somewhere in GCP? I don't want to modify the target table.
This is the query I'm using-
USING dataset.source S
ON T.c1 = S.c1
If you want to see the rows deleted, you can copy into dataset.target2, then execute your MERGE on, then see the difference between dataset.target2 and
SELECT * FROM dataset.target2
We are planning to use Athena as a backend service for our data(stored as parquet files in partitions) in S3.
Some of the things we are interested to find out is how does adding additional columns in where clause of the query affect the query run time.
For example, we have 10million records in one hive partition(partition based on column 'date')
And all queries below return same volume - 10million. would all these queries take same time or does it reduce query run when we add additional columns in where clause(as parquet is columnar fomar)?
I tried to test this but results were not consistent as there was some queuing time as well I guess
select * from table where date='20200712'
select * from table where date='20200712' and type='XXX'
select * from table where date='20200712' and type='XXX' and subtype='YYY'
Parquet file contains page "indexes" (min, max and bloom filters.) If you sorting the data by columns in question during insert for example like this:
insert overwrite table mytable partition (dt)
select col1, --some columns
distribute by dt
sort by type, subtype
then these indexes may work efficiently because data withe the same type, subtype will be loaded into the same pages, data pages will be selected using indexes. See some benchmarks here:
Switch-on predicate-push-down:
I have two tables both billing data from GCP in two different regions. I want to insert one table into the other. Both tables are partitioned by day, and the larger one is being written to by GCP for billing exports, which is why I want to insert the data into the larger table.
I am attempting the following:
Export the smaller table to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) so it can be imported into the other region.
Import the table from GCS into Big Query.
Use Big Query SQL to run INSERT INTO dataset.big_billing_table SELECT * FROM dataset.small_billing_table
However, I am getting a lot of issues as it won't just let me insert (as there are repeated fields in the schema etc). An example of the dataset can be found here
Thanks :)
## Update ##
So the issue was exporting and importing the data with the Avro format and using the auto-detect schema when importing the table back in (Timestamps were getting confused with integer types).
Export the small table in JSON format to GCS, use GCS to do the regional transfer of the files and then import the JSON file into a Bigquery table and DONT use schema auto detect (e.g specify the schema manually). Then you can use INSERT INTO no problems etc.
I was able to reproduce your case with the example data set you provided. I used dummy tables, generated from the below queries, in order to corroborate the cases:
Table 1: billing_bigquery
SELECT * FROM `data-analytics-pocs.public.gcp_billing_export_v1_EXAMPL_E0XD3A_DB33F1`
where service.description ='BigQuery' limit 1000
Table 2: billing_pubsub
SELECT * FROM `data-analytics-pocs.public.gcp_billing_export_v1_EXAMPL_E0XD3A_DB33F1`
where service.description ='Cloud Pub/Sub' limit 1000
I will propose two methods for performing this task. However, I must point that the target and the source table must have the same columns names, at least the ones you are going to insert.
First, I used INSERT TO method. However, I would like to stress that, according to the documentation, if your table is partitioned you must include the columns names which will be used to insert new rows. Therefore, using the dummy data already shown, it will be as following:
INSERT INTO `billing_bigquery` ( billing_account_id, service, sku, usage_start_time, usage_end_time, project, labels, system_labels, location, export_time, cost, currency, currency_conversion_rate, usage, credits )#invoice, cost_type
SELECT billing_account_id, service, sku, usage_start_time, usage_end_time, project, labels, system_labels, location, export_time, cost, currency, currency_conversion_rate, usage, credits
FROM `billing_pubsub`
Notice that for nested fields I just write down the fields name, for instance: service and not service.description, because they will already be used. Furthermore, I did not select all the columns in the target dataset but all the columns I selected in the target's tables are required to be in the source's table selection as well.
The second method, you can simply use the Query settings button to append the small_billing_table to the big_billing_table. In BigQuery Console, click in More >> Query settings. Then the settings window will appear and you go to Destination table, check Set a destination table for query results, fill the fields: Project name,
Dataset name and Table name -these are the destination table's information-. Subsequently, in
Destination table write preference check Append to table, which according to the documentation:
Append to table — Appends the query results to an existing table
Then you run the following query:
Select * from <project.dataset.source_table>
Then after running it, the source's table data should be appended in the target's table.
I want to create a second table from the first table using filters with dates and other variables as follows. How can I create this?
Following is the expected table and original table,
Go to Edit Queries. Lets say our base table is named RawData. Add a blank query and use this expression to copy your RawData table:
The new table will be RawDataGrouped. Now select the new table and go to Home > Group By and use the following settings:
The result will be the following table. Note that I didnt use the exactly values you used to keep this sample at a miminum effort:
You also can now create a relationship between this two tables (by the Index column) to use cross filtering between them.
You could show the grouped data and use the relationship to display the RawDate in a subreport (or custom tooltip) for example.
I assume you are looking for a calculated table. Below is the workaround for the same,
In Query Editor you can create a duplicate table of the existing (Original) table and select the Date Filter -> Is Earliest option by clicking right corner of the Date column in new duplicate table. Now your table should contain only the rows which are having minimum date for the column.
Note: This table is dynamic and will give subsequent results based on data changes in the original table, but you to have refresh both the table.
Original Table:
Desired Table:
When I have added new column into it, post to refreshing dataset I have got below result (This implies, it is doing recalculation based on each data change in the original source)
New data entry: