How to change the payload for first element local name envelope - wso2

Need help with how can we change following xml payload:
So we can have the following error resolved:
2023-02-01 16:33:59,899] ERROR {JMSMessageReceiver} - Unknown error processing message org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPProcessingException: First Element must contain the local name, Envelope , but found prov
Any help would mean a lot.

If you do not want to change configuration you have to change your message then.
This format adheres to the standard structure of a SOAP message, which requires the first element to be Envelope and the data to be enclosed within the Body element.
By default text/plain Content-Type is built with the SOAP message builder, hence it expects a proper SOAP message body.


Addressing an xml value in enrich Mediator

I want to address an xml value in the Xpath field within the enrich mediator in order to customize an API response. My xml input is as follow:
I tried to access the 'ABC' value by using this code:
but it does not work for me.
First of all your XML input is not valid. There is no opening value tag but two closing.
Can you try //member/name/text(),this worked für me.If its not working,then maybe you need to add the namespaces.
Hope that helps.

Regarding <Results> Element/propery/Tag/Function in DataPower xslt

This may be somewhat naive but I am quite struck on the issue
There is a specific <result> element in DataPower and when calling through xslt we have somewhat following format(which I discovered in some forums)--
<results mode="require-all" multiple-outputs="true" transactional="true" retry-interval="100" asynchronous="false">
<url input="var://the_request_SOAP_Format"asynchronous="true">https://XXXXXXX</url>
now in this (url input) is the request which needs to be send and (https://XXXXXXX) is the specified backend where it needs to be sent
Now I have some authentication headers(httpHeaders) also which I need to send without which I will get Authorization error
<xsl:variable name="httpHeaders">
<header name="Content-Type">application/json</header>
<header name="Authorization">
<xsl:value-of select="concat('Bearer ',$some_sessionID)"/>
Is this possible to add these 'httpHeaders' in the result mode element/Tab property
I am not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve but adding http headers for the response (backside) you do with:
<dp:set-http-response-header name="'HeaderName'" value="$httpHeaders"/>
<dp:set-http-request-header name="'HeaderName'" value="$httpHeaders"/>
The <results> is the collection of data that the Processing Policy will output as Payload for the Request/Response and won't contain headers. You shouldn't try to alter the <results> object!
The "results-doc" method of calling backends is quite powerful, but I'm not sure from your question if you fully understand it. The url/#input attribute needs to be a DataPower context:
<url input="var://context/mycontext" ...
To associate headers with that context, you should do something like this for each header you need:
(This would be done in your XSLT code, separate from creating the "results" document, but before you use a Results Action to execute.)

SOAP service crash with empty field in request

Our SOAP web service provider insist on removing empty field tags from the request because it breaks the service. Is that right practice?
See below example of request. StockID is empty tag. Should it break the SOAP service?
I would like to know best practice around empty tags in request
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soap:Body xmlns:m="">
This Depends on how the rest of the system is programmed. There are 3 ways of sending StockID:
Empty tag
Tag removed
Tag With nil="true"
What is probably happening for the first item above is that the program is deserializing the tag as an empty string, and then crashing since there is no Stock id = "".
In the 2 last items above it would deserialize as NULL and then not try and find a Stock id = NULL.

SOAP UI Automation - Assertion if reponse XML's dynamic elements value is blank

Please find below sample soap request
Current Functionality
<Request>--<name> is mandatory field
<Request>--<color> and <Request>--<smell> is not mandatory i.e, they can be blank(<smell></smell>) but cannot be null
SOAP response <FlowerSearchResponse> contains all the request parameters <Request> and the response parameters for this request under <ResponseList> (as shown below)
For each <Request>, Response can have List of <Response> elements under <ResponseList>
If i search with ROSE , for few results <Response> -- <smell> element may/may not have value (but it cannot be null)
<Response> occurrence in result is dynamic , i.e, if I search with Lily I may get 10 or even more <Response> elements
SOAP response for above request
In SOAP UI, how to automate below case?
Go through all the <Response> elements from the dynamic list (not sure about the count of <Response> tags at the time of writing assertions), Assert if even a single <Response> has Blank value for <smell> element
Assertion test case should only consider elements <Response>-- <smell> when its checking for Blank <smell> elements i.e, it should not consider the <Request> -- <smell>
P.S: I am really novice at SOAP UI assertions-- trying hard to find a solution using xslt, but couldn't succeed so far.
If you want an XPath expression returning true or false depending on whether there is any Response/smell element with no content:
(: returns true if NO single one smell element is empty :)
If you want to count them instead:
(: returns the number of empty smell elements :)

DocuSign API with ColdFusion

I'm trying to integrate the DocuSign API using ColdFusion and keep running into an issue. I am able to authenticate successfully and retrieve the base URL. However, when trying to create the envelope with a single recipient and document, I get an error stating that the "boundary terminator" is not found in the request (when it clearly is).
I know this questions is similar to another post here but that was from a while ago and was never completely answered.
I first read in the PDF document:
<cffile action="READBINARY" file="Agreement.pdf" variable="docData">
<cfset docData = BinaryEncode(docData,"Base64")>
I then create the envelope definition in XML using the element to include the encoded binary PDF data:
<cfset envelope = "<envelopeDefinition xmlns="""">
<emailSubject>eSignature request</emailSubject>
<emailBlurb>Please sign the document</emailBlurb>
<name>eCS Buyer</name>
Lastly, I POST the information:
<cfhttp url="#baseURL#/envelopes" method="POST" resolveurl="Yes" throwonerror="No">
<cfhttpparam name="X-DocuSign-Authentication" type="HEADER" value="<DocuSignCredentials><Username>#userName#</Username><Password>#password#</Password><IntegratorKey>#integratorKey#</IntegratorKey></DocuSignCredentials>">
<cfhttpparam name="Content-Type" type="HEADER" value="application/xml">
<cfhttpparam name="Accept" type="HEADER" value="application/xml">
<cfhttpparam name="Content-Length" type="HEADER" value="#Len(envelope)#">
<cfhttpparam name="request_body" type="BODY" value="#envelope#">
I tried changing the TYPE attribute for the request body to XML and FORMFIELD but is still doesn't work. I even tried changing the envelope to JSON format to no avail.
The error that is generated is:
<errorCode>INVALID_REQUEST_BODY</errorCode><message>The request body is missing or improperly formatted. The XML request does not match the expected format. </message></errorDetails>
I have been struggling with this for weeks. Any guidance would be GREATLY appreciated.
Most likely an issue with extra CRLF (i.e., extra line breaks). See the answer in this other forum post for an example of what the full request structure should look like: Docusign : Unable to create envelope from document in restapi v2.
Looks like your XML request body is missing information about the Document. Try adding a documents element as a child element of envelopeDefinition (i.e., as a peer element to recipients):
<envelopeDefinition xmlns="""">
Also, make sure the document bytes that your sending in the subsequent part of the request are not encoded.
I don't know much about ColdFusion, but this line of your code makes it look like you're (base64) encoding the byte stream that you're including in the Request:
<cfset docData = BinaryEncode(docData,"Base64")>
This could be causing your latest issue, as I don't believe DocuSign will accept an encoded byte stream when it's included in the manner you're currently utilizing.
If you must base64-encode the byte stream, you could add a documentBase64 property under the document element to contain the base64-encoded byte stream. (See page 104 of the DocuSign REST API Guide -- If you utilized this approach, your request would no longer need to be a 'multipart' request, since the document bytes would be included in the XML portion of the Request Body (not in a subsequent/separate part). Here's an example of what the Request would look like, if the base64-encoded byte stream was included within the documentBase64 element:
POST /restapi/v2/accounts/ACCOUNT_NUMBER/envelopes HTTP/1.1
X-DocuSign-Authentication: {"Username":"SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS","Password":"PASSWORD","IntegratorKey":"INT_KEY"}
Content-Type: application/xml
<envelopeDefinition xmlns="">
<emailSubject>eSignature request</emailSubject>
<emailBlurb>Please sign the document</emailBlurb>
<name>John Doe</name>
Since the document bytes are included within the XML portion of the request, the request no longer needs to be multi-part -- simply pass the XML Request body as I've shown above, and that's it.
The error is most likely due to the extra CRLF you have after the document bytes and before your closing boundary --MYBOUNDARY--. You have this:
Try changing that to this without that extra CRLF:
For reference you can check out the DocuSign API Walkthrough for sending a signature request on a document. Each of the different language versions shows you how the outgoing request body should be formatted.