I'm trying to connect my webcam to MVTec Halcon for university purposes using the Image Acquisition tool, but when I click on Auto-detect interfaces, it only finds File.
Auto detect interfaces
I'm using an external Teaisiy ZC-D2 webcam connected via USB. Does anyone know how to solve this problem or do I have to change the camera?
I've done some research on this and have already tried using IP WebCam and gstreamer to pipe the video stream from the IP based source to /dev/videoX and reading from that.
It works fine, but it isn't exactly what I am looking for. I have several old useless phones that I would like to use on a robot as video sources from multiple angles for computer vision based tasks.
I've also read that DroidCam does this, but I have read terrible reviews about the app and especially the USB based part.
Most likely this robot will not be near any WiFi (or rather should not require it), and the phones will not have a network connection (no SIM card), so no USB tethering.
It seems like there should be a very simple way to do this. Is there a way to uselibusb and maybe adb to capture the video stream from an Android phone connected to an Ubuntu box with USB?
I have 2 identical IP cameras and I'm trying to access stream of them. To do this I'm using
I give this to OpenCV VideoCapture. And now let's consider that there is camera_1 and camera_2. Cameras have different IPs, so there is no conflicts. The problem is that I can't open stream in OpenCV of camera_1, but in the browser it works. And with camera_2 is problem that sometimes I can open the stream in OpenCV and sometimes I can't do this (I don't change any settings, just run application ones and it works, after that I close application and run it again and it doesn't work).
So what can be the reason? Where to looking for a solution?
I want to stream encrypted video (with audio) captured from a webcam from one computer to another over the internet with a server in between to forward the video. The program to display the encrypted video will be written in C++ and must be cross-platform; this program will have other functions, so I can't use a currently existing program. The program to stream the video from the webcam must run on Linux. I could use a program already available or write my own in C++.
Try VLC + encypted VPN. It's stable crossplatform solution.
I am working on a webcam streaming server project, using Live555 as the server.
I need to be able to stream from ordinary USB Webcams, which requires me to implement DeviceSource.cpp as I read on live555's FAQ page. However, I am currently not having enough knowledge or clue on how to implement this.
I intend to use ffmpeg as the encoder.
Can anybody provide me with some proper directions that I can follow?
Can someone point me some c++ samples or some c++ librarys that can transport video and voice over a LAN network.
My objective is to activate a web cam in another pc and receive in my pc the video and voice of the another pc (this can be only one way or in both ways pc to pc call, but i only need one way for now, only see and hear not to interact).
If working on Windows try out the NetMeeting Resource Kit. It probably limits playing your videos with Windows Media Player only.
VNC and all its variants should be able to do it.
TightVNC Free.
Another VNC Project
I can't locate a source code link right now, but if you search with vigor it should be revealed.
WebEx's entire business was built on a forked version of VNC. Fun.