vscode testing with pytest for dockerized Django project - django

i want to debug my tests in vscode for my Django project witch is set up in a docker container but the problem is it always says pytest discovery error,
sometimes it seems to not be able to import modules(for example models) inside the test file and after some configuration it seems to not find the test file itself. all the folders of my project have an init.py file so everything is treated as a package, by the way there is no problem importing modules in my Django project.
the odd thing is when I run pytest inside of my docker container it works fine but I want to debug the tests.
i am fairly new to this so any help would be welcomeenter image description here
I enabled pytest in the .vscode/settings.jsonenter image description here file as some other settings
I tried also creating a .env file with PYTHONPATH in it to my root folder cause every tutorial I found work with a virtual environment and not a docker container


Flask is not able to read my environment variable

I want to automatically import my FLASK_APP environment variable when running the Windows cmd.
I installed the python-dotenv, then created an .env file under my project main path.
However, I kept getting errors saying " Could not locate Flask application. You did not provide the FLASK_APP environment variable."
The following is the path I have for my project
project Path
And my .env is saved under the same path "Flask Virtue Environment\env\Voting Platform\Voting_Platform"
my .env file has the following code
Also I ran the following command to test if dotenv is able to locate my Environment File. I think it did find the file. (see below)
dotenv test
I am confused why the flask isn't able to read my .env file
I never develop flask in windows, but you can read this document to get clue for you problem.
Happy coding.

Creating migrations for a reusable Django app

I am writing a reusable Django app and having problems creating migrations.
I have looked at this question, and I'm still confused. I have the following sort of directory structure:
As you can see, the directory "django_mycleverapp" contains my reusable app and the directory "example" contains a test project.
I include the models of "django_mycleverapp" in the INSTALLED_APPS section of the settings for "example".
However, running python ~/example/manage.py makemigrations django_mycleverapp doesn't build any migrations.
Any suggestions?
How am I meant to have a test project that will build migrations in "/django-mycleverapp/django_mycleverapp/migrations"?
Your app should be in the directory of your project. Your directory hierarchy should look like this.
If you do not want your app to be part of your "example" project, but rather want it to be separated and used by your project "example", you'll have to install it in your project using pip (this requires to have a setup.py at the root of your app).
For instance if you have published your app on a git repository "https://gitlab.com/myuser/myproject.git", you can add to our requirements.txt:
If you don't have your app published on a git repository yet, you can add the absolute path to your app to you requirements.txt:
Don't forget to work in a virtualenv when you use pip.

heroku django tutorial not working?

I'm trying to work through the "Getting Started with Django" heroku tutorial. Things are working when I run the framework locally with foreman, but when I try to run it on Heroku, it is failing when trying to find the settings module.
In a nutshell, I've done...
chris#xi:~: mkdir hero
chris#xi:~: cd hero
chris#xi:~/hero: django-startproject ku .
and then I create and edit the files per the instructions. Perhaps I have gotten something wrong?
in ~/hero, I created my Procfile and requirements.txt, as well as the ku directory that was created by django-admin
in ~/hero/ku I have settings.py and wsgi.py (created by django-admin and edited by me)
any idea what I'm not doing correctly?
found it after much trial end error. It turns out that I had an old .gitignore file in my home directory that ignored settings.py. Once I added settings.py to the project and re-pushed, everything started working.
I don't like putting settings.py into git because it contains machine-specific information, as well as security information. But I guess I will leave it for now, and when I have to do it for real, I can use the heroku config:set command to set up things like database users and passwords, or paths to DJANGO_SETTINGS_FILE, etc.

Pycharm runserver error with custom settings.py files

just started using pycharm on a existing project, and having difficulty using the run/debug configurations in order to run the test server. The issue stems from their being no settings.py module as standard in django projects. Instead there is settings_base.py and then two different settings modules (settings_live.py and settings_test.py) that extend it by using 'from settings_base import *'. This causes manage.py to fail when running runserver because it can't find settings.py.
In the Django Support settings I have set the project root, and set Settings to settings_test.py however this has not helped. In the Django server run configuration I have setup I also have...
... in the Environment Variables section. However when I use runserver it still says
Error: Can't find the file 'settings.py' in the directory containing '/home/pete/Projects/the_project/manage.py'. It appears you've customized things.
You'll have to run django-admin.py, passing it your settings module.
(If the file settings.py does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError somehow.)
I tried wrapping the entire settings_test.py module in a try/except to see if it really was an import error, however it did not seem to work. Is there something I am missing?
Maybe you should try adding --settings=settings_test to the "Additional options" in your PyCharm Run configuration and make sure that "Working directory" points to correct path.

Deploying multiple projects on Heroku with Django

I would like to deploy two separate Django applications to Heroku. Two applications, with two separate domain names, that are logically different from each other. I set up a venv that contain all the Python/Django stuff. Now, I could create another application that duplicates all the Python/Django stuff in another project. But, is there a way to use the same venv?
My file structure currently looks like this
When I tried to add projectname_2 under django I got an error saying Django app must be in a package subdirectory
Is there a correct way to add a second application using the same venv?
This error occurs when your project doesn't conform to Heroku's specs for a Django project.
Specifically, that particular error occurs when Heroku did not find a settings file at ~/your_app_name/settings.py and therefore assumed it's a non-Django Python app. But then it did find settings.py and manage.py at your project root (~/).
The specific Heroku source code that throws this error is:
Your directory should look something like this:
Your best bet really is to use two separate Heroku apps. Heroku makes some assumptions about what type of app you are deploying and doesn't necessarily account for multiple apps.
Also, it's probably best to not check in your virtualenv. Just make sure all your dependencies are defined in requirements.txt and Heroku will install them automatically inside a new virtualenv.