Swiper conflicts with a scrollable list - list

I have Swiper handle two horizontal slides which I can move with the mouse wheel. I added, to the second slide, a Bootstrap vertical list which used to scroll up and down with the mouse wheel with no problem in a previous product. I mean both widgets work fine separately but when I put them together the wheel moves the slides but ignores the list. What can I do to get both to work? Thank you!


How to add a scroll bar at the move list view? And user can only scroll specific area vertically

I am using MVC for my project. And I have few views in View. However, I want to know how to add a scrollbar to one view and only make that part can be scrolled vertically.
I have tried using CreateWindowW() for adding WM_VSCROLL parameter, but it does not work.
This is a TUI application, so I think the professor try to make us using a cell as bar, so you can scroll the cell up and down
In PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs), set cs.style |= WS_VSCROLL;.
You may have to respond to WM_VSCROLL to process scroll messages.
Sorry for the confusing. I am resisted to use TUI only. And I misunderstood what the professor needed. So he wanted us to move a color cell so you can scroll up and down for checking player's moves. I am making a Gomoku Game by using C++. So I figure it out, right now my move list view can move up and down for viewing full moves. Thanks for all the answers
enter image description here

How to collapse Gtkmm notebook tabs?

So I am making a Gtkmm application using a Gtk::notebook and during run-time I'm adding new tabs to the notebook. But when I add more tabs than there is space on my screen it just keeps going moving out of the screen.
Now I know most Gtk widgets have a lot of properties that can be configured, so I'am wondering is there such a property for notebook that automatically collapses tabs or scales them in some way to make it fit inside the widget/screen.
If not it would be great if you could give me some pointers to how to implement this functionality myself.
set_scrollable() is your best bet. It will add scrolling arrows on the sides of the tab labels at the top when there isn't enough room to show them all.
Note that GtkNotebook will always ask for enough space to show the contents of all tabs, not just the one that's currently visible. If one of your tab pages is really big (say, contains a 10x10 grid of 100x100 buttons), you won't be able to resize the GtkNotebook smaller than that tab page (in that case, 1000x1000 + the height of the label area), even if the current tab page is just an empty container. All set_scrollable() will do is let you resize smaller than the width needed to show all tab labels at the top.
Put this in your .xml GUI file in the GtkNotebook object:
<property name="scrollable">True</property>
This causes the tabs that go out of screen to be horizontal scrollable by adding arrows beside the last tab at the right and the most left tab at the left.

How can I overlap qwidgets while using the grid layout and positioning overlapping widgets a particular distance from the window border?

I am programming a game and I have a tab widget which takes up the majority of the window. I want to use the extra space in the tab bar for buttons. I have the tab widget in a grid layout. To accomplish this, I use the code below in order to remove and add back the button widgets to the desired areas (the solution to someone else's question).
ui->centralLayout->addWidget(ui->ResizeButton,0,4, Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignRight);
ui->centralLayout->addWidget(ui->exitButton,0,4, Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignRight);
This does not work for me; however, because I would like the second widget-- the resize button-- to be just to the left of the exit button. What is occurring is that it instead overlaps the exit button. I simply need to move it 21 pixels to the left and have no idea how!
I tried putting both buttons in a frame and then removing and adding the frame the way I did the buttons. Unfortunately the same functions I used do not exist for the qt frame object.
Here are some pictures of my window.
you are using void QGridLayout::addWidget(QWidget * widget, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0) overload.
2-nd and 3-rd parameters are row and column of a grid. And you put 2 widgets in the same cell so they are overlaping each other.
I solved my problem. Earlier when I was trying to add them to a frame and reposition it I could not but using a widget as the container for my buttons let me place them the way I was earlier attempting to individually place the buttons.

How to scroll multiple QGraphicsView when scrolling one of them (no scrollbars)

I have three QGraphicsView s each one with a different scene.
I am trying to scroll all the views when the user is scrolling one of them.
The scrolling is carried out by the user dragging in the QGraphicsView widget which calls QGraphicsView::scrollContentsBy. (no scrollbars)
My first implementation:
From scrollContentsBy I am calling centerOn for all the other views but this ends up into a recursive call of scrollContentsBy.
My second implementation:
From scrollContentsBy I am calling scroll for all the other views but the view is not updated correctly (missing part of the scene). It does scroll correctly though.
I tried different versions on this but I can't find the solution.
Any idea would be great.
I found the answer but I need to wait 3 more hours before to reply to my own question :)
I am glad that in fact I can answer my own question and share the answer with others.
The only thing that you have to do, it is to create 2 scrollbars (one vertical and one horizontal) and to set these two scrollbars for all the QGraphicsView instances. When the user drag one picture all the view receive the same event and scrollContentsBy is called for each view.
Easy when you know.
m_hScrollBar = new QScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal);
m_vScrollBar = new QScrollBar(Qt::Vertical);

Python tk scrollbar behavior (Windows to blame?)

I'm coding a GUI in Python/Tkinter that includes a listbox with a scrollbar. I've gotten the scrollbar operating as expected (i.e. you can click and it scrolls up/down through the listbox contents), but something's off with the way scrollbar itself behaves. The image below should help clarify.
The listbox is sized for 8 lines and contains only 12, so first off the slider should be a lot larger (2/3 of the scrollbar length). Second, whenever I scroll down (regardless of how I do it), the slider stays 'glued' to the top of the bar. This prevents me from ever using the upward fast-scroll method where you click above the slider but below the arrow -- so upward scrolling is limited to using the arrow and going one line at a time. A downward fast-scroll works fine, although as noted the slider still stays 'glued' to the top. I can click and drag the slider down, but then it pops right back up to the top. Clicking the arrows (either up or down) works normally.
I've tried using the alternative scrollbar in ttk, but it's not really any better:
In this case the slider fills the entire bar and you can't fast-scroll either direction, up or down. Grab-and-drag works (somehow), the listbox scrolls but you get no visual cue as to how close you are to the top or bottom. The arrows (again) work normally.
In short it's usable, but just very glitchy and weird. Is all this just a known limitation with using Python/Tkinter on Windows OS? (My machine has Windows XP (32-bit) with SP 3. It's Python version 2.7.3.)
It sounds like you aren't configuring your scrollbars correctly. You have to make a two way connection. You need to configure the listbox to know about the scrollbar (so that it updates the thumb) and you need to configure the scrollbar to know about the listbox (so that it scrolls the contents of tne listbox).
The behaviour you describe makes it sound like you forgot to do the former. Perhaps if you show us your cod we can confirm that. Are you doing something like the following?