Error ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected when running query - oracle-apex

01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
select project_name, my_date, sum(records_number) as
from (
select project_name,
when :P33_RG = 'Daily' then
to_char(date_sys, 'MM/DD/YYYY')
when :P33_RG = 'Weekly' then
to_char(TRUNC(date_sys, 'IW'), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
end as my_date,
from BATCH
where date_sys between :P33_START_DATE and :P33_END_DATE
) my_records
group by project_name, my_date
any advice to fix the error would be appreciated! Thank you

:P33_START_DATE and :P33_END_DATE are not dates. They're strings with a date in the format of your apex application settings (MM/DD/YYYY). All page items in apex are strings when used as bind variables. What you defined them to be in apex (number, date, text field) only impacts how they're displayed on the screen, it doesn't set a datatype for the bind variables.
Try changing the query to
where date_sys between TO_DATE(:P33_START_DATE,'MM/DD/YYYY') and TO_DATE(:P33_END_DATE,'MM/DD/YYYY')


Is there any way to get the displayed text in the "Select List" without using SQL? (Oracle APEX 21.1)

Anyone help me?
"Select List" (name: P2_SHOPS_LIST) that is created with the following SQL
It is necessary "GROUP_ID" because it is PK . But I need edit "SHOP_NAME" value and display to Text Field.
I think I can get the currently displayed SHOP_NAME by combining the above SQL with the selection row number, but is there any way to access this value with No SQL? Like
(This gave me an error XD).
In the context of JavaScript, you can use the following
$('#P2_SHOPS_LIST option:selected').text()
This can be passed through to PL/SQL via a dynamic action, such as on change of your select list.
Or you could set your text item on change via a JS based action, using 'Set Value' and that code as the expression.

Regex for Parsing vertical CSV in Athena

So, I've been trying to load csvs from a s3 bucket into Athena. However, the way the csv are designer looks like the following
ns=2;s=A_EREG.A_EREG.A_PHASE_PRESSURE,102.19468,12/12/19 00:00:01.2144275 GMT
ns=2;s=A_EREG.A_EREG.A_PHASE_REF_SIGNAL_TO_VALVE,50.0,12/12/19 00:00:01.2144275 GMT
ns=2;s=A_EREG.A_EREG.A_PHASE_SEC_CURRENT,15.919731,12/12/19 00:00:01.2144275 GMT
ns=2;s=A_EREG.A_EREG.A_PHASE_SEC_VOLTAGE,0.22070877,12/12/19 00:00:01.2144275 GMT
ns=2;s=A_EREG.A_EREG.ACTIVE_PWR,0.0,12/12/19 00:00:01.2144275 GMT
The csv is just one record. Each column of the record has a value associated to it, which sits between two commas between the timestamp and the name, which I am trying to capture.
I've been trying to parse it using Regex Serde and I got to this Regular expression:
I want the output of the above to be:
col_a col_b col_c col_d col_e
102.19468 50.0 15.919731 0.22070877 0.0
My DDL query looks like this:
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
'serialization.format' = '1',
'input.regex' = "\(?<=\,).*?(?=\,)"
) LOCATION 's3://jackson-nifi-plc-data-1/2019-12-12/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false');
The table creation Query above works succesfully, but when I try to preview my table I get the following error:
HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Number of matching groups doesn't match the number of columns
I am fairly new to Hive and Regex so I don't know what is going on. Can someone help me out here?
Thanks in advance,
One column in Hive table corresponds to one capturing group in the regex. If you want to select single column containing everything between commas then this will work:
Athena serdes require that each record in the input is a single line. Multiline records are not supported.
What you can do instead is to create a table which maps each line in your data to a row in a table, and use a view to pivot the rows that belong together into a single row.
I'm going to assume that the ns field at the start of the lines is an ID, if not, I assume there is some other thing identifying which lines belong together that you can use.
I used your demo to create a regex that matched all the fields of each line and came up with ns=(\d);s=([^,]+),([^,]+),(.+) (see
ns string,
s string,
v double,
dt string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
'serialization.format' = '1',
'input.regex' = "ns=(\\d);s=([^,]+),([^,]+),(.+)"
LOCATION 's3://jackson-nifi-plc-data-1/2019-12-12/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false')
Apologies if the regex isn't correctly escaped, I'm just typing this into Stack Overflow.
This table has four columns, corresponding to the four fields in each line. I've named then ns and s from the data, and v for the numerical value, and dt for the date. The date needs to be typed as a string since it's not in a format Athena natively understands.
Assuming that ns is a record identifier you can then create a view that pivots rows with different values for s to columns. You have to do this the way you want it to, the following is of course just a demonstration:
CREATE VIEW my_pivoted_data AS
WITH data_aggregated_by_ns AS (
map_agg(array_agg(s), array_agg(v)) AS s_and_v
FROM my_data
element_at(s_and_v, 'A_EREG.A_EREG.A_PHASE_PRESSURE') AS phase_pressure,
element_at(s_and_v, 'A_EREG.A_EREG.A_PHASE_REF_SIGNAL_TO_VALVE') AS phase_ref_signal_to_valve,
element_at(s_and_v, 'A_EREG.A_EREG.A_PHASE_SEC_CURRENT') AS phase_sec_current,
element_at(s_and_v, 'A_EREG.A_EREG.A_PHASE_SEC_VOLTAGE') AS phase_sec_voltage,
element_at(s_and_v, 'A_EREG.A_EREG.ACTIVE_PWR') AS active_pwr
FROM data_aggregated_by_ns
Apologies if there are syntax errors in the SQL above.
What this does is that it creates a view (but start by trying it out as a query using everything from WITH and onwards), which has two parts to it.
The first part, the first SELECT results in rows that aggregate all the s and v values for each value of ns into a map. Try to run this query by itself to see how the result looks.
The second part, the second SELECT uses the results of the first part and just picks out the different v values for a number of values of s that I chose from your question using the aggregated map.

Column as link in APEX 5 IR region

I have APEX 5 app and want to create Interactive Report region with pl/sql source. What I want is to have some columns as link to another page. But, when I put in select, for example, select d_01, ..., '' || d_26 || '' d_26 I get column d_26 as text a href="f? ..., but not value as link.
What am I doing wrong?
You will have to unescape special characters of the column. Change Columns > Security > Escape special characters property of link column to No
Also, you can do this in a declarative way by changing Column Type from Plain Text to Link and then linking it to the desired page.

APEX dynamic tabular form field types

We are populating a subregion of a page with an Iframe (call to another page) with data for a questionnaire.
We have PAGE ITEM variables (:P37_... populated by query) that contain table values for P37_QUESTION_DESCRIPTION and P37_RESPONSE_TYPE.
The sub page used in the region (:P28_...) assigns report attributes for each column... where We populated the question text in the P28_QUESTION_DESC and a Y/N Select List defined list of values in the P28_RESPONSE_DESC_DISPLAY column. This works fine.
Now, the P37_RESPONSE_TYPE can more than just this Y/N Select List. It could be TEXTAREA, PICKLIST, DATE...
How can we define the :P28_RESPONSE_DESC_DISPLAY column dynamically to be any number of user input field types (based on the value in :P37_REPSONSE_TYPE?)
This was solved by using a non-tabular form report generated by query using apex.item functions. But is has left me with another problem. Here's the query:
apex_item.hidden(31,CASE_QUEST_DTL_ID) CASE_QUEST_DTL_ID,
apex_item.hidden(32,CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID) CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID,
apex_item.display_and_save(33,to_number(question_seq_no)) QUESTION_SEQ_NO,
apex_item.display_and_save(34,question_desc) QUESTION_DESC,
case when response_type = 'PICKLIST-YESNO' then apex_item.select_list_from_lov(35,response_desc,'YES_NO_SELECTLIST',NULL,'NO')
when response_type = 'TEXTFIELD' then apex_item.text(35,response_desc)
when response_type = 'TEXTAREA' then apex_item.textarea(35,response_desc,5,40)
when response_type = 'DATEPICKER' then APEX_ITEM.DATE_POPUP2(35,to_date(response_desc,'dd-mon-yyyy'),'dd-mon-yyyy')
where question_set_code like 'COB_Q%'
and case_mgmt_base_id = :P37_CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID
My problem is now grouping the questions by question_set_code. Because GROUP BY is evaluated after the select, it cannot simply be tacked on to the end of the query. I'm not sure that using a nested select will work here because of the apex.item calls. Anyone have a suggestion on how I can group these questions by the column?

Splitting column values with Sybase and ColdFusion

I need to trim the date from a text string in the function call of my app.
The string comes out as text//date and I would like to trim or replace the date with blank space. The column name is overall_model and the value is ford//1911 or chevy//2011, but I need the date part removed so I can loop over the array or list to get an accurate count of all the models.
The problem is that if there is a chevy//2011 and a chevy//2010 I return two rows in my table because of the date. So if I can remove the date and loop over them I can get my results of chevy there are 23 chevy models.
I have not used Sybase in a while, but I remember its string functions are very similar to MS SQL Server.
If overall_model always contains "//", use charindex to return the position of the delimiter and substring to retrieve the "text" before it. Then combine it with a COUNT. (If the "//" is not always present, you will need to add a CASE statement as well).
SELECT SUBSTRING(overall_model, 1, CHARINDEX('/', overall_model)-1) AS Model
, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfRecords
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY SUBSTRING(overall_model, 1, CHARINDEX('/', overall_model)-1)
However, ideally the "text" and "date" should be stored separately. That would offer greater flexibility and generally better performance.