Install gdal geodjango on elastic beanstalk - django

what are the correct steps to install geodjango on elastic beanstalk?
got eb instance, installed env and made it two instances now I want to use geodjango on it, I'm already using it on a separate ec2 instance for testing
that's my django.config file and it fails
WSGIPath: hike.project.wsgi:application
command: "wget && tar -xzf gdal-2.1.3.tar.gz && cd gdal-2.1.3 && ./configure && make && make install"
then tried this instead and also failed from 100% cpu and time limit
WSGIPath: hike.project.wsgi:application
test: "[ ! -d /usr/local/gdal ]"
command: "/tmp/"
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
sudo yum -y install make automake gcc gcc-c++ libcurl-devel proj-devel geos-devel
# Geos
cd /
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/geos
cd usr/local/geos/geos-3.7.2
sudo wget geos-3.7.2.tar.bz2
sudo tar -xvf geos-3.7.2.tar.bz2
cd geos-3.7.2
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
# Proj4
cd /
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/proj
cd usr/local/proj
sudo wget -O proj-5.2.0.tar.gz
sudo wget -O proj-datumgrid-1.8.tar.gz
sudo tar xvf proj-5.2.0.tar.gz
sudo tar xvf proj-datumgrid-1.8.tar.gz
cd proj-5.2.0
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd /
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/gdal
cd usr/local/gdal
sudo wget -O gdal-2.4.4.tar.gz
sudo tar xvf gdal-2.4.4.tar.gz
cd gdal-2.4.4
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
and I've no idea what to do,


How to install brew into a Dockerfile (`brew: not found`)

Rather than necro-post on a two-year old thread, I decided to create a new question.
I want add brew (homebrew) to a Docker container, but I get a brew: not found error.
The suggested solution in that previous article doesn't seem to work. This new Dockerfile...
FROM rust:1.63.0-buster
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y -q --allow-unauthenticated \
git \
RUN useradd -m -s /bin/zsh linuxbrew && \
usermod -aG sudo linuxbrew && \
mkdir -p /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew && \
chown -R linuxbrew: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew
USER linuxbrew
RUN /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
USER root
RUN chown -R $CONTAINER_USER: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew
RUN brew install hello
gives this error... What am I missing? Thanks.
=> ERROR [6/6] RUN brew install hello 0.2s
> [6/6] RUN brew install hello:
#9 0.181 /bin/sh: 1: brew: not found
executor failed running [/bin/sh -c brew install hello]: exit code: 127
This Dockerfile installs brew in /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew. Including that directory in the path (with the ENV command) does the trick.
ENV PATH="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:${PATH}"
RUN brew install hello

Lifetime cycle config is longer than 5 minutes, nohup command not working

I am trying to install a number of dependencies for my jupyter notebook, but would like them to be permanent to save me 20 minutes every time I restart the notebook. I have opted for using a lifecycle configuration, however, my script takes longer than 5 minutes to run. I found this article ( to help resolve this problem, however, my notebook is still failing to start with the following error:
Notebook Instance Lifecycle Config 'arn:aws:sagemaker:eu-west-2:347285168835:notebook-instance-lifecycle-config/nbs-aap-dev-dsar' for Notebook Instance 'arn:aws:sagemaker:eu-west-2:347285168835:notebook-instance/nbs-aap-dev-dsar' took longer than 5 minutes. Please check your CloudWatch logs for more details if your Notebook Instance has Internet access.
Here is the script I am trying to run:
sudo nohup yum install wget &
sudo yum install autoconf &
sudo yum install automake &
sudo yum install libtool &
sudo yum install jpeg &
sudo yum install tiff &
sudo yum install libpng &
sudo yum install tiff2png &
sudo yum install libtiff &
sudo yum install autoconf aclocal automake &
sudo yum install libtool &
sudo yum -y install libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libpng-devel libtiff-devel zlib-devel &
sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ make &
sudo wget &
sudo tar xzvf leptonica-1.82.0.tar.gz &
cd leptonica-1.82.0 &
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ &
sudo make &
sudo make install &
sudo wget &
sudo tar -zxvf 4.1.1 &
cd tesseract-4.1.1 &
sudo ./ &
sudo cp /home/ec2-user/leptonica-1.82.0/lept.pc /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/. &
sudo LIBLEPT_HEADERSDIR=/usr/local/lib ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --with-extra-libraries=/usr/local/lib &
sudo make &
sudo make install &
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib &
sudo ldconfig &
sudo wget &
sudo mv -v eng.traineddata /usr/local/share/tessdata/eng.traineddata &
sudo wget &
sudo tar -zxvf ghostpdl-9.55.0.tar.gz &
cd ghostpdl-9.55.0 &
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ &
sudo make &
sudo make install &
sudo yum -y install poppler-utils &
sudo wget &
sudo tar xzvf qpdf-10.1.0.tar.gz &
cd qpdf-10.1.0 &
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ &
sudo make &
sudo make install
You do not need to add ampersand & on the end of the lines. This put them in background and execute some commands in parallel which lead to odd conditions. For example in code:
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ &
sudo make &
sudo make install &
the command make start before end of configure and will not end well in most of the cases. Same for make install it try to install the compiled package before it is compiled from make
If you want to put script in background you can group the commands on this way:
sudo nohup yum -y install wget autoconf automake libtool jpeg tiff libpng tiff2png libtiff autoconf aclocal automake libtool libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libpng-devel libtiff-devel zlib-devel gcc gcc-c++ make poppler-utils
nohup sudo wget && sudo tar xzvf leptonica-1.82.0.tar.gz &&cd leptonica-1.82.0 && sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ && sudo make && sudo make install &
nohup sudo wget &&sudo tar -zxvf 4.1.1 && cd tesseract-4.1.1 && sudo ./ && sudo cp /home/ec2-user/leptonica-1.82.0/lept.pc /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/. && sudo LIBLEPT_HEADERSDIR=/usr/local/lib ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --with-extra-libraries=/usr/local/lib && sudo make && sudo make install &
nohup export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib && sudo ldconfig && sudo wget && sudo mv -v eng.traineddata /usr/local/share/tessdata/eng.traineddata && sudo wget && sudo tar -zxvf ghostpdl-9.55.0.tar.gz && cd ghostpdl-9.55.0 && sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ && sudo make && sudo make install &
nohup sudo wget && sudo tar xzvf qpdf-10.1.0.tar.gz && cd qpdf-10.1.0 && sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ && sudo make && sudo make install &

installing gdk-pixbuf on Elastic Beanstalk v2

I am trying to get Django-Weasyprint working correctly on an AWS Linux2 Elastic Beanstalk instance. I have come across [this question][1] and when I add the code to .platform/hooks/predeploy the images all work but the href links stop working.
I have, therefore, tried to upgrade the packages within the script and my script now looks like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
yum install -y libxml2-devel libxslt-devel python-devel redhat-rpm-config libffi-devel cairo pango
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig
export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib64:/usr/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:/usr/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ glib2-devel.x86_64 libxml2-devel.x86_64 libpng-devel.x86_64 \
libjpeg-turbo-devel.x86_64 gobject-introspection.x86_64 gobject-introspection-devel.x86_64
tar xvfJ libcroco-0.6.13.tar.xz
cd libcroco-0.6.13
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xvfJ gdk-pixbuf-2.42.6.tar.xz
cd gdk-pixbuf-2.42.6
./configure --prefix=/usr --without-libtiff
sudo make install
cd ..
sudo yum install -y pixman-devel.x86_64 harfbuzz-devel.x86_64 freetype-devel.x86_64
tar xvf fontconfig-2.13.93.tar.gz
cd fontconfig-2.13.93
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-libxml2
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xvfJ cairo-1.16.0.tar.xz
cd cairo-1.16.0
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xvfJ pango-1.48.4.tar.xz
cd pango-1.48.4
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xvfJ librsvg-2.50.5.tar.xz
cd librsvg-2.50.5
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
sudo ldconfig /usr/lib
It generates the following error:
OSError: cannot load library '':
/lib64/ undefined symbol:
I don't know how to resolve and would appreciate some help - thanks
[1]: Django Weasyprint on Elastic Beanstalk - Could not load GDK-Pixbuf
For me the solution was to put the following file in hooks > predeploy >
#!/usr/bin/env bash
yum install -y libxml2-devel libxslt-devel python-devel redhat-rpm-config libffi-devel cairo pango
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig
export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib64:/usr/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:/usr/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ glib2-devel.x86_64 libxml2-devel.x86_64 libpng-devel.x86_64 \
libjpeg-turbo-devel.x86_64 gobject-introspection.x86_64 gobject-introspection-devel.x86_64
tar xvfJ libcroco-0.6.8.tar.xz
cd libcroco-0.6.8
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xvfJ gdk-pixbuf-2.28.2.tar.xz
cd gdk-pixbuf-2.28.2
./configure --prefix=/usr --without-libtiff
sudo make install
cd ..
sudo yum install -y pixman-devel.x86_64 harfbuzz-devel.x86_64 freetype-devel.x86_64
tar xvf fontconfig-2.13.93.tar.gz
cd fontconfig-2.13.93
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-libxml2
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xvfJ cairo-1.16.0.tar.xz
cd cairo-1.16.0
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xvfJ pango-1.48.4.tar.xz
cd pango-1.48.4
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
tar xvfJ librsvg-2.40.6.tar.xz
cd librsvg-2.40.6
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
cd ..
sudo ldconfig /usr/lib

Deploying a Geodjango Application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I'm trying to deploy a geodjango application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The configuration is 64bit Amazon Linux 2017.09 v2.6.6 running Python 3.6. I am getting this error when trying to deploy:
Requires: Error: Package: gdal-java-1.9.2-8.rhel6.x86_64 (pgdg93) Requires:
How do I install the required package? I read through Setting up Django with GeoDjango Support in AWS Beanstalk or EC2 Instance but I am still getting problems. My ebextensions currently looks like:
command: sudo yum -y update
command: sudo yum-config-manager -y --enable epel
command: sudo yum -y install gdal gdal-devel
git: []
postgresql95-devel: []
gettext: []
libjpeg-turbo-devel: []
libffi-devel: []
I'm going to answer my own question for the sake my future projects and anyone else trying to get started with geodjango. Updating this answer as of July 2020
Create an ebextensions file to install GDAL on the EC2 instance at deployment:
test: "[ ! -d /usr/local/gdal ]"
command: "/tmp/"
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
sudo yum -y install make automake gcc gcc-c++ libcurl-devel proj-devel geos-devel
# Geos
cd /
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/geos
cd usr/local/geos/geos-3.7.2
sudo wget geos-3.7.2.tar.bz2
sudo tar -xvf geos-3.7.2.tar.bz2
cd geos-3.7.2
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
# Proj4
cd /
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/proj
cd usr/local/proj
sudo wget -O proj-5.2.0.tar.gz
sudo wget -O proj-datumgrid-1.8.tar.gz
sudo tar xvf proj-5.2.0.tar.gz
sudo tar xvf proj-datumgrid-1.8.tar.gz
cd proj-5.2.0
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd /
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/gdal
cd usr/local/gdal
sudo wget -O gdal-2.4.4.tar.gz
sudo tar xvf gdal-2.4.4.tar.gz
cd gdal-2.4.4
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
As shown, the script checks whether gdal already exists using the test function. It then downloads the Geos, Proj, and GDAL libraries and installs them in the usr/local directory. At the time of writing this, geodjango (Django 3.0) supports up to Geos 3.7, Proj 5.2 (which also requires projdatum. Current releases do not require it), and GDAL 2.4 Warning: this installation process can take a long time. Also I am not a Linux professional so some of those commands may be redundant, but it works.
Lastly I add the following two environment variables to my Elastic Beanstalk configuration:
PROJ_LIB: usr/local/proj
If you still have troubles I recommend checking the logs and ssh-ing in the EC2 instance to check that installation took place. Original credit to this post

macOS, Dockerfile mounting a folder cannot change locale

I'm trying to mount a folder with my docker file instead of copying it on build. We use git for development and I don't want to rebuild the image everytime I make a change for testing.
my docker file is now as such
#set base image
FROM centos:centos7.2.1511
#install yum dependencies
RUN yum -y update \\
&& yum -y install yum-plugin-ovl \
&& yum -y install epel-release \
&& yum -y install net-tools \
&& yum -y install gcc \
&& yum -y install python-devel \
&& yum -y install git \
&& yum -y install python-pip \
&& yum -y install openldap-devel \
&& yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel \
&& yum -y install libxslt-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel \
&& yum -y install libevent-devel \
&& yum -y install openldap-devel \
&& yum -y install net-snmp-devel \
&& yum -y install mysql-devel \
&& yum -y install python-dateutil \
&& yum -y install python-pip \
&& pip install --upgrade pip
# Create the DIR
#RUN mkdir -p /var/www/itapp
# Set the working directory
#WORKDIR /var/www/itapp
# Copy the app directory contents into the container
#ADD . /var/www/itapp
# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt
#RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# Make port available to the world outside this container
# Define environment variable
ENV NAME itapp
# Run server when the container launches
CMD ["python", "", "runserver", ""]
ive commented out the creation and copy of the itapp Django files as I want to mount them instead, (do I need to rebuild this first?)
then my command for mounting is
docker run -it -v /Users/alex/itapp:/var/www/itapp itapp bash
I now get an error:
bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8): No such file or directory
bash: warning: setlocale: LC_COLLATE: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8): No such file or directory
bash: warning: setlocale: LC_MESSAGES: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8): No such file or directory
bash: warning: setlocale: LC_NUMERIC: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8): No such file or directory
bash: warning: setlocale: LC_TIME: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8): No such file or directory
and the dev instance does not run.
how would I also set the working directory to the the volume that I'm mounting at runtime?
Try this command. -w WORKDIR option in docker run sets working directory inside the container.
docker run -d -v /Users/alex/itapp:/var/www/itapp -w /var/www/itapp itapp
Also, you'll to map your container port to your host port to be able to access, for example, from a browser to your app.
To do this, use the following command.
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -v /Users/alex/itapp:/var/www/itapp -w /var/www/itapp itapp
After this, your app should be running in localhost:8000