How to disable ocamlformat in the vendor folder? - ocaml

I have OCaml project and in vendor folder I have some libraries that are not of my own, I don't want to run ocamlformat on them I tried this
# .ocamlformat
profile = default
version = 0.24.1
# .ocamlformat-ignore
But when I run dune build #fmt I see a lot of errors regarding the vendor folder
(cd _build/default && /home/geckos/.opam/coq-of-solidity/bin/ocamlformat --intf vendor/ocaml-solidity/src/solidity-typechecker/solidity_typechecker.mli) > _build/default/vendor/ocaml-solidity/src/solidity-typechecker/.formatted/solidity_typechecker.mli
ocamlformat: Error while parsing /home/geckos/code/coq-of-solidity/_build/default/vendor/ocaml-solidity/.ocamlformat:
Project should be formatted using ocamlformat version "0.15.0", but the installed version is "0.24.1"
For option "align-cases": This option has been removed in version 0.22.
For option "align-constructors-decl": This option has been removed in version 0.22.
For option "align-variants-decl": This option has been removed in version 0.22.
For option "let-open": This option has been removed in version 0.17. Concrete syntax will now always be preserved.

Having vendor/** in your .ocamlformat-ignore file should fix your issue. No need to have a line for each sublevel of your vendor directory.

There's an FAQ entry explaining this in the documentation:
It is possible to disable OCamlFormat for the files of a directory by
having an .ocamlformat file containing disable in this directory, or
listing the files to ignore in an .ocamlformat-ignore file.
For now it is not possible to recursively ignore all subdirectories
and files from a parent directory, you need to list all the
descendants of the directory to ignore them, e.g.:
It is also possible to add an .ocamlformat-ignore file containing * in
every directory that needs to be ignored.
Edit: This FAQ entry is apparently outdated. It should also be possible to use vendor/"", as #gpetiot points out in the other answer. As the current maintainer he should know. (I've also submitted a PR to update the documentation)


CMake 3 Bootstrapping and g++ problems

I am working on a Linux Redhat server. I am trying to Bootstrap my CMake 3 download files as per How to download, compile, and install CMake on Linux.
I changed 2 lines in the bootstrap file so that I would be using the appropriate GCC/G++ versions:
# Toolchain compiler name table.
# cmake_toolchain_GNU_CC='gcc'
But, it seems like bootstrap is still referencing some compiler-related files in the root directories even though I want it to only reference these:
/inf/projdig/users/{username}/gcc_install/bin/gcc and
Please see this error:
What should I change in the Bootstrap file so that nothing in /usr/... is referenced, and only
/inf/projdig/users/{username}/gcc_install/bin/gcc and
are referenced?
Okay, I did manage to fix some problems by specifying
-L/{path to correct libstdc++} compiler option.
However, at the very end of the bootstrap script, this line doesn't work:
I can't just fix it by adding a -L compiler option because this does not invoke a compiler. It's invoking CMake. This command above produces the same error (ie. it searches /usr/lib64 for the libraries, which is the path I don't want it to look through). How can I let CMake look at a different path for libraries? What option should I specify after .../cmake ?

Conan-Package: Getting compiled files from other Conan-Packages

I'm using Conan as a dependency manager for C++ and I want to create a package which requires a compiled file from another, already created, Conan-package.
I'm currently trying to create a package for the OpenStreetMap-Library OSM-binary (
The Makefile for this project (which can be found at ./OSM-binary/src/Makefile) requires a file called protoc from the protobuf-project ( This protoc-file can be found after compiling the protobuf-project in ./protobuf/src.
Without this file compiling the OSM-sources will fail with an error: make: ../protoc: Command not found
The Problem
As conan's documentation suggests to copy my needed files to folders in my package, e.g header-files to ./include, libs to ./lib, etc.
According to this, after building the protobuf-project via make, I'm copying the mentioned file via
def package(self):
self.copy("*.so", dst="lib", keep_path=False)
self.copy("protoc", dst="scripts", src="./protobuf/src")
to an folder called "scripts".
But at this point the black magic starts.
My first question is, how can I access any of these packed files (e. g. the *.so files or any other files (here the protoc-file) which are present in an package) from another package?
For me, even after reading conan's documentation, it's not clear how conan stores it's packed files and how to access these or any other files packed in the previous step.
Now back at the OSM-Project my approach would be setting the correct path manually in the Makefile via the tools.replace command.
First I declared the protobuf-packaged as an requirement
requires = "protobuf/2.5.0#test/testing"
and replaced the corresponding lines (in version 1.3.3, line 7) in the osm-Makefile with the correct path to the protoc-file.
"PROTOC ?= protoc",
"PROTOC ?= <path-to-file>/protoc")
Now this leads us to my actual question: How do I get the path to the protoc-file which can be found in the protobuf-package in a folder called scripts, or is there any other way to do it?
There are different ways to access files from your dependencies:
If you want to directly run some file from your dependencies, you could use the, run_environment=True), that will automatically set the PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc so the binaries are found in the place where the package is installed. Find more information here
You can directly import the files you want from your dependencies, doing a copy (which is done before the build() method) of such files into the build folder, so they can be directly used there. The path you can use in your script is the current one, or self.build_folder. The imported files will be automatically removed after build, so they are not accidentally repackaged. Check imports docs
You can obtain information from your dependencies from the self.deps_cpp_info attribute. Check the reference here. That means you can get the paths to your protobuf dependency with something like
def build(self):
# Get the directory where protobuf package is installed
protoc_root = self.deps_cpp_info["protobuf"].rootpath
# Note this is a list
protoc_bin_paths = self.deps_cpp_info["protobuf"].bin_paths

Exporting cmake-gui options

I have a library with a bunch of different configuration options. We usually configure the build with cmake-gui and ticking a few checkboxes.
I want to automate this into a .sh script using just cmake.
In GUI -> selects a bunch of different options
equivalent cmake command -> cmake -D CMAKE_XXX=X -D CMAKE_XXY=XXY [a bunch of options here] ..
How can I find the "equivalent" cmake command-line command to any arbitrary configuration I choose from the GUI?
The equivalent cmake command to cache a variable is explained here (-D option). Note that previous documentation was ambiguous, so take care of always checking the latest one.
You have to specify also the type to have the variable cached in the same way as through your cmake-gui procedure. Note that variable definition is necessary only the first time: if not specified anymore, the cached value will be used.
cmake-gui generates CMakeVars.txt and CMakeCache.txt files in the build directory once you click "Configure" button. They cache all variables you configured through the GUI.
Had the same question ... and as you asked I looking up some of the options in the menu and found it. Menu Tools -> Show My Changes
Bringing up an Dialog with an edit field with content for command line options or cache file options.
p.s. I used cmake 3.11.1
just read file named like CMakeCache.txt (iirc) in the root of build directory and see variable names there
You can write a file containing all variables you want to set with set(<var_name> <value>) and pass this file to the CMake call via -C:
cmake -C <fileWithInitialValues> <pathToSrcDir>
This should would similar with cmake-gui and ccmake, but it is not a pure solution with the graphic interface.

Running NotePad++ from Command line with Compare Plugin showing compare result

I am trying to find a way to call notepad++ from command line with compare plugin showing the compare result providing I pass 2 files name which I want to compare.
Think like I have a batch file, which does some work and result is opening notepad++ showing 2 files in compare mode. (Yes, compare plugin is installed)
If anyone has any other suggestion to using any other editor or software also welcome..
The command is Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin\compare.exe file1 file2.
Download the compare plugin Installing the compare plugin from the plugin manager within Notepad++ does not install the requisite exe. I assume you could also build from source to obtain the exe.
Follow the manual installation instructions in the readme:
To install manually, copy ComparePlugin.dll and ComparePlugin subfolder
into the plugins directory C:\Program Files\Notepad++\Plugins.
For a portable Notepad++ installation, you need to run the command from a directory above the notepad++ directory (or with absolute path of exe), otherwise you get an error that Notepad++.exe is not found.
The commands look like this:
>cd C:\portapps\Notepad++
>cd ..
>Notepad++\plugins\ComparePlugin\compare.exe C:\files\file1.txt C:\files\file2.txt
ufo's answer put me on the right track but it did not contain the commands to run.
There's a tool called NppCompareLoader doing exactly what you want. Simply drop it in the N++ installation folder. I'm using it since many years as a diff viewer for TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit, thus you should certainly be able to call it right from command line.
Since the (unofficial) Compare-plug-in version the additional loader mentioned above isn't required anymore. There's already one included in the plug-in. Here's the regarding change-log fragment:
NEW: Loader for using N++ as an external diff viewer (e.g. in TortoiseSVN, TortoiseGit, ..)

Excluding a single project file from an SVN repository

I have a django project that I have been working on as a solo developer, and have been using TortoiseSVN to keep the code managed in a repository on a work server. I work on this on a local installation of django etc.
There is now a second person who will be working on this project, and the possibility of working on some other PCs.
Now, there should, for the time being, only be one development version (branch?) of this project, but the configuration file ( will need to be different on each computer that is being used. I want to create one local version of this file on each PC which should not need to be changed again.
How can I set the repository (preferably within TortoiseSVN) to exclude this one file? E.g. the repository should not include When a checkout occurs, it should update all files in the local folder but not change/remove the local copy of When a commit occurs, should be ignored and not uploaded.
At the moment is overwritten/updated as per any other file in the project folder/repository.
Any nudges in the right direction would be useful - I'm new to SVN generally and would like to know if this is something that's going to need detailed understanding of branching or if there is a simpler way.
In TortoiseSVN, when you try to commit your files, in the file list dialog, right click the file and look for the Ignore option. You can ignore by complete filename or extension.
If the file is already in the repository, and you want to remove it from there and ignore it, you can simply right-click the file and in the TortoiseSVN menu look for the 'Delete and add to ignore list' option.
You'll be looking for the svn:ignore property, which tells subversion to not version files matching a pattern or patterns you specify.
There's some guidance on using it with TortoiseSVN at:
These should help:
I have a file in my project that every developer must change, but I don't want those local mods to ever be committed. How can I make 'svn commit' ignore the file?
Excluding Items from the Commit List
The typical solution is to do what bgever said and ignore the settings file itself, and then commit a file with example values, something like That file should only be updated when you add or remove settings. When deploying, you'd copy that to and edit the values.