How can I build a custom request workflow in Postman, based on the last request's response? - postman

I have a request that needs some time to be processed in Logic Apps, so I established an async pattern. Then, in the response (a 202 status type) there is a "location" header value that has a URL value like the following:
The server returns a response with the "location" and "retry-after" header values, and I want Postman to go into that location with the same credentials until it comes back with a 200 response. Is there a way to do this?
I checked in the documentation that you can chain different requests by name or ID; maybe the only solution is to separate the Job ID as a "job-id" value at the response's header and pass it to a new request under my collections in Postman, but I want to know if I can do it directly without having to change my server's response.

Done. This is my tested and working postman code:
var jobUrl = "";
var retries = 5;
var delayInSecondsBetweenRetries = 20;
// Send initial request and get response
url: jobUrl,
method: "POST",
header: {
}, function(err, res) {
var location = res.headers.get("location");
console.log("Job started. Checking status at: " + location);
// If status code 202 is received, get the "location" header URL
if (res.status == "Accepted") {
console.log("Entering in retry loop");
// Start retry loop
for (var i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
(function(i) {
var delay = delayInSecondsBetweenRetries * 1000 * i;
var friendlyStatus = "Still Working";
setTimeout(function() {
// Send request to "location" header URL and get response
url: location,
method: "GET",
header: {
}, function(err, res) {
if (res.status == "Accepted") {
friendlyStatus = "Still Working";
} else if (res.status == "Bad Request") {
friendlyStatus = "Job ID not found or some error happened in the server!";
} else if (res.status == "OK") {
friendlyStatus = "||||||| Job Done! ||||||||";
} else {
throw new Error("An unknown response was recieved. Check the console for details.");
console.log("Location checked. Response: " + friendlyStatus);
// If status code 200 is received, exit loop
if (res.status == "OK") {
var response = res.json();
console.log("Response: " + response.ResponseText + "\n" + "Full Response Data: " + response.FullResponseData);
// If status code is not 200, wait 10 seconds and retry
else if (res.status == "Accepted") {
var messageComplement = "Retrying in " + delayInSecondsBetweenRetries + " seconds";
if (i == 9) {
messageComplement = "Achieved retries limit. No more retries.";
else if (res.status == "Accepted") {
var messageComplement = "Retrying in " + delayInSecondsBetweenRetries + " seconds";
if (i == 9) {
messageComplement = "Achieved retries limit. No more retries.";
}, delay);


Load testing an API which uses oauth token for authorization using loadimpact k6

I'm trying to load test an API (GET method) using loadimpact k6 which requires oauth token for authorization to get the successful response. I already have a postman collection file which does this by running pre-request script. The pre-request script will request token from the authorization server and then populates the token in the environment variable. I used the "Postman to LoadImpact converter" to generate the k6 script but it isn't doing any help. The script fails to get the access token.
The generated script from the converter is given below:
// Auto-generated by the Load Impact converter
import "./libs/shim/core.js";
export let options = { maxRedirects: 4 };
const Request = Symbol.for("request");
collection: {
currentAccessToken: "",
"Client-Id": "",
"Client-Secret": "",
"Token-Scope": "",
"Grant-Type": "client_credentials",
"Access-Token-URL": "",
accessTokenExpiry: ""
export default function() {
name: "Collection Mock",
id: "",
method: "GET",
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer {{currentAccessToken}}"
pre() {
const echoPostRequest = {
url: pm.environment.get("Access-Token-URL"),
method: "POST",
header: "Content-Type:x-www-form-urlencoded",
body: {
mode: "urlencoded",
urlencoded: [
{ key: "client_id", value: pm.environment.get("Client-Id") },
key: "client_secret",
value: pm.environment.get("Client-Secret")
{ key: "grant_type", value: pm.environment.get("Grant-Type") },
{ key: "scope", value: pm.environment.get("Token-Scope") }
var getToken = true;
if (
!pm.environment.get("accessTokenExpiry") ||
) {
console.log("Token or expiry date are missing");
} else if (
pm.environment.get("accessTokenExpiry") <= new Date().getTime()
) {
console.log("Token is expired");
} else {
getToken = false;
console.log("Token and expiry date are all good");
if (getToken === true) {
pm.sendRequest(echoPostRequest, function(err, res) {
console.log(err ? err : res.json());
if (err === null) {
console.log("Saving the token and expiry date");
var responseJson = res.json();
pm.environment.set("currentAccessToken", responseJson.access_token);
var expiryDate = new Date();
expiryDate.getSeconds() + responseJson.expires_in
pm.environment.set("accessTokenExpiry", expiryDate.getTime());
The issue is with pm.sendRequest which is not supported by the converter and I'm not sure what the alternative is. So, I'm looking for ways to dynamically request access token from the authorization server and use that token to make a request to the API for load testing in k6 script.
As you have seen sendRequest is not supported ...
This is primarily because of the fact pm.sendRequest is asynchronous but k6 at this point doesn't have a event loop so ... no asynchronous http calls :( (except with http.batch but ... not
I find it unlikely that you want this to be asynchronous or ... well you can't do it with k6 at this point either way ... you can just rewrite it to use k6's
As far as I can see this should look like
pre() {
var getToken = true;
if (
!pm.environment.get("accessTokenExpiry") ||
) {
console.log("Token or expiry date are missing");
} else if (
pm.environment.get("accessTokenExpiry") <= new Date().getTime()
) {
console.log("Token is expired");
} else {
getToken = false;
console.log("Token and expiry date are all good");
if (getToken === true) {
let res ="Access-Token-URL"), {
"client_id": pm.environment.get("Client-Id") ,
"client_secret": pm.environment.get("Client-Secret"),
"grant_type": pm.environment.get("Grant-Type"),
"scope": pm.environment.get("Token-Scope")
console.log(err ? err : res.json());
if (err === null) {
console.log("Saving the token and expiry date");
var responseJson = res.json();
pm.environment.set("currentAccessToken", responseJson.access_token);
var expiryDate = new Date();
expiryDate.getSeconds() + responseJson.expires_in
pm.environment.set("accessTokenExpiry", expiryDate.getTime());
Disclaimer: I have never used postman and the code above was written/copy-pasted by hand and not tested :)
I ended up using below code snippet to make a successful call for my purpose:
// Auto-generated by the Load Impact converter
import "./libs/shim/core.js";
import http from "k6/http";
import { check, sleep } from "k6";
export let options = {
max_vus: 10,
vus: 10,
stages: [
{ duration: "1m", target: 10 }
const Request = Symbol.for("request");
pm.environment.set("currentAccessToken", "");
pm.environment.set("accessTokenExpiry", "");
pm.environment.set("clientId", "");
pm.environment.set("clientSecret", "");
pm.environment.set("tokenScope", "");
pm.environment.set("grantType", "");
pm.environment.set("accesstokenUrl", "");
pm.environment.set("apiUrl", "");
pm.environment.set("subscriptionKeys", "");
export default function() {
var getToken = true;
if (!pm.environment.get("accessTokenExpiry") || !pm.environment.get("currentAccessToken")) {
//console.log("Token or expiry date are missing");
} else if (pm.environment.get("accessTokenExpiry") <= new Date().getTime()) {
//console.log("Token is expired");
} else {
getToken = false;
//console.log("Token and expiry date are all good");
if (getToken === true) {
//get the access token first
let res ="accesstokenUrl"), {
"client_id": pm.environment.get("clientId"),
"client_secret": pm.environment.get("clientSecret"),
"grant_type": pm.environment.get("grantType"),
"scope": pm.environment.get("tokenScope")
var checkRes = check(res, {
"Token Request status is 200": (r) => r.status === 200,
if (checkRes) {
var responseJson = res.json();
pm.environment.set("currentAccessToken", responseJson.access_token);
var expiryDate = new Date();
expiryDate.getSeconds() + responseJson.expires_in
pm.environment.set("accessTokenExpiry", expiryDate.getTime());
//make the api request using the access token and subscription keys (if required)
let apiRes = http.get(pm.environment.get("apiUrl"),
headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + pm.environment.get("currentAccessToken"),
"Subscription-Key" : pm.environment.get("subscriptionKeys")
check(apiRes, {
"API Request status is 200": (res) => res.status === 200

API Gateway -> Lambda -> DynamoDB using Cognito. HTTP POST-> Unable to read response but returns a code 200

I query an HTTP POST (using Authorizer as Header parameter from Cognito).
When I try to fetch/read the query response, it triggers the error event. However, in the browser, I can see how 2 HTTP POST responses with 200 code and one of them returning the valid response. For example: if I make the request via POST man I receive the data in 1 response in a good way.
I am unable to print the result because it launches the error event with not valid response data.
Browser images:
Lambda code:
'use strict';
var AWS = require('aws-sdk'),
documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
exports.handler = function index(event, context, callback){
var params = {
TableName : "data-table"
documentClient.scan(params, function(err, data){
callback(err, null);
callback(null, data.Items);
Client side JS code:
function requestData(pickupLocation) {
type: 'POST',
url: _config.api.invokeUrl,
headers: {
Authorization: authToken,
data: "{}",
cache: false,
success: completeRequest,
error: errorRequest
function completeRequest(response) {
function errorRequest(response) {
alert(response.status + ' ' + response.statusText);
According to further clarification based on the comments, this looks like API gateway has CORS disabled or enabled with incorrect header value returns.
The solution is to re-enable CORS through API gateway and in the advanced options add Access-Control-Allow-Origin to the header response (if not already on by default).
If you're proxying the response, you need to follow a specific format as described here
'use strict';
console.log('Loading hello world function');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
let name = "you";
let city = 'World';
let time = 'day';
let day = '';
let responseCode = 200;
console.log("request: " + JSON.stringify(event));
// This is a simple illustration of app-specific logic to return the response.
// Although only 'event.queryStringParameters' are used here, other request data,
// such as 'event.headers', 'event.pathParameters', 'event.body', 'event.stageVariables',
// and 'event.requestContext' can be used to determine what response to return.
if (event.queryStringParameters && {
console.log("Received name: " +;
name =;
if (event.pathParameters && event.pathParameters.proxy) {
console.log("Received proxy: " + event.pathParameters.proxy);
city = event.pathParameters.proxy;
if (event.headers && event.headers['day']) {
console.log("Received day: " +;
day =;
if (event.body) {
let body = JSON.parse(event.body)
if (body.time)
time = body.time;
let greeting = `Good ${time}, ${name} of ${city}. `;
if (day) greeting += `Happy ${day}!`;
let responseBody = {
message: greeting,
input: event
// The output from a Lambda proxy integration must be
// of the following JSON object. The 'headers' property
// is for custom response headers in addition to standard
// ones. The 'body' property must be a JSON string. For
// base64-encoded payload, you must also set the 'isBase64Encoded'
// property to 'true'.
let response = {
statusCode: responseCode,
headers: {
"x-custom-header" : "my custom header value"
body: JSON.stringify(responseBody)
console.log("response: " + JSON.stringify(response))
return response;
If you are using chrome you probably need the cors plugin .

AWS Lambda#edge to set cookies to origin response

My objective is to protect an aws s3 bucket link and I'm trying to solve this by using cloudfront as the link via which the s3 buckets are accessible, hence when a user tries to access the cloudfront link, there is a basic auth if there's no cookie in their browser, but if there's a cookie, then auth values in this cookie is checked and user is granted access.
PS: This is not a website, my quest is to protect s3 bucket links.
Here is my attempt, using lambda#edge, on viewer request, there's the auth page if user is not logged in, otherwise, they're allowed access, it works but I can't set cookies, because somewhere in aws documentation, cloudfront deletes set-cookies in header files: CloudFront removes the Cookie header from requests that it forwards to your origin and removes the Set-Cookie header from responses that it returns to your viewers
Here is my code:
'use strict';
// returns a response error
const responseError = {
status: '401',
statusDescription: 'Unauthorized',
headers: {
'www-authenticate': [{key: 'WWW-Authenticate', value:'Basic'}]
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Get request and request headers
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
const response = event.Records[0].cf.response;
const headers = request.headers;
// checks to see if headers exists with cookies
let hasTheHeader = (request, headerKey) => {
if (request.headers[headerKey]) {
return true;
else return false;
// Add set-cookie header to origin response
const setCookie = function(response, cookie) {
const cookieValue = `${cookie}`;
console.log(`Setting cookie ${cookieValue}`);
response.headers['set-cookie'] = [{ key: "Set-Cookie", value: cookieValue }];
// Configure authentication
const authUser = 'someuser';
const authPass = 'testpassword';
let authToken;
let authString;
// Construct the Auth string
const buff = new Buffer(authUser + ':' + authPass).toString('base64');
authString = 'Basic ' + buff;
const authCookie = 'testAuthToken';
//execute this on viewer request that is if request type is viewer request:
if(event.Records[0].cf.config.eventType == 'viewer-request'){
//check if cookies exists and assign authToken if it does not
if(hasTheHeader(request, 'cookie') ){
for (let i = 0; i < headers.cookie.length; i++)
if (headers.cookie[i].value.indexOf(authString) >= 0)
authToken = authString;
if (!authToken)
if (headers && headers.authorization && headers.authorization[0].value === authString)
// Set-Cookie: testAuthToken= new Buffer(authUser + ':' + authPass).toString('base64')
authToken = authString;
request.header.cookie = [];
//put cookie value to custom header - format is important
request.headers.cookie.push({'key': 'Cookie', 'value': authString});
callback(null, responseError);
// continue forwarding request
callback(null, request);
//strip out "Basic " to extract Basic credential in base 64
var authInfo = authToken.slice(6);
var userCredentials = new Buffer(authInfo, 'base64');
var userLoginNamePass = userCredentials.toString();
var baseCredentials = userLoginNamePass.split(":");
var username = baseCredentials[0];
var userPass = baseCredentials[1];
if (username != authUser && userPass != authPass) {
//user auth failed
callback(null, responseError);
} else {
request.header.cookie = [];
//put cookie value to custom header - format is important
request.headers.cookie.push({'key': 'Cookie', 'value': authString});
// continue forwarding request
callback(null, request);
else if(event.Records[0].cf.config.eventType == 'origin-response')
if(hasTheHeader(request, 'cookie')){
for (let i = 0; i < headers.cookie.length; i++)
if (headers.cookie[i].value.indexOf(authString) >= 0)
setCookie(response, authString);
// console.log(res_headers);
console.log("response: " + JSON.stringify(response));
callback(null, response);
Your suggestions will be most welcome. Thanks in advance.

How can i set 'personFields' query parameter in Google People API get request?

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var theUrl = "'names,photos,coverPhotos'";"GET", theUrl, true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + currentSessionAccessToken)
xhttp.onload = function(){
if(xhttp.status == 200){
var profileJson = JSON.parse(xhttp.response);
if(xhttp.status == 404){
xhttp.onerror = function(){
Above is my XMLHttpRequest. After the request i get an error below:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid personFields mask path: \"\"names\". Valid paths are documented at",
Can some one suggest me a valid path? I did not find in the documentation.
Change personFields='names,photos,coverPhotos' to personFields=names,photos,coverPhotos without the '.

What's the best way to process array of JSON messages posted to Nodejs server?

A client sends an array of JSON messages to be stored at Nodejs server; but client will require some sort of acknowledgement for each message (through unique id), that it was properly stored at server, and hence doesn't need to be sent again.
At server I want to parse the JSON array, then loop through it, store each message in db, store response for this message in JSON array named responses, and finally send this responses array to the client. But as the db operations are async, all other code is executed before any result returned from db storing methods. My question is how to keep updating the responses array, untill all db operations are complete?
var message = require('./models/message');
var async = require('async');
var VALID_MESSAGE = 200;
var SERVER_ERROR = 500;
function processMessage(passedMessage, callback) {
var msg = null;
var err = null;
var responses = [];
isValidMessage(passedMessage, function(err, result) {
if(err) {
callback( createResponse(INVALID_MESSAGE, 0) );
var keys = Object.keys(result);
for(var i=0, len = keys.length; i<len; i++) {
//store valid json message(s)
function storeMessage(callback) {
(function(oneMessage) {
message.processMessage(result[i], function(res) {
callback(res, result[i].mid, callback);
console.log('callback returns from storeMessage()');
//create a json response to send back to client
function createResponse(responseCode, mid, callback) {
var status = "";
var msg = "";
switch(responseCode) {
status = "pass";
msg = "Message stored successfuly.";
status = "fail";
msg = "Message invalid, please send again with correct data.";
status = "fail";
msg = "Internal Server Error! please contact the administrator.";
default: {
responseCode = SERVER_ERROR;
status = "fail";
msg = "Internal Server Error! please contact the administrator.";
var response = { "mid": mid, "status": status, "message": msg, "code": responseCode};
callback(null, response );
function(err, result) {
console.log('final callback in series: ', result);
}//loop ends
}//else ends
console.log('now we can send response back to app as: ', responses);
});//isValid finishes
To expand on what lanzz said, this is a pretty common solution (start a number of "tasks" all at the same time, and then use a common callback to determine when they're all done). Here's a quick paste of my function from my userStats function, which gets the number of active users (DAU, WAU, and HAU):
exports.userStats = function(app, callback)
var res = {'actives': {}},
day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
req_model = Request.alloc(app).model,
actives = {'DAU': day, 'MAU': day*31, 'WAU': day*7},
countActives = function(name, time) {
var date = new Date(new Date().getTime() - time);
req_model.distinct('username',{'date': {$gte: date}}, function(e,c){
res.actives[name] = parseInt(c ? c.length : 0, 10);
if(Object.keys(actives).length <= Object.keys(res.actives).length)
callback(null, res);
var keys = Object.keys(actives);
for(var k in keys)
countActives(keys[k], actives[keys[k]]);
Only send your responses array when the number of items in it equals the number of keys in your result object (i.e. you've gathered responses for all of them). You can check if you're good to send after you push each response in the array.