LINQ query throw an exception when to get a count of a type - unit-testing

I write a test to filter a list.
public async Task<GetAllParticipantsDto> ListAllAsync(GetAllParticipantsRequest queryModel)
int count = 0;
var participantsList = participantRepository.AsNoTracking()
.Include(a => a.ParticipantConnections)!.ThenInclude(a => a.Connection)
.Include(a => a.ParticipantApplicationUsers)!.ThenInclude(a => a.ApplicationUser)
if (participantsList != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryModel.RelatedConnection))
participantsList = participantsList.Where(x => x.ParticipantConnections.Any(y => y.Connection.FirstName.ToLower().Contains(queryModel.RelatedConnection.ToLower())) || x.ParticipantConnections.Any(y => y.Connection.LastName.ToLower().Contains(queryModel.RelatedConnection.ToLower())) ||
x.ParticipantConnections.Any(y => (y.Connection.FirstName.ToLower()+ y.Connection.LastName.ToLower()).Contains(queryModel.RelatedConnection.ToLower())) || x.ParticipantConnections.Any(y => (y.Connection.FirstName.ToLower() +" "+ y.Connection.LastName.ToLower()).Contains(queryModel.RelatedConnection.ToLower())));
count = participantsList.Count(); // NullReferenceException Exception thrown in this line
unit test
public async void ListAllAsync_ShouldReturn_FilterByBy_RelatedConnection()
var query = new GetAllParticipantsRequest()
{ // others null
RelatedConnection = "Alice Doe, Bob Doe"
Func<DSMP.ApplicationCore.Entities.Participant, bool> exists = n => true; // prepare Func outside of Setup
//1 - create a List<T> with test items
var participantList = ParticipantMockData.ListAllAsyncEntity();
//2 - build mock by extension
var mock = participantList.AsQueryable().BuildMock();
//3 - setup the mock as Queryable for Moq
_participantRepository.Setup(x => x.AsNoTracking(false)).Returns(mock);
var sut = new ParticipantService(
_participantRepository.Object, _participantSupportNeed.Object, _participantConnection.Object, _participantDisability.Object, _participantMedicalCondition.Object, _supportNeed.Object, _disability.Object, _medicalCondition.Object, _participantApplicationUser.Object, _appLogger.Object);
// Act
var result = await sut.ListAllAsync(query);
// Assert
The exception
Message - System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
StackTrace -
" at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate)\r\n at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator1.MoveNext()\r\n at System.Collections.Generic.LargeArrayBuilder1.AddRange(IEnumerable1 items)\r\n at System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers.ToArray[T](IEnumerable1 source)\r\n at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)\r\n at System.Linq.SystemCore_EnumerableDebugView1.get_Items()"
I could not find why this error occur.
Can any one help me?


Mocking IDocumentQuery in Unit Test that uses Linq queries

I am writing unit tests for DocumentDBRepository but I got a null reference exception. I use Moq framework and XUnit.
Here's my methods in DocumentDBRepository class.
public class DocumentDBRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T: class
private static string DatabaseId;
private static string CollectionId;
private static IDocumentClient client;
public DocumentDBRepository(IDocumentClient documentClient, string databaseId, string collectionId)
DatabaseId = databaseId;
CollectionId = collectionId;
client = documentClient;
public async Task<IDocumentQuery<T>> GetQuery(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
IDocumentQuery<T> query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(
UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId),
new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = -1, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true })
return query;
catch (Exception e) {
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetEntities(IDocumentQuery<T> query)
List<T> results = new List<T>();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
results.AddRange(await query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());
return results;
catch (Exception e)
Here's my test code:
public interface IFakeDocumentQuery<T> : IDocumentQuery<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>
public async virtual Task Test_GetBooksById()
var expected = new List<Book> {
new Book { ID = "123", Description = "HarryPotter"},
new Book { ID = "124", Description = "HarryPotter2"} };
var response = new FeedResponse<Book>(expected);
var mockDocumentQuery = new Mock<IFakeDocumentQuery<Book>>();
mockDocumentQuery.SetupSequence(_ => _.HasMoreResults)
mockDocumentQuery.Setup(_ => _.ExecuteNextAsync<Book>(It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()))
var client = new Mock<IDocumentClient>();
client.Setup(_ => _.CreateDocumentQuery<Book>(It.IsAny<Uri>(), It.IsAny<FeedOptions>()))
var documentsRepository = new DocumentDBRepository<Book>(client.Object, "123", "123");
var query = await documentsRepository.GetQuery(t => t != null);
var entities = await documentsRepository.GetEntities(query);
if (entities != null)
Here's the error message after running the test method:
Message: System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to
an instance of an object.
When I stepped through the code, the error happens right after the the test code called GetQuery() method:
IDocumentQuery<T> query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(
UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId),
new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = -1, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true })
Here's my thought process: when I stepped through the entire code, I do not see any null variables. But in the 'response' variable from the second line of the test method, it does show a lot of the properties are null exception but result view shows the 'expected' variable.
My question is, is it because of the response variable that caused the null reference exception? Or somewhere else?
PS: Test code reference from here
I also tried turning on the Mock behavior to strict and saw this error message.
Message: System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred.
(IDocumentClient.ReadDatabaseAsync(dbs/123, null) invocation failed
with mock behavior Strict. All invocations on the mock must have a
corresponding setup.)
---- Moq.MockException : IDocumentClient.ReadDatabaseAsync(dbs/123, null) invocation failed with mock behavior Strict. All invocations on
the mock must have a corresponding setup.
As suspected the problem is .Where(predicate). I ran a test with the provided example and removed the .Where clause and it executed to completion.
The fake interface inherits from both IOrderedQueryable and IDocumentQuery. The issue is that the Where is converting it back to a plain IEnumerable because of the List data source and the AsDocumentQuery is crapping out as it is expecting an IDocumentQuery
I am not a fan of tightly coupling to APIs I can't control. I would abstract my way around such implementation details for that very reason.
The work around involved having to provide a fake Linq IQueryProvider to bypass any queries and return a type that derives from IDocumentQuery so as to allow AsDocumentQuery to behave as intended.
But first I refactored GetEntities and made GetQuery private to stop the repository from being a leaky abstraction.
private IDocumentQuery<T> getQuery(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate) {
var uri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId);
var feedOptions = new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = -1, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true };
var queryable = client.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(uri, feedOptions);
IQueryable<T> filter = queryable.Where(predicate);
IDocumentQuery<T> query = filter.AsDocumentQuery();
return query;
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetEntities(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate) {
try {
IDocumentQuery<T> query = getQuery(predicate);
var results = new List<T>();
while (query.HasMoreResults) {
results.AddRange(await query.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());
return results;
} catch (Exception e) {
Note that getQuery is not doing anything async so it should not be returning a Task<> anyway.
Next in the test the mocked IDocumentQuery was set up to allow the test to flow to completion. This was done by providing a mocked IQueryProvider the would return the mocked IDocumentQuery when Linq queries are invoked against it. (which was the cause of the problem to begin with)
public async virtual Task Test_GetBooksById() {
var id = "123";
Expression<Func<Book, bool>> predicate = t => t.ID == id;
var dataSource = new List<Book> {
new Book { ID = id, Description = "HarryPotter"},
new Book { ID = "124", Description = "HarryPotter2"}
var expected = dataSource.Where(predicate);
var response = new FeedResponse<Book>(expected);
var mockDocumentQuery = new Mock<IFakeDocumentQuery<Book>>();
.SetupSequence(_ => _.HasMoreResults)
.Setup(_ => _.ExecuteNextAsync<Book>(It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()))
var provider = new Mock<IQueryProvider>();
.Setup(_ => _.CreateQuery<Book>(It.IsAny<System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>()))
.Returns((Expression expression) => {
if (expression != null) {
dataSource = dataSource.Provider.CreateQuery<Book>(expression);
mockDocumentQuery.As<IQueryable<Book>>().Setup(x => x.Provider).Returns(provider.Object);
mockDocumentQuery.As<IQueryable<Book>>().Setup(x => x.Expression).Returns(() => dataSource.Expression);
mockDocumentQuery.As<IQueryable<Book>>().Setup(x => x.ElementType).Returns(() => dataSource.ElementType);
mockDocumentQuery.As<IQueryable<Book>>().Setup(x => x.GetEnumerator()).Returns(() => dataSource.GetEnumerator());
var client = new Mock<IDocumentClient>();
client.Setup(_ => _.CreateDocumentQuery<Book>(It.IsAny<Uri>(), It.IsAny<FeedOptions>()))
var documentsRepository = new DocumentDBRepository<Book>(client.Object, "123", "123");
var entities = await documentsRepository.GetEntities(predicate);
This allowed the test to be exercised to completion, behave as expected, and pass the test.

Moq - Setup method with complex parameters

I'm trying to set up a mock of this interface:
public interface IAuthenticatedRequestService
HttpClient CreateHttpClientForJwt(Func<HttpResponseMessage, bool> isUnauthenticated, int timeoutSeconds);
HttpClient CreateHttpClientForAccessToken(Func<HttpResponseMessage, bool> isUnauthenticated, int timeoutSeconds);
This is one implementation of the method to setup that is in use and working:
public HttpClient CreateHttpClientForAccessToken(Func<HttpResponseMessage, bool> isUnauthenticated, int timeoutSeconds)
var client = Mvx.Resolve<IPlatformOperationProvider>().CreateHttpClient(timeoutSeconds);
return new HttpClient(new AuthenticatedHttpMessageHandler(this, client, AuthenticationUtils.AddAccessTokenToRequest, isUnauthenticated,_loggingService));
This is one usage of the implemented method that is working:
var client = service.CreateHttpClientForAccessToken(x => x.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, CoreConstants.TimeoutMyDetails);
This is my unit test which sets up the mock:
public async void TestIsLoggedInIsTrue()
var authenticatedRequestService = new Mock<IAuthenticatedRequestService>();
authenticatedRequestService.Setup(foo => foo.CreateHttpClientForAccessToken((It.IsAny<Func <HttpResponseMessage, bool>>())
, 0
)).Returns(new HttpClient());
var platformOperationProvider = new Mock<IPlatformOperationProvider>();
platformOperationProvider.Setup(foo => foo.CreateHttpClient(1)).Returns(new HttpClient());
var loggedInProvider = new LoggedInProvider(
new Mock<ISecuredSettings>().Object,
new Mock<ILoggingService>().Object
await loggedInProvider.SetUserAndToken(
new User(),
new ApiAccessInfo("refresh token", "access token", "jwt")
This unit test has no errors, but the test fails (I think it is because I am passing it any HttpResponseMessage? And I need to somehow pass it HttpStatusCode.Accepted? How would I do that?
Take note of the usage of the method, how it passes HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, then can I do something like that with HttpStatusCode.Accepted?:
var client = service.CreateHttpClientForAccessToken(x => x.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, CoreConstants.TimeoutMyDetails);
EDIT: To be clear, It is this line of code that I need to correct:
authenticatedRequestService.Setup(foo => foo.CreateHttpClientForAccessToken((It.IsAny<Func <HttpResponseMessage, bool>>())
, 0
)).Returns(new HttpClient());
EDIT: Whilst debugging the problem starts here (check the code comment after the client is created):
async Task<ServiceResponse> UpdateUserDetails()
// Have to late-resolve this otherwise we end up with a dependency loop
var service = Mvx.Resolve<IAuthenticatedRequestService>();
var client = service.CreateHttpClientForAccessToken(x => x.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, CoreConstants.TimeoutMyDetails);
// here is the problem, the client is null after this line of code.
var user = _user;
I have since found that it is not a Moq issue. MvvmCross is not registering the object to resolve correctly.
This line is not working:
as this line creates an AuthenticatedRequestService but it is not the mock one that I made:
var service = Mvx.Resolve<IAuthenticatedRequestService>();
Here is some context of resolving the AuthenticatedRequestService
async Task<ServiceResponse> UpdateUserDetails()
// Have to late-resolve this otherwise we end up with a dependency loop
var service = Mvx.Resolve<IAuthenticatedRequestService>();
var client = service.CreateHttpClientForAccessToken(x => x.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, CoreConstants.TimeoutMyDetails);
var user = _user;
var str = await client.GetStringAsync(new Uri(user.IdUrl));
var newUser = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User.Json>(str);
var token = _token;
if (token != null)

Unit testing a controller action method using MOQ

I have the following controller action method.
public ActionResult CreateProvider(Provider provider)
int providerCreationSuccessful = _repository.CreateProvider(provider);
if (providerCreationSuccessful == 2)
TempData["userIntimation"] = "Provider Registered Successfully";
//return RedirectToAction("ShowTheListOfProviders");
catch (Exception Ex)
return View("Error");
return Json(new { url = Url.Action("ShowTheListOfProviders", "Provider") });
I had written the following Test case for the above method,which was working
public void CreateProviderTest()
mockProviderRepository.Setup(provider => provider.CreateProvider(_provider)).Returns(new int());
var providerCreationResult = _providerController.CreateProvider(_provider) as ActionResult;
As can be seen from my code in the action method,I am redirecting using AJAX,hence returning JSON of the url to be redirected to.
Now,the test is obviously failing.I am new to unit tests and was wondering,what updates I needed to make to the Testmethod for it to pass.Please guide me.Thanks.
If you want test the Json Result contains the expected URL, you can write a test like below.
public void CreateProvider_Execute_EnsureJsonContainsExpectedUrl()
var context = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
var request = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
var response = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>();
context.Setup(ctx => ctx.Request).Returns(request.Object);
context.Setup(ctx => ctx.Response).Returns(response.Object);
request.SetupGet(x => x.ApplicationPath).Returns("/");
request.SetupGet(x => x.Url).Returns(new Uri("http://localhost/a", UriKind.Absolute));
response.Setup(x => x.ApplyAppPathModifier(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string>(x => x);
context.SetupGet(x => x.Request).Returns(request.Object);
context.SetupGet(x => x.Response).Returns(response.Object);
RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(new RouteCollection());
var repoStub = new Mock<IRepository>();
repoStub.Setup(x => x.CreateProvider(new Provider())).Returns(1);
var sut = new HomeController(repoStub.Object, new Mock<ILogger>().Object);
sut.Url = new UrlHelper(new RequestContext(context.Object, new RouteData()), routes);
var result = sut.CreateProvider(new Provider()) as JsonResult;
var actualUrl = GetValueFromJsonResult<string>(result, "url");
Assert.AreEqual<string>("/Provider/ShowTheListOfProviders", actualUrl);
private T GetValueFromJsonResult<T>(JsonResult jsonResult, string propertyName)
var property =
.Where(p => string.Compare(p.Name, propertyName) == 0)
if (null == property)
throw new ArgumentException("propertyName not found", "propertyName");
return (T)property.GetValue(jsonResult.Data, null);

How to mock IDataReader.GetValues()?

I need to mock a call to IDataReader.GetValues(array) using Moq. The GetValues method should populate "array" with the values from the current row in the DataReader and return the data reader field count.
Here is my Mock setup:
var data = new object[] { };
var reader = new Mock<IDataReader>();
reader.Setup(r => r.GetValues(data)).Callback<object[]>(d => {
Array.Resize(ref d, 2);
d[0] = "value 1";
d[1] = "value 2";
... and this is the code being tested ("_reader" is the Mock object):
public int GetValues(object[] values)
int result = _reader.GetValues(values);
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
// this is not executed because values.Length == 0
In the code above, result == 2 (ok Mock Setup is working) but "values" never gets populated!
How can I setup the Mock object to populate the "values" array?
Can do like this
Mock<IDataReader> dataReader = new Mock<IDataReader>();
object[] copyToData = { "value 1", "value 2"};
dataReader.Setup(m => m.FieldCount).Returns(copyToData.Length);
dataReader.Setup(m => m.GetName(0)).Returns("Column1");
dataReader.Setup(m => m.GetFieldType(0)).Returns(typeof(string));
dataReader.Setup(m => m.GetName(1)).Returns("Column2");
dataReader.Setup(m => m.GetFieldType(1)).Returns(typeof(string));
dataReader.Setup(m => m.GetValues(It.IsAny<object[]>()))
.Callback(new Action<object[]>(d =>
Array.Copy(copyToData, 0, d, 0, d.Length);
.Returns(() => copyToData.Length);
dataReader.SetupSequence(m => m.Read())
Because data is empty in the code above. When you create the object[] in the first instance, you will need to populate it or it won't have anything in it when you mock the call to IDataReader.GetValues

How to mock context while unit testing code using VirtualPathUtility.GetAbsolute method

I am running unit tests on code which uses VirtualParthUtility.GetAbsolute, but am having problems mocking the context for this to work.
I've set up a mock context with Moq as follows
private Mock<HttpContextBase> MakeMockHttpContext(string url) // url = "~/"
var mockHttpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
// Mock the request
var mockRequest = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
mockRequest.Setup(x => x.ApplicationPath).Returns("/");
mockRequest.Setup(x => x.Path).Returns("/");
mockRequest.Setup(x => x.PathInfo).Returns(string.Empty);
mockRequest.Setup(x => x.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath).Returns(url);
mockHttpContext.Setup(x => x.Request).Returns(mockRequest.Object);
// Mock the response
var mockResponse = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>();
mockResponse.Setup(x => x.ApplyAppPathModifier(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns((string s) => s);
mockHttpContext.Setup(x => x.Response).Returns(mockResponse.Object);
return mockHttpContext;
And attached this to an MVC Controller
_myController.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(MakeMockHttpContext("~/").Object, new RouteData(), _slideSelectorController);
The code that runs during the test hits the line:
venue.StyleSheetUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(venue.StyleSheetUrl); // input like "~/styles/screen.css"
Every time this runs, it steps into System.Web.VirtualPathUtility, with the problem that the "VirtualParthString" to be returned always throws an exception:
public static string ToAbsolute(string virtualPath)
return VirtualPath.CreateNonRelative(virtualPath).VirtualPathString;
The reason for the exception is easy to see in System.Web.VirtualPathString:
public string VirtualPathString
if (this._virtualPath == null)
if (HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathObject == null)
throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("VirtualPath_CantMakeAppAbsolute", new object[] { this._appRelativeVirtualPath }));
if (this._appRelativeVirtualPath.Length == 1)
this._virtualPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath;
this._virtualPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathString + this._appRelativeVirtualPath.Substring(2);
return this._virtualPath;
Through the Watch Window I can see that _virtualPath and HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathString are both null, hence it throws an exception.
If _virtualPath were set, the exception wouldn't happen. But after the VirtualPath.Create method has created a new VirtualPath object, it doesn't set the _virtualPath property before it is returned. An extract from the Create method up to this point is:
VirtualPath path = new VirtualPath();
if (UrlPath.IsAppRelativePath(virtualPath))
virtualPath = UrlPath.ReduceVirtualPath(virtualPath);
if (virtualPath[0] == '~')
if ((options & VirtualPathOptions.AllowAppRelativePath) == 0)
throw new ArgumentException(System.Web.SR.GetString("VirtualPath_AllowAppRelativePath", new object[] { virtualPath }));
path._appRelativeVirtualPath = virtualPath;
return path;
So if anyone can suggest how to get this unit test working, that will be very helpful!
I would just create a wrapper interface. Something like:
public interface IPathUtilities
string ToAbsolute(string virtualPath);
You can inject that into your controller. At test time, use a stub. At runtime, you'll have a class that implements IPathUtilities and calls VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute().