Using RRD in my application I am trying to find a way to execute "rrdtool fetch"
with specific timezone. In my case "Europe/Sofia" which is "+02:00" summer "+03:00" from UTC.
Get this command
rrdtool fetch test.rrd MAX -r 86400 -s -90d -e now
Is it possible to use it with timezone Europe/Sofia, which have to add 2 hours to timestamps?
If it is possible what will happen if we are in summer time, 2 or 3 hours will be added?
Internally, rrdtool works in Unixtime, and so it is timezone-agnostic. If you use 'now' then it will be the current time, whatever timezone you are in. If you give a time like "03:00" then it will be relative to the current timezone as defined by the system.
When displaying time, such as on the X-axis of a graph, then the timezone becomes important.
Note: See the rrdtool documentation for more details -
rrdtool uses the system time libraries, and so they control what timezone is used and how this is interpreted. Under Linux, you can set the TZ environment variable to select a timezone, and the libraries will use this when converting times to local format for the X-Axis or when you give times like "13:00". If you've not set anything, then you'll get your system's default, whatever that may be.
TLDR - set your timezone using the appropriate method for your operating system, and rrdtool will honour it when you specify times.
See here for the documentation showing what strftime symbols can be used in the X-Axis definition :
See here for details about the AT-style time specification that can be used for the -s and -e :
One thing to note is that, whatever timezone you are in, the RRA buckets are aligned with midnight UCT. This doesnt show much if you're in Europe, but in New Zealand you can see the 'daily' counts rolling over at midday.
I'm attempting to modify the creation dates of files to the date they were released. I'm first converting a string such as "2 April 2005" into a std::tm. I then create a SYSTEMTIME as follows:
std::tm dt = from_string("2 April 2005");
SYSTEMTIME st { 0 };
st.wYear = dt.tm_year + 1900; // dt is years from 1900
st.wMonth = dt.tm_mon + 1; // dt is month index 0
st.wDay = dt.tm_mday;
st.wHour = 6; // FILETIME is based on UTC, which is 6 hours ahead
Afterwards I convert the SYSTEMTIME to a FILETIME and use that to apply the changes.
This sets the file time to 2 April 2005 12:00:00 AM which is correct. However, videos after April 2nd were being set to 1:00:00 AM and sure enough, daylight savings happened on April 3rd 2005.
How can I determine if a certain date is before or after daylight savings so I can adjust st.wHour accordingly? The goal is to have all times set to 12:00:00 AM. Preferably this would work on dates dating back to the 60s as well as current.
I tried using TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION and GetTimeZoneInformation but I only get back TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD.
A few things:
SYSTEMTIME is just a plain structure. It has separate fields for year, month, day-of-week, day (of month), hour, minute, second and millisecond. It is not either UTC or local time, or anything else by itself. That doesn't come into consideration until you pass it into a function.
FILETIME is another plain structure. It represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since midnight of 1601-01-01. Much of the docs would make you think it is always in UTC, but there are functions like FileTimeToLocalFileTime that disprove that. Thus, like SYSTEMTIME, it is up to each individual function to decide how to interpret it.
The SystemTimeToFileTime function accepts a pointer to a SYSTEMTIME that is interpreted as UTC, and returns a pointer to a FILETIME that is also in terms of UTC. There is no local time zone involved.
Don't try to adjust for local time yourself (st.wHour = 6 in your code). The hour will need to vary depending both on time zone and on DST.
You didn't see any response from GetTimeZoneInformation other than TIME_ZONE_STANDARD, because that tells you what is currently in effect - which is disconnected from the dates you might be working with.
You shouldn't be trying to figure out how to adjust for DST on your own. DST is not universally applicable, and it's not always one hour offset. Instead, use a function that converts from the time zone you care about to UTC.
Ultimately it sounds like you are asking about how to set the file time to midnight of the local time zone on a particular date. Thus, I suggest you go through these steps:
Construct a SYSTEMTIME with the date you care about and the time components set to zeros (the default).
Get the local time zone using the GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation function. You want the "dynamic" version such that any historical differences in rules for standard time and DST that Windows knows about are taken into consideration, rather than just the current set of rules.
Pass those two values to the TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx function. It will interpret the input time as being in the input time zone (which was the system's local time zone). The result is a FILETIME that is in terms of UTC.
Pass that value to SetFileTime, which expects the input in terms of UTC.
Also, keep in mind that not all file systems track file times in the same way:
NTFS stores the actual UTC time, so you can move files between computers and the timestamp represents the same point in Universal Time even if the computers have different time zone settings.
FAT and its variants store local time. So when you call SetFileTime, Windows translates from UTC to the local time zone and writes the result. If you then open the file on a system with a different time zone, the date will be interpreted in that time zone, resulting in a different UTC time. (This is often seen on USB sticks, memory cards, etc. when moving files from cameras to computers.)
Lastly, you said:
... Preferably this would work on dates dating back to the 60s as well as current.
Unfortunately, Windows time zones do not track historical dates that far. Microsoft's time zone policy is to track time zone and DST rules for 2010 and forward for all populated places on Earth. Although, several time zones track some historical changes from before 2010 as artifacts from before this policy was formalized. (They are accurate within a given zone, just not uniform in starting years across all zones).
If historical dates are significant to your application, you'll need a very different approach - one that doesn't use the Windows time zone data, but instead uses the IANA time zone database. (More on these in the timezone tag wiki.) Here are some ideas you could explore:
The ICU project has time zone support and a C implementation. It's a bit heavy for this one purpose, but good if you are using it for other localization aspects of an application.
Howard Hinnant (who commented on the question above) has an excellent Date library with IANA time zone support.
It might be possible to get what you need from the Windows.Globalization.Calendar UWP class. I haven't tested to see if it will use historical rules from IANA data or if it uses the Windows data. (If I get a chance to check, I'll come back and update this answer.)
Keep in mind that the IANA database only guarantees from 1970 forward. You said you needed from 1960, and though there are some zones with data for that (and some much older), there is no guarantee of correctness in that period.
I want to save a future wall-clock datetime for events in Django (I have timezone string stored separately).
I can't simply use the DateTimeField because it enforces timestamp with time zone and always saves time in current timezone. It doesn't handle DST or possible timezone changes between current date and the date of actual event.
I could use any of these options:
Pick any timezone to store timestamps and always throw this timezone away before applying actual timezone in Python.
Split timestamp to DateField and TimeField.
Store datetime as string.
Custom field that stores datetime as timestamp without time zone.
but it makes queries more difficult and seems quite weird.
Are there any better options I miss? This usecase seems quite common so I guess there is a better way to do that?
EDIT: my usecase:
Let's say my user want to book an appointment to 2019-12-20 10:00 and currently it's 2019-03-10. I know the timezone of this user (it's stored separately as string like 'US/Eastern').
If I assume that EST starts at November 3, 2019, the best I can do is to store timestamp to 2019-12-20 15:00:00+00:00 (or 2019-12-20 10:00-05:00. I don't want this because:
I have no idea if my tzdata has correct information for future datetime
Even if it currently does, I have no idea if there would be any unexpected change in US/Eastern timezone and it becomes worse when it's not US. Future DST changes are not guaranteed.
If user moves to different timezone, I'll have to recalculate every single appointment while taking care about DST.
If tzdata changes during this recalculation... let's not think about that.
I'd prefer to store future dates as naive datetime + timezone string like 'US/Eastern' and (almost) never construct tz-aware datetime for any date further than a week. Django + postgres currently forces me to use timestamp with time zone, which is great for logs and past events, but it has fixed offset (not even timezone name) so it doesn't fit for future wall clock datetimes.
For this usecase, let's say that I don't care about ambiguous times: not much users want to book at 02:00 AM.
I see a few possible solutions:
Set USE_TZ = False and TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' and use calendar times. No conversions will be done, so essentially you're just storing the calendar time and getting it back as a naive datetime. The main problem is that this setting is global, and is not a good one for many uses (e.g. auto_now).
As above, but set USE_TZ = True. As long as you express your calendar times in UTC, there won't be any untoward conversions. The problem here is that you'll be getting aware datetimes, so you'll have to take care to ignore or remove the time zone everywhere.
Use separate DATE_FIELD and TIME_FIELD. This may or may not be a good solution depending on what kind of queries you're trying to run.
Create your own field that uses timestamp without time zone. (Or perhaps it already exists?)
Note that this issue has nothing to do with past versus future. It's about wanting to use a fixed moment in time versus a calendar (or wall clock) time. The points you raised are certainly valid objections to using a point in time to represent a calendar time.
I am referring the documentation of _filefirst() and _findnext() APIs here
These APIs return file information in a _finddata_t structure. I need to access file modification time from time_write element. Though documentation says that
time is stored in UTC format (It is a times stamp). Documentation doesn't clarify if this time represents local time or UTC time. It seems to me that time_write doesn't return the UTC time instead its value is influenced by the system time zone settings.
My Question is - Does time_write returns local time represented in the UTC timestamps ?
Here I explain what actually I am trying to understand. My system is in IST timezone. Now, there is a file emp10.ibd for which windows shows
Date Created - 10/21/2016 10:51 AM
Date Modified -10/21/2016 10:51 AM
I used epoch converter to find out the the epoch timestamp for which it turn out to be as following -
Now if I retrieve the time_write element from _finddata_t structure which has been returned by _findnext() for the same file i.e. emp10.ibd. I expect the returned timestamp should be close to
Epoch timestamp 1477027260 as shown in the image above.
But I get the time_write as 1477043509
If I again use epoch converter I get the following
I am trying to understand why there is 4:30 Hours of time difference in GMT in both images shared above? IMO timestamp should have been almost same. What obvious I am missing here ?
For those folks who were asking for sample code. Here I paste link of another post which I had asked a year ago for the same reason but scenario was little different, There I was referring to _stati64 struct. I didn't troubleshoot the problem further at that time. By now it is pretty clear that
_finddata_t and _stati64 APIs are affected by _tzset environment variable as Harry mentioned in this post while FILETIME struct is not.
Local time is UTC plus a geographical offset plus potentially a seasonal offset. A UTC timestamp has no such offsets.
In this particular case, the exact format is seconds since1970-01-01T00:00:00Z i.e. January 1st, 1970, at midnight UTC.
To troubleshoot further, next I used GetFileTime API to retrieve the
the file modification time in FILETIME struct and converted the time into UTC timestamp. I got the time according the time set on my computer. I was expecting the same.
At this point I started investigating the way we execute our program through a perl script. I found that perl script was setting the timezone to GMT-1.
Since my computer was in timezone GMT+5:30, therefore I used to get resultant +04:30 hrs of difference as mentioned in the original post.
Therefore I would like to sum up my experience as - the outcome of _finddata_t strcut is affected by the timezone set in the session but the outcome of FILETIME struct is not affected by the time zone set in the session, instead it is the time according the system timezone. Since I was retrieving one time using FILETIME struct and another using _finddata_t strcut that was causing the problem. Took me ~48Hrs to find out this interesting observation.
Why does that happen? Perhaps the answer is provided by Harry in the comment section.I am pasting the same here as it is -
changing the timezone in Perl is probably causing the TZ environment variable to be set, which affects the C runtime library as per the documentation for _tzset. It isn't a per-session setting, at least not in the way Windows uses the word "session"."
From File Times, I read the following -
FindFirstFile retrieves the local time from the FAT file system and converts it to UTC by using the current settings for the time zone and daylight saving time.
Though I was using the NTFS file system but I believe it uses the same mechanism i.e. retrieve the local time from file system and converts it to UTC by using current settings. That's the reason I noticed the difference.
Executing $ date -R gives me +0300 BUT when I print the timezone global variable timezone, it shows me -7200.
Ideas what's happeninig?
It looks like the DST is NOT included AND the timezone is sign is different, but why?
timezone does not know about D(aylight)S(aving)T(ime) by defintion. Time zones are constant sections on earth all over the year (update: at least their naming was constant during the days Sandford Fleming invented them). So as referring to those by the offset to Greenwich is common, it would not make sense to add the temporary DST offset.
The different sign dues to the different view point and direction of the date/time and timezone.
The offset given by date is referring from where you are to Greenwich.
The timezone is measured to where you are from Greenwich .
Regarding the C system calls: gettimeofday() provides DST info. (Update: This in not the case for the glibc implementation)
according to my man pages timezone is set to
seconds West of GMT
and I would anderstand that like 'the more in the west you are the larger timezone becomes'. So the sign differs from date -R and also DST is not included.
You can use the struct tm * obtained by localtime() to check whether or not there is actually DST in your environment. If the field tm_isdst > 0 then it is.
I'm reading timestamp fields from a PostgreSQL database. The timestamp column is defined as:
When reading from the database, I convert it to a boost timestamp like this:
boost::posix_time::ptime pt( boost::posix_time::time_from_string( str ) );
The problem seems to be that boost::posix_time::time_from_string() ignores the timezone.
For example:
database text string == "2013-05-30 00:27:04.8299-07" // note -07 timezone
boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(pt) == "2013-05-30T00:27:04.829900"
When I do arithmetic with the resulting ptime object, the time is off by exactly 7 hours. Is there something better I should be doing to not lose the timezone information?
I think you should be using boost::local_date_time, which handles time zones. There is an example in the documentation that is very similar to what you're trying to do:
EDIT: Boost supports date parsing with specific formats.
string inp("2013-05-30 00:27:04.8299-07");
string format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%F%Q");
date d;
d = parser.parse_date(inp,
// d == 2013-05-30 00:27:04.8299-07
I originally asked this question so many years ago, I don't even remember doing it. But since then, all my database date/time code on the client side has been greatly simplified. The trick is to tell PostgreSQL the local time zone when the DB connection is first established, and let the server automatically add or remove the necessary hours/minutes when it sends back timestamps. This way, timestamps are always in local time.
You do that with a 1-time call similar to this one:
You can also use one of the many timezone abbreviations. For example, these two lines are equivalent:
The full list of timezones can be obtained with this:
SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names ORDER BY name;
Note: there are over 1000 timezone names to pick from!
I have more details on PostgreSQL and timezones available on this post: