I wrote a program that gives any RGB value and can find similar colors from the program.
But the result is a little confusing.
The program is a little long, mainly to fill in some RGB data.
The main key points are as follows
#pragma once
#ifndef __MYCOLOR_H__
#define __MYCOLOR_H__
#include <windef.h>
#include <wingdi.h>
#include <vector>
namespace my
struct ColorData
UINT8 family;
UINT16 id;
const char * name;
const char * hex;
UINT8 rgb[3];
ColorData(UINT8 _family, UINT16 _id, const char *_name, UINT8 _r, UINT8 _g, UINT8 _b, const char * _hex)
family = _family;
id = _id;
name = _name;
hex = _hex;
rgb[0] = _r;
rgb[1] = _g;
rgb[2] = _b;
MyColorSpace::myColorFamily cc;
MyColorSpace::myColorFamily::data *da;
da = cc.Get(cc.family_blue, cc.blue_deepsky);
da = cc.Get(cc.family_green, cc.green_yellowGreen);
da = cc.Get(cc.family_orange, cc.orange_tomato);
class ColorFamily {
enum family
family_gray = 0,
family_red = 1,
family_orange = 2,
family_brown = 3,
family_blue = 4,
family_green = 5,
family_pink = 6,
family_purple = 7,
family_white = 8,
family_yellow = 9
enum gray {
gray_gainsboro = 0,
gray_light = 1,
gray_silver = 2,
gray_dark = 3,
gray_ = 4,
gray_dim = 5,
gray_lightslate = 6,
gray_slate = 7,
gray_darkslate = 8,
gray_black = 9
enum red {
red_indian = 0,
red_lightcoral = 1,
red_salmon = 2,
red_darksalmon = 3,
red_lightsalmon = 4,
red_crimson = 5,
red_ = 6,
red_firebrick = 7,
red_dark = 8
enum orange {
orange_lightsalmon = 0,
orange_coral = 1,
orange_tomato = 2,
orange_red = 3,
orange_dark = 4,
orange_ = 5
enum brown {
brown_cornsilk = 0,
brown_blanchedalmond = 1,
brown_bisque = 2,
brown_navajowhite = 3,
brown_wheat = 4,
brown_burlywood = 5,
brown_tan = 6,
brown_rosy = 7,
brown_sandy = 8,
brown_goldenrod = 9,
brown_darkgoldenrod = 10,
brown_peru = 11,
brown_chocolate = 12,
brown_saddle = 13,
brown_sienna = 14,
brown_ = 15,
brown_maroon = 16
enum blue {
blue_aqua = 0,
blue_cyan = 1,
blue_lightcyan = 2,
blue_paleturquoise = 3,
blue_aquamarine = 4,
blue_turquoise = 5,
blue_mediumturquoise = 6,
blue_darkturquoise = 7,
blue_cadet = 8,
blue_steel = 9,
blue_lightsteel = 10,
blue_powder = 11,
blue_light = 12,
blue_sky = 13,
blue_lightsky = 14,
blue_deepsky = 15,
blue_dodger = 16,
blue_cornflower = 17,
blue_mediumslate = 18,
blue_royal = 19,
blue_ = 20,
blue_medium = 21,
blue_dark = 22,
blue_navy = 23,
blue_midnight = 24
enum green {
green_yellow = 0,
green_chartreuse = 1,
green_lawn = 2,
green_lime = 3,
green_limeGreen = 4,
green_pale = 5,
green_light = 6,
green_mediumspring = 7,
green_spring = 8,
green_mediumsea = 9,
green_sea = 10,
green_forest = 11,
green_ = 12,
green_dark = 13,
green_yellowGreen = 14,
green_olivedrab = 15,
green_olive = 16,
green_darkolive = 17,
green_mediumaquamarine = 18,
green_darksea = 19,
green_lightsea = 20,
green_darkcyan = 21,
green_teal = 22
enum pink {
pink_ = 0,
pink_light = 1,
pink_hot = 2,
pink_deep = 3,
pink_mediumvioletred = 4,
pink_palevioletred = 5
enum purple {
purple_lavender = 0,
purple_thistle = 1,
purple_plum = 2,
purple_violet = 3,
purple_orchid = 4,
purple_fuchsia = 5,
purple_magenta = 6,
purple_mediumorchid = 7,
purple_medium = 8,
purple_rebecca = 9,
purple_blueviolet = 10,
purple_darkviolet = 11,
purple_darkorchid = 12,
purple_darkmagenta = 13,
purple_ = 14,
purple_indigo = 15,
purple_slateblue = 16,
purple_darkslateblue = 17,
purple_mediumslateblue = 18
enum white {
white_ = 0,
white_snow = 1,
white_honeydew = 2,
white_mintcream = 3,
white_azure = 4,
white_aliceblue = 5,
white_ghost = 6,
white_smoke = 7,
white_seashell = 8,
white_beige = 9,
white_oldlace = 10,
white_floral = 11,
white_ivory = 12,
white_antique = 13,
white_linen = 14,
white_lavenderblush = 15,
white_mistyrose = 16
enum yellow {
yellow_gold = 0,
yellow_ = 1,
yellow_light = 2,
yellow_lemonchiffon = 3,
yellow_lightgoldenrod = 4,
yellow_papayawhip = 5,
yellow_moccasin = 6,
yellow_peachpuff = 7,
yellow_palegoldenrod = 8,
yellow_khaki = 9,
yellow_darkkhaki = 10
~ColorFamily() = default;
ColorData * _detail;
ColorData* Get(const char * name);
ColorData* Get(UINT8 _family, UINT16 _id);
bool Get(UINT8 _r,UINT8 _g,UINT8 _b,ColorData &_out);
void FillColorData(ColorData &tar,ColorData* src);
#include "MyColor.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "debug.h"
#define Less10(a,b) abs(a-b) < 10 ? true : false
namespace my
//data da("",20,30,40,"#hex")
//List.push_back(data(0,"name", 20, 30, 40, "#hex"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 0, "gray_gainsboro", 220, 220, 220, "#dcdcdc"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 1, "gray_light", 211, 211, 211, "#d3d3d3"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 2, "gray_silver", 192, 192, 192, "#c0c0c0"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 3, "gray_dark", 169, 169, 169, "#a9a9a9"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 4, "gray_", 128, 128, 128, "#808080"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 5, "gray_dim", 105, 105, 105, "#696969"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 6, "gray_lightslate", 119, 136, 153, "#778899"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 7, "gray_slate", 112, 128, 144, "#708090"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 8, "gray_darkslate", 47, 79, 79, "#2f4f4f"));
List.push_back(ColorData(0, 9, "gray_black", 0, 0, 0, "#000000"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 0, "red_indian", 205, 92, 92, "#cd5c5c"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 1, "red_lightcoral", 240, 128, 128, "#f08080"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 2, "red_salmon", 250, 128, 114, "#fa8072"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 3, "red_darksalmon", 233, 150, 122, "#e9967a"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 4, "red_lightsalmon", 255, 160, 122, "#ffa07a"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 5, "red_crimson", 220, 20, 60, "#dc143c"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 6, "red_", 255, 0, 0, "#ff0000"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 7, "red_firebrick", 178, 34, 34, "#b22222"));
List.push_back(ColorData(1, 8, "red_dark", 139, 0, 0, "#8b0000"));
List.push_back(ColorData(2, 0, "orange_lightsalmon", 255, 160, 122, "#ffa07a"));
List.push_back(ColorData(2, 1, "orange_coral", 255, 127, 80, "#ff7f50"));
List.push_back(ColorData(2, 2, "orange_tomato", 255, 99, 71, "#ff6347"));
List.push_back(ColorData(2, 3, "orange_red", 255, 69, 0, "#ff4500"));
List.push_back(ColorData(2, 4, "orange_dark", 255, 140, 0, "#ff8c00"));
List.push_back(ColorData(2, 5, "orange_", 255, 165, 0, "#ffa500"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 0, "brown_cornsilk", 255, 248, 220, "#fff8dc"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 1, "brown_blanchedalmond", 255, 235, 205, "#ffebcd"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 2, "brown_bisque", 255, 228, 196, "#ffe4c4"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 3, "brown_navajowhite", 255, 222, 173, "#ffdead"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 4, "brown_wheat", 245, 222, 179, "#f5deb3"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 5, "brown_burlywood", 222, 184, 135, "#deb887"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 6, "brown_tan", 210, 180, 140, "#d2b48c"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 7, "brown_rosy", 188, 143, 143, "#bc8f8f"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 8, "brown_sandy", 244, 164, 96, "#f4a460"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 9, "brown_goldenrod", 218, 165, 32, "#daa520"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 10, "brown_darkgoldenrod", 184, 134, 11, "#b8860b"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 11, "brown_peru", 205, 133, 63, "#cd853f"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 12, "brown_chocolate", 210, 105, 30, "#d2691e"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 13, "brown_saddle", 139, 69, 19, "#8b4513"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 14, "brown_sienna", 160, 82, 45, "#a0522d"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 15, "brown_", 165, 42, 42, "#a52a2a"));
List.push_back(ColorData(3, 16, "brown_maroon", 128, 0, 0, "#800000"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 0, "blue_aqua", 0, 255, 255, "#00ffff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 1, "blue_cyan", 0, 255, 255, "#00ffff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 2, "blue_lightcyan", 224, 255, 255, "#e0ffff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 3, "blue_paleturquoise", 175, 238, 238, "#afeeee"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 4, "blue_aquamarine", 127, 255, 212, "#7fffd4"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 5, "blue_turquoise", 64, 224, 208, "#40e0d0"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 6, "blue_mediumturquoise", 72, 209, 204, "#48d1cc"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 7, "blue_darkturquoise", 0, 206, 209, "#00ced1"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 8, "blue_cadet", 95, 158, 160, "#5f9ea0"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 9, "blue_steel", 70, 130, 180, "#4682b4"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 10, "blue_lightsteel", 176, 196, 222, "#b0c4de"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 11, "blue_powder", 176, 224, 230, "#b0e0e6"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 12, "blue_light", 173, 216, 230, "#add8e6"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 13, "blue_sky", 135, 206, 235, "#87ceeb"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 14, "blue_lightsky", 135, 206, 250, "#87cefa"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 15, "blue_deepsky", 0, 191, 255, "#00bfff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 16, "blue_dodger", 30, 144, 255, "#1e90ff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 17, "blue_cornflower", 100, 149, 237, "#6495ed"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 18, "blue_mediumslate", 123, 104, 238, "#7b68ee"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 19, "blue_royal", 65, 105, 225, "#4169e1"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 20, "blue_", 0, 0, 255, "#0000ff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 21, "blue_medium", 0, 0, 205, "#0000cd"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 22, "blue_dark", 0, 0, 139, "#00008b"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 23, "blue_navy", 0, 0, 128, "#000080"));
List.push_back(ColorData(4, 24, "blue_midnight", 25, 25, 112, "#191970"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 0, "green_yellow", 173, 255, 47, "#adff2f"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 1, "green_chartreuse", 127, 255, 0, "#7fff00"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 2, "green_lawn", 124, 252, 0, "#7cfc00"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 3, "green_lime", 0, 255, 0, "#00ff00"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 4, "green_lime", 50, 205, 50, "#32cd32"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 5, "green_pale", 152, 251, 152, "#98fb98"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 6, "green_light", 144, 238, 144, "#90ee90"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 7, "green_mediumspring", 0, 250, 154, "#00fa9a"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 8, "green_spring", 0, 255, 127, "#00ff7f"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 9, "green_mediumsea", 60, 179, 113, "#3cb371"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 10, "green_sea", 46, 139, 87, "#2e8b57"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 11, "green_forest", 34, 139, 34, "#228b22"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 12, "green_", 0, 128, 0, "#008000"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 13, "green_dark", 0, 100, 0, "#006400"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 14, "green_yellow", 154, 205, 50, "#9acd32"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 15, "green_olivedrab", 107, 142, 35, "#6b8e23"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 16, "green_olive", 128, 128, 0, "#808000"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 17, "green_darkolive", 85, 107, 47, "#556b2f"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 18, "green_mediumaquamarine", 102, 205, 170, "#66cdaa"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 19, "green_darksea", 143, 188, 139, "#8fbc8b"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 20, "green_lightsea", 32, 178, 170, "#20b2aa"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 21, "green_darkcyan", 0, 139, 139, "#008b8b"));
List.push_back(ColorData(5, 22, "green_teal", 0, 128, 128, "#008080"));
List.push_back(ColorData(6, 0, "pink_", 255, 192, 203, "#ffc0cb"));
List.push_back(ColorData(6, 1, "pink_light", 255, 182, 193, "#ffb6c1"));
List.push_back(ColorData(6, 2, "pink_hot", 255, 105, 180, "#ff69b4"));
List.push_back(ColorData(6, 3, "pink_deep", 255, 20, 147, "#ff1493"));
List.push_back(ColorData(6, 4, "pink_mediumvioletred", 199, 21, 133, "#c71585"));
List.push_back(ColorData(6, 5, "pink_palevioletred", 219, 112, 147, "#db7093"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 0, "purple_lavender", 230, 230, 250, "#e6e6fa"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 1, "purple_thistle", 216, 191, 216, "#d8bfd8"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 2, "purple_plum", 221, 160, 221, "#dda0dd"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 3, "purple_violet", 238, 130, 238, "#ee82ee"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 4, "purple_orchid", 218, 112, 214, "#da70d6"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 5, "purple_fuchsia", 255, 0, 255, "#ff00ff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 6, "purple_magenta", 255, 0, 255, "#ff00ff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 7, "purple_mediumorchid", 186, 85, 211, "#ba55d3"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 8, "purple_medium", 147, 112, 219, "#9370db"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 9, "purple_rebecca", 102, 51, 153, "#663399"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 10, "purple_blueviolet", 138, 43, 226, "#8a2be2"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 11, "purple_darkviolet", 148, 0, 211, "#9400d3"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 12, "purple_darkorchid", 153, 50, 204, "#9932cc"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 13, "purple_darkmagenta", 139, 0, 139, "#8b008b"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 14, "purple_", 128, 0, 128, "#800080"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 15, "purple_indigo", 75, 0, 130, "#4b0082"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 16, "purple_slateblue", 106, 90, 205, "#6a5acd"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 17, "purple_darkslateblue", 72, 61, 139, "#483d8b"));
List.push_back(ColorData(7, 18, "purple_mediumslateblue", 123, 104, 238, "#7b68ee"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 0, "white_", 255, 255, 255, "#ffffff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 1, "white_snow", 255, 250, 250, "#fffafa"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 2, "white_honeydew", 240, 255, 240, "#f0fff0"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 3, "white_mintcream", 245, 255, 250, "#f5fffa"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 4, "white_azure", 240, 255, 255, "#f0ffff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 5, "white_aliceblue", 240, 248, 255, "#f0f8ff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 6, "white_ghost", 248, 248, 255, "#f8f8ff"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 7, "white_smoke", 245, 245, 245, "#f5f5f5"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 8, "white_seashell", 255, 245, 238, "#fff5ee"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 9, "white_beige", 245, 245, 220, "#f5f5dc"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 10, "white_oldlace", 253, 245, 230, "#fdf5e6"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 11, "white_floral", 255, 250, 240, "#fffaf0"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 12, "white_ivory", 255, 255, 240, "#fffff0"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 13, "white_antique", 250, 235, 215, "#faebd7"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 14, "white_linen", 250, 240, 230, "#faf0e6"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 15, "white_lavenderblush", 255, 240, 245, "#fff0f5"));
List.push_back(ColorData(8, 16, "white_mistyrose", 255, 228, 225, "#ffe4e1"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 0, "yellow_gold", 255, 215, 0, "#ffd700"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 1, "yellow_", 255, 255, 0, "#ffff00"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 2, "yellow_light", 255, 255, 224, "#ffffe0"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 3, "yellow_lemonchiffon", 255, 250, 205, "#fffacd"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 4, "yellow_lightgoldenrod", 250, 250, 210, "#fafad2"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 5, "yellow_papayawhip", 255, 239, 213, "#ffefd5"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 6, "yellow_moccasin", 255, 228, 181, "#ffe4b5"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 7, "yellow_peachpuff", 255, 218, 185, "#ffdab9"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 8, "yellow_palegoldenrod", 238, 232, 170, "#eee8aa"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 9, "yellow_khaki", 240, 230, 140, "#f0e68c"));
List.push_back(ColorData(9, 10, "yellow_darkkhaki", 189, 183, 107, "#bdb76b"));
void ColorFamily::FillColorData(ColorData &tar,ColorData* src)
tar.family = src->family;
tar.hex = src->hex;
tar.id = src->id;
tar.name = src->name;
tar.rgb[0] = src->rgb[0];
tar.rgb[1] = src->rgb[1];
tar.rgb[2] = src->rgb[2];
ColorData* ColorFamily::Get(const char * name)
for (int i = 0; i < List.size(); i++)
ColorData da = List[i];
if (strcmp(da.name, name))
_detail->family = da.family;
_detail->hex = da.hex;
_detail->id = da.id;
_detail->name = da.name;
_detail->rgb[0] = da.rgb[0];
_detail->rgb[1] = da.rgb[1];
_detail->rgb[2] = da.rgb[2];
return _detail;
ColorData* ColorFamily::Get(UINT8 _family, UINT16 _id)
for (int i = 0; i < List.size(); i++)
_detail = &List[i];
if (_detail->family == _family && _detail->id == _id)
return _detail;
bool ColorFamily::Get(UINT8 _r,UINT8 _g,UINT8 _b,ColorData &_out)
debug("rgb(%d,%d,%d)\n", _r,_g,_b);
struct similar
UINT8 dt;
UINT8 family;
UINT8 color;
similar(UINT8 _dt, UINT8 _family, UINT8 _color){
dt = _dt;
family = _family;
color = _color;
std::vector<similar> sList;
for (int i = 0; i < List.size(); i++)
_detail = &List[i];
if (_detail->rgb[0] == _r && _detail->rgb[1] == _g && _detail->rgb[2] == _b)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < List.size(); i++)
_detail = &List[i];
unsigned short sum = 0;
if (Less10(_detail->rgb[0],_r) &&
Less10(_detail->rgb[1],_g) &&
sum += abs(_detail->rgb[0] - _r);
sum += abs(_detail->rgb[1] - _g);
sum += abs(_detail->rgb[2] - _b);
debug("dc:%d,list(%d,%d,%d)\n",sum, _detail->rgb[0],_detail->rgb[1],_detail->rgb[2]);
unsigned short dt_min_idx = 0;
if(sList.size() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < sList.size(); i++)
if(sList[dt_min_idx].dt >= sList[i].dt)
dt_min_idx = i;
UINT8 fid = sList[dt_min_idx].family;
UINT8 cid = sList[dt_min_idx].color;
return true;
return false;
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include "MyColor.h"
#include "debug.h"
using namespace std;
my::bug d;
my::ColorFamily col;
int main()
my::ColorData cd;
UINT8 rgb[3] = {62,138,120};
bool rst = col.Get(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2],cd);
debug("rst:%d \n rgb(%d,%d,%d)=>rgb(%d,%d,%d) \nfamily:%d,color:%d,name:%s\n",rst,rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2],cd.rgb[0],cd.rgb[1],cd.rgb[2],cd.family,cd.id, cd.name);
debug("no result\n");
return 0;
//ctrl + shift + p
and the result is:
The result of the program is roughly in line with my expectations, but there is something very confusing about it.
Here, for example, I clearly specify that three conditions are required to be true at the same time before I add it to the list.
if (Less10(_detail->rgb[0],_r) &&
Less10(_detail->rgb[1],_g) &&
But judging from the output, it seems that the program only compares the first condition.
debug init done
Your use of macros is causing confusion.
You defined Less10 as follows:
#define Less10(a,b) abs(a-b) < 10 ? true : false
So let us expand your condition:
abs(_detail->rgb[0]-_r) < 10 ? true : false &&
abs(_detail->rgb[1]-_g) < 10 ? true : false &&
abs(_detail->rgb[2]-_b) < 10 ? true : false)
Since : has a very low operator precedence, it is parsed as follows:
abs(_detail->rgb[0]-_r) < 10 ? true :
(false && abs(_detail->rgb[1]-_g) < 10 ? true :
(false && abs(_detail->rgb[2]-_b) < 10 ? true : false)))
and since false && EXPR === false, it boils down to:
abs(_detail->rgb[0]-_r) < 10 ? true : false
To fix it, either make Less10 a real function, or wrap the macro definition in parens, and get rid of the extraneous ? true : false while you're at it (since the condition is already true or false)
#define Less10(a,b) (abs(a-b) < 10)
in Debug mode I get this:
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error C2660 'DrawTextA': function does not take 4 arguments Win32Project6 c:\users\dani\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\win32project6\win32project6\hacks.cpp 41
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error C2065 'i': undeclared identifier Win32Project6 c:\users\dani\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\win32project6\win32project6\hacks.cpp 53
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error IntelliSense: argument of type "const char *" is incompatible with parameter of type "HDC" Win32Project6 c:\Users\Dani\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Win32Project6\Win32Project6\Hacks.cpp 41
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error IntelliSense: argument of type "int" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPCSTR" Win32Project6 c:\Users\Dani\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Win32Project6\Win32Project6\Hacks.cpp 41
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error IntelliSense: argument of type "D3DCOLOR" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPRECT" Win32Project6 c:\Users\Dani\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Win32Project6\Win32Project6\Hacks.cpp 41
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error IntelliSense: too few arguments in function call Win32Project6 c:\Users\Dani\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Win32Project6\Win32Project6\Hacks.cpp 41
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error C2065 'i': undeclared identifier Win32Project6 c:\users\dani\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\win32project6\win32project6\hacks.cpp 53
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error C2228 left of '.name' must have class/struct/union Win32Project6 c:\users\dani\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\win32project6\win32project6\hacks.cpp 53
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error C2228 left of '.c_str' must have class/struct/union Win32Project6 c:\users\dani\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\win32project6\win32project6\hacks.cpp 53
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error C2660 'DrawTextA': function does not take 4 arguments Win32Project6 c:\users\dani\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\win32project6\win32project6\hacks.cpp 53
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error IntelliSense: identifier "i" is undefined Win32Project6 c:\Users\Dani\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Win32Project6\Win32Project6\Hacks.cpp 53
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error IntelliSense: argument of type "int" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPCSTR" Win32Project6 c:\Users\Dani\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Win32Project6\Win32Project6\Hacks.cpp 53
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error IntelliSense: argument of type "D3DCOLOR" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPRECT" Win32Project6 c:\Users\Dani\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Win32Project6\Win32Project6\Hacks.cpp 53
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error IntelliSense: too few arguments in function call Win32Project6 c:\Users\Dani\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Win32Project6\Win32Project6\Hacks.cpp 53
CODe for Hacks.cpp
#include "Hacks.h"
int MenuIndex;
D3DCOLOR fontRed = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);
D3DCOLOR fontGreen = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
D3DCOLOR fontBlue = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 255);
D3DCOLOR fontWhite = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 255, 255, 255);
D3DCOLOR fontBlack = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);
void Hacks::CreateFont(IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice, std::string choiceFont)
D3DXCreateFont(d3dDevice, 20, 0, FW_BOLD, 0, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
choiceFont.c_str(), &Font);
void Hacks::InitializeMenuItems()
hack[WALLHACK].name = "WallHack and chams";
hack[CUSTOM_CROSSHAIR].name = "Show custom crosshair";
hack[NO_RECOIL].name = "No Recoil";
hack[UNLIM_AMMO].name = "Unlimited equipment";
hack[AUTO_FIRE].name = "Auto Fire";
hack[HIDE_MENU].name = "Hide menu [INSERT]";
hack[HIDE_MENU].on = false;
void Hacks::Draw_Text(LPCSTR TextToDraw, int x, int y, D3DCOLOR Color)
RECT rct = { x - 120, y + 120, y + 15 };
Font->DrawTextA(NULL, TextToDraw, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, Color);
void Hacks::DrawMenu(IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice)
if (!hack[HIDE_MENU].on)
DrawFilledRectangle(55, 20, 200, 50, fontBlue, d3dDevice);
DrawBorderBox(55, 20, 200, 50, 4, fontBlack, d3dDevice);
DrawTextA("GAME", 190, 30, fontWhite);
DrawFilledRectangle(30, 55, 250, (62 * MAX_MENU_ITEMS), fontBlue, d3dDevice);
DrawBorderBox(30, 55, 250, (62 * MAX_MENU_ITEMS), 6, fontBlack, d3dDevice);
int y = 40;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MENU_ITEMS; i++)
DrawFilledRectangle(45, 30 + y, 220, 40, hack[i].on ? fontGreen : fontRed, d3dDevice);
DrawBorderBox(45, 30 + y, 220, 40, 4, fontBlack, d3dDevice);
DrawTextA(hack[i].name.c_str(), 170, 39 + y, fontBlack);
y + 50;
void Hacks::DrawFilledRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, D3DCOLOR color, IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice)
void Hacks::DrawBorderBox(int x, int y, int width, int height, int thickness, D3DCOLOR color, IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice)
void Hacks::KeyboardInput()
CODE for Hacks.h
#include "d3d9.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#define MAX_MENU_ITEMS 6
#define WALLHACK 0
#define NO_RECOIL 2
#define UNLIM_AMMO 3
#define AUTO_FIRE 4
#define HIDE_MENU 5
class Hacks
int m_Stride;
void Hacks::CreateFont(IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice, std::string choiceFont);
void Hacks::InitializeMenuItems();
void Hacks::Draw_Text(LPCSTR TextToDraw, int x, int y, D3DCOLOR Color);
void Hacks::DrawMenu(IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice);
void Hacks::DrawFilledRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height,D3DCOLOR color, IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice);
void Hacks::DrawBorderBox(int x, int y, int width, int height, int thickness, D3DCOLOR color, IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice);
void Hacks::KeyboardInput();
struct d3dMenuHack
bool on;
std::string name;
d3dMenuHack hack[MAX_MENU_ITEMS];
YES, I have it set to multibyte characterset, and when I copied the code from the creator of the tutorial, it worked perfectly, but the thing is that they where the exact same code 100 % the same but one worked and the other did not, settings is set to win 32 and both debug and release gives errors.
this is tutorial code:
#include "hacks.h";
/*--------------CHEAT RELATED VARS-------------------*/
int MenuIndex = 0;
// Create a colour for the text
D3DCOLOR fontRed = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);
D3DCOLOR fontGreen = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
D3DCOLOR fontBlue = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 42, 255);
D3DCOLOR fontWhite = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 255, 255, 255);
D3DCOLOR fontBlack = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);
void Hacks::CreateFont(IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice, std::string choiceFont)
D3DXCreateFont( d3dDevice, 20, 0, FW_BOLD, 0, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
choiceFont.c_str(), &m_font );
void Hacks::InitializeMenuItems()
hack[WALLHACK].name = " WallHack and chams";
hack[CUSTOM_CROSSHAIR].name = " Show custom crosshair";
hack[NO_RECOIL].name = " No Recoil";
hack[UNLIM_AMMO].name = " Unlimited equipment";
hack[AUTO_FIRE].name = "All guns Automatic";
hack[HIDE_MENU].name = " Hide hack [INSERT]";
//make the hack visible by default
hack[HIDE_MENU].on = false; //shows hack by default
void Hacks::DrawMenu(IDirect3DDevice9 *d3dDevice)
//Add game name here, and put border around it
DrawFilledRect( 55, 20, 200, 50, fontBlue, d3dDevice );
DrawBorderBox(55, 20, 200, 50, 4, fontBlack, d3dDevice );
Draw_Text("COD 4 MP hack", 190, 30, fontWhite);
//draw back of our hack, transparent black
DrawFilledRect( 30, 55, 250, (62*MAX_MENU_ITEMS),fontBlue, d3dDevice );
//draw hack border
DrawBorderBox(30, 55, 250, (62*MAX_MENU_ITEMS), 6/*was 6*/, fontBlack, d3dDevice );
//Reset our time and update the text again in 2 secs
int y = 40;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_MENU_ITEMS; i ++)
//Draw each box's back colour, this will be based on whether the hack is on e.g.
//red means off and green means on
DrawFilledRect( 45, 30+y, 220, 40, hack[i].on ? fontGreen : fontRed, d3dDevice );
//draw box Around Each hack item If the item is highlighted it will show with a white border
DrawBorderBox(45, 30+y, 220, 40, 4, fontBlack, d3dDevice );
//draw White border to show the user which hack item is currently selected
if(MenuIndex == i)
DrawBorderBox(41, 26+y, 228, 48, 4, fontWhite, d3dDevice );
//Ternary at its finest, if the hack is on we display the text colour in green
//otherwise its green
//Draw_Text(hack[i].KeyAssigned.c_str(), 160 , 32+y, fontWhite);
Draw_Text(hack[i].name.c_str(), 170 , 39+y, fontBlack);
//Draw_Text(hack[i].state. c_str(), 355 , 32+y, hack[i].on ? fontGreen : fontRed);
//used to position the next item below by 30 height units
y+= 50;
Draw_Text("Select using arrow keys", 170, ((62*MAX_MENU_ITEMS)+7), fontWhite);
Draw_Text("Turn ON/OFF [END] key", 170, ((62*MAX_MENU_ITEMS)+27), fontWhite);
void Hacks::DrawBorderBox( int x, int y, int w, int h, int thickness, D3DCOLOR Colour, IDirect3DDevice9 *pDevice)
//Top horiz line
DrawFilledRect( x, y, w, thickness, Colour, pDevice );
//Left vertical line
DrawFilledRect( x, y, thickness, h, Colour, pDevice );
//right vertical line
DrawFilledRect( (x + w), y, thickness, h, Colour, pDevice );
//bottom horiz line
DrawFilledRect( x, y + h, w+thickness, thickness, Colour, pDevice );
//We receive the 2-D Coordinates the colour and the device we want to use to draw those colours with
void Hacks::DrawFilledRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, D3DCOLOR color, IDirect3DDevice9* dev)
//We create our rectangle to draw on screen
D3DRECT BarRect = { x, y, x + w, y + h };
//We clear that portion of the screen and display our rectangle
dev->Clear(1, &BarRect, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_TARGET, color, 0, 0);
void Hacks::Draw_Text(LPCSTR TextToDraw, int x, int y, D3DCOLOR Colour)
// Create a rectangle to indicate where on the screen it should be drawn
RECT rct = {x- 120, y, x+ 120, y + 15};
// Draw some text
m_font->DrawText(NULL, TextToDraw, -1, &rct, DT_NOCLIP, Colour );
void Hacks::KeyboardInput()
if(MenuIndex > 0)
if(MenuIndex < MAX_MENU_ITEMS-1)
hack[MenuIndex].on = !hack[MenuIndex].on;
if(MenuIndex == NO_RECOIL)
//this is where we write memory, these are nop values
if(MenuIndex == UNLIM_AMMO)
//this is where we write memory
//TEXT DOESNT CHANGE as the hack is either hidden or not
//and if its hidden you cant tell the user to turn hack on(at least we wont)
hack[HIDE_MENU].on = !hack[HIDE_MENU].on;
Whati s weird about this is that in the video he uses DrawTextA, youtube; fleep Hacks.
but if I use Draw_Text it also gives error
DrawTextA takes 5 arguments, and you're only passing in 4.
INT DrawText(
[in] LPD3DXSPRITE pSprite,
[in] LPCTSTR pString,
[in] INT Count,
[in] LPRECT pRect,
[in] DWORD Format,
[in] D3DCOLOR Color
The pSprite variable can be NULL, if you view the source code you're pasting he puts NULL as the first argument in every function call. Just put a NULL in front of your other 4 arguments and it will compile.