How to append string in the end of Django redirect in view? - django

I have a product on my platform and when a specific user does an action, I want to redirect them to
However, I am not able to find a way to append "#SectionInWebsite" to the end of the redirect function.
return redirect('ProductSingle', product.slug, "#SectionInWebsite")

This worked for me (I had to use different names on my machine, but it should work):
return redirect('{}#sectionInWebsite'.format(reverse('ProductSingle', kwargs={'product_slug':product.slug})))
That is, assuming your has something like this:
path('ProductSingle/<str:product_slug>', views.ProductSingle, name='ProductSingle'),
This is just a variation of the answer provided here, applied to your situation.

do this :
return redirect(reverse('ProductSingle',product.slug) + '#SectionInWebsite')

Maybe this can help you, using reverse.
return redirect(reverse('ProductSingle', product.slug) + '#SectionInWebsite')


Comparing Two Urls Using Reverse And HTTP_REFERER

I am wanting to prevent a user from accessing a certain page unless they have been redirected. In order to do this I thought id do this:
if(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') != reverse('some_page')):
return redirect('some_page')
This works almost perfectly except that request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') returns the whole url address, while reverse('some_page') returns the abbreviated url.
For example
request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') returnshttp://
reverse('some_page') returns/page_one/some_page/
How can I either add the (sorry but I dont know the correct term) first part of the url ( to reverse('some_page'), or remove it from request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') so they can be both compared in the if statement please?
Thank you.
This works :)
if(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') != request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('some_page'))):
return redirect('some_page')

Django syndication framework: prevent appending SITE_ID to the links

According to the documentation here:
If link doesn’t return the domain, the syndication framework will
insert the domain of the current site, according to your SITE_ID
However, I'm trying to generate a feed of magnet: links. The framework doesn't recognize this and attempts to append the SITE_ID, such that the links end up like this (on localhost):
Is there a way to bypass this?
Here's a way to do it with monkey patching, much cleaner.
I like to create a separate folder "django_patches" for these kinds of things:
from django.contrib.syndication import views
from django.contrib.syndication.views import add_domain
def add_domain_if_we_should(domain, url, secure=False):
if url.startswith('magnet:'):
return url
return add_domain(domain, url, secure=False)
views.add_domain = add_domain_if_we_should
Next, add it to your INSTALLED_APPS so that you can patch the function.
This is a bit gnarly, but here's a potential solution if you don't want to give up on the Django framework:
The problem is that the method add_domain is buried deep in a huge method within syndication framework, and I don't see a clean way to override it. Since this method is used for both the feed URL and the feed items, a monkey patch of add_domain would need to consider this.
Django source:
1: Subclass the Feed class you're using and do a copy-paste override of the huge method get_feed
2: Modify the line:
link = add_domain(
self._get_dynamic_attr('item_link', item),
To something like:
link = self._get_dynamic_attr('item_link', item)
I did end up digging through the syndication source code and finding no easy way to override it and did some hacky monkey patching. (Unfortunately I did it before I saw the answers posted here, all of which I assume will work about as well as this one)
Here's how I did it:
def item_link(self, item):
# adding http:// means the internal get_feed won't modify it
return "http://"+item.magnet_link
def get_feed(self, obj, request):
# hacky way to bypass the domain handling
feed = super().get_feed(obj, request)
for item in feed.items:
# strip that http:// we added above
item['link'] = item['link'][7:]
return feed
For future readers, this was as of Django 2.0.1. Hopefully in a future patch they allow support for protocols like magnet.

How to modify the link to access user profile?

I would like to modify the url to access user profile. OSQA use permalink() to generate the profile url
The default link is
And I want to change it to
So, I modify the function get_profile_url follow as:
def get_profile_url(self):
return ('user_profile', [slugify(self.username)])
And I also modify the url in forum\ follow as:
url(r'^%s/(.*)/$' % _('users/'), app.users.user_profile, name='user_profile'),
But the result falls short of my expectation.
OSQA generates a link is
So, how can I fix this issue?
Thank you so much.
You might want to try it like that:
url(r'^%s/(.*)/$' % _('users'), app.users.user_profile, name='user_profile'),
And if you use tranlsations, do not forget to adapt these as well.

Django URLConf Redirect with odd characters

I'm getting ready to move an old Classic ASP site to a new Django system. As part of the move we have to setup some of the old URLs to point to the new ones.
For example, should 301 to
Perhaps I'm regex stupid or something, but for this example, I've included in my URLconf this:
(r'^asp/category\.asp\?categoryid=105$', redirect_to, {'url': '/some-category/'}),
My thinking is that I have to escape the . and the ? but for some reason when I go to test this, it does not redirect to /some-category/, it just 404s the URL as entered.
Am I doing it wrong? Is there a better way?
To elaborate on Daniel Roseman's answer, the query string is not part of the URL, so you'll probably want to write a view function that will grab the category from the query string and redirect appropriately. You can have a URL like:
(r'^category\.asp', category_redirect),
And a view function like:
def category_redirect(request):
if 'categoryid' not in request.GET:
raise Http404
cat_id = request.GET['category']
cat = Category.objects.get(old_id=cat_id)
except Category.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect('/%s/' % cat.slug)
(Altered to your own tastes and needs, of course.)
Everything after the ? is not part of the URL. It's part of the GET parameters.

Django HttpResponsePermanentRedirect don't process my view

If I put this in my view:
if slug == 'old-path':
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect('new-path')
it skips my slugbased view and returns 404.
How do I easily return 301 and "reprocess" my view so I don't get a 404?
#Pydev UAs comment was the correct answer in this case, but I appreciated the detailed answer by John Debs, which gave me the hint to look into named urls, which I didn't know about. Thanks all.
Add from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse to your list of imports and then try this bit of code:
if slug == 'old-path':
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(reverse('new-path'))
The problem you had was that HttpResponsePermanentRedirect() needs a path but you were providing it with a slug.
reverse() will search through your named URLs for the string you provide and return a path, which can then be redirected to properly.