Installing OR-Tools to Visual Studio 2022 - c++

I am trying to write a code using Google's OR-Tools on Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
I followed the following steps:
Download OR-Tools from Binary on Windows on their website.
Extracted the .zip file in D:\CodeField
Wrote the complete TSP programs of their website on VS.
In Visual Studio, went to Project > Properties > C/C++ > Additional Include Directories
Added "D:\CodeField\or-tools_x64_VisualStudio2022_cpp_v9.5.2237\include"
Clicked Apply then OK then compiled my code.
I am getting a bunch of linking errors "1>ortools.lib(scip_callback.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol SCIPconshdlrGetData".
what should I do?

Try adding the lib folder in linker settings and link ortools_full.lib. If there are other errors try changing the runtime library to /MD. Make sure you use C++17.

Visual Studio
To build and run OR-Tools on Windows, you must have Visual Studio 2019 or later installed on your computer with the C++ toolset for Visual Studio.
You can find more details here.
To build OR-Tools programs from the command line you must use a x64 Native Tools Command Prompt (not the Developer Command Prompt).
You can find more details here.
Git, which can be downloaded from
CMake (>= 3.18), which can be downloaded from When installing CMake, select the option for a command-line accessible cmake.
.NET Core 3.1 SDK
You must install the package .NET Core 3.1 SDK version 3.1.100 or higher from the following location: sdk-3.1.425-windows-x64-installer
.Net 6.0 SDK
You must install the package .NET 6.0 SDK from the following location: sdk-6.0.403-windows-x64-installer
Download the source code
There are two distinct branches of the OR-Tools source code on GitHub: stable and main.
The stable branch has been thoroughly tested and should work flawlessly on all supported platforms.
The main branch is where the latest updates and improvements have been applied; it's more current, but less stable.


Configure Visual Studio 2017 to use existing Android SDK and NDK components

I have set up Visual Studio 2017 to work with Android NDK by installing Visual C++ Android tools, Apache ANT and configuring the locations of existing SDK, NDK and JDK locations.
I have installed LLDB, configured the clang.exe location and included all the headers from /ndk-bundle/sources.
I am trying to build the default Android Native Activity project. An older version can be found here:
But still I am getting a lot of errors and all of the #includes underlined. When I try to build the solution I get the following error.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error TRK0002 Failed to execute command:
The handle is
invalid. NDKSample.NativeActivity C:\Users\Saminda\source\repos\NDKSample\NDKSample\NDKSample.NativeActivity\TRACKER 1
Any help would be appreciated.
Ant is no longer used by Android projects, replaced by Gradle.
After several experiments from the Android team, they ended up settling with Gradle + CMake, with ndk-build for legacy NDK projects.
Here is the Android documentation how to migrate to Gradle + CMake.
I imagine you would need to update the build scripts in the generated project.

Build OpenCascade for VS2017

Usecase: I intend to use the OpenCascade C++ library in my C++ project. I need to do simple polyline offsetting and polygon scaling down.
So I am attempting to install the OpenCascade C++ library on my Windows 10 64bit machine to use in Visual Studio 17. My first attempt was to use the windows installer then run the batch files (env.bat, custom.bat). But I have read on this forum that the windows installer wont work for Visual Studio 2017 - is that correct?
So I have now followed the build instructions here. And now I have opened the sample projects in Visual Studio 2017. When I try to build the project I get the following errors for each of the sample projects:
Error MSB8036 The Windows SDK version 8.1 was not found. Install the required version of Windows SDK or change the SDK version in the project property pages or by right-clicking the solution and selecting "Retarget solution". TKQADraw C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Platforms\x64\PlatformToolsets\v141\Toolset.targets 36
Any advice on what I have done wrong? Maybe I didn't build it properly following these steps? Also, given my usecase above, do I need to do all this if I just want to use OpenCascade in a limited way?
Is there documentation or a link on how I create a new Visual Studio C++ project and link all the OpenCascade libraries?
As the error says, you haven't installed the correct SDK version, or maybe the version you installed is out dated. Check the SDK install and try again.

Visual Studio 2017 with CUDA cannot open include file 'cuda.h'

I am working on the Nvidia SDK with Visual Studio and I have been running into the error of this whenever I am trying to compile the sample from Nvidia:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'cuda.h': No such file or
directory AppDecPerf
c:\users\administrator\desktop\video_codec_sdk_8.1.24\samples\appdecode\appdecperf\appdecperf.cpp 12
I do have CUDA installed on my computer and it looks like I have to link it with the IDE somehow but I just cannot find 'cuda.h' file anywhere.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Install cuda library( static or dynamic) for Windows in vc++ 2017 using vcpkg.exe. Use .\vcpkg integrate install to automatically link the project to your solution.
Use .\vcpkg install cuda:x64-windows-static to install.
Right click your project, choose Build Dependencies then Build Customizations. From here you can choose the version of the CUDA Toolkit that you'd like to work with (amongst other things it will add the $(CudaToolkitDir) variable, and a new CUDA C/C++ tab to the project properties). The samples from NVIDIA should already be configured this way, but I've noticed that they can break when upgrading the SDK.
Further details are available here:

Adding Casablanca Dependency VS2017

I recently upgraded to VS2017 and I'm looking to start doing more C++ work. I've not used VS or C++ in a good while (and even at that I was a C++ novice).
I'm trying to install Casablanca, aka CPPRestSdk ( but I can't seem to manage it.
I've tried installing it through NuGet but I'm not sure exactly what I've to link to my project, and I've tried vcpkg - to which I've downloaded via the instructions but I have no clue what to do there.
All the materials I find for this apply to earlier VS editions and don't appear to work when I try them. Has anyone had such luck with getting this to work? If not, is there an alternative that I can use that has clear installation instructions?
I recently moved a C++ REST SDK based project from the older NuGet package to the recent VCPKG based 2.10.1 release. Apart from Visual Studio 2017 with the C++ for Desktop workload make sure you have Git for Windows installed. Clone the VCPKG repo from GitHub with
git clone
I'd recommend using a directory not having any spaces in its path, otherwise some builds might fail. Change into the VCPKG directory and run the bootstrap script:
This will compile the package manager itself. Afterwards you can install the C++ REST SDK with
.\vcpkg install cpprestsdk cpprestsdk:x64-windows
This will download all required libraries and takes quite a while. For usage in Visual Studio you have to enable the system wide integration with
.\vcpkg integrate install
This requires elevated privileges the first time but afterwards the C++ REST SDK is available in any Visual Studio C++ project. Follow the instructions for getting started. As soon as you include a C++ REST SDK header into your project the linking is taking care of automatically by Visual Studio.
For consumption in a CMake project you have to pass the VCPKG toolchain file to the CMake command, e.g.
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake
Referencing the C++ REST SDK from CMake is described in the project repo's README.

Opening VS 2012 C++ Project in VS 2015 gives Build error

We have a C++ Project built in VS 2012 (To generate .arx files to work with AutoCad 2014). Now we need to recompile it in VS 2015. we have not installed VS 2012. I opened the project in VS 2015. Properties -> General -> Platform toolset is set to Visual Studio 2015 (v140). Still we are getting "The build tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') cannot be found. To build using the v140 build tools, please install v140 build tools."
we created a simple C++ Console application and ran it. Works fine no build error there.
Need to recompile the files for building .arx files to work in AutoCad 2018.
Initial Project Load :->
In the initial project load itself for Nimcad and planact we are getting build tools error. But not for engr.
Build on engr Project getting errors this might be the changes in ObjectARX 2018 I don't know. If you have a solution for this error please let us know:->
Buid on Nimcad Project :->
Build on Planact Project :->
For both Nimcad and planact all we get is build tools error.
Property Pages :
Any help please.
To build AutoCAD 2018 ObjectARX app you'll need Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 configured (by default) with VC14.0. As you are migrating a project, make sure to adjust all libraries (.lib files) to version 22. Did you download the ObjectARX 2018 SDK?
This seems a problem with your Visual Studio installation. If you create a new C++ project, VS should also ask you to install the missing parts.
In Visual Studio 2015 (...) the C++ compiler, libraries, and project templates have been moved into an optional feature. (...) To install the various components needed for desktop and mobile development in C++, you must choose “Custom” and manually select those items (Visual C++ Team Blog)
You may need to re-run VS setup and select the C++ related parts (as already mentioned on the question comments).
Finally, check your VisualStudioVersion using the VS2015 Command Prompt: