how to implement comparing two screenshots in one test with playwright - compare

I am very new to playwright and i have a problem.
I am trying to implement comparing two screenshots (before and after) in one test.
this is what i want to achieve:
navigate to webpage
take screenshot (before.png)
do some stuff,state changes, etc
take screenshot (after.png)
compare before.png to after.png (if they are the same test should pass, otherwise test fails)
something like this:
test('compare screenshots', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('my website here');
const beforeImage = await page.screenshot({
path: `./screenshots/before.png`
// some state changes implemented here
const afterImage = await page.screenshot({
path: `./screenshots/after.png`
but it does not work like this.
Any ideas/suggestions how can i achieve this?
Help would be greatly appreciated

You can do something like this:
test('compare screenshots', async ({ page }, testInfo)=>{
await page.goto(pageUrl);
const screenshotTarget = page.locator(scTarget);
await expect(screenshotTarget).toHaveScreenshot( `${testInfo.title}.png`);
// some state changes implemented here
await expect(screenshotTarget).toHaveScreenshot( `${testInfo.title}.png`);
I prefer to use the test titel for naming my screenshots but it should also work if you just enter the same name twice. Then if you run your tests without --update-snapshots they should fail if some visual changes happened.

The problem with Playwright's toHaveScreenshot and toMatchSnapshot is that they're a bit over-engineered and will only compare a current screenshot to a screenshot from a previous test run. If you want to compare two screenshots that you have as Buffers in memory, you can use the getComparator method that Playwright uses behind the scenes:
import { getComparator } from 'playwright-core/lib/utils';
await page.goto('my website here');
const beforeImage = await page.screenshot({
path: `./screenshots/before.png`
// some state changes implemented here
const afterImage = await page.screenshot({
path: `./screenshots/after.png`
const comparator = getComparator('image/png');
expect(comparator(beforeImage, afterImage)).toBeNull();
The advantage of using getComparator is that it fuzzy matches, and you can set the threshold of how many pixels are allowed to be different. If you just want to check that the PNGs are exactly identical, a dead simple method to check for equality between the two screenshots is:
expect(, afterImage)).toEqual(0)
Beware though - this simpler method is flakey and sensitive to a single pixel difference in rendering (such as if any animations/transitions are not completed or if there are differences in anti-aliasing).


vue testing vuetify input for disabled

I am very new to testing and I'm struggling my way through all this new stuff I am learning. Today I want to write a test for a vuetify <v-text-field> component like this:
my test should handle the following case:
an active, logged in user has a array in vuex store which has his permissions as a array of strings. exactly like this
userRights: ['dashboard', 'imprint', 'dataPrivacy']
the checkPermissionFor() function is doing nothing else then checking the array above with a arr.includes('x')
after it came out the right is not included it gives me a negotiated return which handles the disabled state on that input field.
I want to test this exact scenario.
my test at the moment looks like this:
it('user has no rights to edit other user overview data', () => {
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
ActiveUser: {
userData: {
isLoggedIn: true,
isAdmin: false,
userRights: ['dashboard', 'imprint', 'dataPrivacy']
const wrapper = shallowMount(Overview, {
const addUserPermission = wrapper.vm.checkPermissionFor('users.write')
const inputName = wrapper.find(
big questions now:
how can I select a input from vuetify which has no class like in my case
how can I test for "is the input disabled?"
wrapper.find method accepts a query string. You can pass a query string like this :
input[label='Name'] or if you know the exact index you can use this CSS query too : input:nth-of-type(2).
Then find method will return you another wrapper. Wrapper has a property named element which returns the underlying native element.
So you can check if input disabled like this :
const buttonWrapper = wrapper.find("input[label='Name']");
const isDisabled = buttonWrapper.element.disabled === true;
expect(isDisabled ).toBe(true)
For question 1 it's a good idea to put extra datasets into your component template that are used just for testing so you can extract that element - the most common convention is data-testid="test-id".
The reason you should do this instead of relying on the classes and ids and positional selectors or anything like that is because those selectors are likely to change in a way that shouldn't break your test - if in the future you change css frameworks or change an id for some reason, your tests will break even though your component is still working.
If you're (understandably) worried about polluting your markup with all these data-testid attributes, you can use a webpack plugin like to strip them out of your dev builds. Here's how I use that with laravel mix:
const createAttributeRemover = require('vue-remove-attributes');
if (mix.inProduction()) {
vue: {
compilerOptions: {
modules: [
as for your second question I don't know I was googling the same thing and I landed here!

apollo react: proper way to switch a query's params

In my app I have a sidebar with a list of "saved searches" and a central area that should show the results of a search. Whenever I click on a saved search link, I want to update the central area with the results of that search.
What is the proper way to do this with apollo-react?
I tried with this:
// SidebarConnector.js:
const withVideoSearch = graphql(
name: 'videoSearchQuery',
props: ({ videoSearchQuery }) => {
return ({
searchVideos: videoSearchQuery.refetch,
export default withVideoSearch(Sidebar);
My saved searches are doing a searchVideos({ query: "some query" }) on click which, based on the above, is doing a refetch for the VIDEO_SEARCH_QUERY query with different variables.
This works fine, the call is made to the graphql server and results are returned just fine.
For the main component that shows the list of results I use:
export default graphql(VIDEO_SEARCH_QUERY)(ResultList);
Initially the main component gets its results from the server as if the query was done without variables which is fine, exactly how I want it.
The problem is that every refetch seems to create a different entry in ROOT_QUERY in apollo's store and my main component is "locked" into the one without variables.
Here's what apollo's store looks like after the initial fetch and one of the refetches triggered from a saved search:
searchVideos({"query":"coke"}): [Video]
searchVideos({"query":null}): [Video]
So my question is how to either switch the main component to the "current search" or how to overwrite the store on every refresh so that there's only one key so the main component updates correctly.
For completeness here's my VIDEO_SEARCH_QUERY:
export const VIDEO_SEARCH_QUERY = gql`
query searchVideos($query: String) {
searchVideos(query: $query) {
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your use case, but it seems like there's no need to utilize refetch here. It would be simpler to persist whatever the selected search string is as state, pass that state down as a prop to your main component and then just use that prop as the variable in your GraphQL request. So the graphql call inside your ResultList component would look something like this:
const options = props => ({ variables: { query: props.searchString } })
export default graphql(VIDEO_SEARCH_QUERY, { options })(ResultList);
Then just have your onClick handler for each saved search set the state to whatever that search string is, and Apollo will do the rest. This is super easy with Redux -- just fire off the appropriate action. If you're not using Redux, you may have to lift the state up so it can then be passed down as a prop, but the concept is the same.

Can't run more than one NgTestBed in one angular dart test

I have two test methods in one file. However when I run them the last one fails.
When I try to debug the test inside the browser after the first answer.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')); executes the event listeners on the second row won't activate as if they weren't able to listen to any click events. I tried clicking manually as well and the rows didn't change color like the first row (using the exact same code).
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart';
import 'package:angular_test/angular_test.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '...multiple_choice_quiz_component.dart';
void main()
group('$MultipleChoiceQuizComponent', () {
test('should add "incorrect" css class to incorrect answer', () async {
NgTestBed bed = new NgTestBed<MultipleChoiceQuizComponent>();
NgTestFixture fixture = await bed.create();
Element answer = fixture.rootElement.querySelector('.quiz-choice:nth-child(2)');
answer.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
bool hasClass = answer.classes.contains('incorrect');
expect(hasClass, true);
test('should add "correct" css class to correct answer', () async {
NgTestBed bed = new NgTestBed<MultipleChoiceQuizComponent>();
NgTestFixture fixture = await bed.create();
Element answer = fixture.rootElement.querySelector('.quiz-choice:nth-child(3)');
answer.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
bool hasClass = answer.classes.contains('correct');
expect(hasClass, true);
Here is a screenshot.
The first row is the first test method. answer.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')); executes correctly and the color changes.
However on the second row with the exact same code the whole second row is unresponsive. Like I said it's almost as if the event listeners for the second row are disabled.
In fact, if I put the two methods in different dart test files both tests pass.
Why can't I have these two tests in one file?
There appears to be a bug where disposeAnyRunningTest doesn't actually do what we want.
This is why it behaves differently for you when you have the test cases in separate files, but doesn't work when they run together.
The tests might not work when they aren't properly disposed for a few reasons.
The component you are testing might have a bug which does not allow multiple copies on the page at once. Do you use element ids anywhere that might make them only work when there is a single instance?
Fixture.rootElement might have a bug which is causing it to return the element from the previous test instead of the new one.

Loopback include unrelated lists

In Loopback it is easy to include relational objects when querying for data. For example, one can include all the comments that belong to a blog post in a single call using the include filter.
But in my case I want to get data that doesn't have a relation.
I have a User Detail page. On that page a user can choose a username and there's also a dropdown list where a user can choose from what country he is.
So from the client side I do something like:
Country.find().$promise.then(function(countryData) {
$scope.countries = countryData;
Player.find().$promise.then(function(playerData) {
$scope.player = playerData;
But what if I get more lists that I want to fill? Like, city, state, colors etc.
Then I'd have to make a lot of separate calls.
Is there a way to include all this data in one call, eventhough they have no relation? Something like this:
Player.find({ filter: { include: ["countries", "colors"] } }).$promise.then(function(data) {
// some stuff
You may want to try using the Where filter as documented here
An example of this for querying two specific things would be:
Post.find({where: {and: [{title: 'My Post'}, {content: 'Hello'}]}},
function (err, posts) {
You could create a remote method on one of your models that makes the calls internally and packages them back up for you.
Use some promise library if not using ES6 to wait for all and then return
Model.getAll = function(next) {
var promises = [];
.then(function(results) {
Register your remote method here
You could create a remote method on one of your models that makes the calls internally and packages them back up for you.
Use some promise library if not using ES6 to wait for all and then return
Model.getAll = function(next) {
var promises = [];
.then(function(results) {
Register your remote method here
I have problem and try with this solution but i get error "Failed with multiple errors, see details for more information.". It seems like there is bug on Loopback while using promise.all

Pre-routing with querystrings with Express in Node JS

I'm trying to use express to parse the querystring in case certain parameters are set and execute a little piece of code, before the actual routing is happening. The use-case is to grab a certain value, that could be set, independant of what link is being used. I use express' functionality to pass the stuff to the next possible rule using next().
So far, I tried - at the very top of all the app.get/post-rule-block:
app.get('[?&]something=([^&#]*)', function(req, res, next) {
var somethingID = req.params.something;
// Below line is just there to illustrate that it's working. Actual code will do something real, of course.
console.log("Something: "+somethingID);
app.get('/', site.index);
and also:
app.param('something', function(req, res, next) {
var somethingID = req.params.something;
console.log("Something: "+somethingID);
app.get('/', site.index);
Example of what should be triggered:
Unfortunately, none of my solutions actually worked, and all that happens is, that the next matching rule is triggered, but the little function above is never executed. Anybody have an idea, of how this can be done?
EDIT: I do understand, that the param-example wasn't working, as I'm not using said parameter within any other routing-rule afterwards, and it would only be triggered then.
I also do understand, that logic implies, that Express ignores the querystring and it is normally parsed within a function after the routing already happened. But as mentioned, I need this to be "route-agnostic" and work with any of the URL's that are processed within this application.
express does not allow you to route based on query strings. You could add some middleware which performs some operation if the relevant parameter is present;
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
if (req.query.something) {
// Do something; call next() when done.
} else {
app.get('/someroute', function (req, res, next) {
// Assume your query params have been processed
Ok, there is quite a logical flaw in here. Routing only uses the URL, and ignores the querystring.
The (or better "A") solution is actually this:
app.get('*', function(req, res, next) {
if (req.query.something) {
console.log("Something: "+req.query.something);
Explanation: As Express is ignoring the querystring for the routing, the only regular expression matching all URL's is "*". Once that is triggered, I can check if said querystring is existing, do my logic and continue the routing matching the next rule by using "next()".
And yes: facepalm