Contiki-NG Cooja simulator fails to start - cooja

I have installed Contiki-NG on Ubuntu VMware Player and have been struggling to run it using ant run command following is the whole terminal code:
layla#ubuntu:~/contiki-ng/tools/cooja$ ant run
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
I tried searching in the github repo for a solution, but got nothing similar.

Cooja switched to Gradle as the build system. The documentation for the develop branch is available here:
$ cd tools/cooja
$ ./gradlew run


Yarn script fails to execute when building in Visual Studio Team Services

I managed to setup Yarn in Angular app and when I run: yarn install
it successfully installs all the packages which makes the app run with no issues.
Inside package.json I have written some scripts to help me out run the specific task (I want node_modules folder to be inside wwwroot).
"scripts": {
"install-dev": "yarn install --modules-folder ./wwwroot/node_modules",
"install-ci": "install --modules-folder ./wwwroot/node_modules",
When I have to install packages locally I use yarn run install-dev, which works perfectly.
However, when I need to build the project using Visual Studio Team Services, using Yarn Build and Release Tasks by Geek Learning I pass in run install-ci inside VS Team Services Arguments which fails with the following error:
VS Console.png
What I find weird is that it says Version: 1.1.1001, but under it writes yarn run v0.27.5. It seems like that version v0.27.5 does not support --modules-folder (and anyway why is it running the wrong version?).
Here is how Yarn task is configured in Visual Studio Team Services - VS Yarn task configuration.png.
I am making sure that I am in the correct branch (bower-to-yarn) as well as pointing to the Project Directory - src/MyApp where I have package.json file. Also, it says that the task should run with Version: 1.*.
Any help would be very useful. Thank you!
The reason why I have "install-ci" without yarn is because inside vsts console yarn gets loaded and does not need to be specified again. The same applies to Arguments field inside Visual Studio Team Services run install-ci.

Can't run 'ng' from VSTS agent

I'm trying to run unit tests against our AngularCLI project using our hosted VSTS build agents however it keeps running into trouble when it tries to run 'ng test'.
To resolve this I have tried to make the agent use the ng tool directly by providing the path to the tool. This hasn't worked as it looks like it's trying to run 'ng test' where the tool is rather than in the specified current working directory:
I've also tried to add it as an environment variable in Windows (we're using Windows Server 2012 to host the VSTS agent) and setting the tool in the VSTS agent as just ng however it doesn't appear to be finding the ng tool:
How can I get the VSTS agent to make use of the ng tool to run tests? We have got #angular/cli installed on the server hosting the agent.
The thing is that you won't get angular cli installed on VSTS globally as its build server is not supporting that. But the good thing you not even need cli globally installed on your agent.
All you need is npm run ng build -- prod - this way it will always run the local version. Also this way you won't need to take care of updating your global package at all.
Use npm run ng test to run tests, npm run ng e2e to run protractor. If you need to pass any more params to any of these just use --
As mentioned by #Kuncevic, to use the Angular CLI without installing it globally, you will need to use the npm run command.
To run an Angular build using Azure Devops:
Add an npm task to install dependencies (choose install for the command)
Add another npm task, but choose custom for the command. Then add your command and arguments:
run ng -- build --output-path=dist --configuration=prod
Note how npm is not a part of the command and arguments since this will be provided by the task. Also note how -- separates the command to be run and the arguments to be passed to the command.

Blockchain Hyperledger Fabric dev env setup

I am very close to set up dev environment for hyperledger fabric and following this link
When I run this command git clone -b v0.6
and run go build. I get following error:
can't load package: package no
buildable Go source files in
However when I run step 4 from the link, the build success.
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build ./
Here build is not succeed only for
Any thoughts?
Please suggest!
I think the manual is not precisely written here. You are not supposed to run go build . on the cloned fabric repository. The manual just states here, that if you are getting build errors later, the clone into your go sources did not work. I is not asking you to build the fabric repository. If your build command is executed in step 4, everything should be set up correctly.
Assuming you are setting up the dev environment you want to build things for that after cloning the repo. This is done with make, thus e.g. make all to build and test all.
To build chaincode later on you use go build in the folder where you have the chaincode source file.

Error when trying to build Clojure boot file in Ubuntu 12.04

I am starting out with Clojure, and i am currently following the get started tutorial
My troubles start when i try to build boot from source: (
This is the error that i receive when running the make boot command:
1 required artifact is missing.
for artifact:
from the specified remote repositories:
central (,
clojars (
I have installed maven but that did not change anything. Has anyone encountered this problem aswell?
Best Regards

Buildserv for Ubuntu server 14.04

I'm looking for some easy to configure BuildServ system that can fetch from a git repository every couple hours and then switches the git branch and then compiles it using scons.
It would run 2 builds Linux and Windows, if the compiling status is failed it would then change the image on the webpage to failed and link to the last build that worked.
You can try jenkins server for Buildserv purpose. It has a community edition so you don't have to spend money as well. :)
below is the link.