how to connect elasticsear API through Cassandra - elassandra

when i connect elastic search using curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/" Command through elassandra .show connection refused error
from bin i am running Cassandra -e. here is no error in logs but still not able to access ES on localhost:9200
how to connect elastisearch api through elassandra


Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o timeout

Iam trying to set up aws cluster. I installed kubectl and configured aws with credentials. When I tried to display pods or any kubectl commands, Iam getting this error
revaa#revaa-Lenovo-E41-25:~$ kubectl get pod
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o timeout
How to resolve this
The ip used is a private, it cannot be accessed outside the aws. Change your cluster's api server endpoint access to public. It worked.

AWS Neptune Connection Failed - Loading Data Into Neptune Cluster from S3 Bucket using CURL command

I am trying to bulk load RDF N-triples data from S3 bucket into Neptune loader. I have created a S3 bucket, IAM Role, Endpoint and Neptune cluster as per the following link
And I am trying to execute a CURL command locally from windows using command prompt to load the data,
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://<clusterEndpoint>:<clusterPort>/loader -d "{\"source\":\"s3://<bucketName>\",\"format\":\"ntriples\",\"iamRoleArn\":\"arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name>\",\"region\":\""<region>\",\"failOnError\":\"FALSE\",\"parallelism\":\"MEDIUM\",\"updateSingleCardinalityProperties\":\"FALSE\",\"queueRequest\":\"TRUE\"}"
On executing the above Curl command I am getting the following error,
Failed to connect to <neptuneClusterEndoint> port <portNumber>: Timed out
Also, when I tried to check the cluster status using the command curl http://<neptuneCluster>:<portNumber>/status , I got the same time out error.
I am trying to make a Neptune Load using Curl command without creating an EC2 instance. May I know why I am getting the connection failed error? Is there a way to use curl command to make a Neptune load successfully?
The curl command needs to have access to the Neptune VPC. That could be via an EC2 bastion host over an SSH tunnel for example. As you are trying to avoid using EC2 you will need to setup an alternative way to access Neptune such as a load balancer. You could also use a Lambda function so long as the Lambda function has access to the VPC. There are many other ways you could decide to connect but as Neptune does not expose a public IP address you will need to configure a way for your curl command to access that VPC. Also be aware that if you have IAM Authentication enabled on the Neptune cluster that the request will have to be signed using SigV4 credentials.
If you have a Neptune Notebook configured, you can just use the %load command and it can also handle any SigV4 needs for you as well.

Api server in EC2 not able to connect to RDS

I am new to aws as well as server and it's configurations.
I have an app server which basically is an API server.
When I test running with my localhost I am able to access it.
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:5000/api/Supplier'
But not with my machine public or private or elastic IPs.
curl --location --request GET 'http://xxx-xx-xx-xx:5000/api/Supplier'
i get the following error
(7) Failed to connect to xxx-xx-xx-xx port 5000: Connection refused
Are there any additional things that are needed here?

SSH connection issue in Google Cloud Server

I'm getting the below error while trying to connect with Browser-based SSH in Google cloud server
Connection Failed
An error occurred while communicating with the SSH server. Check the server and the network configuration.
I tried to install the free SSL on Google Cloud server by using this link:
but after this command
chmod a+x certbot-auto
I got some error, and from that point, SSH is also not working.

Google Cloud SQL pPostgreSQL psql client connection

Followed instructions to created Google Cloud SQL instance with PostgreSQL db. I can examine it from glcoud command line with the instance name:
gcloud sql instances describe my-fancy-instance-name
I get back oodles of details!
When I created the SSL certs, it gave me the psql command to connect, which matches the instructions from the instructions given by Google documentation on how to connect via public IP (I left that enabled for now).
Now, with the discovered IP and port, which was also verified by the gcloud command, I try to call psql to connect:
psql "sslmode=verify-ca sslrootcert=server-ca.pem \
sslcert=client-cert.pem sslkey=client-key.pem \
hostaddr=my_INSTANCE_IP \
user=my_USER_NAME dbname=my_DB_NAME"
It takes a bit but it comes back and reports:
psql: could not connect to server: Operation timed out
Is the server running on host “" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port xxxxx?
and I verified the ip, but the port was NOT returned by the gcloud command...
Now, I have my SSL (.pem) files in ~/.postgress folder and added that path in my command as well, but no joy.
Any ideas why the psql can't connect (connection times out)? Especially since the gcloud command works?
The error message suggests that the CloudSQL instance is not exposed to the local host IP. As in the documentation step 7, you need to add your local psql client IP to the Authorized network. Can you confirm if you did that? If your local host IP is dynamic, then you have to regularly re-add the IP to Authorized network once your local IP changed.
Following the Google documentation you provided, I successfully connected to my Cloud Postgresql database from my local psql client.