Open a Window in JUCE and put a PluginEditor into it - c++

The tl;dr How do I open a window in Juce to display a plugin Editor?
I am following the Juce AudioProcessGraph tutorial at which shows how to dynamically load AudioProcessor objects.
I would like to open their GUIs as they're loaded. This could be in separate windows or in the window that's got the slots for the graph.
I've tried creating a AudioProcessorEditor, but I'm at a loss on how to tell it to open.
Edit to add: What I've tried so far:
I've downloaded the code from the Tutorial: Cascading plug-in effects from
I've also used ProJucer to create a new plugin. I've put the new plugin's files into the tutorial's files and used ProJucer to add PluginEditor.cpp and PluginEditor.h to the tutorial project.
I've changed the PluginEditor.h so the private class member audioProcessor is of type ProcessorBase&. And made ProcessorBase& the expected type for the data passed to the constructor.
In the tutorial code, in the header file, I've changed the ProcessorBase class so that the methods hasEditor() and createEditor() are just declarations and then modified main.cpp as follows:
#include "PluginEditor.h"
#include <iostream>
juce::AudioProcessorEditor* ProcessorBase::createEditor()
std::cout "asking for an editor\n";
return new NewProjectAudioProcessorEditor (*this);
bool ProcessorBase::hasEditor() const
{ return true; }
In the included header, in the TutorialProcessor class, in the updateGraph() method, under the if (hasChanged), I've added slot->getProcessor()->createEditorIfNeeded (); on line 387-ish.
I can tell from my cout that createEditor() is being called and know that the constructor for the editor is running, but no window opens.
How do I tell it to open a window?
The code compiles and runs, but no window opens.


How can I create multiple windows in winui 3.0?

I would like to have a button that creates another window. I'm building off the template app you get in VS2019 Preview So far, I've created a new control BlankWindow, just the default one. I can see that in App::OnLaunched, a window is created with:
window = make<MainWindow>();
So in my MainWindow.xaml.cs in my button click method, I put:
Window bWindow= make<BlankWindow>();
That doesn't build, I check the BlankWindow.idl file and see that BlankWindow inherits from Controls and not Windows, so I change it. Now it builds, but when I click the button in the MainWindow, I see the window flicker open and instantly close. What's going on?
Work on multi-window applications is ongoing. It's available as a Preview feature.
You can find the solution to this problem in the definition of the Window Class for the Windows UI Library (WinUI) under the subtitle "Create a new Window on a new thread". To put the section in context it would help to read the entire webpage. It's not that long.
We were able to include xaml.h for the target subwindow and display the window using the make template function.
Note that the types held in the member variables and the types specified to the make template function are different.
(I am using the translation at DeepL, so the text may be slightly incorrect.)
#include "pch.h"
#include "MainWindow.xaml.h"
#if __has_include("MainWindow.g.cpp")
#include "MainWindow.g.cpp"
#include "Window_Sub.xaml.h"
winrt::App1::Window_Sub _subWindow{ nullptr };
void MainWindow::ShowSubWindowButton_Clicked(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const& e)
if (_subWindow == nullptr) {
_subWindow = make<App1::implementation::Window_Sub>();
_subWindow.Closed([](winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::WindowEventArgs const& e){
_subWindow = nullptr;

wxWidgets - Splitting project into multiple files

I am very new to C++, I'm making this music application using wxWidgets, this is my first project in C++. As of now, I have 4 files, app.hpp and app.cpp which has a class that inherits from wxApp that launches the application, and frame.hpp and frame.cpp which holds the base frame and panel, and all the widgets, and their appropriate functions. I want to move all the functions to a separate file, but I get some errors like there is this function in frame.cpp
void Frame::ClearPlaylist(wxCommandEvent& event)
I tried moving it in another file called command.cpp and created a new class called command and prefixed all functions to Command:: .... and somethings like the playlistBox here, is a widget which I want in frame.cpp only, as it is a widget, so I did #include frame.hpp and prefixed it with Frame::playlistBox, but that gave a error saying invalid use of non static data member. So do I have to make everything in frame.hpp a static object? Or if anyone has a better solution for organizing a project like this please do share.

wxWidgets include image during compile time

I've been trying to make a simple wxWidgets program with just a button with a picture on it. I've been able to make the button with the image on it easily enough, but my problem arises when including it.
So far, I've only been able to fetch the image during run-time (the image has to be in the same folder as the .exe file; otherwise, I get error 2: the system cannot find the file specified). With this method, I have no problems -- the program works just fine. What I'm trying to do, however, is to #include the file so that it is embedded during compile-time, so that it doesn't need to be available during run-time.
I've tried #including the file (both as .png and as .xpm), and I've also tried adding it to the resource includes (this is on Visual Studio 2017). Neither of these worked -- the first method still required the image to be in the same folder, and the second failed during compilation (as far as I can tell, it wasn't able to read the .xpm file).
Here is the relevant code, if it helps:
/*relevant includes*/
#include "happyFace.png" //this isn't working. the file is still needed
#include "happyFace.xpm" //ditto
/*I have also tried putting these lines in the resource includes.*/
wxBitmap bitmap("happyFace.xpm", wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM); //only works in same directory at run-time
wxBitmap bitmap("happyFace.png", wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); //ditto
wxButton *button = new wxButton(this, ID_BMP_BUTTON);
//the rest of the button programming and stuff
Sorry if I haven't provided enough information; I can provide more if necessary. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks!
Two possibilities... Number 1 is simplest. It's been a long time since I wrote the code I'm looking at, so the details are fuzzy.
In Visual Studio, Solution Explorer, add the image into the resource files. Assume the name of the resourse is sample.rc. Then it can be used like so to set the main icon...
Method 1 must be used in order for MS Windows Explorer to display the main icon. I do not remember how to use .rc resources for other things, but it should be easy to figure out.
I did it this way before I discovered VS resource (.rc) files. Compile the file-image into the program "by hand." In other words, write a program that will read an image file and produce bit-for-bit copy in a .cpp file. Then compile that .cpp into the program. Here I have the file-image in memory as an object named dj::main_cursor. Note that the in-memory version is a bit-for-bit copy of a .cur file.
dj::captured_file &c1file(dj::main_cursor);
wxMemoryInputStream cistr(c1file.contents, c1file.size);
cursor1 = wxCursor(wxImage(cistr, wxBITMAP_TYPE_CUR));
FYI, I defined the structure dj::captured_file like so:
struct captured_file {
const char *name;
const unsigned long size;
const void *contents;
captured_file(const char*fn, size_t sz, const void*c)
: name(fn)
, contents(c)
, size(sz)
See also, Embedding PNG Images into Windows RC Files
I found some other documentation.
Resources and Application Icon All applications using wxMSW should
have a Windows resource file (.rc extension) and this file should
include include/wx/msw/wx.rc file which defines resources used by
wxWidgets itself.
Among other things, wx.rc defines some standard icons, all of which
have names starting with the "wx" prefix. This normally ensures that
any icons defined in the application's own resource file come before
them in alphabetical order which is important because Explorer
(Windows shell) selects the first icon in alphabetical order to use as
the application icon which is displayed when viewing its file in the
file manager. So if all the icons defined in your application start
with "x", "y" or "z", they won't be used by Explorer. To avoid this,
ensure that the icon which is meant to be used as the main application
icon has a name preceding "wxICON" in alphabetical order.
Here is how you should do it:
#include "happyFace.xpm"
wxBitmap bitmap = wxBitmap( happyFace ); // assuming the variable name is "happyFace" inside the xpm
Then you will use bitmap object just like usual. Assuming that the file happyFace.xpm is available for compilation.

JUCE - Making a New Window

Coming from making single-page applications with the visual WYSISWYG editor in JUCE, I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to invoke new windows (outside of the main GUI window). I made a test application that just has a small minimal main GUI that I created with the visual editor. It has a button "Make New Window." My goal is to be able to click that button and have a new window pop up and that this new window is a JUCE "GUI component," (AKA, the graphical / visual GUI editor file). Now, I actually have sort of achieved this, however, its throwing errors and assertions, so it would be great to get a very simple, step-by-step tutorial.
I studied the main.cpp file that the Projucer automatically created in order to get a feel for how they are creating a window. Here's what I did.
1) In my project, I added a new GUI Component (which becomes a class) and called it "InvokedWindow."
2) In my main GUI component class header, I added a new scoped pointer of type InvokedWindow: ScopedPointer<InvokedWindow> invokedWindow;
3) I created a new button in the main GUI editor called "Make New Window" and added this to the handler code:
newWindowPtr = new InvokedWindow; so that any time the button is hit, a new object of type InvokedWindow is created.
4) In the InvokedWindow class, in the constructor, on top of the automatically generated code, I added:
setUsingNativeTitleBar (true);
setCentrePosition(400, 400);
setVisible (true);
setResizable(false, false);
Which I sort of got from the main file of the JUCE application.
I also added a slider to this new window just to add functionality to it.
5) I added an overloaded function to let me close the window:
void InvokedWindow::closeButtonPressed()
delete this;
So, now when I run the app and click the make new window button, a new window does pop up, but I get an assertion:
/* Agh! You shouldn't add components directly to a ResizableWindow - this class
manages its child components automatically, and if you add your own it'll cause
trouble. Instead, use setContentComponent() to give it a component which
will be automatically resized and kept in the right place - then you can add
subcomponents to the content comp. See the notes for the ResizableWindow class
for more info.
If you really know what you're doing and want to avoid this assertion, just call
Component::addAndMakeVisible directly.
Also, I'm able to close the window once and hit the button in the main GUI to create another instance of a newWindow, but closing it a second time leads to an error:
template <typename ObjectType>
struct ContainerDeletePolicy
static void destroy (ObjectType* object)
// If the line below triggers a compiler error, it means that you are using
// an incomplete type for ObjectType (for example, a type that is declared
// but not defined). This is a problem because then the following delete is
// undefined behaviour. The purpose of the sizeof is to capture this situation.
// If this was caused by a ScopedPointer to a forward-declared type, move the
// implementation of all methods trying to use the ScopedPointer (e.g. the destructor
// of the class owning it) into cpp files where they can see to the definition
// of ObjectType. This should fix the error.
ignoreUnused (sizeof (ObjectType));
delete object;
This is all a bit over my head. I was figuring it wouldn't be too bad to be able to create a new window, via a button. A new window that I could edit with the graphical GUI editor, but I'm not able to fully figure it out all on my own, through I did try. Could anyone post a step-by-step guide to doing this the correct way? I did post this at the JUCE forums, but due to my lack of GUI programming, I was unable to understand the solutions posted (my own fault), so I'm hoping to get a very simple guide to this. It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
I figured it out. I needed to create:
A new GUI component (Remember, this is the visual editor in JUCE)
A class (I called it BasicWindow, based on the JUCE demo code) that acts as a shell to run this new window and holds the GUI component.
A JUCE SafePointer that makes a new object of type BasicWindow whenever the button is clicked and sets the attributes to that window.
Here is my code:
Referring to line 3) Inside the handler section of the button to create the new window:
basicWindow = new BasicWindow("Information", Colours::grey, DocumentWindow::allButtons);
basicWindow->setContentOwned(new InformationComponent(), true);// InformationComponent is my GUI editor component (the visual editor of JUCE)
basicWindow->centreWithSize(basicWindow->getWidth(), basicWindow->getHeight());
Referring to line 2) A .cpp file that defines what the BasicWindow is:
#include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"
class BasicWindow : public DocumentWindow
BasicWindow (const String& name, Colour backgroundColour, int buttonsNeeded)
: DocumentWindow (name, backgroundColour, buttonsNeeded)
void closeButtonPressed() override
delete this;
And referring to line 1) Make the GUI editor component, which this is easy to do. You just right add a new file in the JUCE file manager. "Add New GUI Component," then visually add all your elements and handler code.
My biggest issue was that I was using a JUCE ScopedPointer, so after deleting the object, the pointer pointing to it wasn't being set back to NULL. The SafePointer does this. If any more explanation is needed, I'm happy to help, as this was terrible for someone with not much GUI development "under his belt."

QT Creator Main.cpp MainWindow.cpp

I'm currently working on my project for my Master thesis in Mechatronics/Robotics. The goal of y project is to read in a .stl-File and calculate the path for an industrial robot.
Till now everything worked fine for me, but now my professor wants me to develop a GUI, because till now I was just using the command window and wrote all parameters manual. Now I'm working with Qt Creator and developed a simple GUI for my project.
In this interface I got a RadioButton for ascii files. In order my functions work I have to determine if the user is entering a ascii file or an binary file. But here's my first problem. In the command window I just check the argv[] for the string "-ascii". If the user enters this, a flag is set to false.
if(0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-ascii")) {
isBinaryFormat = false;
Now I just want to do the same int the GUI. If the RadioButton is checked flag is set to false. So I wrote the following in the main.cpp file
if(ui->radioButton->isChecked()) {
isBinaryFormat = false;
But ui is unknown in the main function. After searching for help on google I just found tutorials writing the code in the mainwindow.cpp file. But how can I send the information form the mainwindow file to my main function in the main.cpp file.
A second question would be, if I use the QFileDialog::getOpenFilename method, how can I hand the file name to my other functions. The idea is, the user selects a file anywhere on his PC, and the program opens the file and processes it. But here I got the same problem. I can brows for a file, but how can I transfer the information from the mainwindow.cpp to my main.cpp.
I'm thankful for any help I get. Very grateful a lonely coder
First of all you don't write UI Code in the main.cpp.
You write it where the MainWindow Class is so in MainWindow.cpp and MainWindow.h.
Then your ui-> will work because it then has access to that namespace.
I don't see why you would have functions in Main.cpp?
Without seeing more code you're not likely to get an answer to that.
If you want to use external functions in your classes either declare the methods in the class directly or create a new file like global_function.h and .cpp which you can include in your class. ( don't forget the header guards )
Also shouldn't that code look like this:
isBinaryFormat = false;
because of:
If the RadioButton is checked flag is set to false.
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),
tr("Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"));
getOpenFileName( ) will return a string containing the path and filename of the selected file which you can pass to your functions then.
Please read some more about how to use Qt.
It's not just about the files, there's a class, too. Learn about them. Solution is to add a getter to your MainWindow class that will return whether the radioButton is checked:
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
// optionally, move implementation in the source file
bool isBinaryFormatChecked() const
return ui->radioButton->isChecked();
// other stuff ...
And then you can access it in your main like window.isBinaryFormatChecked() orwindow->isBinaryFormatChecked() depending on whether you have a pointer or not. Another way would be to make ui in your MainWindow public, so you could access the whole user interface, but that breaks proper encapsulation.
I think you need to go through a few of the (excellent in my opinion) examples supplied with Qt before attempting to integrate your already working console code.
Essentially you really don't want to do that check in the main.cpp, but if you must you could have it in a public function of the mainwindow and call that from your main.cpp file. But then that doesn't really make sense as you don't want to check whether the appropriate radio button is set until the user inputs something. You're going to have to read up on event based programming.