Is there a way to ignore specific points in a series when drawing a trendline?
In a series, I have some "abnormal" points that I still want to plot but they should be excluded when drawing a trendline.
(a) what I have, (b) what I get, (c) what I want
I have a simple vector graphic in Inkscape, which consists of a rectangle, filled points and stars. Since the axis ranges are not really nice (the height equals approximatly 3 times the width of the picture) for a publication, I want to rescale the picture. However, I do not have the raw data, such that I can plot it again. How can I rescale my graphic (see figure (a)), such that the x-range is more wide (see figure (c)) without getting distortions (see figure (b))? In the end I want to create a PDF file out of it.
Any ideas on that?
Thanks for your help.
You can try to do it in 2 steps, using the Object -> Transform tool (Shift-Ctrl-M).
First, select everything, and with the transform tool select the Scale tab, and scale horizontally by, say, 300%. All figures will be distorted.
Now, unselect the rectangle, and scale horizontally again by 33.3%, but first click on Apply to each object separately. This will undo the distortion (but not the translation) of each object.
Note that 300% followed by 33.3% should leave the individual objects with the same size.
Documentation here.
I am creating project with ChartJs, and I am fetching real time data from the server. Each second, I add extra data point. After some time, there is just too many points on the graph, to the point that you cannot see anything. I would like to know, if there is a way to scroll through the x-variables, and always have set distance between the points? As of know, the distance between points is shrinking, making the graph not readable.
I would like to know, if there is a way to scroll through the
You can use .removeData( ) to remove the (current) first set of points. This would keep only the same number of (latest) points visible on the graph.
...and always have set distance between the points?
Unless you remove points maintain a set distance while adding points would cause the graph width to increase - which is usually not what you want to do.
Using Raphael 2.0, I am trying to apply a transform to a set of objects in a way that is relative to all of the objects in the set. However, the effect I am getting is that the transform is applied to each item individually, irrespective of the other objects in the set.
For example: - if you now uncomment the last line and run the code, each circle is scaled to 0.5x. The actual effect I am trying to achieve would be to scale the whole set of circles, so their relative distances are also scaled, which should put all four of them inside the bounding box of the white square.
Is there a way to achieve this using Raphael's built in tools?
When you scale, the first parameter is the X-scale. If you provide no other parameters, it will use that as the Y-scale, and scale around the center of the object.
When you scaled the rectangle, it scaled around the center of the rectangle. If you want the circles to scale around that point as well, rather than their centers, you should provide that point.
So the last line could be set.transform("s0.5,0.5,100,100"); (100,100 being the center of the rectangle you scaled)
At least, I think this is what you're asking for.
I'm actually working on a renderer that converts freetype glyphs into polylines to control a laser marking system. The problem I have is that I don't know how to handle correctly a contour beginning with an off curve point (99.9% begin with on curve points!). I've searched quite a while now for informations but I couldn't find anything useful.
Thanks for your help
FreeType uses three types of points: on-curve, quadratic control points (also known as 'conic') and cubic control points. The quadratic control points are grouped with on-curve points on either side of them to form the three points needed to define a quadratic Bézier spline. The cubic control points must occur in pairs, and are grouped with on-curve points on either side to make up the four points needed for a cubic Bézier spline.
However, there is a short-hand notation for quadratic points only. Where quadratic points occur next to each other, an on-curve control point is interpolated between them. And there is another convention, that if a closed path starts with a quadratic point, the last point of the path is examined, and if it is quadratic, an on-curve point is interpolated between them, and the path is taken to start with that on-curve point; if the last point is not a quadratic control point, it is itself used for the start point.
If you want to see exactly how this is done, please look at the FreeType source code. The function FT_Outline_Decompose traverses a path and converts it into a series of lines and curves of both types. It's in this file:
The part of especial interest starts with this comment (note again that 'conic' means the same as 'quadratic' in this context):
/* first point is conic control. Yes, this happens. */
As the user drags their stylus across the tablet, you receive a series of coordinates. You want to approximate the pen's path with a smooth line, trailing only a few sample points behind it. How would you do this?
In other words, how would you render a nice smooth responsive line as a user draws it with their tablet? Simply connecting the dots with straight lines is not good enough. Real drawing programs do a much better job of curving the line, no matter how close or far the sample points are. Some even let you give them a number to indicate the amount of smoothing to be done, accounting for jittery pens and hands. Where can I learn to do this stuff?
I know this is an old question but I had the same problem and I came with 2 different solutions:
The first approach is use two resolutions: One , when the user is inserting the path points connecting them with straight lines. Two , when the user finish the stroke delete the lines and draw the spline over. That should be smoother than the straight lines.
The second approach it is to smooth the new points with a weighted mean of the sampled points. So each time you get a new point [x1,y1] instead of painting it directly, you take the previous points [x2,y2] and create a new intermediate point with the weighted mean of the two points. The pseudocode could be something like:
newPoint = [x1,y1];
oldPoint = [x2,y2];
point2Paint = [(x1*0.3) + (x2*0.7), (y1*0.3) + (y2*0.7)];
oldPoint= newPoint;
Being 0.7 and 0.3 the coefficients for the weighted mean ( You can change them to get your desired smoothing :)
I hope this would help
UPDATE Dec 13: Here it is an article explaining different drawing methods, there are good concepts that can be applied (edge smoothing, bezier curves, smooth joints)
I never had to implement these (only for academic purposes), but you may want to take a look at wikipedia's interpolation article.
Extracted from the article:
interpolation is a method of constructing new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points.
In engineering and science one often has a number of data points, as obtained by sampling or experimentation, and tries to construct a function which closely fits those data points. This is called curve fitting or regression analysis. Interpolation is a specific case of curve fitting, in which the function must go exactly through the data points.
Hope it helps.