How can we add sleep time in postman test? - postman

I am getting very big response(50k lines). I am getting 200 status and my test code written in Test tab starts getting executed before whole response loaded in postman.
In other words I and to add delay between success response and test starts.

You can wait until get response by setting the request timeout is zero. It means infinity waiting.
unit is milli seconds.
You can find it from gear the menu of Postman
You can make timeout error with this URL by 10 msec
In case of 10 msec,
In case of 0 msec,


gRPC cpp client with dialog flow gives back Reaching stream deadline, please restart your stream., ABORTED, code=10

GRPC core version: 1.48.0
Dialogflow version: v2
language: c++
I am using bidirectional streaming using the completion queue asynchronous method to get the audio sent using StreamingDetectIntentRequest message from the client end to Dialogflow agent, and based on the recommendations given in
I have my code set with C++ options as follows:
ClientContext context;
time_point deadline = std::chrono::system_clock::now() +
If I set the deadline to a value that is less than 6 seconds, and I start sending the audio, I get back the audio write failures within a second with grpc::Status "Reaching stream deadline, please restart your stream., ABORTED, code=10"
But if I set the deadline to >= 6 seconds, I get the expected behavior which is to see the status "Deadline Exceeded, DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, code=4" after around the set deadline value of greater than 6 seconds.
Why the stream is reaching the deadline when the context deadline is set to a lower value of 5 seconds? I have not set any deadline for the stream other than this.
Note: I am aware that we can send up to 1 minute's worth of audio on a single RPC call using StreamingDetectIntentRequest

phpseclib with laravel unstable connection to switch

I am using phpseclib to conect with cisco switch.
$ssh = new SSH2('',22);
$ssh->login('lemi', 'a');
Sometimes it connects very fast few times in a row (when i reload a page), but sometimes i get error message "Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded" also few times in a row. I am doing that in laravel. I do not want to prolong execution time. I can't figure out where is the problem. I think that it has some problems with sockets... I am getting error on this line (3031) of code in SSH2.php :
$raw = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size);
Any sugestions?

Akka.NET Streams

How would you replay a web service request every ten seconds for ten times until it answers?
I've tried RecoverWithRetries and InitialDelay, but the first recovery immediately replays the web service call:
FromThirdOfContract().RecoverWithRetries(e =>
return Source.FromTask(_third.GetThird(message.ContractIdLegacy)).InitialDelay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsbetween));
}, retry);
The first retry happens immediately instead of ten seconds later. In Akka, there's a RestartSource class; we don't have it in Akka.NET. Any ideas?
I finally played with Source.Lazily() with my source. It's working, it's not evaluated before the initial delay call. But I'm listening for any other ideas

Explain karma unit test times

I've been searching the web for this for two days and I found nothing. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong way — I don't know...
So here it is: what are the times on my console when running a Karma+Jasmine+phantomJs unit test?
... Executed 1 of 1 SUCCESS (0.878 secs / 0.112 secs)
First, I though that the second time is the total unit test time (for example, when running multiple tasks), however, sometimes the first time gets to be 'bigger', sometimes not...
total time / net time
net time = only test execution (in the browser)
total time = how long it took since Karma noticed the file change till the final result was printed (net time + communication with the browser + loading the files in the browser)
See karma/lib/reporters/base.js

Difference in time calculated and time displayed in postman

I am trying to compare the time taken to execute web api and the time that is displayed in the body portion of the postman:
Below is the code to calculate the time to execute webAPI:
starttime = environment.tickcount
endtime = environment.tickcount
calculatedTime = (endtime-starttime) /1000;
The calculatedTime's value is different than the time displayed in postman.
Is there something am missing?
I'm making an assumption that the code you posted above is running on the server:
starttime = environment.tickcount
endtime = environment.tickcount
calculatedTime = (endtime-starttime) /1000;
This will be different that the time that postman reports. I'm not sure of the internal implementation in postman but I assume the TIME value is calculated from the time the request is sent to the time the response is received. Based on the code above it looks like you are effectively just timing just the call to executeAsync. There are other factors that determine the round trip time for example network latency. In short the time that a client sends a request and receives a response will not perfectly match up with the server receiving the request and generating the response.