Integrating protoc/protobuf-cpp into a cmake project as "vendored dependency" - c++

In a hobby C++ project, I use protobuf/protoc and the CMake function
find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
protobuf_generate_cpp(PROTO_SRCS PROTO_HDRS
to generate the C++ code from a .proto file.
I do not have a global installation of protoc, instead I use conan and a CMake module to obtain protobuf/3.11.4 from ConanCenter and compile it for the target architecture (if there is no suitable binary on CC already).
Now I would like to get rid of conan and supply protobuf sources directly with the project.
Naively, one could imagine to put the source folder in an "external" directory:
Where CMakeLists.txt contains
and external\CMakeLists.txt contains
This apparently creates some chicken and egg problem, because the protobuf-config.cmake and protobuf-module.cmake files which provide protobuf_generate_cpp are not available prior the compilation of this external submodule and the cmake complains about not finding protobuf_generate_cpp.
I played a bit around with some hacks, but wonder what would be an appropriate way to solve this issue?


Binaries missing after successful build?

I have a CMake project that I use to generate a Visual Studio solution, which I then try to compile. For some reason, the library file after compilation is nonexistent. I've searched my entire project folder, and cannot find any library files. Here's my CMake setup:
Project root:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
library subdirectory:
add_library(libShadows shadows.tpp ../include/shadows.hpp)
set_target_properties(libShadows PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX) # a tpp and an hpp aren't enough to make the system certain it's c++
target_compile_features(libShadows PRIVATE cxx_std_23)
The MSbuild output contains these lines:
Done Building Project "C:\Users\[..]\projects\Shadow Array\library\libShadows.vcxproj" (default targets).
Done Building Project "C:\Users\[..]\projects\Shadow Array\library\libShadows.vcxproj.metaproj" (default targets).
Even if libShadows is the only target in my project, it's nowhere in my project directory.
Has anybody else had this experience? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
To compile the project, I have tried:
My typical process (working directory = the project root):
cmake .
msbuild ShadowContainers.sln
An alternate process (working directory also project root):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Both have produced the same result, albeit with VS and CMake files in different places. No library is outputted either way.
I was able to find the issue. CMake (and conventions for that matter) do not see a .tpp as a code file (similarly to how they treat header files). Thus, I was trying to compile a target with no legitimate code files. Template-only libraries are not libraries at all, so I should not be attempting to compile this standalone, and should instead put the .hpp and .tpp as the include in my projects!

Build uWebSockets on Windows 10 with CMake

I want to use uWebSockets(UWS) in my C++ project to transfer images over the network. The setup will be running on multiple operating systems, so the best way of creating the build files seemed like using CMake.
However, I am new to CMake and having a hard time building UWS. I don't understand how to start working with the official repository on Windows 10, so I found another repository that includes a CMakeFiles.txt file and some of the dependencies (openssl, zlib, libuv, but it doesn't include uSockets for some reason). The root CMakeFiles.txt includes:
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
find_path(LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIR uv.h)
find_library(LIBUV_LIBRARY NAMES uv uv1)
It looks straightforward, but when I try to run mkdir build && cd build; cmake .., it cannot find OpenSSL. Here is the error message it spits out:
[cmake] Could not find a package configuration file provided by "OpenSSL" with any
[cmake] of the following names:
[cmake] OpenSSLConfig.cmake
[cmake] openssl-config.cmake
The above error message suggests that I need to set up a config file for each of these libraries. Yet, if I understand the find_package docs correctly, the command itself searches the library in various locations under the root folder. What kind of a folder structure does the find_package need in order to work?
More generally, am I wasting my time with this alternative repo? Is there a better way of using UWS with Windows 10? The official repo has a question about how to use it on Windows but I don't understand how that's an answer to the question. It only points to this page where it says any specific build systems will not officially be supported.
Any help would be appreciated.
Importing dependencies with add_subdirectory seems like a good way around this. When I ran cmake, I was receiving LNK2019 Error. I realized the following code snippet I found online was causing the problem, and the system works when I delete it.

Generating dll from an existing code on Windows using CMake and VS

I have downloaded an SDK written in C++ (OPC UA) that creates a .exe file on compiling with Visual Studio 2015. It has a bunch of CMake files. How could one see if it is possible to generate a .dll from such an SDK? Do the CMake files have this information or should there be any macros inside the headers I would have to search for ? The SDK has Visual Studio sample projects (.sln) that I am using to create .exe.
The CMakeLists.txt looks like this
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0 FATAL_ERROR)
endif ()
endif ()
# set CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE to LAZY by default to hide 'Up to date' output when building INSTALL target
endif ()
The questions that already have been asked regarding this topic are from the people who are writing their own code. I intend to use the code from the SDK. Apart from changing the CMAKE file to include the dll do I need to make changes in the source code as well?
It has a bunch of CMake files. How could one see if it is possible to generate a .dll from such an SDK? Do, the CMake files have this information or should there be any MACROS inside the headers I would have to search for ?
If the CMake project generates a library, then the statement add_library must appear somewhere. Note, however, that hierarchies of CMakeLists.txt files are possible, for example, the CMakeLists.txt you included adds two subdirectories. Consider the CMakeLists.txt files in there as well. Since an executable is generated, a call to add_executable must appear somewhere as well.
I intend to use the code from the SDK. Apart from changing the CMAKE file to include the dll do I need to make changes in the source code as well?
I am not familiar with this SDK, but I would guess that examples contains the sources for the executable and src contains the sources for a library. If you just want to try something out, you can modify the example code or add a new example. In this case, you only have to modify the CMakeLists.txt in the examples directory (i.e., add your new source code file).
If you want to use the SDK as external dependency, check whether there is a FindNameofmySDK.cmake included in the CMake modules list or whether there is a NameofmySDK-config.cmake somewhere in the SDK sources or your installation. In this case, you can create a CMake project for your application and use find_package to look for the SDK.

How to know variable such as 'OpenCV' in CMake

I am using OpenCV with gcc and cmake. And I found a tutorial .In the file CMakeLists.txt, there are some variables such as OpenCV and OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
add_executable(VideoRecord main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(VideoRecord ${OpenCV_LIBS})
I want to know where to find these variables definition.
Thanks #qbranchmaster's answer. I tried to search FindOpenCV.cmake but failed.
First try.
➜ ~ cmake --help-module-list | grep "FindOpen"
Another try.
➜ / find . "FindOpenCV.cmake"
In addition, my os is osx and I install cmake with brew. I comiple and install OpenCV manually.
These variables are part of the package config script shipping with OpenCV.
Note that find_package is a two-headed beast. The classic mode of operation is finding libraries through find-scripts. This is still the approach being used today for third-party libraries that are not aware of CMake. However, if your dependency is itself being built with CMake, it can provide a package config file instead, which allows for a more powerful mode of operation.
The idea here is that instead of you telling CMake how to find a dependency, the dependency itself tells CMake how clients can find it. This is the approach that is taken by libraries like OpenCV and Qt.
To answer your question, those variables are being set by the package config file in your local OpenCV installation, the template of which can be found in the OpenCV source code under cmake/templates/
They are defined in CMake OpenCV module. CMake has numerous modules that aid in finding various libraries like OpenCV (FindOpenCV.cmake module).
Using this command you can get a list of modules that your CMake supports:
cmake --help-module-list
Some libraries come with their own *.cmake modules which should be installed in some system path. If you are using Ubuntu, your cmake modules should be localised in:
If not, just search system for file FindOpenCV.cmake. In that file you will find these variables.
In general, you get variable names from the documentation or source code of the package you want to find.
Often you can derive the name to put into find_package from the provided FindFoo.cmake module file name, because "Foo" would be the name. The find module is either part of CMake or comes with the third-party library.
If there is no find module, some modules provide FooConfig.cmake files, where "Foo" is again the string to put into find_package.
If you have neither a find nor a config file, you need to find the library by other means, e.g., FindPkgConfig or find_library / find_file.

How do I properly link my libraries in my project using CMake?

I'm currently learning CMake and I'm trying to create my first test project. I'm able to get a simple project up and running in visual studio via CMake. However, I'm having trouble trying to add a library. I've read some guides and things but I keep getting errors. Basically, I'm trying to link SDL libraries (a game programming library) in my sample project. I've placed these libraries in a top level, 'ThirdParty' folder. Here is what my CmakeLists.txt file looks like in my top level directory:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11)
#Find necessary header files
find_path(SDL_INCLUDE_DIR SDL.h HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdParty/SDL2/include/)
#Find necessary library files
find_library(SDL_LIB_DIR SDL2 HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdParty/SDL2/lib/x86)
find_library(SDLMAIN_LIB_DIR SDLmain HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdParty/SDL2/lib/x86)
#Add/Link files to project
target_link_libraries(Test PUBLIC ${SDL_LIB_DIR})
target_link_libraries(Test PUBLIC ${SDLMAIN_LIB_DIR})
add_executable(Test "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Source/Main.cpp")
I'm not 100 percent sure of the HINTS parameter, but I saw it used on another thread. Anyway, here's the error I keep getting:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target "Test" in directory C:/Users/Jason/Desktop/Test
What am I doing wrong and how do I properly link libraries in CMake?
In cmake, you first create the executable, and then you link it to a library
You have to understand how finding libraries and packages works in CMake. Typically the way it works is that you use find_library or find_package, and then cmake will set some variables that you can use to link to/use the library.
I'm not familiar with SDL, but by googling a little bit about it, I would say this is how it should look like:
find_library(SDL2_LIBRARY NAME SDL2)
add_executable(MyExec main.cpp)
target_include_directories(MyExec ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(MyExec ${SDL2_LIBRARY})
That find_library will set the variables SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR and SDL2_LIBRARY, which you can use to link to SDL and add its includes to your project.