How can I group 'vertically' at multiple levels in RDLC reports? - grouping

I'm trying to write a report using RDLC with Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.
All my data is 'flattened' to a single row per item like this:
Jan 1
This, that and the other
Jan 1
More of the same
Jan 2
Something about the second of Jan
Jan 2
And now a different type
Jan 2
And something else that belongs to this second type
And I would like to group down the page, rather in across in columns, on Date, and then on Type:
Jan 1
This, that and the other
More of the same
Jan 2
Something about the second of Jan
And now a different type
And something else that belongs to this second type
I can get an indented layout using row groups, but column groups, which SEEM to work down the page, do not produce an equivalent result as far as I can see.
Can anyone point me in the right direction.
A recommendation for a good, useful guide to RDLC reports would also be appreciated!
I've tried both tables and lists as report items, and just about every combination of row and column groups, adjacent groups.

Have you try do this?
Create Table
Make the Detail Group on Row to Description i use subcategory
Create Parent Group of Description with group header, for Type i use category
Create Parent Group of Type with group header for Date i use source
Move the value to the last column
Remove every volumn except the last column and the top row


Is it possible to change the date in one cell when another cell on another sheet shows another date?

On google sheets, I have 1 sheet that has a date range selected in two cells for one year, and then on the second sheet I have a date range for the next year. I was wondering if its possible to have:
sheet1!D2 and sheet1!D3 change to match sheet2!D2 and sheet2!D3. So if I select January 2023 in sheet2!D2 it changes the date in sheet1!D2 to January 2022 and then if I select April 2023 in sheet2!D3 it changes sheet1!D3 to April 2022
Tried conditional formatting.
what you describe is called "reference" and it is possible to reference either one or multiple cells.
in sheet2!D2 if you select January 2023 then use this in sheet1!D2:
update 1:
=REGEXEXTRACT(sheet2!D2; "\w+ ")&REGEXEXTRACT(sheet2!D2; "\d+")-1
update 2:
=DATE(YEAR(sheet2!D2)-1; MONTH(sheet2!D2); DAY(sheet2!D2))

In PowerBI, how can we create a calculated column where values are modified to be unique?

NOTE: I rephrased the problem in understandable terms as its original context is quite complex
I have a customer database table with columns for: [ID], [Name], [Purchase]. A customer can have multiple purchases, so the ID is not unique. Rows with identical IDs always have the same Name.
Using Power BI, I want to visualize the total purchase amount per customer, where I want the Name displayed on the axes/legends. However, in some cases, two different customers have the same name (different ID, same Name). Based on the name, power BI aggregates the data for these customers, which is not what I want.
My intended solution is to use DAX to create a new calculated column [Unique Name] where customer names are adjusted (minimally) to guarantee uniqueness for each ID. A minimal example of what I have in mind:
ID Name Purchase Unique Name
123456 Jan 5 Jan (1)
123456 Jan 2 Jan (1)
123457 Jan 4 Jan (2)
123458 Pete 3 Pete
(I will still be able to trace these unique names, because their IDs are visible in tooltips). The addition to the name has to be minimal, so appending the ID to the name is not an option (it would look quite ugly and IDs can be long). Moreover, I would like that the new value in the 'Unique name' column is guaranteed to be unique for each ID. See this edge case where the second instance of Jan (ID 123458) can't become Jan (2) because Jan (2) already uniquely exists in the Name column:
ID Name Purchase Unique Name
123456 Jan 5 Jan (1)
123457 Jan (2) 2 Jan (2)
123458 Jan 4 Jan (3)
I am lost on how to create a Unique Name column with these properties in DAX. Can somebody help with this? Thank you very much in advance.
I would add a "row number" by customer name, for this, you will also need a sorting column that allows the calculated values to don't change in time (otherwise the customer "Joe (2)" might become "Joe (5)" the next time you refresh data), the "Customer ID" will work if it is an incremental number.
The idea is to add the column "Row Number" in your "Customer" table, I would do it directly in PowerQuery. You can then use this column to create your "Unique Name" by concatenating "Name" and "Row Number"
The PowerQuery way (which I suggest), can be found in this post from Radacad:

Linked tables with slicer

I have 1 table
that has these data
ID Code Value Group
1 KJ13 571 Finance,HR
2 KJ82 415 Operation,Finance
3 TF72 454 HR,Operation,Finance
4 KJ58 362 Operation
5 ND77 607 HR,Finance
6 KJ83 350 Operation,HR
7 TF96 531 Finance
8 YT39 840 HR,Finance
9 SS34 976 Finance,HR
10 ND26 155 Operation,Finance
I am filtering by Group through slicer
due to business requirements , slicer has to be in a seperate page
to have slicer for groups
I created a copy of the original table and split it by comma
both the copy and the original one are linked by the ID
my problem is that when I filter by group the origonal table does not filter
I have attached pbix file to make it clearer
I appreciate if some one can tell me how to make original table filter based on the slicer
At the ribbon go to View > Sync slicers. Now you get on the right side your Sync slicers pane. Here you should see your slicer name and the page names. You can check now the checkbox, to sync your slicer from PageA to PageB. This way, if you change the value in the slicer on PageA the charts get also filtered on PageB.
Found the answer in another forum
I am putting it here so it can help someone else with the same problem.
The solution is to change the Relationship between both tables
From Cross filter direction : Single
From Cross filter direction : Both

SHarePoint list calculation qualified not weekend

In my SharePoint list, I have a field containing one of three possible values. Depending on the value and a secondary field containing the date submitted, a due date will be calculated (adding 1, 3 or 14 days) to the date submitted but this date cannot land on a weekend and must not count the days as workdays.
I have tried numerous if, and, weekend combinations with no luck. My co-workers are also stumped.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you
Assuming a column named "Days" and a column named "TheDate" where "Days" contains the 1, 3, 14 or a formula to select one of those values.
= TheDate+Days + IF(WEEKDAY(TheDate+Days)=1,1,0) + IF(WEEKDAY(TheDate+Days)=7,2,0)
This adds the "Days" to "TheDate" and then:
checks to see if the new date is a Sunday, and if so, adds 1
checks to see if the new date is a Saturday, and if so, adds 2

Sharepoint 2010 Task list: Due date = Start date + 1 month

I want to auto-fill the Due date column by taking the Start date column and add 1 month to it.
This formula I've tried in different ways:
=DATE([Start Date]+[Gap],"dd-mm-yyyy") (I created Gap column as number type and filled it with 28 days; in our language, dd-mm-yyyy seems to be the usual way of showing dates in Sharepoint).
Sharepoint keeps on giving back errors.
Try this formula:
=DATE(YEAR([Start Date]);MONTH([Start Date])+[Gap];DAY([Start Date]))
where [Gap] value is integer.
Note: pay attetion to delimiters - they are locale-dependent, most probably you need to replace , with ;