regex_replace is returning empty string - c++

I am trying to remove all characters that are not digit, dot (.), plus/minus sign (+/-) with empty character/string for float conversion.
When I pass my string through regex_replace function I am returned an empty string.
I belive something is wrong with my regex expression std::regex reg_exp("\\D|[^+-.]")
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
int main()
std::string temporary_recieve_data = " S S +456.789 tg\r\n";
std::string::size_type sz;
const std::regex reg_exp("\\D|[^+-.]"); // matches not digit, decimal point (.), plus sign, minus sign
std::string numeric_string = std::regex_replace(temporary_recieve_data, reg_exp, ""); //replace the character that are not digit, dot (.), plus-minus sign (+,-) with empty character/string for float conversion
std::cout << "Numeric String : " << numeric_string << std::endl;
if (numeric_string.empty())
return 0;
float data_value = std::stof(numeric_string, &sz);
std::cout << "Float Value : " << data_value << std::endl;
return 0;
I have been trying to evaluate my regex expression on for past 2 days but I am unable to figure out where I am wrong with my regular expression. When I just put \D, the editor substitutes non-digit character properly but soon as I add or condition | for not dot . or plus + or minus - sign the editor returns empty string.

The string is empty because your regex matches each character.
\D already matches every character that is not a digit.
So plus, hyphen and the period thus far are consumed.
And digits get consumed by the negated class: [^+-.]
Further the hyphen indicates a range inside a character class.
Either escape it or put it at the start or end of the char-class.
(funnily the used range +-. 43-46 even contained a hyphen)
Remove the alternation with \D and put \d into the negated class:
See this demo at regex101 (attaching + for one or more is efficient)


Character not at begining of line; not followed or preceded by character

I'm trying to isolate a " character when (simultaneously):
it's not in the beginning of the line
it's not followed by the character ";"
it's not preceded by the character ";"
Line: "Best Before - NO MATCH
Line: Best Before"; - NO MATCH
Line: ;"Best "Before - NO MATCH
Line: Best "Before - MATCH
My best solution is (?<![;])([^^])(")(?![;]) but it's not working correctly.
I also tried (?<![;])(")(?![;]), but it's only partial (missing the "not at the beginning" part)
I don't understand why I'm spelling the "AND not at the beginning" wrong.
Where am I missing it?
If you want to allow partial matches, you can extend the lookbehind with an alternation not asserting the start of the string to the left.
The semi colon [;] does not have to be between square brackets.
Regex demo
if you want to match the " when there is no occurrence of '" to the left and right, and a infinite quantifier in a lookbehind assertion is allowed:
Regex demo
In notepad++ you can use
Regex demo
You can use the fact that not preceded by ; means that it's also not the first character on the line to simplify things
This gives you
Match a character that's not a ; (so there must be a character and thus the next character can't be the start of the line)
Match a "
Match a character that's not a ; or the end of the line
I know you are asking for a regex solution, but, almost always, strings can also be filtered using string methods in whatever language you are working in.
For the sake of completeness, to show that regex is not your only available tool here, here is a short javascript using the string methods:
Working Example:
const checkLine = (line) => {
switch (true) {
case(line.charAt(0) === '"') :
return console.log(line, '// NO MATCH');
case(line.includes('";')) :
return console.log(line, '// NO MATCH');
case(line.includes(';"')) :
return console.log(line, '// NO MATCH');
return console.log(line, '// MATCH');
checkLine('"Best Before');
checkLine('Best Before";');
checkLine(';"Best "Before');
checkLine('Best "Before');
Further Reading:

Regex to replace single occurrence of character in C++ with another character

I am trying to replace a single occurrence of a character '1' in a String with a different character.
This same character can occur multiple times in the String which I am not interested in.
For example, in the below string I want to replace the single occurrence of 1 with 2.
I tried the below regex but it is giving be wrong results
regex b1("(1){1}");
S1=regex_replace( S,
b1, "2");
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you used boost::regex, Boost regex library, you could simply use a lookaround-based solution like
And then replace with 2.
With std::regex, you cannot use lookbehinds, but you can use a regex that captures either start of string or any one char other than your char, then matches your char, and then makes sure your char does not occur immediately on the right.
Then, you may replace with $01 backreference to Group 1 (the 0 is necessary since the $12 replacement pattern would be parsed as Group 12, an empty string here since there is no Group 12 in the match structure):
regex reg("([^1]|^)1(?!1)");
S1=std::regex_replace(S, regex, "$012");
See the C++ demo online:
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
int main() {
std::string S = "-0001011101";
std::regex reg("([^1]|^)1(?!1)");
std::cout << std::regex_replace(S, reg, "$012") << std::endl;
return 0;
// => -0002011102
([^1]|^) - Capturing group 1: any char other than 1 ([^...] is a negated character class) or start of string (^ is a start of string anchor)
1 - a 1 char
(?!1) - a negative lookahead that fails the match if there is a 1 char immediately to the right of the current location.
Use a negative lookahead in the regexp to match a 1 that isn't followed by another 1:
regex b1("1(?!1)");

How to consider taking dot in the number in regular expression

Take a look at the following regular expression
std::regex reg("[A][-+]?([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)");
This will find any A letter followed by float number. The problem if the number A30., this regular expression ignores the dot and print the result as A30. I would like to force the regular expression to consider the decimal dot as well. Is this feasible?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
int main()
std::string line("A50. hsih Y0 his ");
std::smatch match;
std::regex reg("[A][-+]?([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)");
if ( std::regex_search(line,match,reg) ){
cout << match.str(0) << endl;
cout << "nothing found" << endl;
return 0;
You request the dot to be followed by one or more (+) digits. Just make the trailing ditigs optional by changing it to:
std::regex reg("[A][-+]?([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*|[0-9]+)");
The only problem with this expression is that it would also match A followed by a single dot without any digit. I don't know if you'd see this a s a valid match. A more robust alternative would hence be:
std::regex reg("[A][-+]?([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\\.?)");
So either trailing digits, or digits followed optionally by a dot.
Second demo
You can change your regex like this
A - Matches A.
[-+]? - Matches + or -. ( ? makes it optional)
(?:[0-9]*\\. - will match zero or more digits followed by . (? makes it optional)
(?:[0-9]+)? - Matches one or more time. (? makes it optional)

QRegExp not finding expected string pattern

I am working in Qt 5.2, and I have a piece of code that takes in a string and enters one of several if statements based on its format. One of the formats searched for is the letters "RCV", followed by a variable amount of numbers, a decimal, and then one more number. There can be more than one of these values in the line, separated by "|", for example it could one value like "RCV0123456.1" or mulitple values like "RCV12345.1|RCV678.9". Right now I am using QRegExp class to find this, like this:
QString value = "RCV000030249.2|RCV000035360.2"; //Note: real test value from my code
std::cout << ":D" << std::endl;
std::cout << ":(" << std::endl;
I want it to use the if statement, but it keeps going into the else statement. Is there something I'm doing wrong with the regular expression?
Your expression should be like #vahancho mentionet in a comment:
If you use C++11, then you can use its raw strings feature:
Aside from escaping the backslashes which others has mentioned in answers and comments,
There can be more than one of these values in the line, separated by "|", for example it could one value like "RCV0123456.1" or mulitple values like "RCV12345.1|RCV678.9".
[RCV\d+\.\d\|?] may not be doing what you expect. Perhaps you want () instead of []:
[RCV\d+\.\d\|?]+ # More than one of characters from the list:
# R, C, V, a digit, a +, a dot, a digit, a |, a ?
RCV\d+\.\d # RCV, some digits, a dot, followed by a digit
\|? # Optional: a |
)+ # Quantifier of one or more
Also, maybe you could revise the regex such that the optional | requires the group to be matched *again*:
(RCV\d+\.\d) # RCV, some digits, a dot, followed by a digit
\|(?1) # A |, then match subpattern 1 (Above)
)+ # Quantifier of one or more
Check if only valid occurences in line with the addition to require an | starting second occurence (having your implementation would not require the | even with double quotes):
QString value = "RCV000030249.2|RCV000035360.2"; //Note: real test value from my code
std::cout << ":D" << std::endl;
std::cout << ":(" << std::endl;

C++11 regex to tokenize Mathematical Expression

I have the following code to tokenize a string of the format: (1+2)/((8))-(100*34):
I'd like to throw an error to the user if they use an operator or character that isn't part of my regex.
e.g if user enters 3^4 or x-6
Is there a way to negate my regex, search for it and if it is true throw the error?
Can the regex expression be improved?
//Using c++11 regex to tokenize input string
//[0-9]+ = 1 or many digits
//Or [\\-\\+\\\\\(\\)\\/\\*] = "-" or "+" or "/" or "*" or "(" or ")"
std::regex e ( "[0-9]+|[\\-\\+\\\\\(\\)\\/\\*]");
std::sregex_iterator rend;
std::sregex_iterator a( infixExpression.begin(), infixExpression.end(), e );
queue<string> infixQueue;
while (a!=rend) {
return infixQueue;
You can run a search on the string using the search expression [^0-9()+\-*/] defined as C++ string as "[^0-9()+\\-*/]" which finds any character which is NOT a digit, a round bracket, a plus or minus sign (in real hyphen), an asterisk or a slash.
The search with this regular expression search string should not return anything otherwise the string contains a not supported character like ^ or x.
[...] is a positive character class which means find a character being one of the characters in the square brackets.
[^...] is a negative character class which means find a character NOT being one of the characters in the square brackets.
The only characters which must be escaped within square brackets to be interpreted as literal character are ], \ and - whereby - must not be escaped if being first or last character in the list of characters within the square brackets. But it is nevertheless better to escape - always within square brackets as this makes it easier for the regular expression engine / function to detect that the hyphen character should be interpreted as literal character and not with meaning "FROM x to z".
Of course this expression does not check for missing closing round brackets. But formula parsers do often not require that there is always a closing parenthesis for every opening parenthesis in comparison to a compiler or script interpreter simply because not needed to calculate the value based on entered formula.
Answer is given already but perhaps someone might need this
This regex separates floats, integers and arithmetic operators
Heres the trick:
[0-9]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+ -> if its a digit and has a point, then grab the digits with the point and the digits that follows it, if not, just grab the digits.
Sorry if my answer isn't clear, i just learned regex and found this solution by my own by just trial and errors.
Heres the code (it takes a mathematical expression and split all digits and operators into a vector)
NOTE: I don't know if it accepts whitespaces, meaning that the mathematical expression that i worked with had no whitespaces. Example: 4+2*(3+1) and would separate everything nicely, but i havent tried with whitespaces.
/* Separate every int or float or operator into a single string using regular expression and store it in untokenize vector */
string infix; //The string to be parse (the arithmetic operation if you will)
vector<string> untokenize;
std::regex words_regex("[0-9]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+|[\\-\\+\\\\\(\\)\\/\\*]");
auto words_begin = std::sregex_iterator(infix.begin(), infix.end(), words_regex);
auto words_end = std::sregex_iterator();
for (std::sregex_iterator i = words_begin; i != words_end; ++i) {
cout << (*i).str() << endl;