select part of AWS CLI query output - amazon-web-services

I want to return only the current AWS username using AWS CLI. I'm on Windows 11. I think there's a way to do it using a regex but I can't figure out how. I think I need to use a pipe along with a regex but there's no related examples on the JMESPath website. I want to have something like "only return the text after 'user/' ".
Here's what I have so far:
aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query 'Arn'
which returns `"arn:aws:iam::999999009999:user/joe.smith"
I just want to return "joe.smith".

jmes does not support splitting a string nor matching a substring in a string, so you'll have to resort to a native command like:
> (aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query 'Arn').Split("/")[-1]
or use something like jq :
$ aws sts get-caller-identity --output json | jq '.Arn | split("/")[-1]' -r


How to list all AWS RDS instances and their tags in CSV

I'm new to the AWS CLI and I am trying to build a CSV server inventory of my project's AWS RDS instances that includes their tags.
I have done so successfully with EC2 instances using this:
aws ec2 describe-isntances\
--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[PrivateIpAddress, InstanceType, [Tags[?Key=='Name'.Value] [0][0], [Tags[?Key=='ENV'.Value] [0][0] ]'\
--output text | sed -E 's/\s+/,/g' >> ec2list.csv
The above command gives me a CSV with the Ip address, instance type, as well as the values of the listed tags.
However, I am currently trying to do so unsuccessfully on RDS instances with this:
aws rds describe-db-isntances\
--query 'DBInstances[*].[DBInstanceIdentifier, DBInstanceArn, [Tags[?Key=='Component'.Value] [0][0], [Tags[?Key=='Engine'.Value] [0][0] ]'
--output text | sed -E 's/\s+/,/g' >> rdslist.csv
The RDS command only returns the instance arn and identifier but the tag values show up as none even though they definitely do have a value.
What modifications need to be made to my RDS query to show the tag values/is this even possible? Thanks
Probably you will need one more command
You can wrap the 2 scripts in shell script like the below example.
ARNS=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query "DBInstances[].DBInstanceArn" --output text)
for line in $ARNS; do
TAGS=$(aws rds list-tags-for-resource --resource-name "$line" --query "TagList[]")
echo $line $TAGS
Realized that tags can be displayed in my original query. It does not use Tags like EC2 instances but TagList. E.g,
aws rds describe-db-isntances\
--query 'DBInstances[*].[DBInstanceIdentifier, DBInstanceArn, [TagList[?Key=='Component'.Value] [0][0], [TagList[?Key=='Engine'.Value] [0][0] ]'
--output text | sed -E 's/\s+/,/g' >> rdslist.csv

How to get aws lambda function name at CLI?

I can get the details with
$ aws lambda get-function --function-name random_number
"Configuration": {
"FunctionName": "random_number",
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:193693970645:function:random_number",
"Runtime": "ruby2.5",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::193693970645:role/service-role/random_number-role-8cy8a1a7",
But how can get just a couple of fields like function name ?
I tried:
$ aws lambda get-function --function-name random_number --query "Configuration[*].[FunctionName]"
but I get null
Your overall approach is correct, you just need to adjust the query:
$ aws lambda get-function --function-name random_number \
--query "Configuration.FunctionName" --output text
I also added a parameter to convert the result to text, which makes processing a bit easier.
Here is a simple awk (standard Linux gnu awk) script that does the trick: Extract the values of quoted field #3, only for line having /FunctionName/.
awk 'BEGIN {FPAT="\"[^\"]+"}/FunctionName/{print substr($3,2)}'
Piped with your initial command:
$ aws lambda get-function --function-name random_number | awk 'BEGIN {FPAT="\"[^\"]+"}/FunctionName/{print substr($3,2)}'
One way to achieve that is by using jq.
therefore, the output must be JSON.
From the docs :
jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and
map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk,
grep and friends let you play with text.
Usage example :
aws lambda get-function --function-name test --output json | jq -r '.Configuration.FunctionName'
Use get-function-configuration as in the following:
aws lambda get-function-configuration --function-name MyFunction --query "[FunctionName]"

Groovy script issue with escaping quotes

I'm running this shell command using groovy (which worked in bash):
aws --profile profileName --region us-east-1 dynamodb update-item --table-name tableName --key '{"group_name": {"S": "group_1"}}' --attribute-updates '{"attr1": {"Value": {"S": "STOP"},"Action": "PUT"}}'
This updates the value of an item to STOP in DynamoDB. In my groovy script, I'm running this command like so:
String command = "aws --profile profileName --region us-east-1 dynamodb update-item --table-name tableName --key '{\"group_name\": {\"S\": \"group_1\"}}' --attribute-updates '{\"attr1\": {\"Value\": {\"S\": \"STOP\"},\"Action\": \"PUT\"}}'"
When I run this with groovy afile.groovy, nothing is printed out and when I check the table in DynamoDB, it's not updated to STOP. There is something wrong with the way I'm escaping the quotes but I'm not sure what. Would appreciate any insights.
Sidenote: When I do a simple aws command like aws s3 ls it works and prints out the results so it's something with this particular command that is throwing it off.
You don't quote for groovy (and the underlying exec) -- you would have to quote for your shell. The execute() on a String does not work like a shell - the underlyting code just splits at whitespace - any quotes are just passed down as part of the argument.
Use ["aws", "--profile", profile, ..., "--key", '{"group_name": ...', ...].execute() and ignore any quoting.
And instead of banging strings together to generate JSON, use groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson([group_name: [S: "group_1"]])

aws cli returns an extra 'None' when fetching the first element using --query parameter and with --output text

I am getting an extra None in aws-cli (version 1.11.160) with --query parameter and --output text when fetching the first element of the query output.
See the examples below.
$ aws kms list-aliases --query "Aliases[?contains(AliasName,'alias/foo')].TargetKeyId|[0]" --output text
$ aws kms list-aliases --query "Aliases[?contains(AliasName,'alias/foo-bar')].TargetKeyId|[0]" --output text
As far as I know this was working till yesterday but from today onwards this extra None comes in and killing our ansible tasks.
Anyone experienced anything similar?
I started having this issue in the past few days too. In my case I was querying exports from a cfn stack.
My solution was (since I'll only ever get one result from the query) to change | [0].Value to .Value, which works with --output text.
Some examples:
$ aws cloudformation list-exports --query 'Exports[?Name==`kms-key-arn`] | []'
"ExportingStackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:stack/stack-name/83ea7f30-ba0b-11e8-8b7d-50fae957fc4a",
"Name": "kms-key-arn",
"Value": "arn:aws:kms:ap-southeast-2:111122223333:key/a13a4bad-672e-45a3-99c2-c646a9470ffa"
$ aws cloudformation list-exports --query 'Exports[?Name==`kms-key-arn`] | [].Value'
$ aws cloudformation list-exports --query 'Exports[?Name==`kms-key-arn`] | [].Value' --output text
aws cloudformation list-exports --query 'Exports[?Name==`kms-key-arn`] | [0].Value' --output text
I'm no closer to finding out why it's happening, but it disproves #LHWizard's theory, or at least indicates there are conditions where that explanation isn't sufficient.
The best explanation is that not every match for your query statement has a TargetKeyId. On my account, there are several Aliases that only have AliasArn and AliasName key/value pairs. The None comes from a null value for TargetKeyId, in other words.
I came across the same issue when listing step functions. I consider it to be a bug. I don't like solutions that ignore the first or last element, expecting it will always be None at that position - at some stage the issue will get fixed and your workaround has introduced a nasty bug.
So, in my case, I did this as a safe workaround (adapt to your needs):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
arn="<step function arn goes here>"
for arn in $(aws stepfunctions list-executions --state-machine-arn "$arn" --max-items 50 --query 'executions[].executionArn' --output text); do
[[ $arn == 'None' ]] || arns+=("$arn")
# process execution arns
for arn in "${arns[#]}"; do
echo "$arn" # or whatever
Supposing you need only the first value:
Replace --output text with --output json and you could parsed with jq
Therefore, you'll have something like
Ps. the -r option with jq is to remove the quotes around the response
aws kms list-aliases --query "Aliases[?contains(AliasName,'alias/foo')].TargetKeyId|[0]" --output | jq -r '.'

AWS CLI: ECR list-images, get newest

Using AWS CLI, and jq if needed, I'm trying to get the tag of the newest image in a particular repo.
Let's call the repo foo, and say the latest image is tagged bar. What query do I use to return bar?
I got as far as
aws ecr list-images --repository-name foo
and then realized that the list-images documentation gives no reference to the date as a queryable field. Sticking the above in a terminal gives me keypairs with just the tag and digest, no date.
Is there still some way to get the "latest" image? Can I assume it'll always be the first, or the last in the returned output?
You can use describe-images instead.
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name foo
returns imagePushedAt which is a timestamp property which you can use to filter.
I dont have examples in my account to test with but something like following should work
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name foo \
--query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[*]'
If you want another flavor of using sort method, you can review this post
To add to Frederic's answer, if you want the latest, you can use [-1]:
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name foo \
--query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[-1].imageTags[0]'
Assuming you are using a singular tag on your images... otherwise you might need to use imageTags[*] and do a little more work to grab the tag you want.
To get only latest image with out special character minor addition required for above answer.
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name foo --query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[-1].imageTags[0]' --output text
List latest 3 images pushed to ECR
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name gvh \
--query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[*].imageTags[0]' --output yaml \
| tail -n 3 | awk -F'- ' '{print $2}'
List first 3 images pushed to ECR
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name gvh \
--query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[*].imageTags[0]' --output yaml \
| head -n 3 | awk -F'- ' '{print $2}'
Number '3' can be generalized in either head or tail command based on user requirement
Without having to sort the results, you can filter them specifying the imageTag=latest on image-ids, like so:
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name foo --image-ids imageTag=latest --output text
This will return only one result with the newest image, which is the one tagged as latest
Some of the provided solutions will fail because:
There is no image tagged with 'latest'.
There are multiple tags available, eg. [1.0.0, 1.0.9, 1.0.11]. With a sort_by this will return 1.0.9. Which is not the latest.
Because of this it's better to check for the image digest.
You can do so with this simple bash script:
#!/bin/bash -
# USAGE: ./ aws-account-id
# AUTHOR: Enri Peters (EP)
# CREATED: 04/07/2022 12:59:15
set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error
for repo in \
$(aws ecr describe-repositories |\
jq -r '.repositories[].repositoryArn' |\
sort -u |\
awk -F ":" '{print $6}' |\
sed 's/repository\///')
echo "$${repo}#$(aws ecr describe-images\
--repository-name ${repo}\
--query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[-1].imageDigest' |\
tr -d '"')"
done > latest-image-per-ecr-repo-${1}.list
The output will be written to a file named latest-image-per-ecr-repo-awsaccountid.list.
An example of this output could be:
With this you can do something like below to pull all the images to your machine.
#!/bin/bash -
for image in $(cat latest-image-per-ecr-repo-353131512553.list)
docker pull $image
You will see that when you run docker images that none of the images are tagged. But you can 'fix' this by running these commands:
docker images --format "docker image tag {{.ID}} {{.Repository}}:latest" >
chmod +x
Then they will all be tagged with latest on your machine.
To get the latest image tag use:-
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name foo --query 'imageDetails[*].imageTags[ * ]' --output text | sort -r | head -n 1