We are using Terraform cloud and have multiple workspaces that are completely different GCP projects. When we apply changes in these different environments at the same time Terraform Cloud queues these runs one after other. However these projects are completely separate, and they shouldn't block each other. Is there any way to run these jobs in parallel?
The free tier of Terraform Cloud, at the time of writing, limits each organization to only one active run at a time.
Higher paid tiers can have higher limits for run concurrency, which would then allow multiple workspaces to have active runs at the same time.
There is no way to apply concurrently across two workspaces for a free tier organization.
Problem is the same the title. We sometime wait about 1hour. This thing make our develop experience become too bad.
Composer version is composer-2.0.4-airflow-2.2.3 .
We have 17 DAGs.
Scheduler parse DAGs fast. So, We expect that workers of composer doesn’t sync DAGs with GCS FUSE.
Are there other reason? What should we do to solve this problem?
Our GKE Workload Configuration is follow the picture.
According to the configuration, I would suggest you increase the resources. Generally in Cloud Composer 2, the GKE workloads like Scheduler and Workers have their resources limited to the resources defined. Sometimes lack of CPU and memory resources also lead to delay in synchronization. You can monitor your DAG’s to increase and decrease the resources according to the requirement as mentioned in this documentation.
There are many possible causes for delayed synchronization. You can follow this documentation for handling larger numbers of DAG’s. For more information on tuning Cloud Composer performance, you can check this link.
As you can see from the [docs][1] dataflow has a 99.5% SLA as opposed to a similar service like AWS EMR which has 99.9% for EACH single region.
That should mean that if a were to create a system using EMR, that replicates across regions I could calculate the "compound SLA" by doing 1 - (0.001)^n_regions and amp up the availability of my service, just like it is done with distributed system in HA mode.
Could I achieve the same thing by deploying multiple Dataflow jobs in several GCP regions?
EDIT: all of these considerations assume(maybe wrongly) that one region operational status should not affect other regions, which basically means that region are as independet as possibile.
It's evident that preemptible instance are cheaper than non-preemptible instance. On daily basis 400-500 dataflow jobs are running in my organisational project. Out of which some jobs are time-sensitive and others are not. So is there any way I could use preemptible instance for non-time-constraint job, which will cost me less for overall pipeline execution. Currently I'm running dataflow jobs with below specified configuration.
I'm not able to find out any pipeline options with preemptible instance setting.
Yes, it is possible to do so with Flexible Resource Scheduling in Cloud Dataflow (docs). Note that there are some things to consider:
Delayed execution: jobs are scheduled and not executed right away (you can see a new QUEUED status for your Dataflow jobs). They are run opportunistically when resources are available within a six-hour window. This makes FlexRS suitable to reduce cost for non-time-critical workloads. Also, be sure to validate your code before sending the job.
Batch jobs: as of now it only accepts batch jobs and requires to enable autoscaling:
You cannot set autoscalingAlgorithm=NONE
Dataflow Shuffle: it needs to be enabled. When so, no data is stored on persistent disks attached to the VMs. This way, when a preemption happens and resources are claimed back there is no need to redistribute the data.
Regions: according to the previous item, only regions where Dataflow Shuffle is supported can be selected. List here, turn-up for new regions will be announced in the release notes. As of now, zone is automatically chosen within the region.
Machine types: FlexRS currently supports n1-standard-2 (default) and n1-highmem-16.
SDK: requires 2.12.0 or newer for Java or Python.
Quota: quota is reserved upfront (i.e. queued jobs also consume quota).
In order to run it, use --flexRSGoal=COST_OPTIMIZED and make sure to take into account that the rest of parameters conform to the FlexRS needs.
A uniform discount rate is applied to FlexRS jobs, you can compare pricing details in the following link.
Note that you might see a Beta disclaimer in the non-English documentation but, as clarified in the release notes, it's Generally Available.
Context :
We are prototyping a multi cloud deployment of our application (based on micro services).
For balancing between high availability and co location we used "Availability Sets" feature in Azure. Which kind off ensures that Azure platform/service upgrades doesn't happen in two distinct sets simultaneously.
Availability sets Azure
Scenario :
I couldn't find anything similar in Google Cloud Platform and AWS. So in this case we have to go with separate "Zones" for high availability.
One argument in favor of Availability sets ( theoretically) are they are kind of more closer that Zones as the former is inside an data center.
Do we have anything close to "availability sets" in GCP and AWS. Please share your thoughts.
Regarding GCP, there are several solutions for high-availability. In general it is recommended to Design Robust Systems prone to failures and Building scalable and resilient applications.
By designing robust systems you are insuring that your VMs are available in case of single instance failure, reboot of the instance or if there is an issue with the zone.
What looks most similar to Availability Sets is Managed Instance Groups.
The managed instance group auto-updater allows you to deploy new versions of software to instances in your MIG, supporting different rollout scenarios (rolling updates, canary updates). You can control the speed and scope of deployment as well as the level of disruption to your service.
Also you can use Regional Persistent Disk that replicates data across zones (datacenters).
It sounds like Placement Groups may be an equivalent feature in AWS. There are a few different configurations where you can ask AWS to cluster your instances very close to maximize network I/O performance or spread your instances across hardware to reduce correlated failures.
Cluster – packs instances close together inside an Availability Zone. This strategy enables workloads to achieve the low-latency network performance necessary for tightly-coupled node-to-node communication that is typical of HPC applications.
Partition – spreads your instances across logical partitions such that groups of instances in one partition do not share the underlying hardware with groups of instances in different partitions. This strategy is typically used by large distributed and replicated workloads, such as Hadoop, Cassandra, and Kafka.
Spread – strictly places a small group of instances across distinct underlying hardware to reduce correlated failures.
I can't speak for Google Cloud as I am not aware of a similar feature but I am also not nearly as familiar with their offerings.
Hope that helps.
I am running a spark-job on EMR cluster,The issue i am facing is all the
EMR jobs triggered are executing in steps (in queue)
Is there any way to make them run parallel
if not is there any alteration for that
Elastic MapReduce comes by default with a YARN setup very "step" oriented, with a single CapacityScheduler queue with the 100% of the cluster resources assigned. Because of this configuration, any time you submit a job to an EMR cluster, YARN maximizes the cluster usage for that single job, granting all available resources to it until it finishes.
Running multiple concurrent jobs in an EMR cluster (or any other YARN based Hadoop cluster, in fact) requires a proper YARN setup with multiple queues to properly grant resources to each job. YARN's documentation is quite good about all of the Capacity Scheduler features and it is simpler as it sounds.
YARN's FairScheduler is quite popular but it uses a different approach and may be a bit more difficult to configure depending on your needs. Given the simplest scenario where you have a single Fair queue, YARN will try to grant containers to waiting jobs as soon as they are freed by running jobs, ensuring that all the jobs submitted to a cluster get at least a fraction of compute resources as soon as they are available.
If you are concerned about YARN jobs running in a queue(submitted by spark)..
There are multiple solutions to run jobs in parallel ,
By default, EMR uses YARN CapacityScheduler with DefaultResourceCalculator and has one single DEFAULT queue where all YARN jobs are submitted. SInce there is only one queue, the number of yarn jobs that you can RUN(not submit) in parallel really depends on the parallel number of AM's , mapper and reducers that your EMR cluster supports.
For example : You have a cluster that can run atmost 10 mappers in parallel. (see AWS EMR Parallel Mappers?)
Suppose you submitted 2 map-only jobs each requiring 10 mappers one after another. The first job will take up all mapper container capacity and runs , while the second waits on the queue for the containers to free up. This behavior is similar for AM's and Reducers as well.
Now, to make them run in parallel inspire of having that limitation on number of containers that is supported by cluster ,
Keeping capacity scheduler , You can create multiple queues configuring %'s of capacity with Max capacity in each queue. So that job in first queue might not fully use up all containers even though it needs it. You can submit a seconds your job in second queue which will have pre-determined capacity.
You might need to use FAIR scheduler by configuring yarn-site.xml . The FAIR scheduler allows you share configure queues and share resources across those queues fairly. You might also use PREEMPTION option of fair scheduler.
Note that the choice of what option to go with - really depends on your use-case and business needs. It is important to learn about all options and possible impact.
Amazon EMR now supports the ability to run multiple steps in parallel. The number of steps allowed to run at once is configurable and can be set when a cluster is launched and at any time after the cluster has started.
Please see this announcement for more details: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2019/11/amazon-emr-now-allows-you-to-run-multiple-steps-in-parallel-cancel-running-steps-and-integrate-with-aws-step-functions/.
Just adding updated information. EMR supports parallel steps: