How to create a file or template owned by a user that does not exist on the host with ansible? - templates

I'm experimenting with podman rootless.
Users in containers get assigned a subuid / subgid space from the host.
Files created or updated from a user in the container environment belong to the user id space,
that doesn't exist on the host.
That's where I'm currently stuck. I can calculate the subuid with ansible and ease access to the container owned files with ACL, but I can't get ansible to write out a jinja template and chown it to a user that doesn't exist on the host.
I also don't want to workaround by creating a dummy user with a matching UID on the host, since that would probably undermine the security advantages / the rootless concept.
Here the task:
- name: copy hass main config to storage
become: yes
src: configuration.yaml.j2
dest: "{{ hass_data_dir }}/configuration.yaml"
owner: "{{ stat_container_base_dir }}.uid"
group: "{{ stat_container_base_dir }}.gid"
mode: 0640
and the error message when running the task.
TASK [server/smarthome/homeassistant/podman : copy hass main config to storage] ************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [odroid]: FAILED! =>
changed: false
checksum: 20c59b4a12d4ebe52a3dd191a80a5091d8e6dc0c
gid: 0
group: root
mode: '0640'
msg: 'chown failed: failed to look up user {''changed'': False, ''stat'': {''exists'':
True, ''path'': ''/home/homeassistant/container'', ''mode'': ''0770'', ''isdir'':
True, ''ischr'': False, ''isblk'': False, ''isreg'': False, ''isfifo'': False,
''islnk'': False, ''issock'': False, ''uid'': 363147, ''gid'': 362143, ''size'':
4096, ''inode'': 4328211, ''dev'': 45826, ''nlink'': 3, ''atime'': 1669416005.068732,
I tried to find help in the modules documentation at:
My ansible version is: ansible [core 2.13.1]
As you can see in the error message, ansible is missing a user with UID 363147 on the host.
Is there any way to circumvent the test if a user exists in ansible.builtin.template and similar modules, that allow user assignment with owner: and group:?
The only workaround I found was using command, but with the need for templates, complexity will increase when I'd have to parse jinja templates without the ansible template module.
I would appreciate if I missed an existing option or would like to create a pull request for an option like:
ignore_usercheck: true or validate_user: false
Hope you can help me out here :)

After all this was only a misleading error message, not a missing feature in Ansible.
I tested with the debug module and found out, that the values of stat have to be accessed from inside the curly brackets.
- name: debug
msg: "{{ stat_container_base_dir.stat.uid }}"
What Ansible got, was the whole string content of stat, not just the UID.
User ID's that don't exist on the host can be assigned.


Parsing variables in ansible inventory in python

I'm trying to parse ansible variables using python specified in an inventory file like below:
[webservers] type=news type=sports
mongodb.local type=mongo region=us
mysql.local type=mysql region=eu
I want to be able to parse type=news for host in webservers and type=mongo region=us for host mongodb.local under dbservers. Any help with this is greatly appreciated
The play below
- name: List type=news hosts in the group webservers
msg: "{{ hostvars[item].inventory_hostname }}"
loop: "{{ groups['webservers'] }}"
when: hostvars[item].type == "news"
- name: List type=mongo and region=us hosts in the group dbservers
msg: "{{ hostvars[item].inventory_hostname }}"
loop: "{{ groups['dbservers'] }}"
- hostvars[item].type == "mongo"
- hostvars[item].region == "us"
"msg": ""
"msg": "mongodb.local"
If the playbook will be run on the host:
you can get "type = news" simply by specifying "{{type}}". If you want to use in "when" conditions, then simply indicating "type"
If the playbook will be run on the host:
then the value for "type" in this case will automatically be = "mongo", and "region" will automatically be = "us"
The values of the variables, if they are defined in the hosts file as you specified, will automatically be determined on the specified hosts
Thus, the playbook can be executed on all hosts and if you get a value for "type", for example:
- debug:
     msg: "{{type}}"
On each of the hosts you will get your unique values that are defined in the hosts file
I'm not sure that I understood the question correctly, but if it meant that on the host it was necessary to get a list of servers from the "webservers" group that have "type = news", then the answer is already given.
Rather than re-inventing the wheel, I suggest you have a look at how ansible itsef is parsing ini files to turn them into an inventory object
You could also easily get this info in json format with a very simple playbook (as suggested by #vladimirbotka), or rewrite your inventory in yaml which would be much easier to parse with any external tool
type: news
type: sports
type: mongo
region: us
type: mysql
region: eu

Limit hosts using Workflow Template

I'm using Ansible AWX (Tower) and have a template workflow that executes several templates one after the other, based on if the previous execution was successful.
I noticed I can limit to a specific host when running a single template, I'd like to apply this to the a workflow and my guess is I would have to use the survey option to achieve this, however I'm not sure how.
I have tried to see if I can override the "hosts" value and that failed like I expected it to.
How can I go about having it ask me at the beginning of the workflow for the hostname/ip and not for every single template inside the workflow?
You have the set_stats option.
Let's suppose you have the following inventory:
Your inventory is called MyOfficeInventory. First rule is that you need this inventory across all your Templates to play with the host from the first one.
I want to ping only my machine, so in the Template I choose MyOfficeInventory and limit to
If we do:
- name: Ping
hosts: all
gather_facts: False
connection: local
- name: Ping
We get:
TASK [Ping] ********************************************************************
ok: []
Cool! So from MyOfficeInventory I have my only host selected pinged. So now, in my workflow I have the next Template with *MyOfficeInventory** selected (This is the rule as said). If I ping, I will ping all of them unless you limit again so let's do the magic:
In your first Template do:
- name: add devices with connectivity to the "working_hosts" group
key: working_hosts
- name: "Artifact URL of test results to Tower Workflows"
myinventory: "{{ groups['working_hosts'] }}"
run_once: True
Be careful, because for your playbook,
"groups['all']": [
And with your new working_hosts group, you get only your current host:
"groups['working_hosts']": [
So now you have your brand new myinventory inventory.
Use it like this in the rest of your Playbooks assigned to your Templates:
- name: Ping
hosts: "{{ myinventory }}"
gather_facts: False
- name: Ping
Your inventory variable will be transferred and you will get:
ok: []
One step further. Do you want to select your host from a Survey?
Create one with your hostname input and add keep your first Playbook as:
- name: Ping
hosts: "{{ mysurveyhost }}"
gather_facts: False

Ansible returns wrong hosts in dynamic inventory (private ip collision?)

I have two instances on different VPCs which have the same private address.
Environment: ci
Role: aRole
Environment: test
Role: web
I am running the following playbook:
- name: "print account specific variables"
hosts: "tag_Environment_ci:&tag_Role_web"
- name: "print account specific variables for account {{ account }}"
- 'ec2_tag_Name': "{{ ec2_tag_Name }}"
'ec2_tag_Role': "{{ ec2_tag_Role }}"
'ec2_private_ip_address': "{{ ec2_private_ip_address }}"
'ec2_tag_Environment': "{{ ec2_tag_Environment }}"
Since I am asking for both role web and environment ci, none of these instances should be picked, but nevertheless the result that I am getting is:
ok: [] => {
"changed": false,
"msg": [
"ec2_private_ip_address": "",
"ec2_tag_Environment": "test",
"ec2_tag_Name": "test-web-1",
"ec2_tag_Role": "web"
Obviously this instance does not meet the requirements under hosts...
It seems like searched for the Environment tag, found ci for, then searched separately for the role tag, found another one under, and just marked that instance as ok, even though these are two different instances on different vpcs.
I've tried changing vpc_destination_variable in ec2.ini to id but then I'm getting error when Ansible is trying to connect to these instances because it cannot connect to the id...
fatal: [i-XXX]: UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname i-XXX: Name or service not known\r\n", "unreachable": true
Is there another option that will work under vpc_destination_variable? Any known solution for such a collision?
tl;dr: This is exactly what hostname_variable in ec2.ini is for, as documented:
# This allows you to override the inventory_name with an ec2 variable, instead
# of using the destination_variable above. Addressing (aka ansible_ssh_host)
# will still use destination_variable. Tags should be written as 'tag_TAGNAME'.
Unfortunetely I've missed it and found it after looking around in
Longer answer with additional options to hostnames
After finding out about hostname_variable, I had another problem that it can receive only one variable. In my case I had some instances with the same private ip on one hand, and some with the same tags on the other (AWS autoscaling groups, same tags on all hosts), so I needed a way to differentiate between them.
I've created a gist with this option. My change is in line 848. This allows you to use multiple comma separated variables in hostname_variable, e.g.:
hostname_variable = tag_Name,private_ip_address

Ansible json_query is adding extra characters to dictionary values

I am encountering a strange problem with ansible, and I'm sure its just due to my lack of experience as I am relatively new to ansible (I've only been working with it for a couple weeks)
So, in short what I am trying to do is use the command module to run AWS CLI commands to list AWS access keys for a user then delete them from that user. The reason I am using CLI instead of iam module is because I believe there to be a bug with the IAM module in regard to removing access keys. Even when I specified state update and the access keys to remove and access key state remove it still would not remove access keys, or make them inactive when i set access key state to inactive.
The first task lists access keys for a given user and registers the output:
- name: List the access keys (if any) of the user(s) we just created
use_key: "{{ enable_access_keys }}"
command: "aws iam list-access-keys --user-name {{ item }}"
- "{{ iam_user_name_list }}"
when: not use_key
register: list_key_output
^Keep in mind that iam_user_name_list only contains 1 user at the moment, which is why i access results the way I do. I know this needs to be changed in the future.
Since the stdout from list_key_output looks like this
"stdout": "{\n \"AccessKeyMetadata\": [\n {\n \"UserName\": \"other-guy\", \n \"Status\": \"Active\", \n \"CreateDate\": \"2017-06-29T18:45:04Z\", \n \"AccessKeyId\": \"removed\"\n }\n ]\n}",
I debug msg the stdout and register that to a variable test to give it proper json format without the slashes and newlines so I can use json_query to get the key from the stdout. I am using json query because AccessKeyId is not recognized as a key for the AccessKeyMetadata dictionary for whatever reason.
- name: list keys stdout
msg: "{{ list_key_output.results[0].stdout }}"
register: test
- name: test variable output
msg: "{{ test.msg.AccessKeyMetadata | json_query('[].AccessKeyId') }}"
At this point, I am successfully getting the access key from the stdout
ok: [] => {
"changed": false,
"msg": [
"correct access key here"
Now, I feed the access key to the delete CLI command like so
- name: Remove any access keys our new console user might have
use_key: "{{ enable_access_keys }}"
command: "aws iam delete-access-key --access-key {{ test.msg.AccessKeyMetadata | json_query('[].AccessKeyId') }} --user-name other-guy"
when: not use_key
register: delete_key_output
This task fails due to an invalid access key being provided.
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["aws", "iam", "delete-access-key", "--access-key", "[u********************]", "--user-name", "other-guy"], "delta": "0:00:00.388902", "end": "2017-06-29 18:59:13.308230", "failed": true, "rc": 255, "start": "2017-06-29 18:59:12.919328", "stderr": "\nAn error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DeleteAccessKey operation: The specified value for accessKeyId is invalid. It must contain only alphanumeric characters.", "stderr_lines": ["", "An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DeleteAccessKey operation: The specified value for accessKeyId is invalid. It must contain only alphanumeric characters."], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
As you can see, when I pass the access key to the command, [u is prepended to the front of the access key and ] is appended to the back of it.
Why is this happening? How can I achieve my goal without having the 3 characters added to the access key making it invalid? I don't understand why this happens because when I debug msg the access key the same way i provide it to the command, it only shows the access key without [u in front and ] behind.
Sorry for the long post but I felt I really had to describe the situation to be able to get help here. Thanks in advance for any answers!
To answer your exact question:
ok: [] => {
"changed": false,
"msg": [
"correct access key here"
Note the [ and ] in the msg – this means that you print a list, that contain one element – correct access key here string.
When you try to convert list into string, you get it's Python interpretation [u'correct access key here'].
You need to get first element of a list:
{{ test.msg.AccessKeyMetadata | json_query('[].AccessKeyId') | first }}
P.S. but from my point of view, you are going in a wrong way. try to fix your issues with iam module.

Ansible un-vault and template a file

I have a file on my local machine that I want to upload to a remote server, it contains confidential information that I don't want exposed in my VCS. It also has some text I need to replace dynamically in it (at the moment as Jinja2 placeholders "{{}}").
If I use the copy module, then the file is un-vaulted when I upload it, but obviously the placeholders are note replaced.
If i use the template module, then it doesn't un-vault the file and hence it is uploaded in its encrypted format (and also doesn't replace placeholders because they are obfuscated by the encryption).
How can I both template and un-vault a file (using ansible) to the remote server?
As already mentioned in the comments, you could set your secrets in variables and render them into the templates during provision, but if for some reason you want to keep your whole template a secret, there are some workarounds to also do that.
Handling encrypted templates
As a workaround you could temporarily decrypt the template locally and after the rollout delete the decrypted file with the local_action module.
Lets assume your encrypted template resides as template.enc in your roles templates directory.
- name: Decrypt template
local_action: "shell {{ view_encrypted_file_cmd }} {{ role_path }}/templates/template.enc > {{ role_path }}/templates/template"
changed_when: False
- name: Deploy template
- name: Remove decrypted template
local_action: "file path={{ role_path }}/templates/template state=absent"
changed_when: False
Please note the changed_when: False. This is important in order to run idempotence tests with your ansible roles - otherwise each time you run the playbook a change is signaled.
In group_vars/all.yml you could set a global decrypt command for reuse, e.g., as view_encrypted_file_cmd.
view_encrypted_file_cmd: "ansible-vault --vault-password-file {{ lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE') }} view"
Handling encrypted static files
One way: as template
You could set the content of your secret static file (e.g., a private key) as a variable in ansible and provision it as a template.
my_private_key: |
{{ private_key }}
private_key: "{{ my_private_key }}"
Another way: via lookup pipe
Another way would be to use the lookup module with pipe to set the content property within the copy module - that way you do not need an extra variable.
- copy:
content=lookup('pipe', 'VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=path/to/pass_file ansible-vault view path/to/file.enc')
Now Ansible 2.4 supports decrypt option on copy module:
This shouldn't be used any more, see the comment below...
There is another possibility similar to the solution by fishi in case of a static file. By using copy instead of template there is no need for an additional file.
Using vars.yml:
Store in a vault-encrypted vars.yml:
encrypted_content: |
foo = {{ bar }}
password = abcabc
Code for the task:
- name: Save encrypted template
content: "{{ encrypted_content }}"
dest: /path/to/destination
Using a separate YAML file
You can also store the encrypted template code in another YAML file. This is useful, wenn vars.yml shall not be encrypted. For example vars/encrypted.yml might be:
encrypted_content: |
foo = {{ bar }}
password = abcabc
Code for the task:
- name: Read encrypted variable file
include_vars: encrypted.yml
no_log: true
- name: Save encrypted template
content: "{{ encrypted_content }}"
dest: /path/to/destination
In short, use copy module and ansible-vault.
Here is the complete example for copying a local encrypted file named hello.vault to hello.txt on remote server. Its clear content is WORLD and the encryption key is 1234.
Create your vault file hello.vault:
$ ansible-vault create hello.vault
New Vault password: 1234
Confirm New Vault password: 1234
## Then input your secret and exit the editor ##
$ cat hello.vault
Create your password file, e.g. vault.key as follow
Use copy module to transfer the vault file to clear text on webserver(defined in inventory).
ansible webserver -i inventory --vault-password-file=vault.key \
-m copy -a "src=hello.vault dest=hello.txt"
ansible webserver -i inventory -m command -a "cat hello.txt"