ifort and gfortran get different results computing acos(x) - fortran

I'm compiling a simple fortran program with gfortran and ifort:
! acos.f90
function real8_to_int8(real8) result(int8)
real(8), intent (in) :: real8
integer(8) :: int8
int8 = transfer(real8, int8)
end function
function int8_to_real8(int8) result(real8)
integer(8), intent (in) :: int8
real(8) :: real8
real8 = transfer(int8, real8)
end function
program main
integer(8) :: real8_to_int8
real(8) :: int8_to_real8
real :: x, acos_x
x = int8_to_real8(4605852290655121993)
print *, " size of x: ", sizeof(x)
write (*, '(A, F65.60)') ' x: ', x
print *, ""
acos_x = acos(x)
write (*, '(A, F65.60)') ' acos(x): ', acos(x)
print *, "bits: ", real8_to_int8(acos_x)
print *, ""
print *, ""
end program
To compare the results as precisely as possible, I print out the variables' bit representations, and they are different:
$ ifort -real-size 64 -o acos_ifort acos.f90; ./acos_ifort
size of x: 8
x: 0.852326110783516388558211929193930700421000000000000000000000
acos(x): 0.550379481046229246388179490168113261461000000000000000000000
bits: 4603132597196780746
$ gfortran -fdefault-integer-8 -fdefault-real-8 -o acos_gfortran acos.f90; ./acos_gfortran
size of x: 8
x: 0.852326110783516388558211929193930700421333312988281250000000
acos(x): 0.550379481046229357410481952683767303824424743652343750000000
bits: 4603132597196780747
Is the difference on variable acos(x) normal? Or how can I change my gfortran compiling option to make the result of gfortran the same as ifortran?
acos(x): 0.550379481046229246388179490168113261461000000000000000000000
bits: 4603132597196780746
acos(x): 0.550379481046229357410481952683767303824424743652343750000000
bits: 4603132597196780747

Yes, the difference in angle is normal. You cannot generally assume different implementations of the trigonometrical functions to produce bit-exact results. As you can see from the integer representation there's only a 1 ulp difference between the two values, which is entirely reasonable.
EDIT And as a standards-conformance and style issue, here's a version of your code with
use int64 and real64 from the iso_fortran_env builtin module instead of the non-portable kind=8.
Put the functions as contained procedures to get explicit interface checking (although in this case it's a bit pointless as one could just as well call transfer directly, but just to demonstrate usage of contained procedures).
Use kind values appropriately including on the big literal to avoid the need for -fdefault-real-8 and similar options.
! acos.f90
program main
use iso_fortran_env
real(real64) :: x, acos_x
x = int8_to_real8(4605852290655121993_int64)
print *, " size of x: ", sizeof(x)
write (*, '(A, F65.60)') ' x: ', x
print *, ""
acos_x = acos(x)
write (*, '(A, F65.60)') ' acos(x): ', acos(x)
print *, "bits: ", real8_to_int8(acos_x)
print *, ""
print *, ""
function real8_to_int8(real8) result(int8)
real(real64), intent (in) :: real8
integer(int64) :: int8
int8 = transfer(real8, int8)
end function
function int8_to_real8(int8) result(real8)
integer(int64), intent (in) :: int8
real(real64) :: real8
real8 = transfer(int8, real8)
end function
end program


Fortran OpenACC invoking a function on device using a function pointer

How can I access a function on device via a function pointer?
In below code I am trying to access init0 or init1 using function pointer init. The code does work as intended if OpenACC is not enabled during compilation. However, it fails when compiled with OpenACC. Below code is saved as stackOverflow2.f95:
module modTest2
use openacc
implicit none
type :: Container
integer :: n
integer, allocatable :: arr(:)
end type Container
interface Container
procedure :: new_Container
end interface
abstract interface
integer function function_template (i)
integer, intent (in) :: i
end function function_template
end interface
type(Container) function new_Container(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
end function new_Container
end module modTest2
program test2
use modTest2
implicit none
integer :: n, x, i
type(Container) :: c
procedure(function_template), pointer :: init
print *, "Enter array size: "
read *, n
print *, "Allocating..."
c = Container(n)
print *, "Allocation complete!"
print *, "Enter initialization type (x): "
read *, x
print *, "Initializing..."
select case (x)
case (0)
init => init0
case default
init => init1
end select
!$acc data copyin(c) copyout(c%arr)
!$acc parallel loop present(c)
do i = 1, n
c%arr(i) = init(i)
end do
!$acc end data
print *, "Initialization complete..."
do i = 1, n
print *, i, c%arr(i)
end do
integer function init0(i)
!$acc routine
integer, intent(in) :: i
init0 = 10*i
end function init0
integer function init1(i)
!$acc routine
integer, intent(in) :: i
init1 = 20*i
end function init1
end program test2
Correct output is seen without OpenACC:
$ gfortran -c stackOverflow2.f95
$ gfortran stackOverflow2.o -o a.out
$ ./a.out
Enter array size:
Allocation complete!
Enter initialization type (x):
Initialization complete...
1 10
2 20
3 30
Incorrect output is seen below with OpenACC (Note that NVIDIA compiler is used here):
$ /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/22.1/compilers/bin/nvfortran stackOverflow2.f95 -acc; ./a.out
Enter array size:
Allocation complete!
Enter initialization type (x):
Initialization complete...
1 0
2 0
3 0
Sorry but function pointers (along with C++ virtual functions) are not yet supported on the device. Adding the compiler feedback flag (-Minfo=accel), you'll see the following message:
% nvfortran -acc -Minfo=accel test.f90
62, Generating copyout(c%arr(:)) [if not already present]
Generating copyin(c) [if not already present]
65, Accelerator restriction: Indirect function/procedure calls are not supported
The problem being that indirect functions require a device jump table and runtime dynamic linking which is currently unavailable. While I don't have a timeline, we are exploring options on how to offer this support in the future.
Using gfortran-11 with the below did the trick:
module modTest2
use openacc
implicit none
type :: Container
integer :: n
integer, allocatable :: arr(:)
end type Container
interface Container
procedure :: new_Container
end interface
abstract interface
integer function function_template (i)
integer, intent (in) :: i
end function function_template
end interface
type(Container) function new_Container(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
end function new_Container
end module modTest2
program test2
use modTest2
implicit none
integer :: n, x, i
type(Container) :: c
procedure(function_template), pointer :: init
print *, "Enter array size: "
read *, n
print *, "Allocating..."
c = Container(n)
print *, "Allocation complete!"
print *, "Enter initialization type (x): "
read *, x
print *, "Initializing..."
select case (x)
case (0)
init => init0
case default
init => init1
end select
!$acc enter data copyin(c)
!$acc enter data create(c%arr)
!$acc parallel loop present(c)
do i = 1, n
c%arr(i) = init(i)
end do
!$acc exit data copyout(c%arr)
!$acc exit data delete(c)
print *, "Initialization complete..."
do i = 1, n
print *, i, c%arr(i)
end do
integer function init0(i)
!$acc routine
integer, intent(in) :: i
init0 = 10*i
end function init0
integer function init1(i)
!$acc routine
integer, intent(in) :: i
init1 = 20*i
end function init1
end program test2
Here's the output:
$ gfortran-11 -fopenacc stackOverflow2.f95
$ gfortran-11 -fopenacc stackOverflow2.o -o stackOverflow2
$ ./stackOverflow2
Enter array size:
Allocation complete!
Enter initialization type (x):
Initialization complete...
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
$ ./stackOverflow2
Enter array size:
Allocation complete!
Enter initialization type (x):
Initialization complete...
1 20
2 40
3 60
4 80

How can I change number to character without any transformation in fortran? [duplicate]

I have a program in Fortran that saves the results to a file. At the moment I open the file using
OPEN (1, FILE = 'Output.TXT')
However, I now want to run a loop, and save the results of each iteration to the files 'Output1.TXT', 'Output2.TXT', 'Output3.TXT', and so on.
Is there an easy way in Fortran to constuct filenames from the loop counter i?
you can write to a unit, but you can also write to a string
program foo
character(len=1024) :: filename
write (filename, "(A5,I2)") "hello", 10
print *, trim(filename)
end program
Please note (this is the second trick I was talking about) that you can also build a format string programmatically.
program foo
character(len=1024) :: filename
character(len=1024) :: format_string
integer :: i
do i=1, 10
if (i < 10) then
format_string = "(A5,I1)"
format_string = "(A5,I2)"
write (filename,format_string) "hello", i
print *, trim(filename)
end program
A much easier solution IMHO ...................
character(len=8) :: fmt ! format descriptor
fmt = '(I5.5)' ! an integer of width 5 with zeros at the left
i1= 59
write (x1,fmt) i1 ! converting integer to string using a 'internal file'
! ====> filename: output00059.dat
Well here is a simple function which will return the left justified string version of an integer:
character(len=20) function str(k)
! "Convert an integer to string."
integer, intent(in) :: k
write (str, *) k
str = adjustl(str)
end function str
And here is a test code:
program x
integer :: i
do i=1, 100
open(11, file='Output'//trim(str(i))//'.txt')
write (11, *) i
close (11)
end do
end program x
I already showed this elsewhere on SO (How to use a variable in the format specifier statement? , not an exact duplicate IMHO), but I think it is worthwhile to place it here. It is possible to use the techniques from other answers for this question to make a simple function
function itoa(i) result(res)
character(:),allocatable :: res
integer,intent(in) :: i
character(range(i)+2) :: tmp
write(tmp,'(i0)') i
res = trim(tmp)
end function
which you can use after without worrying about trimming and left-adjusting and without writing to a temporary variable:
OPEN(1, FILE = 'Output'//itoa(i)//'.TXT')
It requires Fortran 2003 because of the allocatable string.
For a shorten version.
If all the indices are smaller than 10, then use the following:
do i=0,9
fname='OUTPUT'//NCHAR(i+48) //'.txt'
open(fid, file=fname)
end do
For a general version:
character(len=5) :: charI
do i = 0,100
fid = 100 + i
write(charI,"(A)"), i
fname ='OUTPUT' // trim(charI) // '.txt'
open(fid, file=fname)
end do
That's all.
I've tried #Alejandro and #user2361779 already but it gives me an unsatisfied result such as file 1.txt or file1 .txt instead of file1.txt. However i find the better solution:
integer :: i
character(len=5) :: char_i ! use your maximum expected len
character(len=32) :: filename
write(char_i, '(I5)') i ! convert integer to char
write(filename, '("path/to/file/", A, ".dat")') trim(adjustl(char_i))
e.g. set i = 10 and write(char_i, '(I5)') i
char_i gives " 10" ! this is original value of char_i
adjustl(char_i) gives "10 " ! adjust char_i to the left
trim(adjustl(char_i)) gives "10" ! adjust char_i to the left then remove blank space on the right
I think this is a simplest solution that give you a dynamical length filename without any legacy blank spaces from integer to string conversion process.
Try the following:
character(len=30) :: filename ! length depends on expected names
integer :: inuit
do i=1,n
write(filename,'("output",i0,".txt")') i
Where "..." means other appropriate code for your purpose.
To convert an integer to a string:
integer :: i
character* :: s
if (i.LE.9) then
else if (i.GE.10) then
s=char(48+(i/10))// char(48-10*(i/10)+i)
Here is my subroutine approach to this problem. it transforms an integer in the range 0 : 9999 as a character. For example, the INTEGER 123 is transformed into the character 0123. hope it helps.
P.S. - sorry for the comments; they make sense in Romanian :P
subroutine nume_fisier (i,filename_tot)
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: integer_zeci,rest_zeci,integer_sute,rest_sute,integer_mii,rest_mii
character(1) :: filename1,filename2,filename3,filename4
character(4) :: filename_tot
! Subrutina ce transforma un INTEGER de la 0 la 9999 in o serie de CARACTERE cu acelasi numar
! pentru a fi folosite in numerotarea si denumirea fisierelor de rezultate.
if(i<=9) then
elseif(i>=10.and.i<=99) then
elseif(i>=100.and.i<=999) then
elseif(i>=1000.and.i<=9999) then
end subroutine nume_fisier

Is there any way in fortran such that real 4 or real 8 can be defined from outside?

We know we can optimise our code from outside.
We know in fortran programming we define variables first in the program. Then we can take inputs from outside (via read statements) but can we make a small code that take kind of variable from outside.
I.e. if we put in the terminal 4 kind 4(i.e.real(kind =4) ) variable is introduced ie if we put 8 kind 8(i.e real(kind=8) variable is introduced . Is there any way.
I know we can do three separate if loops to define the variables (namely kind 4 , kind 8 ,kind 16 and repeat the program the program three times ).
The code i wrote was for findinding value of y using eulers method.
I want to generalise to any kind and calculate the time taken. I hope this can be done in lesser cumbersome way.
The code I wrote:
program euler
implicit none
print *,"enter the kind you want to work with"
read(*,*) k
!so if user writes 4 kind 4 variables would do the work
if(k==4) then
print *,"enter the grid step"
read(*,*) h
call cpu_time(s)
do i=1,999999999
if(0.le.t.and.t.le.25) then
end if
end do
call cpu_time(e)
print *,"solution is",y
print *,"the error is",(r-y)/r
print *,"time taken in seconds =",e-s
else if(k==8) then
print *,"enter the grid step"
read(*,*) h8
call cpu_time(s8)
do i=1,999999999
if(0.le.t8.and.t8.le.25) then
end if
end do
call cpu_time(e8)
print *,"solution is",y8
print *,"the error is",(r8-y8)/r8
print *,"time taken in seconds for kind 8 =",e8-s8
else if(k==16) then
print *,"enter the grid step"
read(*,*) h16
call cpu_time(s16)
do i=1,999999999
if(0.le.t16.and.t16.le.25) then
end if
end do
call cpu_time(e16)
print *,"solution is",y16
print *,"the error is",(r16-y16)/r16
print *,"time taken in seconds for kind 16 =",e16-s16
end if
end program euler
But im looking something more smart and less cumbersome.
I don't think this is 100% what you want because there are still three separate subroutines each for a different kind, but they are called using the interface euler which determines which one to use based on the arguments
program SO_Euler
use iso_fortran_env, only : sp=>real32, dp=>real64, qp=>real128, i4=>int32, i8=>int64
implicit none
interface euler
procedure euler_driver_sp, euler_driver_dp, euler_driver_qp
end interface
real(sp), parameter :: r4 = 10*exp(-5.0)
real(dp), parameter :: r8 = 10*exp(-5d0)
real(qp), parameter :: r16 = 10*exp(-5q0)
real(sp) :: h
print *,"enter the grid step"
read(*,*) h
print *, ""
call euler(r4, h)
call euler(r8, h)
call euler(r16, h)
subroutine euler_driver_sp(r,h_in)
real(sp), intent(in) :: r
real(sp), intent(in) :: h_in
real(sp) :: h, y, t
integer(i8) :: s, e, rate
integer :: i
print '(a15,1x,g0)', "kind is ", kind(r)
h = h_in
t = 0
y = 10
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(s,rate)
do i=1,999999999
if(0<=t .and. t<=25) then
end if
end do
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(e,rate)
print '(a15,1x,g0.15)',"solution is", y
print '(a15,1x,g0.15)',"the error is", (r-y)/r
print '(a15,1x,g0.4,1x,a)',"time taken is", real(e-s)/rate,"seconds"
print *, ""
end subroutine
subroutine euler_driver_dp(r, h_in)
real(dp), intent(in) :: r
real(sp), intent(in) :: h_in
real(dp) :: h, y, t
integer(i8) :: s, e, rate
integer :: i
print '(a15,1x,g0)', "kind is ", kind(r)
h = h_in !! convert sp=>dp
t = 0
y = 10
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(s,rate)
do i=1,999999999
if(0<=t .and. t<=25) then
end if
end do
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(e,rate)
print '(a15,1x,g0.15)',"solution is", y
print '(a15,1x,g0.15)',"the error is", (r-y)/r
print '(a15,1x,g0.4,1x,a)',"time taken is", real(e-s)/rate,"seconds"
print *, ""
end subroutine
subroutine euler_driver_qp(r, h_in)
real(qp), intent(in) :: r
real(sp), intent(in) :: h_in
real(qp) :: h, y, t
integer(i8) :: s, e, rate
integer :: i
print '(a15,1x,g0)', "kind is ", kind(r)
h = h_in ! convert sp=>qp
t = 0
y = 10
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(s,rate)
do i=1,999999999
if(0<=t .and. t<=25) then
end if
end do
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(e,rate)
print '(a15,1x,g0.15)',"solution is", y
print '(a15,1x,g0.15)',"the error is", (r-y)/r
print '(a15,1x,g0.4,1x,a)',"time taken is", real(e-s)/rate,"seconds"
print *, ""
end subroutine
end program
here is some sample output of the procedure
enter the grid step
kind is 4
solution is .547848604619503E-01
the error is .186920538544655
time taken is .1020 seconds
kind is 8
solution is .673793765102040E-01
the error is .138737586862949E-05
time taken is .7200E-01 seconds
kind is 16
solution is .673793765102226E-01
the error is .138737559174033E-05
time taken is 1.535 seconds
Note that I am compiling in 64bit release mode, and have floating-point model not fast, but strict as well as the option to extend the precision of real constants.

Assign a numerical print to a real number value holder. Then store that real number value [duplicate]

Are there any easy ways of convertin an arbitrary floating-point string to a real number in fortran? Think of something like strtod? The problem with READ statement is that all floating-point formats edit descriptors require explicit widths. So far the best workaround I made is something like:
pure function strtod(s)
real(kind=8) :: strtod
character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
character(len=32) :: fmt
integer :: dot
dot = index(s, ".")
if(dot < 1) then
write(fmt, '("(F",I0,".0)")'), len_trim(s)
write(fmt, '("(F",I0,".",I0,")")'), len_trim(s), len_trim(s)-dot
end if
read(s,fmt), strtod
end function strtod
But I'm wondering if I'm missing something and may be is there a better way to do that?
I must be missing something. What's wrong with doing it with list directed?
[luser#cromer stackoverflow]$ cat char2.f90
Program char2
Implicit None
Integer, Parameter :: wp = Selected_real_kind( 12, 70 )
Real( wp ) :: a
Character( Len = 32 ) :: s
s = '0.'
Read( s, * ) a
Write( *, * ) a
s = '1e10'
Read( s, * ) a
Write( *, * ) a
End Program char2
[luser#cromer stackoverflow]$ nagfor -C=all -C=undefined char2.f90
NAG Fortran Compiler Release 5.3.1 pre-release(904)
[NAG Fortran Compiler normal termination]
[luser#cromer stackoverflow]$ ./a.out

How to open,read and write multiple files in Fortran using two sets of loops? [duplicate]

I have a program in Fortran that saves the results to a file. At the moment I open the file using
OPEN (1, FILE = 'Output.TXT')
However, I now want to run a loop, and save the results of each iteration to the files 'Output1.TXT', 'Output2.TXT', 'Output3.TXT', and so on.
Is there an easy way in Fortran to constuct filenames from the loop counter i?
you can write to a unit, but you can also write to a string
program foo
character(len=1024) :: filename
write (filename, "(A5,I2)") "hello", 10
print *, trim(filename)
end program
Please note (this is the second trick I was talking about) that you can also build a format string programmatically.
program foo
character(len=1024) :: filename
character(len=1024) :: format_string
integer :: i
do i=1, 10
if (i < 10) then
format_string = "(A5,I1)"
format_string = "(A5,I2)"
write (filename,format_string) "hello", i
print *, trim(filename)
end program
A much easier solution IMHO ...................
character(len=8) :: fmt ! format descriptor
fmt = '(I5.5)' ! an integer of width 5 with zeros at the left
i1= 59
write (x1,fmt) i1 ! converting integer to string using a 'internal file'
! ====> filename: output00059.dat
Well here is a simple function which will return the left justified string version of an integer:
character(len=20) function str(k)
! "Convert an integer to string."
integer, intent(in) :: k
write (str, *) k
str = adjustl(str)
end function str
And here is a test code:
program x
integer :: i
do i=1, 100
open(11, file='Output'//trim(str(i))//'.txt')
write (11, *) i
close (11)
end do
end program x
I already showed this elsewhere on SO (How to use a variable in the format specifier statement? , not an exact duplicate IMHO), but I think it is worthwhile to place it here. It is possible to use the techniques from other answers for this question to make a simple function
function itoa(i) result(res)
character(:),allocatable :: res
integer,intent(in) :: i
character(range(i)+2) :: tmp
write(tmp,'(i0)') i
res = trim(tmp)
end function
which you can use after without worrying about trimming and left-adjusting and without writing to a temporary variable:
OPEN(1, FILE = 'Output'//itoa(i)//'.TXT')
It requires Fortran 2003 because of the allocatable string.
For a shorten version.
If all the indices are smaller than 10, then use the following:
do i=0,9
fname='OUTPUT'//NCHAR(i+48) //'.txt'
open(fid, file=fname)
end do
For a general version:
character(len=5) :: charI
do i = 0,100
fid = 100 + i
write(charI,"(A)"), i
fname ='OUTPUT' // trim(charI) // '.txt'
open(fid, file=fname)
end do
That's all.
I've tried #Alejandro and #user2361779 already but it gives me an unsatisfied result such as file 1.txt or file1 .txt instead of file1.txt. However i find the better solution:
integer :: i
character(len=5) :: char_i ! use your maximum expected len
character(len=32) :: filename
write(char_i, '(I5)') i ! convert integer to char
write(filename, '("path/to/file/", A, ".dat")') trim(adjustl(char_i))
e.g. set i = 10 and write(char_i, '(I5)') i
char_i gives " 10" ! this is original value of char_i
adjustl(char_i) gives "10 " ! adjust char_i to the left
trim(adjustl(char_i)) gives "10" ! adjust char_i to the left then remove blank space on the right
I think this is a simplest solution that give you a dynamical length filename without any legacy blank spaces from integer to string conversion process.
Try the following:
character(len=30) :: filename ! length depends on expected names
integer :: inuit
do i=1,n
write(filename,'("output",i0,".txt")') i
Where "..." means other appropriate code for your purpose.
To convert an integer to a string:
integer :: i
character* :: s
if (i.LE.9) then
else if (i.GE.10) then
s=char(48+(i/10))// char(48-10*(i/10)+i)
Here is my subroutine approach to this problem. it transforms an integer in the range 0 : 9999 as a character. For example, the INTEGER 123 is transformed into the character 0123. hope it helps.
P.S. - sorry for the comments; they make sense in Romanian :P
subroutine nume_fisier (i,filename_tot)
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: integer_zeci,rest_zeci,integer_sute,rest_sute,integer_mii,rest_mii
character(1) :: filename1,filename2,filename3,filename4
character(4) :: filename_tot
! Subrutina ce transforma un INTEGER de la 0 la 9999 in o serie de CARACTERE cu acelasi numar
! pentru a fi folosite in numerotarea si denumirea fisierelor de rezultate.
if(i<=9) then
elseif(i>=10.and.i<=99) then
elseif(i>=100.and.i<=999) then
elseif(i>=1000.and.i<=9999) then
end subroutine nume_fisier