Is there a way to restrict string manipulation e.g substring? - c++

The problem is that I'm processing some UTF8 strings and I would like to design a class or a way to prevent string manipulations.
String manipulation is not desirable for strings of multibyte characters as splitting the string at a random position (which is measured in bytes) may split a character half way.
I have thought about using const std::string& but the user/developer can create a substring by calling std::substr.
Another way would be create a wrapper around const std::string& and expose only the string through getters.
Is this even possible?

Another way would be create a wrapper around const std::string& and expose only the string through getters.
You need a class wrapping a std::string or std::u8string, not a reference to one. The class then owns the string and its contents, basically just using it as a storage, and can provide an interface as you see fit to operate on unicode code points or characters instead of modifying the storage directly.
However, there is nothing in the standard library that will help you implement this. So a better approach would be to use a third party library that already does this for you. Operating on code points in a UTF-8 string is still reasonably simple and you can implement that part yourself, but if you want to operate on characters (in the sense of grapheme clusters or whatever else is suitable) implementation is going to be a project in itself.

I would use a wrapper where your external interface provides access to either code points, or to characters. So, foo.substr(3, 4) (for example) would skip the first 3 code points, and give you the next 4 code points. Alternatively, it would skip the first 3 characters, and give you the next 4 characters.
Either way, that would be independent of the number of bytes used to represent those code points or characters.
Quick aside on terminology for anybody unaccustomed to Unicode terminology: ISO 10646 is basically a long list of code points, each assigned a name and a number from 0 to (about) 220-1. UTF-8 encodes a code point number in a sequence of 1 to 4 bytes.
A character can consist of a (more or less) arbitrary number of code points. It will consist of a base character (e.g., a letter) followed by some number of combining diacritical marks. For example, à would normally be encoded as an a followed by a "combining grave accent" (U+0300).
The a and the U+0300 are each a code point. When encoded in UTF-8, the a would be encoded in a single byte and the U+0300 would be encoded in three bytes. So, it's one character composed of two code points encoded in 4 characters.
That's not quite all there is to characters (as opposed to code points) but it's sufficient for quite a few languages (especially, for the typical European languages like Spanish, German, French, and so on).
There are a fair number of other points that become non-trivial though. For example, German has a letter "ß". This is one character, but when you're doing string comparison, it should (at least normally) compare as equal to "ss". I believe there's been a move to change this but at least classically, it hasn't had an upper-case equivalent either, so both comparison and case conversion with it get just a little bit tricky.
And that's fairly mild compared to situations that arise in some of the more "exotic" languages. But it gives a general idea of the fact that yes, if you want to deal intelligently with Unicode strings, you basically have two choices: either have your code use ICU1 to do most of the real work, or else resign yourself to this being a multi-year project in itself.
1. In theory, you could use another suitable library--but in this case, I'm not aware of such a thing existing.


Count number of actual characters in a std::string (not chars)?

Can I count the number of 'characters that a std::string' contains and not the number of bytes? For instance, std::string::size and std::string::length return the number of bytes (chars):
std::string m_string1 {"a"};
// This is 1
std::string m_string2 {"їa"};
// This is 3 because of Unicode
Is there a way to get the number of characters? For instance to obtain thet m_string2 has 2 characters.
It is not possible to count "characters" in a Unicode string with anything in the C++ standard library in general. It isn't clear what exactly you mean with "character" to begin with and the closest you can get is counting code points by using UTF-32 literals and std::u32string. However, that isn't going to match what you want even for їa.
For example ї may be a single code point
or two consecutive code points
If you don't know that the string is normalized, then you can't distinguish the two with the standard library and there is no way to force normalization either. Even for UTF-32 string literals it is up to the implementation which one is chosen. You will get 2 or 3 for a string їa when counting code points.
And that isn't even considering the encoding issue that you mention in your question. Each code point itself may be encoded into multiple code units depending on the chosen encoding and .size() is counting code units, not code points. With std::u32string these two will at least coincide, even if it doesn't help you as I demonstrate above.
You need some unicode library like ICU if you want to do this properly.

Do c++ string objects handle variable width UTF encodings?

The reference material I've read isn't clear at all. Say I'm using std::wstring object my_string If I refer to the "character" at my_string[23], is that actually the 23rd UTF-16 codepoint in the string? Or is it just whatever data is at the offset 23*2 bytes from the start, even when some of the code points are in the extended-plane and require 32 bits.
It's nice working in Python or Java where the details are all taken care of. The details can also be mostly ignored when compiling on UNIX since strings are always 32 bit and never require encoding. But when I take c++ code I've written home and test it on a Windows laptop, things are confusing.
It doesn't help that nobody uses precise language. From my understanding there are three different kinds of "text data objects" that are often ambiguously referred to as "characters". There are fixed-size "data points", then there are Unicode "code points" that may have to be encoded with 2 or more data points (1-4 uint8 in UTF-8, 1-2 uint16 in UTF-16), then there are "actual characters" that can sometimes consist of pairs of code points.
It is the naive raw byte offset. Since on Windows (with all C libraries I know of) wchar_t is Unicode, the actual thing it returns is the Unicode code unit and that is just a fancy way of saying wchar_t.
Windows NT 3 & 4 was just UCS2 and you only had to deal with Unicode code-points. On 2000 and later on the Windows side of things the native string changed to UTF-16 and surrogate pairs came in and "ruined the day".
Your understanding is correct; a grapheme cluster (what your average human calls a character) is made up of a base code-point and optionally one or several code-points for combining marks. A code-point is made up of one or several code units (1 or 2 for UTF-16, 1-6 for UTF-8).
This means that even if you are working on a platform where wchar_t==UCS4/UTF-32 you cannot just cut/split a string at arbitrary positions because you might end up chopping the combining marks away from the base character. The problem is even more destructive for a script like Hangul (Korean) because syllables are written in blocks of 2 or 3 parts (jamo).
Windows provides functions like CharNextW to help you walk strings by skipping over "attached" combining marks. I don't know if the newer u16string uses it or if it is just as naive.

Properly checking for palindromes using UTF-8 strings in C++

When trying to answer a question, How to use enqueu, dequeue, push, and peek in a Palindrome?, I suggested a palindrome can be found using std::string by:
bool isPalindrome(const std::string str)
return std::equal(str.begin(), str.end(), str.rbegin(), str.rend());
For a Unicode string, I suggested:
bool isPalindrome(const std::u8string str)
std::u8string rstr{str};
std::reverse(rstr.begin(), rstr.end());
return str == rstr;
I now think this will create problems when you have multibyte characters in the string because the byte-order of the multibyte character is also reversed. Also, some characters will be equivalent to each other in different locales. Therefore, in C++20:
how do you make the comparison robust to multibyte characters?
how do you make the comparison robust to different locales when there can be equivalency between multiple characters?
Reversing a Unicode string becomes non-trivial. Converting from UTF-8 to UTF-32/UCS-4 is a good start, but not sufficient by itself--Unicode also has combining code points, so two (or more) consecutive code points form a single resulting grapheme (the added code point(s) add(s) diacritic marking to the base character), and for things to work correctly, you need to keep these in the correct order.
So, basically instead of code points, you need to divide the input up into a series of graphemes, and reverse the order of the graphemes, not just the code points.
To deal with multiple different sequences of code points that represent the same sequence of characters, you normally want to do normalization. There are four different normalization forms. In this case, you'd probably want to use NFC or NFD (should be equivalent for this purpose). The NFKC/NFKD forms are primarily for compatibility with other character sets, which it sounds like you probably don't care about.
This can also be non-trivial though. Just for one well known example, consider the German character "ß". This is sort of equivalent to "ss", but only exists in lower-case, since it never occurs at the beginning of a word. So, there's probably room for argument about whether something like Ssaß is a palindrome or not (for the moment ignoring the minor detail that it's not actually a word). For palindromes, most people ignore letter case, so it would be--but your code in the question seems to treat case as significant, in which case it probably shouldn't be.

How to compare a "basic_string" using an arbitary locale

I'm re-posting a question I submitted earlier today but I'm now citing a specific example in response to the feedback I received. The original question can be found here (note that it's not a homework assignment):
I'm simply trying to determine if C++ makes it impossible to perform an (efficient) case-INsensitive comparison of a basic_string object that also factors in any arbitrary locale object. For instance, it doesn't appear to be possible to write an efficient function such as the following:
bool AreStringsEqualIgnoreCase(const string &str1, const string &str2, const locale &loc);
Based on my current understanding (but can someone confirm this), this function has to call both ctype::toupper() and collate::compare() for the given locale (extracted as always using use_facet()). However, because collate::compare() in particular requires 4 pointer args, you either need to pass these 4 args for every char you need to compare (after first calling ctype::toupper()), or alternatively, convert both strings to upppercase first and then make a single call to collate::compare().
The 1st approach is obviously inefficient (4 pointers to pass for each char tested), and the 2nd requires you to convert both strings to uppercase in their entirety (requiring allocation of memory and needless copying/converting of both strings to uppercase). Am I correct about this, i.e., it's not possible to do it efficiently (because there's no way around collate::compare()).
One of the little annoyances about trying to deal in a consistent way with all the world's writing systems is that practically nothing you think you know about characters is actually correct. This makes it tricky to do things like "case-insensitive comparison". Indeed, it is tricky to do any form of locale-aware comparison, and case-insensitivity is additionally thorny.
With some constraints, though, it is possible to accomplish. The algorithm needed can be implemented "efficiently" using normal programming practices (and precomputation of some static data), but it cannot be implemented as efficiently as an incorrect algorithm. It is often possible to trade off correctness for speed, but the results are not pleasant. Incorrect but fast locale implementations may appeal to those whose locales are implemented correctly, but are clearly unsatisfactory for the part of the audience whose locales produce unexpected results.
Lexicographical ordering doesn't work for human beings
Most locales (other than the "C" locale) for languages which have case already handle letter case in the manner expected, which is to use case differences only after all other differences have been taken into account. That is, if a list of words are sorted in the locale's collation order, then words in the list which differ only in case are going to be consecutive. Whether the words with upper case come before or after words with lower case is locale-dependent, but there won't be other words in between.
That result cannot be achieved by any single-pass left-to-right character-by-character comparison ("lexicographical ordering"). And most locales have other collation quirks which also don't yield to naïve lexicographical ordering.
Standard C++ collation should be able to deal with all of these issues, if you have appropriate locale definitions. But it cannot be reduced to lexicographical comparison just using a comparison function over pairs of whar_t, and consequently the C++ standard library doesn't provide that interface.
The following is just a few examples of why locale-aware collation is complicated; a longer explanation, with a lot more examples, is found in Unicode Technical Standard 10.
Where do the accents go?
Most romance languages (and also English, when dealing with borrowed words) consider accents over vowels to be a secondary characteristic; that is, words are first sorted as though the accents weren't present, and then a second pass is made in which unaccented letters come before accented letters. A third pass is necessary to deal with case, which is ignored in the first two passes.
But that doesn't work for Northern European languages. The alphabets of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish have three extra vowels, which follow z in the alphabet. In Swedish, these vowels are written å, ä, and ö; in Norwegian and Danish, these letters are written å, æ, and ø, and in Danish å is sometimes written aa, making Aarhus the last entry in an alphabetical list of Danish cities.
In German, the letters ä, ö, and ü are generally alphabetised as with romance accents, but in German phonebooks (and sometimes other alphabetical lists), they are alphabetised as though they were written ae, oe and ue, which is the older style of writing the same phonemes. (There are many pairs of common surnames such as "Müller" and "Mueller" are pronounced the same and are often confused, so it makes sense to intercollate them. A similar convention was used for Scottish names in Canadian phonebooks when I was young; the spellings M', Mc and Mac were all clumped together since they are all phonetically identical.)
One symbol, two letters. Or two letters, one symbol
German also has the symbol ß which is collated as though it were written out as ss, although it is not quite identical phonetically. We'll meet this interesting symbol again a bit later.
In fact, many languages consider digraphs and even trigraphs to be single letters. The 44-letter Hungarian alphabet includes Cs, Dz, Dzs, Gy, Ly, Ny, Sz, Ty, and Zs, as well as a variety of accented vowels. However, the language most commonly referenced in articles about this phenomenon -- Spanish -- stopped treating the digraphs ch and ll as letters in 1994, presumably because it was easier to force Hispanic writers to conform to computer systems than to change the computer systems to deal with Spanish digraphs. (Wikipedia claims it was pressure from "UNESCO and other international organizations"; it took quite a while for everyone to accept the new alphabetization rules, and you still occasionally find "Chile" after "Colombia" in alphabetical lists of South American countries.)
Summary: comparing character strings requires multiple passes, and sometimes requires comparing groups of characters
Making it all case-insensitive
Since locales handle case correctly in comparison, it should not really be necessary to do case-insensitive ordering. It might be useful to do case-insensitive equivalence-class checking ("equality" testing), although that raises the question of what other imprecise equivalence classes might be useful. Unicode normalization, accent deletion, and even transcription to latin are all reasonable in some contexts, and highly annoying in others. But it turns out that case conversions are not as simple as you might think, either.
Because of the existence of di- and trigraphs, some of which have Unicode codepoints, the Unicode standard actually recognizes three cases, not two: lower-case, upper-case and title-case. The last is what you use to upper case the first letter of a word, and it's needed, for example, for the Croatian digraph dž (U+01C6; a single character), whose uppercase is DŽ (U+01C4) and whose title case is Dž (U+01C5). The theory of "case-insensitive" comparison is that we could transform (at least conceptually) any string in such a way that all members of the equivalence class defined by "ignoring case" are transformed to the same byte sequence. Traditionally this is done by "upper-casing" the string, but it turns out that that is not always possible or even correct; the Unicode standard prefers the use of the term "case-folding", as do I.
C++ locales aren't quite up to the job
So, getting back to C++, the sad truth is that C++ locales do not have sufficient information to do accurate case-folding, because C++ locales work on the assumption that case-folding a string consists of nothing more than sequentially and individually upper-casing each codepoint in the string using a function which maps a codepoint to another codepoint. As we'll see, that just doesn't work, and consequently the question of its efficiency is irrelevant. On the other hand, the ICU library has an interface which does case-folding as correctly as the Unicode database allows, and its implementation has been crafted by some pretty good coders so it is probably just about as efficient as possible within the constraints. So I'd definitely recommend using it.
If you want a good overview of the difficulty of case-folding, you should read sections 5.18 and 5.19 of the Unicode standard (PDF for chapter 5). The following is just a few examples.
A case transform is not a mapping from single character to single character
The simplest example is the German ß (U+00DF), which has no upper-case form because it never appears at the beginning of a word, and traditional German orthography didn't use all-caps. The standard upper-case transform is SS (or in some cases SZ) but that transform is not reversible; not all instances of ss are written as ß. Compare, for example, grüßen and küssen (to greet and to kiss, respectively). In v5.1, ẞ, an "upper-case ß, was added to Unicode as U+1E9E, but it is not commonly used except in all-caps street signs, where its use is legally mandated. The normal expectation of upper-casing ß would be the two letters SS.
Not all ideographs (visible characters) are single character codes
Even when a case transform maps a single character to a single character, it may not be able to express that as a wchar→wchar mapping. For example, ǰ can easily be capitalized to J̌, but the former is a single combined glyph (U+01F0), while the second is a capital J with a combining caron (U+030C).
There is a further problem with glyphs like ǰ:
Naive character by character case-folding can denormalize
Suppose we upper-case ǰ as above. How do we capitalize ǰ̠ (which, in case it doesn't render properly on your system, is the same character with an bar underneath, another IPA convention)? That combination is U+01F0,U+0320 (j with caron, combining minus sign below), so we proceed to replace U+01F0 with U+004A,U+030C and then leave the U+0320 as is: J̠̌. That's fine, but it won't compare equal to a normalized capital J with caron and minus sign below, because in the normal form the minus sign diacritic comes first: U+004A,U+0320,U+030C (J̠̌, which should look identical). So sometimes (rarely, to be honest, but sometimes) it is necessary to renormalize.
Leaving aside unicode wierdness, sometimes case-conversion is context-sensitive
Greek has a lot of examples of how marks get shuffled around depending on whether they are word-initial, word-final or word-interior -- you can read more about this in chapter 7 of the Unicode standard -- but a simple and common case is Σ, which has two lower-case versions: σ and ς. Non-greeks with some maths background are probably familiar with σ, but might not be aware that it cannot be used at the end of a word, where you must use ς.
In short
The best available correct way to case-fold is to apply the Unicode case-folding algorithm, which requires creating a temporary string for each source string. You could then do a simple bytewise comparison between the two transformed strings in order to verify that the original strings were in the same equivalence class. Doing a collation ordering on the transformed strings, while possible, is rather less efficient than collation ordering the original strings, and for sorting purposes, the untransformed comparison is probably as good or better than the transformed comparison.
In theory, if you are only interested in case-folded equality, you could do the transformations linearly, bearing in mind that the transformation is not necessarily context-free and is not a simple character-to-character mapping function. Unfortunately, C++ locales don't provide you the data you need to do this. The Unicode CLDR comes much closer, but it's a complex datastructure.
All of this stuff is really complicated, and rife with edge cases. (See the note in the Unicode standard about accented Lithuanian i's, for example.) You're really better off just using a well-maintained existing solution, of which the best example is ICU.

Encoding binary data using string class

I am going through one of the requirment for string implementations as part of study project.
Let us assume that the standard library did not exist and we were
foced to design our own string class. What functionality would it
support and what limitations would we improve. Let us consider
following factors.
Does binary data need to be encoded?
Is multi-byte character encoding acceptable or is unicode necessary?
Can C-style functions be used to provide some of the needed functionality?
What kind of insertion and extraction operations are required?
My question on above text
What does author mean by "Does binary data need to be encoded?". Request to explain with example and how can we implement this.
What does author mean y point 2. Request to explain with example and how can we implement this.
Thanks for your time and help.
Regarding point one, "Binary data" refers to sequences of bytes, where "bytes" almost always means eight-bit words. In the olden days, most systems were based on ASCII, which requires seven bits (or eight, depending on who you ask). There was, therefore, no need to distinguish between bytes and characters. These days, we're more friendly to non-English speakers, and so we have to deal with Unicode (among other codesets). This raises the problem that string types need to deal with the fact that bytes and characters are no longer the same thing.
This segues onto point two, which is about how you represent strings of characters in a program. UTF-8 uses a variable-length encoding, which has the remarkable property that it encodes the entire ASCII character set using exactly the same bytes that ASCII encoding uses. However, it makes it more difficult to, e.g., count the number of characters in a string. For pure ASCII, the answer is simple: characters = bytes. But if your string might have non-ASCII characters, you now have to walk the string, decoding characters, in order to find out how many there are1.
These are the kinds of issues you need to think about when designing your string class.
1This isn't as difficult as it might seem, since the first byte of each character is guaranteed not to have 10 in its two high-bits. So you can simply count the bytes that satisfy (c & 0xc0) != 0xc0. Nonetheless, it is still expensive relative to just treating the length of a string buffer as its character-count.
The question here is "can we store ANY old data in the string, or does certain byte-values need to be encoded in some special way. An example of that would be in the standard C language, if you want to use a newline character, it is "encoded" as \n to make it more readable and clear - of course, in this example I'm talking of in the source code. In the case of binary data stored in the string, how would you deal with "strange" data - e.g. what about zero bytes? Will they need special treatment?
The values guaranteed to fit in a char is ASCII characters and a few others (a total of 256 different characters in a typical implementation, but char is not GUARANTEED to be 8 bits by the standard). But if we take non-european languages, such as Chinese or Japanese, they consist of a vastly higher number than the ones available to fit in a single char. Unicode allows for several million different characters, so any character from any european, chinese, japanese, thai, arabic, mayan, and ancient hieroglyphic language can be represented in one "unit". This is done by using a wider character - for the full size, we need 32 bits. The drawback here is that most of the time, we don't actually use that many different characters, so it is a bit wasteful to use 32 bits for each character, only to have zero's in the upper 24 bits nearly all the time.
A multibyte character encoding is a compromise, where "common" characters (common in the European languages) are used as one char, but less common characters are encoded with multiple char values, using a special range of character to indicate "there is more data in the next char to combine into a single unit". (Or,one could decide to use 2, 3, or 4 char each time, to encode a single character).