How can one compute delay between pub sub publish time and arrival to bigquery when using pub/sub to bigquery subscription (not through dataflow)?
I have publish_time from pub sub metadata.
And a field in BQ in the table where data flows that auto populates with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
I was hoping to just check the timestamp difference but noticed that quite often current_timestamp is earlier than publish_time.
It's about 350 messages/s and BQ table is partitioned by _PARTITIONTIME / hour if this makes any difference.
Im also wondering what is expected delay?
Got an answer from Google Support that this is expected behaviour.
Are you perhaps having time zone issues? Even though some minor skew across clocks is possible, it is very unlikely that the skew will be greater than the latency of processing.
As I understnad - not in the GA at this moment, but do you think you can use BigQuery default cloumn values? And use a current_timesstamp as a default expression?
I mean inside a create table if not exists clause, defining columns, use something like:
-- pubsub streaming subscription metadata
subscription_name string not null options(description="A name of a source pubsub subscription.")
, message_id string not null options(description="A unique identifier of the pubsub message.")
, publish_time timestamp not null options(description="A timestamp when the pubsub message was published.")
, bq_record_ingest_time timestamp default current_timestamp() options(description="A timestamp when the record was ingested into the BQ table.")
-- and so on, other columns
and by using the differnce between the record_ingest_time and the publish_time values you mihgt get the latency, I guess.
This is my use case:
I have a JSON Api with 200k objects. The dataset looks a little something like this: date, bike model, production time in min. I use Lambda to read from a JSON Api and write in DynamoDB via http request. The Lambda function runs everyday and updates DynamoDB with the most recent data.
I then retrieve the data by date since I want to calculate the average production time for each day and put it in a second table. An Alexa skill is connected to the second table and reads out the average value for each day.
First question: Since the same bike model is produced multiple times per day, using a composite primary key with date and bike model won't give me a unique key. Shall I create a UUID for the entries instead? Or is there a better solution?
Second question: For the calculation I would need to do a full table scan each time, which is very costly and advised against by many. How can I solve this problem without doing a full table scan?
Third question: Is it better to avoid DynamoDB altogether for my use case? Which AWS database is more suitable for my use case then?
Yes, uuid or any other unique identifier (ex: date+bike model+created time) as pk is fine.
It seems your daily job for average value is some sort of data analytics job not really a transaction job. I would suggest to go with a service support data analytics such as Amazon Redshift. You should be able to add data to such database service using Dynamodb streams. Alternatively, you can stream data into s3 and use a service like Athena to get the daily average.
There is a simple database model that you could use for this task:
PartitionKey: a UUID or use any combination of fields that provide uniqueness.
SortKey: Production date, as a string, i.e. 2020-07-28
If you then create a secondary index which uses as PK the Production date and includes the production time, you can then query (not scan) the secondary index for a specific date and perform any calculations you need on production time. You can then provision the required read/write capacity on the secondary index and the table independently.
Regarding your third question, I don't see any real benefit of using DynamoDB for this task. Any RDS (i.e. MySQL), Redshift or even S3+Athena can easily handle such use case. If you require real time analytics, you could even consider AWS Kinesis.
The biggest chunk of my BigQuery billing comes from query consumption. I am trying to optimize this by understanding which datasets/tables consume the most.
I am therefore looking for a way to track my BigQuery usage, but ideally something that is more in realtime (that I don't have to wait a day before I get the final results). The best way would be for instance how much each table/dataset consumed in the last hour.
So far I managed to find the Dashboard Monitoring but this only allows to display the queries in flight per project and the stored bytes per table, which is not what I am after.
What other solutions are there to retrieve this kind of information?
Using Stackdriver logs, you could create a sink with Pub/Sub topic as target for real-time analysis that filter only BigQuery logs like this :
resource.type="bigquery_resource" AND
proto_payload.method_name="jobservice.jobcompleted" AND
(see example queries here :
You could create the sink on a specific project, a folder or even an organization. This will retrieve all the queries done in BigQuery in that specific project, folder or organization.
The field proto_payload.service_data.job_completed_event.job.job_statistics.total_billed_bytes will give you the number of bytes processed by the query.
Based on on-demand BigQuery pricing (as of now, $5/TB for most regions, but check for your own region), you could easily estimate in real-time the billing. You could create a Dataflow job that aggregates the results in BigQuery, or simply consume the destination Pub/Sub topic with any job you want to make the pricing calculation :
jobPriceInUSD = totalBilledBytes / 1_000_000_000_000 * pricePerTB
because 1 TB = 1_000_000_000_000 B. As I said before, pricePerTB depends on regions (see : ( for the exact price). For example, as of time of writing :
$5/TB for us-east1
$6/TB for asia-northeast1
$9/TB for southamerica-east1
Also, for each month, as of now, the 1st TB is free.
It might be easier to use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_* views because you don't have to set up the stackdriver logging and can use them right away.
Example taken & modified from How to monitor query costs in Google BigQuery
DECLARE gb_divisor INT64 DEFAULT 1024*1024*1024;
DECLARE tb_divisor INT64 DEFAULT gb_divisor*1024;
DECLARE cost_per_tb_in_dollar INT64 DEFAULT 5;
DECLARE cost_factor FLOAT64 DEFAULT cost_per_tb_in_dollar / tb_divisor;
ROUND(SUM(total_bytes_processed) / gb_divisor,2) as bytes_processed_in_gb,
ROUND(SUM(IF(cache_hit != true, total_bytes_processed, 0)) * cost_factor,4) as cost_in_dollar,
Some caveats:
you need to UNION ALL all of the projects that you use explicitly
JOBS_BY_USER did not work for me on my private account (supposedly because me login email is #googlemail and big query stores my email as #gmail`)
the WHERE condition needs to be adjusted for your billing period (instead of the last 30 days)
doesn't provide the "bytes billed" information, so we need to determine those based on the cache usage
doesn't include the "if less than 10MB use 10MB" condition
data is only retained for the past 180 days
DECLARE cost_per_tb_in_dollar INT64 DEFAULT 5; reflects only US costs - other regions might have different costs - see
you can only query one region at a time
I have a raw data table in bigquery that has hundreds of millions of rows. I run a scheduled query every 24 hours to produce some aggregations that results a table in the ballmark of 33 million rows (6gb) but may be expected to grow slowly to approximately double its current size.
I need a way to get 1 row at a time quick access lookup by id to that aggregate table in a separate event driven pipeline. i.e. A process is notified that person A just took an action, what do we know about this person's history from the aggregation table?
Clearly bigquery is the right tool to produce the aggregate table, but not the right tool for the quick lookups. So I need to offset it to a secondary datastore like firestore. But what is the best process to do so?
I can envision a couple strategies:
1) Schedule a dump of agg table to GCS. Kick off a dataflow job to stream contents of gcs dump to pubsub. Create a serverless function to listen to pubsub topic and insert rows into firestore.
2) A long running script on compute engine which just streams the table directly from BQ and runs inserts. (Seems slower than strategy 1)
3) Schedule a dump of agg table to GCS. Format it in such a way that can be directly imported to firestore via gcloud beta firestore import gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[EXPORT_PREFIX]/
4) Maybe some kind of dataflow job that performs lookups directly against the bigquery table? Not played with this approach before. No idea how costly / performant.
5) some other option I've not considered?
The ideal solution would allow me quick access in milliseconds to an agg row which would allow me to append data to the real time event.
Is there a clear best winner here in the strategy I should persue?
Remember that you could also CLUSTER your table by id - making your lookup queries way faster and less data consuming. They will still take more than a second to run though.
You could also set up exports from BigQuery to CloudSQL, for subsecond results:
And remember, now BigQuery can read straight out of CloudSQL if you'd like it to be your source of truth for "hot-data":
We have a campaign management system. We create and run campaigns on various channels. When user clicks/accesses any of the Adv (as part of campaign), system generates a log. Our system is hosted in GCP. Using ‘Exports’ feature logs are exported to BigQuery
In BigQuery the Log Table is partitioned using ‘timestamp’ field (time when log is generated). We understand that BigQuery stores dates in UTC timezone and so partitions are also based on UTC time
Using this Log Table, We need to generate Reports per day. Reports can be like number of impressions per each day per campaign. And we need to show these reports as per ETC time.
Because the BigQuery table is partitioned by UTC timezone, query for ETC day would potentially need to scan multiple partitions. Had any one addressed this issue or have suggestions to optimise the storage and query so that its takes complete advantage of BigQuery partition feature
We are planning to use GCP Data studio for Reports.
BigQuery should be smart enough to filter for the correct timezones when dealing with partitions.
For example:
SELECT MIN(datehour) time_start, MAX(datehour) time_end, ANY_VALUE(title) title
FROM `fh-bigquery.wikipedia_v3.pageviews_2018` a
WHERE DATE(datehour) = '2018-01-03'
5.0s elapsed, 4.56 GB processed
For this query we processed the 4.56GB in the 2018-01-03 partition. What if we want to adjust for a day in the US? Let's add this in the WHERE clause:
WHERE DATE(datehour, "America/Los_Angeles") = '2018-01-03'
4.4s elapsed, 9.04 GB processed
Now this query is automatically scanning 2 partitions, as it needs to go across days. For me this is good enough, as BigQuery is able to automatically figure this out.
But what if you wanted to permanently optimize for one timezone? You could create a generated, shifted DATE column - and use that one to PARTITION for.
I'm copying Spanner data to BigQuery through a Dataflow job. The job is scheduled to run every 15 minutes. The problem is, if the data is read from a Spanner table which is also being written at the same time, some of the records get missed while copying to BigQuery.
I'm using readOnlyTransaction() while reading Spanner data. Is there any other precaution that I must take while doing this activity?
It is recommended to use Cloud Spanner commit timestamps to populate columns like update_date. Commit timestamps allow applications to determine the exact ordering of mutations.
Using commit timestamps for update_date and specifying an exact timestamp read, the Dataflow job will be able to find all existing records written/committed since the previous run.
if the data is read from a Spanner table which is also being written at the same time, some of the records get missed while copying to BigQuery
This is how transactions work. They present a 'snapshot view' of the database at the time the transaction was created, so any rows written after this snapshot is taken will not be included.
As #rose-liu mentioned, using commit timestamps on your rows, and keeping track of the timestamp when you last exported (available from the ReadOnlyTransaction object) will allow you to accurately select 'new/updated rows since last export'