Postman Global pre-request script that all collections inherit - postman

Postman is probably the most amazing piece of software I've ever encountered in my software development career.
However, there is something I'm stuck on and I believe there is an answer out there...
I have a huge pre-request script that I copy to each new postman collection that I create. The pre-request script does different things including setting the server to run my request on, generating reference numbers, and many other tasks.
The problem is that I have the to copy this code all over the place. Each Collection I create gets the same blob of code. And then as time moves forward I update my blob of code and then forget which collection has the latest updates.
I was told that it's possible to set up a global pre-request script in Postman that all collection will execute. I've spent some time searching the internet and I can't find the answer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...

I think you can't do it over more "real collections" without any custom shell script.
If it would be possible, I think they would mention it here.
Postman supports from itself only one Pre-request Script for each "real collection" - but you could mimic "sub collections" of one upper collection by doing folders under the "real collection".
So the real collection would be my-server-collection - this one contains your pre-request script and every Rest API Controller is a subfolder under this collection - so you would get the same effect.

I was told that it's possible to set up a global pre-request script in Postman that all collection will execute. I've spent some time searching the internet and I can't find the answer.
Did this come from Postman itself? I'm pretty sure Collection webhooks are set per collection, as this is a topic I've explored in depth before. I went to check just in case you could skip naming a collection to force it to * or something, but nope:
With that out of the day, the only suggestion I have to you is to create an utility collection that traverses all collections with a given convention name, for example PRS-X, PRS-Y. For those collections your utility would edit each collection to add/update the pre-request script.
As you probably know you could run that on-demand, schedule it, or initiate the run other automation (like an update to your pre-request script).

You go to the Environments tab and click on Create new Environment icon.
In the Environment windows add a name to it and a variable for your pre-request script. e.g. preRequestScript and set the value to your pre-request code. (Save it of course)
Lastly, you can go to your Collections, edit the one you want, and select the "Global" environment you created from the dropdown.
Once you finish, the global pre-request script will run before each request in your selected collection.


How to change the environment in Tests script of last request of the collection

Some set of the requests are to run under few environments , so i want to make few iterations in collection runner and in a test script of last request to change environment , to make next iteration run on next environment -
Need your help to change environment through script if it is possible
This is not possible at the moment, but there is a workaround (copied from the Postman Community):
You should be able to accomplish by making use of pm.sendRequest and
the Postman API. So you'd use pm.sendRequest to fetch the relevant
Environment and save it to a local variable in your script and use it
More information here:
There's a feature request in the Postman github repository for it: Change environment scope in pre-request or test scripts #9061

Why Environment variable doesn't update in postman flow?

When I am calling an api with normal api calling in postman and running a test script and setting environment value, it's working but when I use that api in postman flow, environment doesn't changing.
Script in my test:
Looks like you are looking for this issue from discussions section of Postman Flows repository: Here are some key points from it:
I want to begin by saying that nothing is wrong with environments or variables. They just work differently in Flows from how they used to work in the Collection Runner or the Request Tab.
Variables are not first-class citizens in Flows.
It was a difficult decision to break the existing pattern, but we firmly believe this is a necessary change as it would simplify problems for both us and users.
Environment works in a read-only mode, updates to the environment from scripts are not respected.
Also in this post they suggest:
We encourage using the connection to pipe data from one block to another, rather than using Globals/Environments, etc.
According to this post:
We do not supporting updating globals and environment using flows.

Postman Collection Runner runs stale request. Solution?

A couple of days ago, I ran a collection of two requests in Postman.
I was using an environment variable created in the first request which was then
used in the second request.
I ran the two requests manually in the primary application interface of
Postman, one by one. The responses were as expected and there were no errors.
But when I tried running the whole collection in one go from the Postman
Collection Runner interface, the second request gave me an error.
I checked and double-checked that I was running the right collection. I closed
and reopened the Collection Runner window.
Also, in the Collection Runner window I tried switching to some other
collection, and then switch back to the collection of interest.
As I remember it, I even exported, deleted, and then imported the collection
again. None of these actions would make the error go away.
One thing I noticed was that - when running in the Postman Collection Runner -
the first request would create an environment variable with a stale name,
that is with a name I had used previously for the same environment variable.
However, when running the first request manually (not in the Collection Runner
window), the environment variable was created under its new correct name.
I cannot reproduce this behavior, and therefore I don't expect to see a genuine
solution to the issue. But a workaround would be much appreciated.
In vain I had tried just about anything I could think of.
Then I found a post at the Postman community on
How to remove some or all requests from the history.
See the second post of the link ( = first answer ). It says:
"There is also a Clear All selection at the top of the History section if
you want to remove everything."
In the Postman primary interface, just click
History > Ellipsis (...) > Clear all.
VoilĂ ! - No error when running the collection in the Collection Runner window.
For navigation help, see the images below.

Is there a programmatic way to export Postman Collections?

I have an ever-growing collection of Postman tests for my API that I regularly export and check in to source control, so I can run them as part of CI via Newman.
I'd like to automate the process of exporting the collection when I've added some new tests - perhaps even pull it regularly from Postman's servers and check the updated version in to git.
Is there an API I can use to do this?
I would settle happily for a script I could run to export my collections and environments to named json files.
Such a feature must be available in Postman Pro, when you use the Cloud instance feature(I haven't used it yet, but I'll probably do for continuous integration), I'm also interested and I went through this information:
FYI, that you don't even need to export the collection. You can use Newman to talk to the Postman cloud instance and call collections directly from there. Therefore, when a collection is updated in Postman, Newman will automatically run the updated collection on its next run.
You can also add in the environment URLs to automatically have Newman environment swap (we use this to run a healthcheck collection across all our environments [Dev, Test, Stage & Prod])
You should check this feature, postman licences are not particularly expensive, it can be worth it.
hope this helps
You have probably solved your problem by now, but for anyone else coming across this, Postman has an API that lets you access information about your collections. You could call /collections to get a list of all your collections, then query for the one(s) you want by their id. (If the link doesn't work, google "Postman API".)

Rather than using crontab, can Django execute something automatically at a predefined time

How to make Django execute something automatically at a particular time.?
For example, my django application has to ftp upload to remote servers at pre defined times. The ftp server addresses, usernames, passwords, time, day and frequency has been defined in a django model.
I want to run a file upload automatically based on the values stored in the model.
One way to do is to write a python script and add it to the crontab. This script runs every minute and keeps an eye on the time values defined in the model.
Other thing that I can roughly think of is maybe django signals. I'm not sure if they can handle this issue. Is there a way to generate signals at predefined times (Haven't read indepth about them yet).
Just for the record - there is also celery which allows to schedule messages for the future dispatch. It's, however, a different beast than cron, as it requires/uses RabbitMQ and is meant for message queues.
I have been thinking about this recently and have found django-cron which seems as though it would do what you want.
Edit: Also if you are not specifically looking for Django based solution, I have recently used, which is a small single file script which works well and is simple to use.
I've had really good experiences with django-chronograph.
You need to set one crontab task: to call the chronograph python management command, which then runs other custom management commands, based on an admin-tweakable schedule
The problem you're describing is best solved using cron, not Django directly. Since it seems that you need to store data about your ftp uploads in your database (using Django to access it for logs or graphs or whatever), you can make a python script that uses Django which runs via cron.
James Bennett wrote a great article on how to do this which you can read in full here:
The main gist of it is that, you can write standalone django scripts that cron can launch and run periodically, and these scripts can fully utilize your Django database, models, and anything else they want to. This gives you the flexibility to run whatever code you need and populate your database, while not trying to make Django do something it wasn't meant to do (Django is a web framework, and is event-driven, not time-driven).
Best of luck!