Nvidia NVLink: does Vulkan see 2 GPUs as a single big one? [duplicate] - c++

Would using multi-GPUs in Vulkan be something like making many command queues then dividing command buffers between them?
There are 2 problems:
In OpenGL, we use GLEW to get functions. With more than 1 GPU, each GPU has its own driver. How'd we use Vulkan?
Would part of the frame be generated with a GPU & the others with other GPUs like use Intel GPU to render UI & AMD or Nvidia GPU to render game screen in labtops for example? Or would a frame be generated in a GPU & the next frame in an another GPU?

Updated with more recent information, now that Vulkan exists.
There are two kinds of multi-GPU setups: where multiple GPUs are part of some SLI-style setup, and the kind where they are not. Vulkan supports both, and supports them both in the same computer. That is, you can have two NVIDIA GPUs that are SLI-ed together, and the Intel embedded GPU, and Vulkan can interact with them all.
Non-SLI setups
In Vulkan, there is something called the Vulkan instance. This represents the base Vulkan system itself; individual devices register themselves to the instance. The Vulkan instance system is, essentially, implemented by the Vulkan SDK.
Physical devices represent a specific piece of hardware that implements the interface to a GPU. Each piece of hardware that exposes a Vulkan implementation does so by registering its physical device with the instance system. You can query which physical devices are available, as well as some basic properties about them (their names, how much memory they offer, etc).
You then create logical devices for the physical devices you use. Logical devices are how you actually do stuff in Vulkan. They have queues, command buffers, etc. And each logical device is separate... mostly.
Now, you can bypass the whole "instance" thing and load devices manually. But you really shouldn't. At least, not unless you're at the end of development. Vulkan layers are far too critical for day-to-day debugging to just opt out of that.
There are mechanisms, core in Vulkan 1.1, that allow individual devices to be able to communicate some information to other devices. In 1.1, only certain kinds of information can be shared across physical devices (namely, fences and semaphores, and even then, only on Linux through sync files). While these APIs could provide a mechanism for sharing data between two physical devices, at present, the restriction on most forms of data sharing is that both physical devices must have matching UUIDs (and therefore are the same physical device).
SLI setups
Dealing with SLI is covered by two Vulkan 1.0 extensions: KHR_device_group and KHR_device_group_creation. The former is for dealing with "device groups" in Vulkan, while the latter is an instance extension for creating device-grouped devices. Both of these are core in Vulkan 1.1.
The idea with this is that the SLI aggregation is exposed as a single VkDevice, which is created from a number of VkPhysicalDevices. Each internal physical device is a "sub-device". You can query sub-devices and some properties about them. Memory allocations are specific to a particular sub-device. Resource objects (buffers and images) are not specific to a sub-device, but they can be associated with different memory allocations on the different sub-devices.
Command buffers and queues are not specific to sub-devices; when you execute a CB on a queue, the driver figures out which sub-device(s) it will run on, and fills in the descriptors that use the images/buffers with the proper GPU pointers for the memory that those images/buffers have been bound to on those particular sub-devices.
Alternate-frame rendering is simply presenting images generated from one sub-device on one frame, then presenting images from a different sub-device on another frame. Split-frame rendering is handled by a more complex mechanism, where you define the memory for the destination image of a rendering command to be split among devices. You can even do this with presentable images.

In vulkan you need to enumerate the devices and select the one you want to work with. There will be nothing stopping you from trying to work with 2 different ones separately. Each vulkan call needs at least 1 parameter as context. The loader layer will then forward the call to the correct driver. Or you can load the functions for each device separately to avoid the loader's trampoline.
A generated frame will need to be forwarded to the card that is connected to the screen for display. So it's more likely that 1 GPU is responsible for graphics and the others are used for physics.
Only a single device can be connected to a specific surface at a time so that device needs to get the rendered frame to copy it into the renderable image that gets pushed to the screen.

Device group is the way to go. Look at the vulkan specification for documentation. Vulkan handle all the dispatch to the others GPUs (when they are connected by sli/crossfire). All you need to do is to tell vulkan how the dispatch is done (for example dispatch one frame on a GPU and the next on another one). If you need to do compute work you will need to address each GPU individually. Please find a link for a reference: https://www.ea.com/seed/news/khronos-munich-2018-halcyon-vulkan


Device to device copy in Vulkan

I want to copy an image/buffer between two GPUs/physical devices in my Vulkan application (one vkInstance, two vkDevices). Is this possible without staging the image on the CPU or is there a feature like CUDA p2p? How would this look?
If staging on the host is required, what would be the optimal method for this?
is there a feature like CUDA p2p?
Vulkan 1.1 supports the concept of device groups to cover this situation.
It allows you to treat a set of physical devices as a single logical device, and also lets you query how memory can be manipulated within the device group, as well as do things like allocate memory on a subset of devices. Check the specifications for the full set of functionality.
Is this possible without staging the image on the CPU
If your devices don't support the extenson VK_KHR_device_group, then no. You must transfer the content through the CPU and system memory.
Since buffers are per-device, you would need two host-visible staging buffers, one for the read operation, and another for the write operation. You'll also need two queues, two command buffers, etc, etc...
You'll have to execute 3 operations with manual synchronization.
On the source GPU execute a copy from the device-local buffer to the host visible buffer for the same device.
On the CPU copy from the source GPU host visible buffer to the target GPU host-visible buffer
On the target GPU copy from the host-visible buffer to the device-local buffer
Make sure to inspect your device queue family properties and if possible use a queue from a queue family that is marked as transfer capable but not graphics or compute capable. The fewer flags a Vulkan queue family has, the better suited it is to the operations that it does have flags for. Most modern discrete GPUs have dedicated transfer queues, but again, queues are specific to devices, so you'll need to be interacting with one queue for each device to execute the transfer.
If staging on the host is required, what would be the optimal method for this?
Exactly how to execute this depends on your use case. If you want to execute the whole thing synchronously in a single thread, then you'll just be doing a bunch of submits and then waiting on fences. If you want to do it asynchronously in the background while you continue to render frames, then you'll still be doing the submits, but you'll have to non-blocking checking on the fences to see when operations complete before you move to the next part.
If you're transferring buffers there's probably nothing to be worried about in terms of optimal transfer, but if you're dealing with images then you have to get into the whole linear vs optimal image tiling mess. In order to avoid that I'd suggest using host visible buffers for staging, regardless of whether you're transferring images or buffers, and as such use vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer and vkCmdCopyBufferToImage to do the transfers between device-local and host-visible memory

Difference between Direct3D and DXGI

I'm trying to query a Windows machine, using C++, for a list of available graphics cards.
This SO question has an answer (from moxize) which provides one way (d3d9.h):
And this one provides another (dxgi.h): dxgi enumadapters
When I tried each, I found the dxgi method above listed all the cards whilst the d3d9 one seemed only to provide one of them, depending on the selection of the "preferred graphics processor" in the NVIDIA control panel.
I'm struggling to understand the difference between what each of the above programmatic routes provides and is meant to be used for?
The DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) was introduced with Vista. It basically factored all the enumeration, display and adapter management, and presentation stuff out of Direct3D. That way, all sorts of graphics APIs can coexist without a need to have separate mechanisms for these common tasks in each of them. It allows, e.g., all the Direct3D APIs (>= 10) to only be concerned with drawing 3D content into buffers and not care about where these buffers come from, or whether and how they are going to be displayed.
The old Direct3D 9 API still has its own interface for adapter enumeration. If I remember correctly, Direct3D 9 used to only enumerate adapters that actually had a display connected. Most likely because the API didn't really have support for headless rendering, so it wouldn't make sense to try use an adapter without an output. DXGI, on the other hand, operates on a more complete picture of the whole video and present network on your machine. Most importantly, it differentiates between adapters (graphics cards), and outputs (displays connected to an adapter). I assume you're running on a laptop or some other machine with an integrated as well as a dedicated GPU!? Switching the "preferred graphics processor" in the driver control panel will, most likely, change which of the two GPUs is (logically) connected to the display. And Direct3D 9 will then always only enumerate that oneā€¦

In D3D12, can the render target view be any buffer?

In the samples I have looked at so far some of the commands are something like:
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE with ID3D12DescriptorHeap::GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart (and maybe ID3D12Device::GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize)
(Optional?) ID3D12Device::CreateRenderTargetView
(Optional?) IDXGISwapChain3::GetBuffer
Schedule rendering stuff to a command list, of note OMSetRenderTargets and DrawInstanced, and then close the command list.
(Optional?) IDXGISwapChain3::Present
Schedule a signal with ID3D12CommandQueue::Signal on a fence
Wait for the GPU to finish with ID3D12Fence::SetEventOnCompletion and WaitForSingleObjectEx
If possible, how can step 4.1 be replaced with a buffer of choice? I.e. how can one create a ID3D12Resource* and render to it, and then read from it into say a std::vector? (I assume if this is possible that step 6.1 can be ignored, since there is no render target view for the swap chain to present to. Perhaps step 4 is unnecessary as well in this case ? Maybe only OMSetRenderTargets matters ?)
It depends on the video memory architecture as to where exactly the render target can be located. On some systems, it's in dedicated video memory that only the video card can access. In some systems it's in video memory shared across the bus that both CPU and GPU can access. In unified memory architectures, everything is in system memory.
Therefore, you have restrictions on where exactly the render target can be located. This is why you have to use D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT and specify D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_RENDER_TARGET when creating the ID3D12Resource you plan to bind as a render target (this is implicitly done by DXGI when you create the swap chain render target as well).
Generally speaking you can't and shouldn't use the low-level DXGI surface creation APIs to create Direct3D resources. They mostly exist for system use rather than by applications.
Unless you happen to be on a UMA system, you should minimize the CPU access to the render target as it will require expensive copies otherwise. Even on UMA systems, there's also required de-tiling as well to get the results into a linear form.
Direct3D 12 also offers the "Placed Resource" methods as well which can provide more control over where exactly the memory is allocated (or more specifically where the virtual memory addresses are allocated), but you still have to abide by the underlying architecture limitations. Depending on the memory architecture, you can "alias" multiple different ID3D12Resource instances all using the same memory (such as a render target being be aliased as a unordered access resource), but you are responsible for inserting the required resource barriers into the command list (and test it) to make sure that it works reliably on all DX12 hardware. See MSDN.
You do not have to Present your render target if you don't need the user to see the result.
Memory Management Strategies
UMA Optimizations: CPU Accessible Textures and Standard Swizzle
Getting Started with Direct3D 12
If you are new to DirectX 12, you should see the DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12 tutorials. If you aren't already familiar with DirectX 11, you should wait on DirectX 12 and start with DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 11.

graphics libraries and GPUs [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How does OpenGL work at the lowest level?
When we make a program that uses the OpenGL library, for example for the Windows platform and have a graphics card that supports OpenGL, what happens is this:
We developed our program in a programming language linking the graphics with OpenGL (eg Visual C++).
Compile and link the program for the target platform (eg Windows)
When you run the program, as we have a graphics card that supports OpenGL, the driver installed on the same Windows will be responsible for managing the same graphics. To do this, when the CPU will send the required data to the chip on the graphics card (eg NVIDIA GPU) sketch the results.
In this context, we talk about graphics acceleration and downloaded to the CPU that the work of calculating the framebuffer end of our graphic representation.
In this environment, when the driver of the GPU receives data, how leverages the capabilities of the GPU to accelerate the drawing? Translates instructions and data received CUDA language type to exploit parallelism capabilities? Or just copy the data received from the CPU in specific areas of the device memory? Do not quite understand this part.
Finally, if I had a card that supports OpenGL, does the driver installed in Windows detect the problem? Would get a CPU error or would you calculate our framebuffer?
You'd better work into computer gaming sites. They frequently give articles on how 3D graphics works and how "artefacts" present themselves in case of errors in games or drivers.
You can also read article on architecture of 3D libraries like Mesa or Gallium.
Overall drivers have a set of methods for implementing this or that functionality of Direct 3D or OpenGL or another standard API. When they are loading, they check the hardware. You can have cheap videocard or expensive one, recent one or one released 3 years ago... that is different hardware. So drivers are trying to map each API feature to an implementation that can be used on given computer, accelerated by GPU, accelerated by CPU like SSE4, or even some more basic implementation.
Then driver try to estimate GPU load. Sometimes function can be accelerated, yet the GPU (especially low-end ones) is alreay overloaded by other task, then it maybe would try to calculate on CPU instead of waiting for GPU time slot.
When you make mistake there is always several variants, depending on intelligence and quality of driver.
Maybe driver would fix the error for you, ignoring your commands and running its own set of them instead.
Maybe the driver would return to your program some error code
Maybe the driver would execute the command as is. If you issued painting wit hred colour instead of green - that is an error, but the kind that driver can not know about. Search for "3d artefacts" on PC gaming related sites.
In worst case your eror would interfere with error in driver and your computer would crash and reboot.
Of course all those adaptive strategies are rather complex and indeterminate, that causes 3D drivers be closed and know-how of their internals closely guarded.
Search sites dedicated to 3D gaming and perhaps also to 3D modelling - they should rate videocards "which are better to buy" and sometimes when they review new chip families they compose rather detailed essays about technical internals of all this.
To question 5.
Some of the things that a driver does: It compiles your GPU programs (vertex,fragment, etc. shaders) to the machine instructions of the specific card, uploads the compiled programs to the appropriate area of the device memory and arranges the programs to be executed in parallel on the many many graphics cores on the card.
It uploads the graphics data (vertex coordinates, textures, etc.) to the appropriate type of graphics card memory, using various hints from the programmer, for example whether the date is frequently, infrequently, or not at all updated.
It may utilize special units in the graphics card for transfer of data to/from host memory, for example some nVidia card have a DMA unit (some Quadro card may have two or more), which can upload, for example, textures in parallel with the usual driver operation (other transfers, drawing, etc).

How GDI/GDI+ works without OpenGL or DirectX

Sorry if this is off-topic here. If so; please feel free to move it to the appropriate site.
How does GDI/GDI+ render to the graphics card (display content on the screen) without the use of a lower-level API for communicating with the GPU such as DirectX or OpenGL? How does it draw to the screen without the use of either API? Yes; I know that the image is composited and rendered on the CPU, but then it SOMEHOW has to be sent to the GPU before being displayed on the monitor. How does this work?
GDI primitives are implemented by the video card driver. The video driver is provided by the GPU manufacturer, and communicates with the GPU using the proprietary register-level interface, no public API needed at this level.
Contrary to what you claim to know, the image is generally not fully rendered and composited on the CPU. Rather, the video driver is free to use any combination of CPU and GPU processing, and usually a large number of GDI commands (especially bit block transfers, aka blitting) are delegated to the GPU.
Since the proprietary interface has to be powerful enough to support the OpenGL client driver and DirectX driver, it's no surprise that the GDI driver can pass commands to the GPU for execution.
Early during boot (and Windows install) when no manufacturer-specific driver is available, the video API does perform all rendering in software and writes to the framebuffer, which is just the memory area which feeds the GPU RAMDAC and mapped into the CPU address space. The framebuffer is stored in one of several well-known formats (defined by VESA).