How to use a library created using Bazel - c++

I'm relatively new to Cpp and I was trying to build a simple app for a quant project. I've managed to use Bazel to convert a chunk of my code to a library residing in the bazel-bin directory in my repository as a .lib file.
However, I'm not able to figure out how to use this library in my main.cpp which is outside the library I created. Could anyone help with this? Thanks!

I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly, but I think, there is a .lib file that you want to use it (technically speaking, you need to link that .lib file to another app, or accessing in the main.cpp).
Ok, it depends on what build-system you use.
for MSVC:
Add the full path of the .lib file to Project Property Page -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies.
and don't forget to add the path to .h files (include path) to Project Property Page -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
It's the same for other build systems, you have to link it to the final built item.
for gcc there is a -L flag for the lib and a -h flag to point to the include directories.
in CMake:
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main lib_file_name)
if the lib file name is lib_file_name.lib you should not include .lib (just for cmake)


CMake how to find linked absolute path for *.lib files

I have a CMake project which is runnable, with part of the code
target_link_libraries(exec PRIVATE d3d11.lib dwmapi.lib d3dcompiler.lib)
How do I know which *.lib (from where) is used?
Is it possible to print the path?
Try to find the path to CMake link library, specifically *.lib files.

CMake and MinGW-w64 include paths

I have a C++ project that needs to be built with CMake and MinGW-W64.
Some libraries (such as zlib, libpng) are in: C:\Dev\mingw64-5.3.0\x86_64-w64-mingw32\
So I use : -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\Dev\mingw64-5.3.0\x86_64-w64-mingw32"
But, I get a compilation error because the following header is outdated and miss important symbols:
If I add a compiler flag to search into the proper include directory for float.h:
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-isystem C:/Dev/mingw64-5.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/5.3.0/include"
Then, this does not work, since CMake will add this folder after its generated includes_CXX.rsp
How can I handle this issue? Is there a way to enforce header search path priority?
You could also add the include location(s) to environment variable C_INCLUDE_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH.
To locate the libraries you can do the same for the lib with the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
For DLL and EXE files you may even need to add the bin path to PATH.

Error : LNK1104 cannot open file 'pthread.lib'

I am trying to compile a native Linux C++ application in Windows using Visual Studio 2017. The app uses WebRtc's Acoustic Echo Cancellation(AEC) APIs to negate echo on wav files. Following is the CmakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
function(prepend_path var prefix)
set(listVar "")
foreach(f ${ARGN})
list(APPEND listVar "${prefix}/${f}")
set(${var} "${listVar}" PARENT_SCOPE)
prepend_path(WEBRTC_SRC webrtc/webrtc ${WEBRTC_SRC_})
add_executable(webrtc-audioproc webrtc-audioproc.cpp ${WEBRTC_SRC})
target_link_libraries(webrtc-audioproc gflags pthread)
When I try to build it, I get the following errror:
Error : LNK1104 cannot open file 'pthread.lib'
Here is the link to the only linux dependent source file(cpp) of the project:
What will be the right approach to port the code from Linux to windows?
Whats is Windows equivalent of gflags and pthread? And what necessary changes needs to go to CmakeLists.txt?
P.S: I have already added pthread header, dll and libs to Visual Studio directory manually.
If 'missing pthread library' is the only error, you can use pthread-w32. We have successfully used it in some of our cross-platform apps requiring pthread.
They have libraries for both 64-bit and 32-bit. You can download and add it into your project. You haven't mentioned your toolset - their libraries are named differently depending on your toolset (MSVC or GNU) so you need to pick the right one. Check out their FAQ.
Hope it helps.
You need to us the actual lib file which is typically not "pthread.lib". It's most likely "pthreadVC3.lib" or "pthreadVC2.lib". Find the actual name by looking in the lib directory of your source package. You might see other lib files in there like "pthreadVCE3.lib" and "pthreadVSE3.lib", but you want to link "pthreadVC3.lib".
You can either add this in the project settings, or add the following code:
#pragma comment(lib,"pthreadVC3.lib")
To add it to the project settings:
Go to project properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->General and add your library path to Additional Library Directories
Go to project properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input and add the lib file (such as "pthreadVC3.lib") to Additional Dependencies
Make sure you have the correct version of pthread to match your compile settings, ie x86/x64.
In my case, I am using VCPkg for package management and I installed pthreads using the following commands:
vcpkg install pthread:x86-windows
vcpkg install pthread:x64-windows
And my package lib directory is "C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib"
I additionally had to add the following to my project settings as vcpkg wasn't integrating automatically:
Go to project properties->Configuration Properties->VC++ Directories and add "C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include" to Include Directories
Go to project properties->Configuration Properties->VC++ Directories and add "C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib" to Library Directories

Adding POCO C++ Library Netbeans on Linux

I am trying to use POCO C++ Library with Netbeans IDE on Ubuntu Linux 13.04. I have downloaded, build and installed the POCO C++ Library. The library can be found in the directory "/usr/local/include/Poco". I would like to know how to add the POCO C++ Library to the Netbeans IDE and be able to work with it. Please answer with details.
Thank You
To link an external libraries you need in general three things:
To add the header files as an include directory -I flag
To add the library path to your POCO C++ *.so files -L flag
To add the library name to your compiler without the lib prefix, for example with poco would be poco-Foundation and the name of your file in your system would be
Now for Netbeans specific
For the header files
File -> Project Properties -> Build -> C++ Compiler -> General -> Include Directories which is step one
For the library directories
Project -> properties -> Linker -> Additional Library Directories which is step two
For the library
Project -> properties -> Linker ->Libraries -> Add option -> Other is only for the library file, which is step three.
In the case of the Poco Libraries they are usually handled like the Boost Libraries, for example
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
This means the Include Directory has to be one level up from the Poco folder. For example if your Poco folder is on "/usr/local/include/Poco" then you need to add the "/usr/local/include" to your Include Directories (from step one).
As for the -L/usr/local/include/Poco This is not how it is done. This path is the path to your specific library, in the case of poco there is Foundation, XML, Net, and Util along with the test projects. You need to find the files that are named libPoco-*.so where "*" means something. This is most likely in your the directory usr/local/lib if those files are not there then they are most likely in usr/local/lib/Poco
If there are no files named libPoco-*.so you have to build your Poco libraries separately.

How do I set up CMake to generate header-only projects?

I want to set up header-only C++ (or C) library projects, but can't find a clean way.
After some searches I've found that you can't set up a normal library using add_library to do this because it requires a compilable source file.
A way to do this would be to use add_custom_target instead, this way:
# Get all headers (using search instead of explicit filenames for the example)
add_custom_target( libsxsd SOURCES ${XSD_HEADERS} )
But that doesn't seem to work completely here as I can't see the sources in the project generated in VS2010. I don't know if it's a bug or if I'm doing it wrong or if there is a preferred way to do this.
Update: CMake will soon include a library target called INTERFACE that is ideal for header-only projects. This feature is currently in the master branch. Reference.
Using the command add_custom_target as you propose works for me (VS2010). The files are neatly listed within my project but it has the drawback that you can't define any "Additional Include Directories" with a custom target. Instead, I now use the following:
add_library(HEADER_ONLY_TARGET STATIC test1.hpp test2.hpp)
This sets up your header-only project as a dummy archive target. Don't worry, no actual binaries will be generated if you should try and build it (at least not in VS2010 and Xcode 4). The command set_target_properties is there because CMake will otherwise complain that it cannot infer the target language from .hpp files only.
You can do this using the recent Interface Library feature:
add_library(mylib INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(mylib INTERFACE my_include_dir1 my_include_dir2)
This creates a library target without any source files, and adds the include directories to the INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property of the target. This means that any target that links to this library will get these directories as include paths (-I) when built.
For instance, to use the library with an executable target, just do:
add_executable(myexec ${MY_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(myexec mylib)
I think what you are looking for is just adding an include directory using the
"include_directories" command for cmake.
When doing this, if it is a third party tool that you don't have control over, I would also add the "SYSTEM" flag.
So you command would look like something like this:
include_directories(SYSTEM ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS})