Using regex to pull domain from URL - regex

I'm currently working on a regex query to pull out the domain name of a URL. The catch is, I only want to pull the domain if it has the following format:
If the domain is, i don't want to detect that. The part I'm struggling with is, I also don't want to detect on the domain if it has more than one dash in it. For example: shouldn't be detected.
This is my regex, anyone have any idea on what I should do?

Try this:
See live demo.
The regex \w means "word character", which includes letters, numbers and the underscore.
If you strictly want only letters, use


regular expressions: catch any URLs of the domain

I'm trying to get regexp code for the below case. I tried multiple tries but in vain.
I need to catch any URLs of the domain Tried using regexp '^*$
but it does not recognizes it.
i'm just looking for regexp code whichmatches*
With your expression ^*$ you match all strings that start with and have zero or more trailing / characters (/*):
If you want to match any strings starting with you might want to try ^site\.com/.*$:
There are already a lot of other regex questions regarding domain names on SO, but your question is not clear to me in what context you are trying to do this, or what is the actual goal you want to achieve. If you describe your needs more precisely you could probably find some answers on this forum.
I generally use a helper website like
Also, a few things to note, . has a special meaning in regex meaning any character, and if you wanted to capture you might want to use something where you are not limited to the number of characters by the end. I'd do this with groupings.
You can see this in action here:
Your regex ^*$ is only matched follow sentences
because * asterisk in regex means Match 0 or more of the preceding token.
so, it should be work

Regex on domain and negation against language subfolders

Let's say my domains are:
These are language sites, the first is the main US English site. In Google Analytics I want to set up a filter to only show me traffic of the first (US) domain. I could do this, I think:
If I EXCLUDE my Request URI with that filter pattern, then I should get a view for the en-US domain. However, I'm interested in understanding regex better so here is some test data and code which I am trying out on
Regular expression:
Test String
My questions:
If you try this out, you'll notice that /en-gb-test/ is actually matched with the Regex. How do I avoid this?
Also, let's say I wanted to have a rule to NEGATE this whole option. So rather than telling Google Analytics to "exclude", I am curious how I could write the opposite of this same rule. So basically, catch all URLs that are not in /en-gb and /cn-cn sub-folders.
Thanks in advance!
You may stop the regex from matching en-gb-test by making sure you may / or ? after it or the end of the string
See the regex demo. If you really need to get the rest of the string, add .* after [\/?]: ^\/(en-gb|cn-cn)([\/?]|$).
^ - start of string
\/ - a / (note that you do not need to escape / in GA regex)
(en-gb|cn-cn) - a capturing group with 2 alternatives, either en-gb or cn-cn
([\/?]|$) - a capturing group with two alternatives: a ? or / OR the end of the string.
In RE2 regex, you cannot use lookaheads that are crucial when you need to match something other than something else. It would look like ^(?!\/(en-gb|cn-cn)([\/?]|$)).*, but it is not possible with RE2.

RegEx for URL ending with a query string

I've been using Ensighten for tag management. The way it manages conditions (which pages the tracking scripts are deployed onto) is by using RegEx for the protocol, host and path separately.
Right now, my current condition looks a bit like this:
Protocol: ^(https?)$
Host: ^((www|www-qa)\.example\.com)$
Path: ^(/section-one/page/?|/section-two/page/?|/section-three/page/?)$
This works fine. However, I've been asked to add a URL ending with a query string, and that's where I'm having an issue.
Essentially, I need to also target a URL with the following format:
How do I edit my RegEx for the URL path to include this path?
/section-one/page?&var[any numbers, letters, symbols]
Note that for this /section-one/, I only want to target /page or /page + a query string, no subpages. I don't want to target a specific query string. I also want the other pages already in my RegEx to remain included.
How do I write this expression? I have to stick to the "must match this RegEx" single-expression format.
Improvement of what you've got:
Backslash can generally escape the special meaning of a question mark, though it depends on flavor.
This assumes that the $ above is more than just a formality, i.e. that it matches the end of the URL.
If you need to use capturing parentheses to actually store the query string, the engine should give you the longest possible match for .* so that there is of course:

Google Analytics Regex excluding a certain url in a sub folder

Currently on my GA Account I have the following URL's from our website tracked:
The first two are from our new website which we want to track, the last one is from our old website (traffic is still being tracked but we do not want to use this)
I tried using a regex filter on this as the following:
Reading up, I believe this looks for matches of exactly:
/contact-us/global-contact-list or /contact us/ but would disallow /contact-us/contactlist/
for some reason, the above one is still coming through. Can someone please see as to why this may be happening or know why this is happening?
You need to add a negative look-behind or a end of string anchor:
This way, you will exclude /contact-us/contactlist/ from matching.
Have a look at the Demo 1 and Demo 2.
BTW, /contact us/ will not pass since (^/contact-us/) only allows a hyphen. You should add a space, e.g. (^/contact-us/global-contact-list\.aspx)|(^/contact[-\s]us/$).
Also, (^/contact-us/global-contact-list\.aspx) won't match /contact-us/global-contact-list because it needs to match .aspx.

Regex for multiple specific email addresses

I am still figuring my way around regex and have come across a problem that I am trying to solve. How do I validate for multiple specific email addresses?
For example, I want to only allow,, to be validated. All other email addresses are not allowed. OK OK OK NOT OK
But I'm stil unclear on how to add multiple specific email addresses for the regex.
Any and all help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Do you mean to include various ligitimate domains in one regex?
You didn't specify which language you're using, but most regex implementations have a notion of logical operators, so the domain part of your pattern would have something like:
Assuming the above works for testdomain:
Also, please note that you will have to add a case insensitive i modifier for this to work with your test cases, or use [A-Za-z0-9._%-] instead of [A-Z0-9._%-]
See here
To make this expandable to many domains, I would probably capture the domain name and then compare that captured domain name with your whitelist in code.
First, ".+" will match any number (more than 0) of any characters up until the last "#" symobol in the string.
Second, "#" will match the "#" symbol.
Third, "(.+)" will match and capture (capture because of the parenthesis) any character string after the "#" symbol.
Then, depending on the language you are using, you can get the captured string. Then you can see if that captured string is in your domain whitelist. Note, you'll want to do a case insensitive comparison in this last step.
The official standard is known as RFC 2822.
Use OR operator | for all domain names you want to allow. Do not forget to escape . in the domain.
Also use case-insensitivity modifier/flag to allow capital letters in the address.