SAS Erase all lines that have a particular condition - sas

Suppose I have the following dataset:
Name Option
---- ------
I want to delete all lines in which in column "Name" there is a letter that in column Option as an X
In the previous example for instance I would like to delete all lines in which in Name there is A, C and E.
How could I do?
I am a beginner in Sas

Use delete.
data want;
set have;
if(option = 'X') then delete;
An important note about delete: no other code will run after this statement. If you have code after this conditional then it will not execute. This is a unique feature of delete.
You can optionally use remove instead, in which case additional code will run after the statement.

Since you are a beginning let's explain some basic terminology. A DATESET consists of OBSERVATIONS (what you might call a row or a line) and VARIABLES (what you might call a column).
If you want to select observations that contain particular values then you probably want to use the IN operator.
data want;
set have;
where name not in ('A','B','C');
If you want to select observations where the value of the variable NAME contains a particular letter then you probably want to use INDEXC() function.
data want;
set have;
where not indexc(name,'ABC');
If you do not care about the case of the letters then you could convert the values to uppercase and test. Or switch to the FINDC() function instead, which has more options, including one to ignore the case when checking for letter matches.
data want;
set have;
where not findc(name,'ABC','i');

Here is a SQL solution if you want to delete ALL rows corresponding to a name that has any row with OPTION='X'
data have;
infile datalines missover;
input name $ option $;
proc sql;
create table remove as
select distinct(name) from have
where option = 'X'
create table want as
select * from have
where name not in (select name from remove)
The following code is an old-school SAS technique of SORT and MERGE and produces the same result.
proc sort data=have;
by name;
data filter;
set have;
by name;
where option='X';
data want;
merge have filter(in=residue);
by name;
if not residue;


Combine one column's values into a single string

This might sound awkward but I do have a requirement to be able to concatenate all the values of a char column from a dataset, into one single string. For example:
data person;
input attribute_name $ dept $;
John Sales
Mary Acctng
skrill Bish
Result : test_conct = "JohnMarySkrill"
The column could vary in number of rows in the input dataset.
So, I tried the code below but it errors out when the length of the combined string (samplkey) exceeds 32K in length.
DATA RECKEYS(KEEP=test_conct);
length samplkey $32767;
do until(eod);
SET person END=EOD;
if lengthn(attribute_name) > 0 then do;
test_conct = catt(test_conct, strip(attribute_name));
output; stop;
Can anyone suggest a better way to do this, may be break down a column into chunks of 32k length macro vars?
It would very much help if you indicated what you're trying to do but a quick method is to use SQL
proc sql NOPRINT;
select name into :name_list separated by ""
from sashelp.class;
%put &name_list.;
As you've indicated macro variables do have a size limit (64k characters) in most installations now. Depending on what you're doing, a better method may be to build a macro that puts the entire list as needed into where ever it needs to go dynamically but you would need to explain the usage for anyone to suggest that option. This answers your question as posted.
Try this, using the VARCHAR() option. If you're on an older version of SAS this may not work.
data _null_;
set sashelp.class(keep = name) end=eof;
length long_var varchar(1000000);
length want $256.;
retain long_var;
long_var = catt(long_var, name);
if eof then do;
want = md5(long_var);
put want;

SAS - Create Dummy Variables for All Variables

I have a dataset with X number of categorical variables for a given record. I would like to somehow turn this dataset into a new dataset with dummy variables, but I want to have one command / macro that will take the dataset and make the dummy variables for all variables in the dataset.
I also dont want to specify the name of each variable, because I could have a dataset with 50 variables so it would be too cumbersome to have to specify each variable name.
Lets say I have a table like this, and I want the resulting table, with the above conditions that I want a single command or single macro without specifying each individual variable:
You can use PROC GLMSELECT to generate the design matrix, which is what you are asking for.
data test;
input id v1 $ v2 $ v3 $ ;
1 A A A
2 B B B
3 C C C
4 A B C
5 B A A
6 C B A
proc glmselect data=test outdesign(fullmodel)=test_design noprint ;
class v1 -- v3;
model id = v1 -- v3 /selection=none noint;
You can use the -- to specify all variables between the first and last. Notice I don't have to type v2. So if you know first and the last, you can get want you want easily.
I prefer GLMMOD myself. One note, if you can, CLASS variables are usually a better way to go, but not supported by all PROCS.
/*Run model within PROC GLMMOD for it to create design matrix
Include all variables that might be in the model*/
proc glmmod data=sashelp.class outdesign=want outparm=p;
class sex age;
model weight=sex age height;
/*Create rename statement automatically
data p;
set p;
if _n_=1 and effname='Intercept' then
var=catt("Col", _colnum_, "=", catx("_", effname, vvaluex(effname)));
proc sql ;
select var into :rename_list separated by " " from p;
/*Rename variables*/
proc datasets library=work nodetails nolist;
modify want;
rename &rename_list;
proc print data=want;
Originally from here and the post has links to several other methods.
Here is a worked example using your simple three observation dataset and a modified version of the PROC GLMMOD method posted by #Reeza
First let's make a sample dataset with a long character ID variable. We will introduce a numeric ROW variable that we can later use to merge the design matrix back with the input data.
data have;
input id :$21. education_lvl $ income_lvl $ ;
1 A A
2 B B
3 C C
You could set the list of variables into a macro variable since we will need to use it in multiple places.
%let varlist=education_lvl income_lvl;
Use PROC GLMMOD to generate the design matrix and the parameter list that we will later use to generate user friendly variable names.
proc glmmod data=have outdesign=design outparm=parm noprint;
class &varlist;
model row=&varlist / noint ;
Now let's use the parameter list to generate rename statement to a temporary text file.
filename code temp;
data _null_;
set parm end=eof;
length rename $65 ;
rename = catx('=',cats('col',_colnum_),catx('_',effname,of &varlist));
file code ;
if _n_=1 then put 'rename ' ;
put #3 rename ;
if eof then put ';' ;
Now let's merge back with the input data and rename the variables in the design matrix.
data want;
merge have design;
by row ;
%inc code / source2;

Select many columns and other non-continuous columns to find duplicate?

I have a dataset with many columns like this:
ID Indicator Name C1 C2 C3....C90
A 0001 Black 0 1 1.....0
B 0001 Blue 1 0 0.....1
B 0002 Blue 1 0 0.....1
Some of the IDs are duplicates because the indicator is different, but they're essentially the same record. To find duplicates, I want to select distinct ID, Name and then C1 through C90 to check because some claims who have the same Id and indicator have different C1...C90 values.
Is there a way to select c1...c90 either through proc sql or a sas data step? It seems the only way I can think of is to set the dataset and then drop the non essential columns, but in the actual dataset, it's not only Indicator but at least 15 other columns.
It would be nice if PROC SQL used the : variable name wildcard like other Procs do. When no other alternative is reasonable, I usually use a macro to select bulk columns. This might work for you:
%macro sel_C(n);
%do i=1 %to %eval(&n.-1);
%mend sel_C;
proc sql;
select ID,
from have_data;
If I understand the question properly, the easiest way would be to concatenate the columns to one. RETAIN that value from row to row, and you can compare it across rows to see if it's the same or not.
data want;
set have;
by id indicator;
retain last_cols;
length last_cols $500;
cols = catx('|',of c1-c90);
if then call missing(last_cols);
else do;
identical = (cols = last_cols); *or whatever check you need to perform;
last_cols = cols;
There are a few different ways you can do this and it will be much easier if the actual column names are C1 - C90. If you're just looking to remove anything that you know is a duplicate you can use proc sort.
proc sort data=dups out=nodups nodupkey;
by ID Name C1-C90;
The nodupkey option will automatically remove any duplicates in the by statement.
Alternatively, if you want to know which records contain duplicates, you could use proc summary.
proc summary data=dups nway missing;
class ID Name C1-C90;
output out=onlydups(where=(_freq_ > 1));
proc summary creates two new variables, _type_ and _freq_. If you specify _freq_ > 1 you will only output the duplicate records. Also, note that this will remove the Indicator variable.

Drop a range of variables in SAS

I currently have a dataset with 200 variables. From those variables, I created 100 new variables. Now I would like to drop the original 200 variables. How can I do that?
Slightly better would be, how I can drop variables 3-200 in the new dataset.
sorry if I was vague in my question but basically I figured out I need to use --.
If my first variable is called first and my last variable is called last, I can drop all the variables inbetween with (drop= first--last);
Thanks for all the responses.
As with most SAS tasks, there are several alternatives. The easiest and safest way to drop variables from a SAS data set is with PROC SQL. Just list the variables by name, separated by a comma:
proc sql;
alter table MYSASDATA
drop name, age, address;
Altering the table with PROC SQL removes the variables from the data set in place.
Another technique is to recreate the data set using a DROP option:
data have;
set have(drop=name age address);
And yet another way is using a DROP statement:
data have;
set have;
drop name age address;
Lots of options - some 'safer', some less safe but easier to code. Let's imagine you have a dataset with variables ID, PLNT, and x1-x200 to start with.
data have;
array x[200];
do _t = 1 to dim(x);
data want;
set have;
*... create new 100 variables ... ;
*option 1:
drop x1-x200; *this works when x1-x200 are numerically consecutive;
*option 2:
drop x1--x200; *this works when they are physically in order on the dataset -
only the first and last matter;
*Or, do it this way. This would also work with SQL ALTER TABLE. This is
the safest way to do it.;
proc sql;
select name into :droplist separated by ' ' from dictionary.columns
where libname='WORK' and memname='HAVE' and name not in ('ID','PRNT');
proc datasets lib=work;
modify want;
drop &droplist.;
If all of the variables you want to drop are named so they all start the same (like old_var_1, old_var_2, ..., old_var_n), you could do this (note the colon in drop option):
data have;
set have(drop= old_var:);
data want;
set have;
drop VAR1--VARx;
Would love to know if you can do this by position.
Definitely works with variable names separated by double dash (--).
I have some macros that would allow this here
You could run that whole set of macros, or just run list_vars(), is_blank(), num_words, find_word, remove_word, remove_words , nth_word().
Using these it would be:
%let keep_vars = keep_this and_this also_this;
%let drop_vars = %list_vars(old_dataset);
%let drop_vars = %remove_words(&drop_vars , &keep_vars);
data new_dataset (drop = &drop_vars );
set old_dataset;
/*stuff happens*/
This will keep the three variables keep_this and_this also_this but drop everything else in the old dataset.

How to create a new variable in SAS by extracting part of the value of an existing numeric variable?

I have two datasets in SAS that I would like to merge, but they have no common variables. One dataset has a "subject_id" variable, while the other has a "mom_subject_id" variable. Both of these variables are 9-digit codes that have just 3 digits in the middle of the code with common meaning, and that's what I need to match the two datasets on when I merge them.
What I'd like to do is create a new common variable in each dataset that is just the 3 digits from within the subject ID. Those 3 digits will always be in the same location within the 9-digit subject ID, so I'm wondering if there's a way to extract those 3 digits from the variable to make a new variable.
SQL(using sample data from Data Step code):
proc sql;
create table want2 as
select a.subject_id, a.other, b.mom_subject_id, b.misc
from have1 a JOIN have2 b
Data Step:
data have1;
length subject_id $9;
input subject_id $ other $;
abc001def other1
abc002def other2
abc003def other3
abc004def other4
abc005def other5
data have2;
length mom_subject_id $9;
input mom_subject_id $ misc $;
ghi001jkl misc1
ghi003jkl misc3
ghi005jkl misc5
data have1;
length id $3;
set have1;
data have2;
length id $3;
set have2;
Proc sort data=have1;
by id;
Proc sort data=have2;
by id;
data work.want;
merge have1(in=a) have2(in=b);
by id;
an alternative would be to use
proc sql
and then use a join and the substr() just as explained above, if you are comfortable with sql
Assuming that your "subject_id" variable is a number then the substr function wont work as sas will try convert the number to a string. But by default it pads some paces on the left of the number.
You can use the modulus function mod(input, base) which returns the remainder when input is divided by base.
/*First get rid of the last 3 digits*/
temp_var = floor( subject_id / 1000);
/* then get the next three digits that we want*/
id = mod(temp_var ,1000);
Or in one line:
id = mod(floor(subject_id / 1000), 1000);
Then you can continue with sorting the new data sets by id and then merging.