I have a sphinx documentation and django projet in two separate folder. When I try to render the sphinx template in my django projet, I loose all the css style and js link.
Is there a way load all dependencies?
so I’m working with Django and I’m trying to figure out how in the edit the CSS using nothing but Django CMS?
Is there a way?
Anything would be helpful.
Django CMS does not have any inline editing features of CSS or any other markup. This is by design and it is not something like Wordpress.
To edit CSS you will need to create your own css files as part of your project.
If you need to add eg an HTML or CSS snippet into a page, there's an offical plugin for that 👌 - https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-snippet
And as #Aiky30 said, the global CSS code is better to place in static in accordance with django best practices.
I used webpack to convert react to static files and render them in django templates but even though the static files are changed the website rendered by django is same
I am new developing both django and bootstrap. Is it possible to use both for templates?
I have a full html developed site with bootstrap that I want to use as base.html but when I extend it from another template it doesn't recognize any style format.
Is there a way to solve this problem? I have already installed django-bootstrap with pip.
My project has:
templates / inside : registration_folder / base.html
static / inside : css / js / img
I am using django-registration thats why I have the registration_folder containing registration_form.html
In the registration_form.html I extend base.html and the form appears fine but the whole site has no style format. I have bootstrap files inside the corresponding folder from 'static'.
In base.html under head I have:
and setings.py : STATIC_URL = '/static/'
From experience: Yes. I've used Django as a framework and bootstrap as the frontend.
That being said, are you sure all of your links to the CSS and JS files are correct? same with the Django installation on the server? Because from experience, all I had to do was extend the base (assuming you know how extending works in django).
I am currently trying to render an HTML+CSS DJango view to PDF, so instead of rendering the page, the HTML with the correct styling from CSS files is generated correctly.
Here is your guide PDF Generation With PISA in Django and here the Django Docs (as mentioned by #Ngenator)
I am using django grapelli. It is in the static/admin/ directory, which is used by admin site.
I create a public directory, which separate from admin, and can be access from public.
Django grapelli come with jquery and some other css.
Should I create a static/public/ to store css and js for public site or should I use the admin static css and js?
I create a a directory name public in static directory - static/public/, but I seems not able to serve the static files.
In order to make it as seamless as possible, django serves the admin media in the development server from within the django sources.
In order to make it take the grapelli media, you should do:
python manage.py runserver --adminmedia=./static/public
And it serves the admin media from that directory!