Can Cloud Run automatically use latest digest? - google-cloud-platform

I have a continuous deployment pipeline setup with Github via Cloud Build Triggers. Each time a push is made to the main branch, the cloudbuild.yaml does its thing and produces a digest with a tag of latest. All of my digests are stored in Artifact Registry. Is there anyway to get Cloud Run to always use the digest tagged as latest? During the setup of my Cloud Run service this seems to be the case but after the service has been created, the image ends up resolving to a SHA value ie a specific digest rather than the tag.

When you deploy a revision on Cloud Run, the LASTEST version of the image is used and cached on Cloud Run infrastructure.
If your CI/CD pipeline generate other container images, with the LATEST tag (but it's also true with defined tag), Cloud Run DOES NOT reload its cache. You have to deploy a new revision to update that cache.
Therefore, at the end of your pipeline add a cloud run deployment to update the container version.


How to auto-deploy to Compute Engine from Artifact Registry?

I'm working on an app. The code is in a Cloud Source Repository. I've set up a Build Trigger with Cloud Build so that when I push new commits, the app is automatically built: it's containerized and the image is pushed to the Artifact Registry.
I also have a Compute Engine VM instance with a Container-Optimized OS. It's set up to use my app's container image. So when I start the VM, it pulls the latest image from the Artifact Registry and runs the container.
So, currently, deploying involves two steps:
Pushing new commits, which updates the container in the Artifact Registry.
Restarting my VM, which pulls the new container from the Artifact Registry.
Is there a way to combine these two steps?
Build Triggers detect code changes to trigger builds. Is there similar way for automatically triggering deployments from the Artifact Registry to Compute Engine?
Thank you.

Google Kubernetes Engine CD CI with Git

I'm relatively new to Google Kubernetes Engine and Google cloud platform.
I managed to use and connect the following services.
Source Repositories
Cloud Builder and Container Registry
I'm currently using git bash on my local machine to push it to Google source repositories. Google Cloud Build builds the image and creates a new artifact. Each time I change my app and push the changes to cloud repositories a new artifact is created. I would then copy the new artifact to Kubernetes Workloads Rolling Update
Is there a better way to automate this? e.g. CD/CI without
You can set the rolling update strategy in your deployment spec from the beginning.
You can then use Cloud Build to push new images to your cluster once the image has been built instead of manually going to the GKE console and update the image.

AWS ECS Restart service if not running latest image

I'm setting up automated deployments using Azure DevOps to deploy to AWS ECS running services on an EC2 instance (not Fargate). Docker images are loaded into ECR and ECS is fully setup using CloudFormation templates.
After deployments are done (new image loaded and/or any CloudFormation changes applied) I need to restart the service only if it's not running the latest version of the image that the Task Definition uses. If CloudFormation updated the service or task definition then it will automatically restart and I don't want to restart it again. Also, if the docker image was not deployed then I don't want to restart it. So, is there a way to check what version of an image a service task is currently running?
I can't check if the version of a task definition changed because most of the time it would just be the image that changes and not the task definition. I am loading the image using the Latest tag so I can just call ForceNewDeployment on the service to have it deploy the new version, but if it's possible I don't want to do that if nothing has changed.
I initially thought of trying to keep track of it in the deployment process but due to how our release pipeline is setup and some of the limits in Azure DevOps that's not something I'll be able to do.
I think the best solution, if it's possible, would be to check to see what version of an Image is currently running for each task in a service and if an image has an updated version then do a ForceNewDeployment on the service. there a way to accomplish that? Or would there be a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
Edit: When I load the Docker image to ECR I'm adding two tags: "Latest" and the DevOps release number ("1234"). I was initially hoping to just query the ECR images at the end of a release and if one has a tag with the current release number then I know the image has been updated. The issue is that I don't know if the service was already restarted due to a CloudFormation change.

ECS auto deploy with ECR

I'm using GitHub, Jenkins, AWS ECR, AWS ECS.
I want to deploy automatically when GitHub has a new commit.
When GitHub, have new commit, GitHub, sent webhook to Jenkins, Jenkins build images and push to ECR with tag 'latest'.
I wonder how can I make my ECS service restart task and redeploy images automatically when ECR image changed?
Don't use latest in this setup. Have Jenkins pick a tag for the image (maybe based off a source control commit ID, a source control tag name, or a timestamp). Give it the ability to update the ECS tasks, and then (once a build has happened and gone through appropriate pre-launch testing) have Jenkins change the image tag in the task to what it's just built. ECS will see that the image has changed, pull the new image, and launch containers accordingly.
Two other good reasons to do things this way: if you have explicit versions, you can have a pre-production cluster, deploy things there, run tests, and then deploy the same version to production; and if a deploy goes bad, you can straightforwardly roll back by manually setting the tag back to yesterday's build, which is impossible if the only version you have is latest.

Deploying a custom build of Datalab to Google Cloud platform

For a project we are trying to expand Google Cloud Datalab and deploy the modified version to the Google Cloud platform. As I understand it, the deploying process normally consists of the following steps:
Build the Docker image
Push it to the Container Registry
Use the container parameter with the Google Cloud deployer to specify the correct Docker image, as explained here.
Since the default container registry, i.e.<tag> is off-limits for non-Datalab contributors, we pushed the Docker image to our own container registry, i.e. to<project_id>/datalab:<tag>.
However, the Google Cloud deployer only pulls directly from<tag> (with the tag specified by the containerparameter) and does not seem to allow specification of the source container registry. The deployer does not appear to be open-source, leaving us with no way to deploy our image to Google Cloud.
We have looked into creating a custom deployment similar to the example listed here but this never starts Datalab, so we suspect the start script is more complicated.
Question: How can we deploy a Datalab image from our own container registry to Google Cloud?
Many thanks in advance.
The deployment parameters can be guessed but it is easier to get the Google Cloud Datalab deployment script by sshing to the temporary compute node that is responsible for deployment and browsing the /datalab folder. This contains a runtime configuration file for use with the App Engine Flexible Environment. Using this configuration file, the google preview app deploy command (which accepts an --image parameter for Docker images) will deploy this to the App Engine correctly.