Win32 GUI accent not displayed even in UNICODE - c++

I'm making a GUI using window API with MSVC 2022,
When I try to display é char in my widget, there is a problem with encoding
That is the code for the widget:
I tried with wide string and the TEXT macro
L"STATIC", // Predefined class; Unicode assumed
L"éééé", // text
10, // x position
10, // y position
250, // Button width
50, // Button height
hWnd, // Parent window
NULL, // No menu.
NULL); // Pointer not needed.
L"BUTTON", // Predefined class; Unicode assumed
TEXT("réééé"), // Button text
300, // x position
10, // y position
250, // Button width
50, // Button height
hWnd, // Parent window
(HMENU)ID_OK, // No menu.
NULL); // Pointer not needed.
My MSVC use UNICODE for the file (I checked in parameters) and defines UNICODE and _UNICODE.
Did I miss something ?
Thank you for your time
Thank to John is the comment, I solved the problem, the cpp file was saved in utf-8 instead of utf-16. This can be changed with the 'Save as' menu.

Did I miss something ?
Yes, the charset used in MVSC doesn't need to be the same than the one used in the library you are using, or the one selected at runtime. Check your library documentation, to support UNICODE, as it seems to be showing your unicode sequences as iso-latin-1 character pairs.
IMHO Microsoft has taken long to adapt to unicode. Despite MVSC already supports it, it is very probable that the Windows environment/library you use is not supporting it (or configured to) by default. The comment you use in the CreateWindowW call is not enough to make it to assume UNICODE characters. You'll probably need to specify it somewhere else.


How to update the current state for window after showing/hiding controls?

I'm a beginner and today is my first day in learning to create Windows application.
I have two buttons.
#define BUTTON_SW 1
#define BUTTON_SW2 2
HWND Button1;
HWND Button2;
Button1 = CreateWindow("button", "Enter", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 215, 10, 40, 25, hwnd, HMENU(BUTTON_SW), NULL, NULL);
Button2 = CreateWindow("button", "You'll be gone", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 260, 10, 95, 25, hwnd, HMENU(BUTTON_SW2), NULL, NULL);
When Button1 is clicked, how can I hide Button2 or make it lose its WS_VISIBLE flag and reflect current situation correctly, like this?
LONG style = GetWindowLong(Button2,GWL_STYLE);
style = style | WS_VISIBLE; // style = style & ~WS_VISIBLE
This works very well. However, once WS_VISIBLE flag is assigned, button still stays invisible until the first mouseclick on it.
Vice versa, when I use style = style & ~WS_VISIBLE; once WS_VISIBLE flag is removed, button becomes passive (unclickable) but stays visible.
How to fix this? Tried many things that I've found online but couldn't fix it. Also please don't suggest me to buy a decent book, I don't have the money for now.
(P.S: ShowWindow function with SW_HIDE/SW_SHOW somehow doesn't work for me, perhaps I'm using it wrong. Can you help me on how I can hide this Button2 correctly? I'm trying the following command, but nothing happens.)
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Button2, 2), SW_HIDE);
#Edit: I've noticed that when I minimize the app and maximize it
again, the state of button updates. But how will it automatically
update the state?
This should work
ShowWindow(Button2, SW_HIDE);
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(DialogHWND, BUTTON_SW2), SW_HIDE);
GetDlgItem needs HWND of the parent window (dialog) as first argument.
In order to a window to reflect changes you must ask the OS to do it.
Learn about RedrawWindow and the invalidated area.
Note that some actions, like resizing or restoring from minimized, automatically makes the OS to invalidate the region and redraw it.

Multiline button in winapi

How can I create a multiline button in winAPI (\n or even \r\n doesn't work). Here is the code:
HWND hPrzyciskoff = CreateWindowEx( 0, "BUTTON", "Play offline", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 410, 550, 380, 25, hwnd, NULL, hInstance, NULL );
Add BS_MULTILINE to the styles you specify in the 4th argument of CreateWindowEx().
As the documentation of Button Styles explains:
Wraps the button text to multiple lines if the text string is too long to fit on a single line in the button rectangle.
The \n characters inside the button text will then have the desired effect.
Check the screenshot on the Button Types page to see how it looks like.
Alternative to a big multiline push button could be a command link button BS_COMMANDLINK. It has a main text and extra notes (setup via BCM_SETNOTE message or Button_SetNote macro), shown in different size fonts. The fonts are predefined and cannot be changed as far as I know. There is also a default green arrow, which can be replaced with another image (via BM_SETIMAGE), but cannot be removed entirely. However, the button background can be changed via WM_CTLCOLORBTN message (this does not work for any other pushbutton), which can be quite handy sometimes, e.g. to blend with the window background like in toolbar.

C++ CreateWindow() function not defined

I started playing around with the win32 api in c++ and as i was about to make a button, the intellisense says "define CreateWindow CreateWindowA". When i seem to hover down, it also says "Error: expected a )'".
Here is my code:
CreateWindow(TEXT("button"), TEXT("You should press this button"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 50, 50, 300, 300, hWnd, (HMENU)somecrap, NULL, NULL);
So could you tell me what is exactly the problem? From searching the internet, people were saying it has something to do with the character set with the preprocessor, but i'm not exactly sure what to do .
The name CreateWindow is a macro. The real Win32 API functions are 2: CreateWindowA for ANSI and CreateWindowW for Unicode. Depending on UNICODE definition is used one of them.

C++ Win32 Multiline static label

I'm having a problem with multiple lines on a label.
I've tried using ES_MULTILINE, but whenever I use that I get a grey/black rectangle on the location of the label, without the text of the label.
CreateWindowW(L"STATIC", selectedPatternProblem, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_LEFT | ES_MULTILINE | WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC,500, 190, 380, 90,*hwnd, (HMENU) 1, NULL, NULL);
And when I add WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, the rectangle is gone, but so is my text.
The 'selectedPatternProblem' is too big to display on just one line, so my question is:
How can I display my label on multiple lines?
Edit: After deleting ES_MULTILINE and WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, I found out my word was too long. But now I wonder how can I display one long word on multiple lines?
You're using an edit control style (ES_MULTILINE) with a static control, which is not designed to support it. That style probably maps to SS_BLACKRECT or SS_GRAYRECT, which would explain the behavior you're observing.
You should not have to add any style to your current control to achieve what you want, because you're already specifying SS_LEFT, and the documentation says:
A simple rectangle and left-aligns the text in the rectangle. The text
is formatted before it is displayed. Words that extend past the end of
a line are automatically wrapped to the beginning of the next
left-aligned line. Words that are longer than the width of the control
are truncated.
Since you're specifying neither SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP nor one of the SS_*ELLIPSIS styles, the text should wrap between word boundaries.
Note you're also using the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message as a style, which will definitely not work as you expect. You should remove that value from your control's styles.
ES_MULTILINE is suitable for Edit controls not labels
Designates a multiline edit control. The default is single-line edit
When the multiline edit control is in a dialog box, the default
response to pressing the ENTER key is to activate the default button.
I used an edit control as an alternative to multi line edit control. I had set the following properties in resource file

How to recreate style used by resource editor when creating MFC controls dynamically?

I need to create some controls in a MFC dialog dynamically. The creation works fine so far, but the controls created dynamically are looking different from controls created with the resource editor. Some controls even behave different. I think, that I'm missing some initializations the generated code does.
Currently I only create CStatic and CEdit controls. Both don't use the standard windows font when I create them dynamically (the font looks more like the default font used prior to Windows 95, if I remember correctly).
Also, the CEdit control behaves different from when I create it with the resource editor. The dynamically created control seems to limit the text length to the visible size. I can set a longer text with SetWindowText() and read the full text back in with GetWindowText(), but the user can't enter a text longer than the size displayed. The CEdit control created by the resource editor behaves different: If the user enters a text longer than what can be displayed, the entered text ist "scrolled" inside the control (no scrollbars, as its only a single line control).
I tried fixing that problem by calling SetLimitText() on the control, but that didn't change the behavior.
The controls are saved to arrays defined in the dialog-class:
CStatic** m_pLabels;
CEdit** m_pEdits;
The creation of the controls happens in the OnInitDialog() method of the dialog-class:
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
m_pLabels[i] = new CStatic();
m_pLabels[i]->Create("key", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_RIGHT,
CRect(10, 10 + i * 30, 130, 35 + i * 30), this);
m_pEdits[i] = new CEdit();
m_pEdits[i]->CreateEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", "",
CRect(133, 10 + i * 30, 350, 35 + i * 30), this, i + 100);
m_pEdits[i]->SetWindowText("value to be edited");
Thanks for your help!
Dynamically created controls always get the stock font initially: the usual approach is to just set the control's font to the parent dialog's font: something like
I think the best way to do is to put a control through dialog editor on a dialog, set it's visual styles to the ones of your choice and then open the .rc file in a text editor and copy the styles of that control from there. This way you will be able to create controls that are far more closer to the ones you add through dialog editor.
e.g., after putting a simple button on a dialog having OK/Cancel buttons and a text control, my dialog looks like this in the .rc file:
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1
PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,263,25,50,16
CTEXT "TODO: Place dialog controls here.",IDC_STATIC,10,96,300,8
PUSHBUTTON "Button1",IDC_BUTTON1,43,17,50,14
Now, since I have all the information about how the dialog was created at the back-end, I can simply replicate this behviour through code.
P.S. Off course, you would do this in a separate test project.
You need to add the ES_AUTOHSCROLL style to the editbox. This style is responsible for scrolling the text leftwards when you enter more text than the box can display.
Opening .rc files in text editor and looking up the styles of controls can help you find out such points.