Open Source Tools for MDA/MDD - eclipse-emf

I need to do some research in MDA/MDD to find Open-Source-Tools which will help me to develop code-generators and transformators.
But there are only a few tools which are actually supported. Do I search in the wrong direction?
Do You know open source tools for MDA/MDD?
Greetings Dominic
I found andromda, Eclipse Modelling Framework and a few tools like plantuml, which help to create diagrams .
My plan is to read diagrams with plantuml and convert them with emf to code and the reverse way.

Telosys could be a solution to your need (
Telosys has its own DSL to define the models (based on text files with a simple grammar), see
A Telosys model can be used to generate any kind of target language (including PlantUML) but Telosys cannot parse PlantUML files, so the input model must be a Telosys model (or a database schema if you create the model from a relational DB).


Schema for the <project> XML in a Sitecore package

Does anyone have the schema that relates to the XML document that appears in the installer folder of a Sitecore package file?
Especially interested in the format of the project/Sources/xitems/Entries/x-item element.
That XML file seems to be a representation of the Sitecore.Install.PackageProject class, so I tried to generate an XSD from code using serialization on that class.
However, if you use a decompile to take a look at how package building and installation works, you'll find out that Sitecore has written their own serializer for this.
So I wasn't able to generate a correct XSD with the .NET serializer.
With a decompiler (I use dotPeek, freeware) you can track down a lot of information about that XML file and how it's being used by Sitecore, but I don´t see a (realistic) way to extract a schema from this.
If you're going to look into it, look inside Sitecore.Kernel.dll and look for the Sitecore.Install namespace.
Have you tried asking Sitecore Support? If anyone has this schema, it's them.

How convert XML to STEP(p21) format?

I am new STEP and Express modeling. How can I convert XML data into STEP "p21" file using C++ bindings and CAA module? Where can I find a good tutorial for the EXPRESS modeling language? If I am missing something, suggest me to learn them. I would like someone to explain me the way we do it or show some guidelines to approach the problem.
You should definitively take a look at the CAA V5 Encyclopedia. The chapter about ENOVIA V5 contains several articles such as:
STEP Overview - Understanding STEP, Express, and SDAI
Building Components - How to build an Express schema
Generating the ENOV_DATAX Data Structure - How to migrate data to
... as well as a few use cases and quick API reference.
Since you must use the CAA, you also have the option take a course directly from Dassault Systèmes

Drawing control-theory block diagrams with Doxygen

I'm working on a C++ project in the field of automatics I'd like to start documenting. I'm rather decided for Doxygen. But, apart of documenting particular fields of data and drawing class-hierarchy UML-diagrams, I'd like to document several methods' functionalities with block diagrams like this one:
What are the solutions?
I'm familiar with LaTeX. I've read Doxygen has some support for LaTeX, I don't know how far this goes, though. Is it possible to use any LaTeX package within Doxygen? Which particular packages would you recommend and could you provide some simple examples as well?
I'm also open to recommendations of something different than Doxygen.
If it's only about getting the control-systems structure, variables etc. documented you can generate the diagram elsewhere (e.g. Dia, XFig or Inkscape if you want to use open source tools) and embed them into your Doxygen documentation via the image keyword from within your code:
.. Doxygen doc here..
\image html Data_Model.png "Figure 1: UML Diagram of the Data Source and Data Model Relationships"
To do this you'll need to tell Doxygen in the Doxyfile file where to find the images, and place the images relative to your doxygen path (DOCROOT/images in this case):
# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or
# directories that contain image that are included in the documentation (see
# the \image command).
IMAGE_PATH = images
Using latex extensions or other language driven graphical markups for generating graphs from within Doxygen doc does imho not justify the overhead of learning the language, getting the tool-chain configured and aligned. On the other hand if you have some tool already which is generating the graph automatically (from your code or a config file), it should be a breeze to run the tool from within a Makefile, let it generate the image and embed the image in your doxygen doc via the image keyword.

c++ code structure into html files

I work on unix.
I have my complete source code in unix in the form of building blocks and modules.
Like headers,sources files,make files etc.
I can copy all the files with the same directory structure to windows.
I need some tool which will convert all the source to html tags with all the links to functions,variables,classes,headers.There should be some tool to do this easily.
by this way it would be easy for debugging the code in a fast way.
Is anybody aware of such tool?
The term you're probably looking for is "documentation generator". You're specifically interested in ones that output HTML files.
Doxygen is popular, but if you want a master comparison list of documentation generators Wikipedia has a summary:
Looking at the output generated by the different programs (on projects that use them) will probably inform your choice of which meets your needs.
You can use doxygen to generate your documentation. In its basic form it will generate what you need but to add comments that appear in the final html you will need to use special style comments.

Help programmatically add text to an existing PDF

I need to write a program that displays a PDF which a third-party supplies. I need to insert text data in to the form before displaying it to the user. I do have the option to convert the PDF in to another format, but it has to look exactly like the original PDF. C++ is the preferred language of choice, but other languages can be investigated (e.g. C#). It need to work on a Windows desktop machine.
What libraries, tools, strategies, or other programming languages do you suggest investigate to accomplish this task? Are there any online examples you could direct me to.
Thank-you in advance.
What about PoDoFo:
The PoDoFo library is a free, portable
C++ library which includes classes to
parse PDF files and modify their
contents into memory. The changes can
be written back to disk easily. The
parser can also be used to extract
information from a PDF file (for
example the parser could be used in a
PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo
includes also very simple classes to
create your own PDF files. All classes
are documented so it is easy to start
writing your own application using
iTextSharp is a free library that you can use in .Net applications. Take a look at the iText page - that is for the iText project, which is a Java library. iTextSharp is part of that project, and is a port to C# and .Net.
Consider Python It have a lot PDF librarys (both creating and extracting) eg:
There are also good tools for using C/C++ code in Python and to create .exe form Python scripts. If you decide to use different language consider Python as prototyping language!