[UT][Catch2] Several test cases or one with several sections - unit-testing

Let's say we want to test one file (or class). What should be better approach (always? maybe in special cases?)?
Framework Catch2: https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2
Several test cases
TEST_CASE("First", "[some_details]")
Class obj;
REQUIRE(obj.firstFunction() == 1);
TEST_CASE("Second", "[some_details]")
Class obj;
REQUIRE(obj.secondFunction() == 1);
TEST_CASE("Third", "[some_details]")
Class obj;
REQUIRE(obj.thirdFunction() == 1);
One test case with several sections
TEST_CASE("Check functions", "[some_details]")
Class obj;
SECTION("First", "[some_details]")
REQUIRE(obj.firstFunction() == 1);
SECTION("Second", "[some_details]")
REQUIRE(obj.secondFunction() == 1);
SECTION("Third", "[some_details]")
REQUIRE(obj.thirdFunction() == 1);
I think we ought to use TEST_CASE for each functionality separately (if it is possible). If it's not then we can use SECTION in case of some dependence. I also think that SECTION are good when we want to check several outputs from one function, for example:
TEST_CASE("Check function first", "[some_details]")
Class obj;
SECTION("Positive", "[some_details]")
REQUIRE(obj.firstFunction() == 1);
SECTION("Negative", "[some_details]")
REQUIRE(obj.firstFunction() == 0);
What's your opinion? Which approach is better (and when)? You got some suggestions?

The main difference is:
Using TEST_CASE you can test each case individually. With SECTION this is not possible in some IDEs (like CLION.


C++ automatic finalization or objects destruction

In this example I faced the problem of copying the code:
void BadExample1() {
if (!Initialize1())
if (!Initialize2()) {
if (!Initialize3()) {
if (!Initialize4()) {
// some code..
Bnd here is a bad code structure. If I have a lot of constructs, the width of the code will be too large, this is also bad:
void BadExample2() {
if (Initialize1()) {
if (Initialize2()) {
if (Initialize3()) {
if (Initialize4()) {
if (Initialize5()) {
// some code..
How can I save good code sturcture and solve code copying?
Finalize1/2/3 is a API functions and not my program classes.
Maybe some STL containers can solve it?
Maybe something like that?
void GoodExample() {
if (!Initialize1())
RaiiWrapper<void(*)()> raii_wrapper1([]() {
if (!Initialize2()) {
RaiiWrapper<void(*)()> raii_wrapper2([]() {
if (!Initialize3()) {
RaiiWrapper<void(*)()> raii_wrapper3([]() {
if (!Initialize4()) {
RaiiWrapper<void(*)()> raii_wrapper4([]() {
// some code..
Why not use real objects?
struct SetupPart1 {
SetupPart1 () { if (!Initialize1() throw std::runtime_error("Part1"); }
~SetupPart1 () { Finalize1(); }
and so on for part 2, 3, 4, etc.
Now your example looks like this:
void GoodExample() {
try {
SetupPart1 p1;
SetupPart2 p2;
SetupPart3 p3;
SetupPart4 p4;
// some code ...
catch { const std::runtime_error &ex ) {
std::cerr << "GoodExample Failed: " << ex.what << std::end;
You could streamline Marshall's suggestion and use the not-yet-standardized std::make_unique_resource() (this function is closely related to scope_guard, a contraption suggested by Andrei Alexandrescu some years ago and also in that proposal). That gives you an object with two functions - one to run at the variable scope's start, another to run at its end (i.e. on construction and destruction respectively).
Then, instead of defining four separate classes, you'd just write:
void GoodExample() {
auto r1 = std::make_unique_resource(Initialize1, Finalize1);
auto r2 = std::make_unique_resource(Initialize2, Finalize2);
auto r3 = std::make_unique_resource(Initialize3, Finalize3);
auto r4 = std::make_unique_resource(Initialize4, Finalize4);
// some code
The proposal has code for the implementation; and - it's not complex at all. So you could just copy the implementation and create your own not_std::make_unique_resource() function and related templated class(es).
Whenever you get a precious resource from an API, you need to wrap it as an object with the appropriate destructor. So, if Initialize1 initialises something1 then something1 should really be an object Something1 that knows how to initialise and how to finalise itself. Also, a failure to initialise should throw an exception (this is not done with fstream because fstream is older than this concept).
class Something1 {
public: Something1 () { if (!Initialize1()) throw resource_failed ("1"); }
~Something1 () { Finalize1(); }

is there a better way to make this software flow

I have several functions that try and evaluate some data. Each function returns a 1 if it can successfully evaluate the data or 0 if it can not. The functions are called one after the other but execution should stop if one returns a value of 1.
Example functions look like so:
int function1(std::string &data)
// do something
if (success)
return 1;
return 0;
int function2(std::string &data)
// do something
if (success)
return 1;
return 0;
... more functions ...
How would be the clearest way to organise this flow? I know I can use if statements as such:
void doSomething(void)
if (function1(data))
if (function2(data))
... more if's ...
But this seems long winded and has a huge number of if's that need typing. Another choice I thought of is to call the next function from the return 0 of the function like so
int function1(std::string &data)
// do something
if (success)
return 1;
return function2(data);
int function2(std::string &data)
// do something
if (success)
return 1;
return function3(data);
... more functions ...
Making calling cleaner because you only need to call function1() to evaluate as far as you need to but seems to make the code harder to maintain. If another check need to be inserted into the middle of the flow, or the order of the calls changes, then all of the functions after the new one will need to be changed to account for it.
Am I missing some smart clear c++ way of achieving this kind of program flow or is one of these methods best. I am leaning towards the if method at the moment but I feel like I am missing something.
void doSomething() {
function1(data) || function2(data) /* || ... more function calls ... */;
Logical-or || operator happens to have the properties you need - evaluated left to right and stops as soon as one operand is true.
I think you can make a vector of lambdas where each lambdas contains specific process on how you evaluate your data. Something like this.
std::vector<std::function<bool(std::string&)> listCheckers;
listCheckers.push_back([](std::string& p_data) -> bool { return function1(p_data); });
listCheckers.push_back([](std::string& p_data) -> bool { return function2(p_data); });
listCheckers.push_back([](std::string& p_data) -> bool { return function3(p_data); });
//...and so on...
std::string theData = "Hello I'm a Data";
//evaluate all data
bool bSuccess = false;
for(fnChecker : listCheckers){
if(fnChecker(theData)) {
bSuccess = true;
if(bSuccess ) { cout << "A function has evaluated the data successfully." << endl; }
You can modify the list however you like at runtime by: external objects, config settings from file, etc...

C++ wrap multiple returns

I have the following code which returns ERROR in many lines:
bool func()
if (acondition)
return 0;
return 1;
int cmdfun()
if (func()) return ERROR#NUMBER;
if (func()) return ERROR#NUMBER;
But I found its becoming longer and longer. How can I encapsulate return ERROR#NUMBER into func() also? Or any way to encapsulate if (func()) return ERROR; into another independent function?
You can't really achieve this using return on its own.
But you could throw an exception in func which will bubble up the call stack, in the way you seem to want program control to:
struct myexception{}; /*ToDo - inherit from std::exception?*/
bool func()
if (acondition){
return 0; /*normal behaviour, perhaps make `func` void if not needed?*/
throw myexception();
cmdfun then takes the form:
int cmdfun()
/* don't forget to return something*/
Finally, make sure you catch the exception in the caller to cmdfun.
As I said it is not an exception and cannot be handled by std::exception, it is just an error message and ERROR#NUMBER is just another macro. And I cannot access to the caller to cmdfun(). So unable to adopt the first answer. But after asked someone else, it is possible to encapsulate returns and save time when typing them, though it's not recommended, but in this particular case, I can use macro. A complete example is given below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define CHECK_VEC(acondition)\
if(checkcondition(acondition)) return -1;
bool checkcondition(bool acondition)
if (acondition) return 1;
return 0;
int fun_called_by_main()
int a = 5 + 4;
bool acondition = a;
return 1;
int main()
int a = fun_called_by_main();
cout << a << endl;
return 0;
If I understood corectly your question, you are asking for an 'error reporter' for your own errors. There are 2 solutions for 2 separate cases:
Case 1 - you still want to use a return statement to make an 'error reporter':
To do this, you'll have to make another function or just learn how to use goto. However, you don't need to - your function returns a boolean(bool) - which means you only have 2 possible results: 0 (False) and 1 (True)
bool func()
if (acondition)
return (bool)0; // False (no error)
return (bool)1; // True (error)
// Note: I used (bool)0 and (bool)1 because it is
// more correct because your returning type is bool.
void errorcase(bool trueorfalse)
case False:
... // your code (func() returned 0)
... // your code (func() returned 1)
// Note that you will not need to check if an error occurred every time.
int cmdfun()
... // your code
... // again - your code
return 0; // I suppouse that you will return 0...
But I think that the second case is more interesting (unfortunetly it is also preety hard to understand as a beginner and the first solution might be a lot easier for you):
Case 2 - you decided to do it somehow else - that's by learning throw and catch - I won't repeat the answer because it is already given: #Bathsheba answered preety good...

Switch statement instead of multiple nested if - else?

I've come across a situation where I have a bunch of "systems" that need to be initialized in sequence, with the next system only being initialized if all of the proceeding systems initialized successfully.
This has led me to a whole slew of nested if - else statements. Here's some pseudo-code for visualization.
bool mainInit () {
if (!system1Init ()) {
reportError (); // some error reporting function
else {
if (!system2Init ()) {
reportError ();
else {
if (!system3Init ()) {
// ... and so on
I find that this starts to look like a mess when you get even a handful of levels to it.
Now I thought of using a switch statement instead, starting at the first case and falling through to the other cases on success, only breaking if there's an error.
bool mainInit () {
switch (1) {
case 1:
if (!system1Init ()) {
reportError ();
case 2:
if (!system2Init ())
reportError ();
// ....
Now, I like this a lot better. I find it much easier to read, especially with some decent comments, but I'm fairly new to programming.
So, my question is: Seeing how this is not how switch statements are traditionally used(at least from what I've seen), is something like this acceptable, or would this be considered bad form?
Being new to programming, I'm trying not to develop too many bad habits that might frustrate and make things more difficult for other programmers down the road.
I did a search, but most of what I found had to do with replacing chains of if - else if statements, not replacing nested ones.
Reference all of the systems in an array, for example an std::vector<mySystem*>, and loop over them sequentially, breaking off on the first fail. This way your entire code is reduced to less than 5 lines of code, even for 500+ systems.
The suggested switch hack is an evil example of XY problem solving: your real problem is that you don't have the array of systems, and are using named variables, thus eliminating all options to more flexibly use all systems, like in a loop.
Assuming that all your system#Init() calls are known at compile time, you can very easily put them in a table and then iterate over that table.
typedef (*system_init)(void);
system_init initialization_functions[] =
bool mainInit()
for(size_t idx(0); idx < sizeof(initialization_functions) / sizeof(initialization_functions[0]); ++idx)
return false;
return true;
However, your existing code looks incorrect since the first mainInit() only calls system1Init() and then exits. Probably not what you wanted in the first place.
return false;
// if you add an else, the system2Init() does not get called
// even if system1Init() succeeds
return false;
return true;
Would the switch answer your problem? Not as it was written. That is, if you wanted to call the mainInit() function with a counter, it could be useful. Drupal uses that mechanism:
bool mainInit(int idx)
bool r(true);
case 1:
r = system1Init();
case 2:
r = system2Init();
return r
Note that the table mechanism works the same way as the switch. As long as all the code is found in the systemNInit() functions (and it should be), the switch does not add anything, so you could do something like this too:
bool mainInit(int idx)
if(idx < 0 || idx >= sizeof(initialization_functions) / sizeof(initialization_functions[0]))
throw std::range_error("index out of bounds");
return false;
return true;
Calling the mainInit() with an index can be helpful in case you want to "de-initialize" properly:
int main()
for(size_t idx(0); idx < ...; ++idx)
while(idx > 0)
...app do something here...
Use custom exceptions with clear error messages and add a try-catch-report-die around the code in main(). Exceptions are there to specifically make your case look good by making "bad path" implicit.
void initX() { ...; throw std::invalid_argument_exception("..."); }
int main() {
try {
init1(); init2(); ... run();
return 0;
} catch (std::exception const& e) {
log(e.what()); exit 42;
I'd do it this way:
bool mainInit () {
if (!system1Init ()) {
if (!system2Init ()) {
if (!system3Init ()) {
if(!mainInit()) {

How to store the state of a deeply-nested loop?

I am trying to refactor the following code, as I don't think it is structured well.
Can you think of a more elegant way to do this?
m_iter1 = 0;
m_iter2 = 0;
bool Bar::foo()
for (; m_iter1 < 2; m_iter1++, m_iter2 = 0) {
_log("TRYING METHOD: [%d]", m_iter1);
if (_something_wrong(m_iter1)) {
return false;
for (; m_iter2 < 6; m_iter2++) {
if (_try_with_these_params(m_iter1, m_iter2, ...)) {
m_status = success;
// store next iteration in case we need to retry.
return true;
return false;
bool try_foo(Bar& bar)
if (bar.foo()) {
if (meet_some_criteria) {
return true;
} else {
// retry. the Bar object stores the state.
} else {
return false;
int main()
Bar bar;
if (try_foo(bar)) {
} else {
The code loops over different parameter sets and tries to perform some action with these parameters. If the action is successful, then external code may invalidate the action and attempt to retry. The object which performs the action stores the state, so that external code may retry and re-enter the parameter loop at the place it left off.
The output using one parameters affect others, so the calculations need to be accomplished locally within the Bar class.
I would like to extend this idea to more dimensions, but doing so with the current design is clumsy.
A lot here depends on how expensive the various actions are.
If initially generating a candidate parameter set is cheap (and the set isn't too large), then you might want to just generate all the candidate sets, then give that result to the external code and try each in turn until you find one that the external code will accept.