Does NPP support overlapping streams? - c++

I'm trying to perform multiple async 2D convolutions on a single image with multiple filters using NVIDIA's NPP library method nppiFilterBorder_32f_C1R_Ctx. However, even after creating multiple streams and assigning them to NPPI's method, the overlapping isn't happening; NVIDIA's nvvp informs the same:
That said, I'm confused if NPP supports overlapping context operations.
Below is a simplification of my code, only showing the async method calls and related variables:
std::vector<NppStreamContext> streams(n_filters);
for(size_t stream_idx=0; stream_idx<n_filters; stream_idx++)
cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&(streams[stream_idx].hStream), cudaStreamNonBlocking);
streams[stream_idx].nStreamFlags = cudaStreamNonBlocking;
// fill up NppStreamContext remaining fields
// malloc image and filter pointers
for(size_t stream_idx=0; stream_idx<n_filters; stream_idx++)
cudaMemcpyAsync(..., streams[stream_idx].hStream);
nppiFilterBorder_32f_C1R_Ctx(..., streams[stream_idx]);
cudaMemcpy2DAsync(..., streams[stream_idx].hStream);
for(size_t stream_idx=0; stream_idx<n_filters; stream_idx++)
Note: All the device pointers of the output images and input filters are stored in a std::vector, where I access them via the current stream index (e.g., float *ptr_filter_d = filters[stream_idx])

To summarize and add to the comments:
The profile does show small overlaps, so the answer to the title question is clearly yes.
The reason for the overlap being so small is just that each NPP kernel already needs all resources of the used GPU for most of its runtime. At the end of each kernel one can probably see the tail effect (i.e. the number of blocks is not a multiple of the number of blocks that can reside in SMs at each moment in time), so blocks from the next kernel are getting scheduled and there is some overlap.
It can sometimes be useful (i.e. an optimization) to force overlap between a big kernel which was started first and uses the full device and a later small kernel that only needs a few resources. In that case one can use stream priorities via cudaStreamCreateWithPriority to hint the scheduler to schedule blocks from the second kernel before blocks from the first kernel. An example of this can be found in this multi-GPU example (permalink).
In this case however, as the size of the kernels is the same and there is no reason to prioritize any of them over the others, forcing an overlap like this would not decrease the total runtime because the compute resources are limited. In the profiler view the kernels might then show more overlap but also each one would take more time. That is the reason why the scheduler does not overlap the kernels even though you allow it to do so by using multiple streams (See asynchronous vs. parallel).
To still increase performance, one could write a custom CUDA kernel that does all the filters in one kernel launch. The main reason that this could be a better than using NPP in this case is that all NPP kernels take the same input image. Therefore a single kernel could significantly decrease the number of accesses to global memory by reading in each tile of the input image only once (to shared memory, although L1 caching might suffice), then apply all the filters sequentially or in parallel (by splitting the thread block up into smaller units) and write out the results.


concurrent data transfer cuda kernel and host [duplicate]

I have some questions.
Recently I'm making a program by using CUDA.
In my program, there is one big data on Host programmed with std::map(string, vector(int)).
By using these datas some vector(int) are copied to GPUs global memory and processed on GPU
After processing, some results are generated on GPU and these results are copied to CPU.
These are all my program schedule.
cudaMemcpy( ... , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
kernel function(kernel function only can be done when necessary data is copied to GPU global memory)
cudaMemcpy( ... , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)
repeat 1~3steps 1000times (for another data(vector) )
But I want to reduce processing time.
So I decided to use cudaMemcpyAsync function in my program.
After searching some documents and web pages, I realize that to use cudaMemcpyAsync function host memory which has data to be copied to GPUs global memory must be allocated as pinned memory.
But my programs are using std::map, so I couldn't make this std::map data to pinned memory.
So instead of using this, I made a buffer array typed pinned memory and this buffer can always handle all the case of copying vector.
Finally, my program worked like this.
Memcpy (copy data from std::map to buffer using loop until whole data is copied to buffer)
cudaMemcpyAsync( ... , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
kernel(kernel function only can be executed when whole data is copied to GPU global memory)
cudaMemcpyAsync( ... , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)
repeat 1~4steps 1000times (for another data(vector) )
And my program became much faster than the previous case.
But problem(my curiosity) is at this point.
I tried to make another program in a similar way.
Memcpy (copy data from std::map to buffer only for one vector)
cudaMemcpyAsync( ... , cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
loop 1~2 until whole data is copied to GPU global memory
kernel(kernel function only can be executed when necessary data is copied to GPU global memory)
cudaMemcpyAsync( ... , cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)
repeat 1~5steps 1000times (for another data(vector) )
This method came out to be about 10% faster than the method discussed above.
But I don't know why.
I think cudaMemcpyAsync only can be overlapped with kernel function.
But my case I think it is not. Rather than it looks like can be overlapped between cudaMemcpyAsync functions.
Sorry for my long question but I really want to know why.
Can Someone teach or explain to me what is the exact facility "cudaMemcpyAsync" and what functions can be overlapped with "cudaMemcpyAsync" ?
The copying activity of cudaMemcpyAsync (as well as kernel activity) can be overlapped with any host code. Furthermore, data copy to and from the device (via cudaMemcpyAsync) can be overlapped with kernel activity. All 3 activities: host activity, data copy activity, and kernel activity, can be done asynchronously to each other, and can overlap each other.
As you have seen and demonstrated, host activity and data copy or kernel activity can be overlapped with each other in a relatively straightforward fashion: kernel launches return immediately to the host, as does cudaMemcpyAsync. However, to get best overlap opportunities between data copy and kernel activity, it's necessary to use some additional concepts. For best overlap opportunities, we need:
Host memory buffers that are pinned, e.g. via cudaHostAlloc()
Usage of cuda streams to separate various types of activity (data copy and kernel computation)
Usage of cudaMemcpyAsync (instead of cudaMemcpy)
Naturally your work also needs to be broken up in a separable way. This normally means that if your kernel is performing a specific function, you may need multiple invocations of this kernel so that each invocation can be working on a separate piece of data. This allows us to copy data block B to the device while the first kernel invocation is working on data block A, for example. In so doing we have the opportunity to overlap the copy of data block B with the kernel processing of data block A.
The main differences with cudaMemcpyAsync (as compared to cudaMemcpy) are that:
It can be issued in any stream (it takes a stream parameter)
Normally, it returns control to the host immediately (just like a kernel call does) rather than waiting for the data copy to be completed.
Item 1 is a necessary feature so that data copy can be overlapped with kernel computation. Item 2 is a necessary feature so that data copy can be overlapped with host activity.
Although the concepts of copy/compute overlap are pretty straightforward, in practice the implementation requires some work. For additional references, please refer to:
Overlap copy/compute section of the CUDA best practices guide.
Sample code showing a basic implementation of copy/compute overlap.
Sample code showing a full multi/concurrent kernel copy/compute overlap scenario.
Note that some of the above discussion is predicated on having a compute capability 2.0 or greater device (e.g. concurrent kernels). Also, different devices may have one or 2 copy engines, meaning simultaneous copy to the device and copy from the device is only possible on certain devices.

Thread indexing for image rows / columns in CUDA

So I'm working on a CUDA program, and I'm experiencing some issues when it comes to indexing blocks and threads. Basically, I'm trying to implement the Pixel Sort algorithm in CUDA. (With one modification, we are only processing either rows or columns, not both at the same time)
The way I was visualizing it was to simply run N blocks with 1 thread each (for the number of rows, or columns) and have each block process that row / column independently of each other.
So if we want to sort on columns, we launch the kernel like this (there are a couple extra parameters that are only relevant to our specific processing, so I've left them out for simplicity)
pixel_sort<<<cols, 1>>>(d_image, d_imageSort, rows, cols, ...);
Then in the kernel, I access the block index with
int tid = blockIdx.x;
This allows me to work with one row / columns data per block, but it has some issues. It's running slower than our serial implementation of the algorithm for smaller images, and straight up crashes when the image size becomes too large.
An alternative thread scheme I was considering would be to map each of the image's pixels to one thread, however I have a couple of questions on this.
If we were to launch N blocks with M threads, representing N cols with M rows, how do we avoid 512 (or 1024 ?) limit of threads per block. Can we just have each thread process multiple pixels in the column in this instance? How would the indexing look like in the kernel?
The algorithm basically requires that we work on the entire column, hence each thread cannot just do some work on that pixel, they have to communicate, presumably using shared memory. Would it be a valid strategy to have one "master" thread per block, that does the actual sorting calculations, and then have all of the other threads participate in the shared memory?
Other Notes:
Our image data is read in through OpenCV, and has the RGBA values stored in a uchar4 array
If you have a single thread per block, you very quickly run into thread occupancy issues. If your goal is to do a full row sort (for columns you could transpose the image before sending to the GPU to take advantage of global coalescing), the fastest way that gets a decent result is probably to do a radix or merge-sort on a per-row basis, basically copying the steps from You could assign k blocks of m threads each for each row such that km >= image width. Then you would be launching k*(image height) blocks. Your grid would then be of size (k, height, 1).
As for your specific questions:
You cannot get around the 512/1024 thread-per-block limit, you would have to restructure your algorithm.
A "master" thread would generally be poor design, causing stalls, overhead, and not taking full advantage of the many cores. You may sometimes need to utilize a single thread, say to output/broadcast a result, but mostly you want to avoid it. See the linked article for sample algorithms that mostly avoid this.

Is there any workaround to "reserve" a cache fraction?

Assume I have to write a C or C++ computational intensive function that has 2 arrays as input and one array as output. If the computation uses the 2 input arrays more often than it updates the output array, I'll end up in a situation where the output array seldom gets cached because it's evicted in order to fetch the 2 input arrays.
I want to reserve one fraction of the cache for the output array and enforce somehow that those lines don't get evicted once they are fetched, in order to always write partial results in the cache.
Update1(output[]) // Output gets cached
DoCompute1(input1[]); // Input 1 gets cached
DoCompute2(input2[]); // Input 2 gets cached
Update2(output[]); // Output is not in the cache anymore and has to get cached again
I know there are mechanisms to help eviction: clflush, clevict, _mm_clevict, etc. Are there any mechanisms for the opposite?
I am thinking of 3 possible solutions:
Using _mm_prefetch from time to time to fetch the data back if it has been evicted. However this might generate unnecessary traffic plus that I need to be very careful to when to introduce them;
Trying to do processing on smaller chunks of data. However this would work only if the problem allows it;
Disabling hardware prefetchers where that's possible to reduce the rate of unwanted evictions.
Other than that, is there any elegant solution?
Intel CPUs have something called No Eviction Mode (NEM) but I doubt this is what you need.
While you are attempting to optimise the second (unnecessary) fetch of output[], have you given thought to using SSE2/3/4 registers to store your intermediate output values, update them when necessary, and writing them back only when all updates related to that part of output[] are done?
I have done something similar while computing FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms) where part of the output is in registers and they are moved out (to memory) only when it is known they will not be accessed anymore. Until then, all updates happen to the registers. You'll need to introduce inline assembly to effectively use SSE* registers. Of course, such optimisations are highly dependent on the nature of the algorithm and data placement.
I am trying to get a better understanding of the question:
If it is true that the 'output' array is strictly for output, and you never do something like
output[i] = Foo(newVal, output[i]);
then, all elements in output[] are strictly write. If so, all you would ever need to 'reserve' is one cache-line. Isn't that correct?
In this scenario, all writes to 'output' generate cache-fills and could compete with the cachelines needed for 'input' arrays.
Wouldn't you want a cap on the cachelines 'output' can consume as opposed to reserving a certain number of lines.
I see two options, which may or may not work depending on the CPU you are targeting, and on your precise program flow:
If output is only written to and not read, you can use streaming-stores, i.e., a write instruction with a no-read hint, so it will not be fetched into cache.
You can use prefetching with a non-temporally-aligned (NTA) hint for input. I don't know how this is implemented in general, but I know for sure that on some Intel CPUs (e.g., the Xeon Phi) each hardware thread uses a specific way of cache for NTA data, i.e., with an 8-way cache 1/8th per thread.
I guess solution to this is hidden inside, the algorithm employed and the L1 cache size and cache line size.
Though I am not sure how much performance improvement we will see with this.
We can probably introduce artificial reads which cleverly dodge compiler and while execution, do not hurt computations as well. Single artificial read should fill cache lines as many needed to accommodate one page. Therefore, algorithm should be modified to compute blocks of output array. Something like the ones used in matrix multiplication of huge matrices, done using GPUs. They use blocks of matrices for computation and writing result.
As pointed out earlier, the write to output array should happen in a stream.
To bring in artificial read, we should initialize at compile time the output array at right places, once in each block, probably with 0 or 1.

Higher core load Intel TBB

I am using Intel TBB parallel_for to speed up a for loop doing some calculations:
Calc is an object of the class doCalc
class DoCalc
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range) const{
for(int i=range.begin(); i!=range.end();++i){
//Do some calculations
DoCalc(vector<string> ilist):FileList(ilist){}
It takes approx. 60 seconds when I use the standard serial form of the for loop and approx. 20 seconds when I use the parallel_for from TBB to get the job done. When using standard for, the load of each core of my i5 CPU is at approx. 15% (according windows task manager) and very inhomogeneous and at approx. 50% and very homogeneous when using parallel_for.
I wonder if it's possible to get an even higher core load when using parallel_for. Are there any other parameters except grain_size? How can I boost the speed of parallel_for without changing the operations within the for loop (here as //Do some calculations in the code sample above).
The grainsize parameter is optional. When grainsizee is not specified, a partitioner should be supplied to the algorithm template. A partitioner is an object that guides the chunking of a range. The auto_partitioner provides an alternative that heuristically chooses the grain size so that you do not have to specify one. The heuristic attempt to limit overhead while still providing ample opportunities for load balancing.
Go to the tbb website for more information.
As #Eugene Roader already suggested, you might want to use the auto_partitioner (which is default from TBB version 2.2) to automatic chuncking of the range:
I assume that your i5-CPU has 4 cores, so you get a speedup of 3 (60s => 20s) which is already "quite nice" as there might be certain overheads in the parallelization. One problem could be the maximum limit of memory bandwidth of you CPU which is saturated with 3 threads - or you might have a lot of allocation/deallocations within your could which are/must be synchronized between the threads with the standard memory manager. One trick to tackle this problem without much code changes in the inner loop might be using a thread local allocator, e.g. for FileList:
vector<string,tbb:scalable_allocator<string>> FileList;
Note that you should try the tbb::scalable_allocator for all other containers used in the loop too, in order bring your parallelization speedup closer to the number of cores, 4.
The answer to your question also depends on the ratio between memory accesses and computation in your algorithm. If you do very few operations on a lot of data, your problem is memory bound and that will limit the core load. If on the other hand you compute a lot with little data, your chances of improving are better.

is using cudaHostAlloc good for my case

i have a kernel launched several times, untill a solution is found. the solution will be found by at least one block.
therefore when a block finds the solution it should inform the cpu that the solution is found, so the cpu prints the solution provided by this block.
so what i am currently doing is the following:
__global__ kernel(int sol)
//do some computations
if(the block found a solution)
sol = blockId.x //atomically
now on every call to the kernel i copy sol back to the host memory and check its value. if its set to 3 for example, i know that blockid 3 found the solution so i now know where the index of the solution start, and copy the solution back to the host.
in this case, will using cudaHostAlloc be a better option? more over would copying the value of a single integer on every kernel call slows down my program?
Issuing a copy from GPU to CPU and then waiting for its completion will slow your program a bit. Note that if you choose to send 1 byte or 1KB, that won't make much of a difference. In this case bandwidth is not a problem, but latency.
But launching a kernel does consume some time as well. If the "meat" of your algorithm is in the kernel itself I wouldn't spend too much time on that single, small transfer.
Do note, if you choose to use the mapped memory, instead of using cudaMemcpy, you will need to explicitly put a cudaDeviceSynchronise (or cudaThreadSynchronise with older CUDA) barrier (as opposed to an implicit barrier at cudaMemcpy) before reading the status. Otherwise, your host code may go achead reading an old value stored in your pinned memory, before the kernel overwrites it.