Docker Container fail to run the spring native executable built using GraalVM - dockerfile

I have built a simple REST API using springboot3 and graalVM runtime. I am trying to dockerize the same app and run locally. But upon running the container I get error
exec /app: exec format error. I am using mac M1 and trying to run docker container locally.
This is my Dockerfile
#FROM scratch
COPY build/native/nativeCompile/nativeimage app
Docker image inspection
"Architecture": "arm64",
"Os": "linux",
I could run my native executable but expecting to be run as a docker container too. I am using gradle build too hence finding it difficult how to build native image inside a container?


Docker cache file permission

I use py-staticmaps repository for generate static map image, In normally I run this repo via python, it is working but I use the repo in Django and docker, I have a problem with cache files,. following error. What can I do?
I build it locally al of them working normally but in server I run via docker-compose that is to be problem with cache

Local Docker run fails (An assembly specified in the manifest was not found)

I am trying to test my local Docker build before I deploy to AWS. My app has dependencies to AWSSDK.Core via NuGet and I am using the following Docker file:
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2.0-aspnetcore-runtime AS runtime
COPY bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2 .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "My.App.dll"]
To build my file
docker build -t myapp .
However, when I try to run it with
docker run -it --rm --name my_app myapp
I get the error
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (My.App.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'AWSSDK.Core', version: ''
path: 'lib/netstandard2.0/AWSSDK.Core.dll'
As far as I can tell, I should be adding a RUN command to install the AWSSDK in my Docker image but I cannot find it. So, my question would be: Am I doing something wrong? If not, is there some kind of reference as to the locations of packages to use in Docker?
After digging around some, I found a few possible answers. First I found this blog post which exemplifies how to use docker with .NET with a very simple project. The solution to my problem was to use the dotnet package command, which gathers all the dependencies and puts them in a single directory.
However, after digging some more, I found Microsoft's Container Tools in Visual Studio which, by pressing the right mouse button on the project, offers to add Docker Support which is more elaborate than the first solution.

VS Code integration with C++ development-environment inside Docker

I would like to run VSCode on my host machine, but (using its features / extensions) fire up tools from within the dev-env living inside my Docker container.
I have set up a docker image as a development environment for C++. Let's call it dev-env.
It is linux-based and contains required libraries, crosscompilation toolchains and various tools we use for building and testing our software (cmake, ninja, cppcheck, clang-tidy etc.)
I have a GIT repository on a host machine, which I mount inside a docker.
So my usual workflow would be to run docker:
host$ docker run -v path/to/my/codebase/on/host:path/inside/docker -h dev-env --rm -it image_name bash
docker# cd build; cmake ..
And as such, I can build, test and run my tools inside my unified development environment inside the docker.
Now, the goal is to take it out of the terminal to the world of IDE.
I happen to use VS Code.
On host machine, I open my codebase folder in VSCode. Since it's mapped inside the docker, any changes I make locally will be available inside dev-env as well.
But if I now run anything from VSCode (CMake configure, build, etc.) it will of course call the tools from within my host machine - which of course will not work, and is not what I want.
With tasks defined in tasks.json I could probably manage with having them run something like docker exec CONTAINER my_command
It gets more complicated with extensions:
What I would like is to have the e.g. VSCode CMake Tools extension configured in such a way, that when I run Cmake Configure (in a VSCode running on my host machine), it will actually run cmake commands from within Docker container, using cmake installed inside Docker, not from my host machine.
Temporary solution: Forwarding display through X / VNC
So Installing VSCode inside the Docker, running x/vnc server inside the Docker, exposing port and connecting to it from the host machine.
Yes, it is possible, I have it running here. But it has many limitations and problems, of which the most painful is the lag/delay.
This is bad solution in general, so I would strongly push for avoiding this.
Another solution that I can think about:
VSCode instance running as a server inside the docker.
VSCode instance on your host connecting to the server instance.
You do all the work inside your host VSCode, but anytime you run a command, it is executed by a server instance, which runs everything inside Docker.
I guess this would require support from VSCode (or maybe an extension).
VSCode Live Share extension is not made exactly for that, but it's functionalities might do the job. I have not tested it yet.

AWS Codebuild .NET Core building docker image

We tried the default AWS codebuild image to build .NET core apps and it worked fine.
Now we require to build to Docker images, but the default image has no docker installed.
AWS has the option to run the Builder image in Priviledged mode so you can run docker-in-docker operations.
I would like to know if there is an image I can use that has both .NET Core and Docker installed, so I can build the code, and then the image.
You'll need to create you own docker image and provide that to CodeBuild (as part of project environment configuration).
You can find CodeBuild's vended docker images here for reference
You need to create a docker image which has both docker daemon and .NET core on the same image. Refer to this sample on how to start the docker daemon before starting builds in your custom docker images

Debug django app running inside docker image, using pycharm debugger

My app is running inside a docker image (My development team never install software in their machines, only the docker images have the dependencies).
I Need to debug something using pycharm debugger, how do I connect pycharm's debugger to the docker image's python?
One possible method is to treat your Docker container as a remote host and use remote debugging: