How to set Local Currency Preference in AWS Billing Dashboard? - amazon-web-services

Has the Local Currency Preference option been deprecated from AWS console?
My Billing Dashboard shows the cost in USD, I wanted to change this to my local currency INR.
When I searched I found this post - Set Preferred Payment Currency for your AWS Account, but this seems to be a couple of years old so the options mentioned in the post are not found in the console. Is there any alternate way to change the currency in Billing Dashboard?
Any help will be appreciated. Thank You!

INR does not seem to be a supported currency for AWS Billing:

Seems like INR is not yet supported by AWS for billing Dashboard.
However, you still get your billed amount invoice in INR. Setting for this is in -
Billing > Payment Preferences > edit Payment Preferences


CSV download is unavailabe in the AWS Billing Dashboard / Bills page

When I visit AWS management console => AWS Billing Dashboard => Bills page, select the preferable date (e.g. May 2022) and Download CSV, I cannot download CSV but following error appears:
(!) The Monthly Usage Report CSV is only available for the months
after opting in via the Preferences page
So I tried to find the Preferences page to opt in but I could not find it.
Where can I find it?
Thank you.
Its in AWS Cost and Usage Reports`:
Maybe you can reference the links as below.
If you get the following error, please pick the most recent month and try again. If you continue to receive this error please reference
the Configure Monthly Reports Lab Guide for steps to enable your
Monthly Report.

How to programmatically get Google product reports (pulled via API) into AWS S3?

I am looking to pull a monthly performance report of a campaign running in Double click bid manager, I'm pulling this report via the `DoubleClick Bid Manager API(
I just plug the JASON syntax with the account and various fields, when I click on execute I'm able to download the reports from the reports tab of bid manager, then I'm uploading it to S3 manually so that I can later dump it into Redshift.
I was wondering if there was a way I can do this programmatically, instead of uploading the report manually every time.
If there is a question already on this, please point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.

How to retrieve the service fee details from Amazon market API

Is it possible to retrieve the service fee charges independent of the SKU like Subscription Fee, FBA Inventory Storage Fee etc. using amazon market API.
I tried the Financial Event API which returns the service fees in the format
Which does not contains the data like PostedDate. Is there any oter APIs availabile to get the detailed data of service fee amounts?
In case it's useful for someone else, I figured out an approach that kind of works for me, though it's not ideal.
I'm using the Reports API to download the _GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE_ report, which has the fees and a posted-date column. Some of Amazon's documentation about it can be found here:
The disadvantage is that it's only generated once every two weeks. The advantage, compared to the Finances API, is that you get the posting date and the specific transaction that the fee came from.

Google Admin Reports API: Users Usage Report stats accuracy

I am trying to use Google Admin Reports API: Users Usage Report to pull emails received/sent per user per day in our org's google app.
When I use Google APIs Explorer to pull my own stats for a particular day and compared it with real situation, it seems the number is far off.
For example, on Sunday, 7th Dec 2014, I only sent out one email. But the stats shows there were 4 emails sent out by me on that day.
Any assistance would be appreciated
You should get the same results than searching in Gmail:
in:sent from:me after:2014/12/07 before:2014/12/08
The missing bit is the time zone the server is using which in my research it is always Pacific Standard Time.
Did you:
Send out any calendar invitations that day? (1 email per attendee)
Share any Google Drive files/folders that day (1 email per file shared)
Send mail from a Google Group
there are likely other actions you may have performed in other Google Apps which caused emails to go out in your name and count against your quota but not necessarily show in your Sent folder.
If you'd like for these messages to appear in your Sent folder, turn on Comprehensive Storage.

Will I be charged for the test users I create using google-admin-sdk?

With Google Apps I have to pay for each user account. At which point does this charge happen? I want to test my project against 1000 users to see how it handles the load, but I don't want my program to create 1000 users if I'm going to be charged.
Is there a developer sandbox where any number of users can be created freely?
Thank you
Yes, you will be charged. But the billing is on a daily basis.
Note that we will prorate the number of seats for partial months of usage. So, for example, if you add a user on April 1 and delete them on April 15, we will charge you for only half a month of usage.