Regarding attribute error BERT Arch during model deployment using Django - django

I am begginer in NLP Transformers.
I am facing this issue while deploying model using Django framework.Locally model is working fine but not when deployed.
Here I am importing BERT model which was trained and saved using pytorch same procedure i follow to load the model but before I am defining the architecture which was defined during model training.
But facing the issue after deploying the model.
AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'BERT_Arch' on <module 'main' from '/home/ubuntu/kc_env/bin/gunicorn'>
I tried couple of things:
Like defining the BERT Architecture before model loading:
from django.apps import AppConfig
# import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class BERT_Arch(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(BERT_Arch, self).__init__()
# dropout layer
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2)
# relu activation function
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
# dense layer
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(768,512)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512,256)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256,3)
#softmax activation function
self.softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
#define the forward pass
def forward(self, sent_id, mask):
cls_hs = self.bert(sent_id, attention_mask=mask)[0][:,0]
x = self.fc1(cls_hs)
x = self.relu(x)
x = self.dropout(x)
x = self.fc2(x)
x = self.relu(x)
x = self.dropout(x)
# output layer
x = self.fc3(x)
# apply softmax activation
x = self.softmax(x)
return x
from .utils import BERT_Arch
def func():
model=torch.load('Path to load')


how to keep data created in the ready method? Django production vs test database

As you know django give you clear database in testing, but I have a ready() method that create some data for me and I need to query these data in my tests.
class YourAppConfig(AppConfig):
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
name = 'Functions.MyAppsConfig'
def ready(self):
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
from django import apps
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
class TestRules(APITestCase):
def test_my_model(self):
x = MyOtherModel.objects.filter(....).first()
# x = None # <=========== problem is here ========= I need to see the data that I created in the ready method
You can use the fixtures for that, in each Test case you can fixtures to it as stated documentation example is
class Test(TransactionTestCase):
fixtures = ['user-data.json']
def setUp():
Django will load the fixtures before under test case

flask-admin different view for multiple databases

I have two different databases. They are: stock and commodity. Each database has two tables as follows:
Stock: User_trade_stock, stock_prices
Commodity: User_trade_commodity, commodity_prices
I try to build a web app to handle two databases with flask. When I apply flask-admin to them as follows
admin.add_view(UserView(User_trade_stock, db.session))
admin.add_view(UserView(User_trade_commodity, db.session))
I gives the following eror:
Assertion Error: A name collision occurred between blueprints. Blueprints that are created on the fly need unique name.
I tried to add the bind to the db.session as follows
admin.add_view(UserView(User_trade_stock, db.session(bind='stock_bind')))
admin.add_view(UserView(User_trade_commodity, db.session='commodity_bind')))
I got the following error:
scoped session is already present; no new arguments may be specified
Any helps would be appreciated
There are a couple of issues.
Flask-Admin uses a view's lower cased class name for the automatically generated Blueprint name. As you are using UserView twice you have a Blueprint name collision. To overcome this you can specify an endpoint name when you instance a view, for example:
admin = Admin(app, template_mode="bootstrap3")
admin.add_view(TestView(StockTest, db.session, category='Stock', name='Test', endpoint='stock-test'))
admin.add_view(TestView(CommodityTest, db.session, category='Commodity', name='Test', endpoint='commodity-test'))
and to get the urls of the views you would use the following code:
Secondly, if you want to use the bind feature of Flask-Sqlalchemy you should use the __bind_key__ attribute on the table model, for example:
class User(db.Model):
__bind_key__ = 'users'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
username = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
Here is a single file example illustrating both concepts. You will need to run the flask commands flask create-databases and flask populate-databases before you use the app itself. Note I've used a mixin class, TestMixin, to define the model columns.
import click
from flask import Flask
from flask.cli import with_appcontext
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_admin import Admin
from flask_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from faker import Faker
from sqlalchemy import Integer, Column, Text
db = SQLAlchemy()
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '123456790'
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_BINDS'] = {
'stock': 'sqlite:///stock.db',
'commodity': 'sqlite:///commodity.db'
class TestMixin(object):
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(Text(), unique=True, nullable=False)
class StockTest(db.Model, TestMixin):
__bind_key__ = 'stock'
class CommodityTest(db.Model, TestMixin):
__bind_key__ = 'commodity'
def create_databases():
db.drop_all(bind=['stock', 'commodity'])
db.create_all(bind=['stock', 'commodity'])
def populate_databases():
_faker = Faker()
db.session.bulk_insert_mappings(StockTest, [{'name':} for _ in range(100)])
db.session.bulk_insert_mappings(CommodityTest, [{'name':} for _ in range(100)])
class TestView(ModelView):
admin = Admin(app, template_mode="bootstrap3")
admin.add_view(TestView(StockTest, db.session, category='Stock', name='Test', endpoint='stock-test'))
admin.add_view(TestView(CommodityTest, db.session, category='Commodity', name='Test', endpoint='commodity-test'))
def index():
return 'Click me to get to Admin!'
if __name__ == '__main__':

'no SavedModel bundles found!' on tensorflow_hub model deployment to AWS SageMaker

I attempting to deploy the universal-sentence-encoder model to a aws Sagemaker endpoint and am getting the error raise ValueError('no SavedModel bundles found!')
I have shown my code below, I have a feeling that one of my paths is incorrect
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import numpy as np
from sagemaker import get_execution_role
from sagemaker.tensorflow.serving import Model
def tfhub_to_savedmodel(model_name,uri):
tfhub_uri = uri
model_path = 'encoder_model/' + model_name
with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
module = hub.Module(tfhub_uri)
input_params = module.get_input_info_dict()
dtype = input_params['text'].dtype
shape = input_params['text'].get_shape()
# define the model inputs
inputs = {'text': tf.placeholder(dtype, shape, 'text')}
# define the model outputs
# we want the class ids and probabilities for the top 3 classes
logits = module(inputs['text'])
outputs = {
'vector': logits,
# export the model[tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.tables_initializer()])
return model_path
sagemaker_role = get_execution_role()
!tar -C "$PWD" -czf encoder.tar.gz encoder_model/
model_data = Session().upload_data(path='encoder.tar.gz',key_prefix='model')
env = {'SAGEMAKER_TFS_DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME': 'universal-sentence-encoder-large'}
model = Model(model_data=model_data, role=sagemaker_role, framework_version=1.12, env=env)
predictor = model.deploy(initial_instance_count=1, instance_type='ml.t2.medium')
I suppose you started from this example?
It looks like you're not saving the TF Serving bundle properly: the model version number is missing, because of this line:
model_path = 'encoder_model/' + model_name
Replacing it with this should fix your problem:
model_path = '{}/{}/00000001'.format('encoder_model/', model_name)
Your model artefact should look like this (I used the model in the notebook above):
Then, upload to S3 and deploy.

Graphene-Django: In schema combine Query-objects (only takes first argument)

I am trying to combine multiple Query schemas located in different apps in Django 2.1. Using graphene-django 2.2 (have tried 2.1 with same problem). Python 3.7.
The Query class only registers the first variable. As an example shop.schema.Query.
import graphene
import graphql_jwt
from django.conf import settings
import about.schema
import shop.schema
import landingpage.schema
class Query(about.schema.Query, shop.schema.Query, landingpage.schema.Query, graphene.ObjectType):
class Mutation(shop.schema.Mutation, graphene.ObjectType):
token_auth = graphql_jwt.ObtainJSONWebToken.Field()
verify_token = graphql_jwt.Verify.Field()
refresh_token = graphql_jwt.Refresh.Field()
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)
Why is it like this? Have something changed with classes in python 3.7? The graphene tutorial says this will inherit for multiple...
class Query(cookbook.ingredients.schema.Query, graphene.ObjectType):
# This class will inherit from multiple Queries
# as we begin to add more apps to our project
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
I am exporting my schema to schema.json for using it with react relay. I do find my object "collection" Query schema from landingpage(the 3. variable). Relay returns:
ERROR: GraphQLParser: Unknown field collection on type Viewer.
Source: document AppQuery file: containers/App/index.js.
Is it a problem with Relay reading my schema.json?
I managed to solve it shortly after writing this. My problem was that I had a Viewer object in every app. Because I find it useful to have a viewer-graphql-root, like this:
viewer {
collection {
I moved the Viewer object up to the root like this:
class Viewer(about.schema.Query, landingpage.schema.Query, shop.schema.Query, graphene.ObjectType):
class Meta:
interfaces = [relay.Node, ]
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
viewer = graphene.Field(Viewer)
def resolve_viewer(self, info, **kwargs):
return Viewer()
class Mutation(shop.schema.Mutation, graphene.ObjectType):
token_auth = graphql_jwt.ObtainJSONWebToken.Field()
verify_token = graphql_jwt.Verify.Field()
refresh_token = graphql_jwt.Refresh.Field()
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)
In add a new file as
Combine your Queries and Mutations in as follows:
import graphene
import about.schema as about
import shop.schema as projects
import landingpage.schema as projects
then add:
class Query(about.schema.Query, shop.schema.Query, landingpage.schema.Query, graphene.ObjectType):
class Mutation(about.schema.Mutation, shop.schema.Mutation, landingpage.schema.Mutation, graphene.ObjectType):
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)
Configure your combined schema in as follows:
"SCHEMA": "core.schema.schema",

Django CMS unable to add a child to a nested plugin

For some reason I can't seem to add a child plugin:
I want to achieve the following hierarchy:
Faq row
Faq column
However when I press the plus sign of the column nothing happens and I am not able to drag the Faq plugin within the Faq column. Any idea?
My plugins definitions:
from cms.plugin_base import CMSPluginBase
from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from .models import FaqPluginModel
class FaqRowPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
name = u'Faq Row'
module = _("Fundbox")
render_template = "faq_row.html"
cache = False
allow_children = True
class FaqColumnPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
name = u'Faq Column'
module = _("Fundbox")
render_template = "faq_column.html"
cache = False
allow_children = True
require_parent = True
class FaqPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
name = u'Faq'
module = _("Fundbox")
model = FaqPluginModel
render_template = "faq.html"
cache = False
plugin_pool.register_plugin(FaqRowPlugin) # register the plugin
plugin_pool.register_plugin(FaqColumnPlugin) # register the plugin
plugin_pool.register_plugin(FaqPlugin) # register the plugin