Cost of running small kubernetes cronjob? - amazon-web-services

I am currently learning kubernetes and would like to run a cronjob every 6 hours (job is running under a minute). Minikube is not suitable as I cannot ensure my laptop stay alive 24h/7d... I wonder what is the cost on main kubernetes providers (GCP, AWS, Azure) for this type of workload? Is it better to rent a VM and install a small kubernetes instance to do so?
Getting former user feedback will be helpful.

You can have a look to Cloud Run and Cloud Run jobs that allow you to run container in serverless mode.
In addition, you can also have a look to GKE Autopilot where you pay only when you consume resource on the cluster (and the first cluster is free).


How can i make Springboot application start daily and shutdownn after completing process in GCP

i will be using helm charts to deploy my application in GCP.i want to make my springboot shutdown after completing its process and then on next day start on its own at a particular time -complete the process and shut down .Is this possible in GCP?
You can use Cloud Run Jobs or Batches to complete that and by paying ONLY when you process consume ressources. (Not the case with Kubernetes and GKE where you pay for your cluster (and your node pools) even if nothing runs on it)

Cloud Services/Architecture of a Multi-tenant Spring boot Project Deployment

Now I am working with our company product developed with spring boot , angular and PostgreSQL technologies where front end angular is communicating with 138 back end ReST API end points. And these 138 end points are from 35 different spring boot project. And all these end points need to separately deploy for 5 different tenant. Actually end point working is same.But databases are different for different tenant. And we decided to go with AWS cloud. And we are looking for cost effective deployment method from AWS.
Our Current Development/Test strategy - Current we are developing application(final stage of development) and testing our application using our On-premise server. Here we are using 5 ubuntu machines. And we created kubernetes cluster with 2 master nodes and 3 worker nodes.And from our SVN repository and Jenkins server we implemented CI/CD pipeline deployment to this 5 machines.
Proposed Cloud Solution - Now we are thinking with to use either EKS deployment method or any of CodeDeploy/CodePipeline method to implement this big project.
So by considering cost and control over infrastructure management which solution is better for my product? Now I am not that much experienced as solution architect and still in cloud learning curve. So can any one suggest/guide me to think properly to achieve my goal please?
Company consideration
Control over infrastructure
Cost effective
Easy management of aws services for multi-tenant deployment
Data security ( Installing database on ec2/ RDS)
Management of load balances
Control over infrastructure
it would be better to manage it on Github, Gitlab, and or AWS code build, or cloud build.
indeed AWS code build, and repo is great tools but again consider the limitation of extra users it allows only 5 users if your team is very big you might have to pay to compare to managing projects at the Github & GitLab level.
Cost effective
EKS would be a good option compared to ECS or others as it has limitations of we can not run the Daemon set or Privilege PODs.
If you are looking for running everything On POD and auto-scalable with little less flexibility and don't want to manage much ECS also a good idea, but again you have to derive the capacity and compare both pricing ECS vs EKS.
Note : EKS will also charge the per hour charges $0.10 for each cluster + worker nodes. it's not just worker nodes like in on-prem we run.
Data security ( Installing database on ec2/ RDS)
RDS would be better as it's managed service compare to managing the EC2 and database performance and encryption etc.
it would be better to use RDS and EKS so the K8s service can connect to RDS easily on a private network.
RDS would be a cost-effective option considering the management of DB over EC2.
Management of load balances
NLB or ALB will take care of that you can use any of them as per the requirement with EKS.
Cloud front could be also a great option with cloud storage to serve static assets, which will reduce calls, improve performance and be cost-effective also.

Jenkins setup on EC2 vs ECS

Currently we have Jenkins that is running on-premise(VMware), planning to move into the cloud(aws). What would be the best approach to install Jenkins whether on ec2 or ECS?
Best way would be running on EC2. Make sure you have granular control over your instance Security Group and Network ACL's. I would recommend using terraform to build your environment as you can write code and also version control it.
Have you previously containerized your Jenkins? On VMWare itself? If not, and if you are not having experience with containers, go for EC2. It will be as easy as running on any other VM. For reproducing the infrastructure, use Terraform or CloudFormartion.
I would recommend dockerize your on-premise Jenkins first. See how much efforts are required in implementation and administrating/scaling it. Then go for ECS.
Else, shift to EC2 and see how much admin overhead + costs you are billed. Then if required, go for ECS.
Another point you have to consider is how your Jenkins is architected. Are you using master-slave? Are you running builds contentiously so that VMs are never idle? Do you want easy scaling such that build environment is created and destroyed per build execution?
If you have no experience with running containers then create it on EC2. Before running on ECS make sure you really understand containers and container orchestration.
Just want to complement the other answers by providing link to official AWS white paper:
Jenkins on AWS
It might be of special interest as it discusses both options in detail: EC2 and ECS:
In this section we discuss two approaches to deploying Jenkinson AWS. First, you could use the traditional deployment on top of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Second, you could use the containerized deployment that leverages Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS).Both approaches are production-ready for an enterprise environment.
There is also AWS sample solution for Jenkins on AWS for ECS:
This project will build and deploy an immutable, fault tolerant, and cost effective Jenkins environment in AWS using ECS. All Jenkins images are managed within the repository (pulled from upstream) and fully configurable as code. Plugin installation is automated, including versioning, as well as configured through the Configuration as Code plugin.

docker-compose on AWS

I would like an web a software on AWS. Locally, I run it on Ubuntu VirtualBox VM with docker-compose, it requires 2-4 cores, 8G RAM, 30-40G disk. Do you think it will run on AWSS? Should I install docker-compose and app on a EC2? Elasticbean, ECS, ( ), or something else?
I am vary because my attempts to run it on an IT department managed KVM failed.
What resources are best to request for either of solutions?
At the moment it is more of prove of concept/demo, but eventually I hope deploying production on a Kubernetes cluster
I'm looking for, in the order of decreasing importance :
Simplicity and chances to succeed with deployment asap
stability, QoS
You may want to consider using AWS Fargate. This lets you run container-based applications without having to managing the underlying EC2 instance. You can use Fargate with either ECS or EKS.
The ECS CLI that you link to in your question also helps you create your application and should make it easy get started.
You can look at for an introduction to using ECS and Fargate.

Schedule Docker image to be run periodically on AWS ECS?

How do I schedule a docker image to be run periodically (hourly) using ECS and without having to use a continually running EC2 instance + cron? I have a docker image containing third party binaries and the python project.
The latter approach is not viable long-term as it's expensive for the instance to be running 24/7, while only being used for a small fraction of the day given invocation of the script only lasts ~3 minutes.
For AWS ECS cluster, it is recommended to have atleast 1 EC2 server running 24x7. Have you looked at AWS Fargate whether it can run your docker container?. Also AWS Batch?. If Fargate and AWS Batch are not possible then for your requirement, I would recommend something like this without ECS.
Build an EC2 AMI with pre-built docker and required softwares and libraries.
Have AWS Instance Scheduler to spin up a EC2 server every hour and as part of user data, start a docker container with image you mentioned.
If you know your task execution time maybe 5min. After 8 or 10min then bring server down with scheduler.
Above approach will blindly start a EC2 and stop it without knowing whether your python work is done successfully. We can still improve above with Lambda and CloudFormation templates combination. Let me know your thoughts :)
Actually it's possible to schedule the launch directly in CloudWatch defining a rule, as explained in
This solution is cleaner, because you will not need to worry about the execution time: once finished, the Task will just terminate and a new one will be spawned on the next cycle