How to get value for Client_id and Client_Secret to call API from Postman - ringcentral

I am trying to call RingCentral API from Postman. This is my first attempt and so I am following what is provided by RingCentral documentation:
I created a Sandbox account and an API app which uses following authorization:
However, when I call from the Postman, I am getting following error:
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"errors": [
"errorCode": "OAU-251",
"message": "Unauthorized for this grant type"
"error_description": "Unauthorized for this grant type"
Thank you.


error 403 Request had insufficient authentication scopes in postman

I'm trying to retrieve from Postman the answers of a form I created on google form but I can't do it.
First of all I created a form on google form.
I sent it to a person to get some answers.
I followed this tutorial which allowed me to set up oauth 2.0 on postman
Then as indicated in the api documentation of google form, I put in postman the GET method and I pass him the following url:
I replace obviously the formId by the id of my form which is the following 1FAIpQLSdNlmrvlMXvUlhSjiTb7YsqjHCTYZNRlJlGJnwkxyzNNSPe3A
This gives me the following url:
This gives me the following url:
Before sending the request from postman I go on Postman->Authorization and I select the token set up thanks to the tutorial of this site:
This does not work I get the following error:
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Request had insufficient authentication scopes.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"domain": "",
"metadata": {
"service": "",
"method": "google.apps.forms.v1.FormsService.GetForm"
I am completely blocked if anyone can help me please?
Translated with (free version)

Google workspace ADMIN SDK Directory API returns 403

I am trying to access below API (in browser Try this API) and after entering valid group key, I am getting below error message:
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Not Authorized to access this resource/api",
"errors": [
"message": "Not Authorized to access this resource/api",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "forbidden"
Only domain admins have access to most methods of the Admin SDK
If you authenticate as a domain user without admin rights or a consumer (Gmail) user, you will get the Not Authorized to access this resource/api error when trying to use the members.list.
Same applies to most other methods of the Admin SDK with the excepption of the ones that return only publicly accessable information.

How to call Dialogflow Rest API with OAuth access token

I have created project in google console
Enable the Dialogflow API
Created OAuth v2 credential
Using this credentials i called access token api to generate token
client_id= **i placed client id here**
I received access token and passed it to Dialog flow API**PROJECT-ID**/agent/sessions/123456:detectIntent
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization : Bearer **ACCESS_TOKEN**
"query_input": {
"text": {
"text": "I know french",
"language_code": "en-US"
Still i am getting this error
"error":{"code": 401, "message": "Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",…}
i am not able to identify where i went wrong
Please help thanks in advance
The code that i was passing in api was the OAuth Code(Thanks John Hanley)
API to generate Access token from OAuth Code
Post :
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
"code":"OAuth Code",
"client_id":"Client ID",
"client_secret":"Client Secret",
In response you receive this
"access_token": "Token",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "Refresh Token",
"scope": "",
"token_type": "Bearer"
Pass this access token in header of google API

Code 403 : “The request is missing a valid API key.” PERMISSION_DENIED Service Account Key Google Cloud speech to text api in python"

I want to implement the Google Cloud speech to text using a service account. What i have try is i have set the environment variable to that json and send the post request to this url ''.
req =, data={
"enableSpeakerDiarization": True,
"minSpeakerCount": 1,
"maxSpeakerCount": 2
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "The request is missing a valid API key.",
The error message indicates that you are not authenticating correctly. The way to do this is to pass an authentication token as a Bearer Token header in your request.
The following documentation explains how to generate the required credentials and pass them with the request, this provides an overview of service accounts Service accounts overview
Creating a service account instructions Creating service accounts
Once you have created the service account you generate the credentials which are stored in json format, these are then passed as a Bearer Token

aws api-gateway-secure-pet-store example giving signature mismatch error

The sample project - api-gateway-secure-pet-store (an example of cognito, IAM, Lambda and `API Gateway) mentioned here gives following error:
When executing a login request, I receive the following credentials :
"credentials": {
"accessKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
"sessionToken": "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",
"expiration": 1462280810000
But when I call the Pets request with above credentials and below URL/JSON:
JSON in Body:
"action": "com.amazonaws.apigatewaydemo.action.CreatePetDemoAction",
"body": {
by entering above parameters , it does the following
{"message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.\n\nThe Canonical String for this request should have been\n'POST\n/devTest/pets\n\ncontent-length:212\ncontent-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\\nx-amz-date:20160503T121516Z\nx-amz-security-token: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\n\ncontent-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token\n82d7b00fc60e9684db97202b877091a3836e091224a5a8bf4567080e104e4459'\n\nThe String-to-Sign should have been\n'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n20160503T121516Z\n20160503/us-east-1/execute-api/aws4_request\nd6d9d29069c6575ec4510dfab1268f2ba1697a876a660c4564fe8398674f3c97'\n"}